Wolf's Blood (101 page)

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Authors: Jane Lindskold

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Fantasy, #Adventure, #Science Fiction

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“But they are both ravens,” the Meddler said softly, “not a raven and a deer.”

“Or a human and a wolf,” Firekeeper said. “I know. But what does human and human or wolf and wolf matter? I think that matching only matter for mating and for bearing children. Yet not all humans have children, and you do not condemn those like Urgana who have not become mothers, or like Arasan who are not fathers. As I said before, in a wolf pack, not all the pack members are parents to pups. Indeed, if every member of a pack tried to have pups, then that would be the wrongness, not the other.

“Humans love their mates even when the time for having young is over. They care for each other even when they grow old and ill. To me. when you say you love what you are saying is you desire, you want … You want what you see now. What you desire now. There is no strength in that feeling to carry you where change will take you. That is not love. That thing you are calling love is something my wolf’s heart does not understand.”

Firekeeper looked at Ynamynet. “You and Skea have just one child. Would you have put Skea from you if in the fighting he had been so wounded that there would be no others?”

“Never!” Ynamynet said so fiercely that Sunshine looked about to cry. Ynamynet went on more quietly. “You speak closer to the truth than you know, Firekeeper. For a long time, because of what querinalo did to me, I did not think I could have children. Skea told me that didn’t matter, and he could love me even though my body is like ice to hold. I thought he would soon tire of me, but you know this is not the way it is with us.”

Firekeeper looked at Derian, but she would not embarrass her friend by pointing out his own physical changes made him as much unlike Isende as like. He, however, spoke his own thoughts.

“I thought I was a monster, yet no one has told me that I should not love Isende, and she herself told me that shape and the bearing of children—I mean …” His face grew as red as his hair, “I mean, we don’t know if we can, but no one has told us that we cannot love.”

The Meddler was restless and wild-eyed. “But Firekeeper is a human and she says she loves a wolf! Ynamynet and Derian—you at least started out human, and just changed a little.”

Firekeeper shook her head.

“I started out wolf, and have learned a little to be human. In my heart, though, I do not think I could love a human, or love after the best of the human way. I am a wolf, and a wolf is who I love. Shape does not matter. Heart and soul is what loves, as Ynamynet and Skea, and Doc and Elise, and Bitter and Lovable, and all those who have fought to hold on to their love even when others and even their own hearts have told them to doubt.”

She knelt and put her arms around Blind Seer.

“He is who I love. If you love me, Meddler, then wish us well. That would be true love, to feel joy that I have found one to trust and who I wish to run beside for as long as I have life and breath.”

The Meddler stared for a long, long moment.

“I see. I don’t know what I have to live for. I wanted a body so I could be with you.”

Firekeeper looked at him and grinned. “That is nonsense. There is so much more to live for than something that silly.”

Blind Seer forced the Meddler to meet his gaze.
“Will you leave her be?”

“It seems,” the Meddler said. “I am being given no choice.”

Firekeeper nodded and turned to leave, Blind Seer beside her. The Meddler called after them.

“Wait! I realize you’re leaving. Where are you going?”

Firekeeper looked back over her shoulder. “First through the gate to Virim’s place to visit the Bound, and make sure their Wounded are well. From there …”

She paused and looked at Blind Seer. The great grey wolf panted one of his laughing smiles, and she grinned in return.

“Who knows? The world is so very large, and in these years we have seen so little. We go to see more.”

Blind Seer added.

“Together,” Firekeeper repeated. Her hand lightly brushing the wolf’s back, she walked from the room.

She didn’t bother to look back, because she knew that someday they would return. Instead. she looked ahead because ahead was where the footing was less than sure.

She heard Derian murmur, affection in his voice. “Wolves!”

And she answered silently, her heart filled with contentment, “Yes. Wolves.”





Through Wolf’s Eyes
Wolf’s Head. Wolf’s Heart
The Dragon of Despair
Wolf Captured
Wolf Hunting
Wolf’s Blood
The Buried Pyramid
Child of a Rainless Year


“What do you get when you mix lost magic and feral children with dynastic politics, wolf social dynamics, treason, and overambitious, social-climbing parents? You get Jane Lindskold’s new novel,
Through Wolf’s Eyes,
and another stay-up-to-finish-the-last-page read.”

—David Weber



“Her characters live—they’re real, but they are
. And the world they live in lingers in the mind; heroic, squalid, exotic, everyday. I was convinced that it went on by itself when I turned the last page. Bravo!”

—S. M. Stirling on
Through Wolf’s Eyes



“One thing I like about Jane Lindskold’s books is that she plays fair with her readers. It doesn’t matter that she’s writing a series; each book will stand on its own and be a satisfying read for all that it adds depth and texture to what went before.”

—Charles de Lint on
Wolf’s Head, Wolf’s Heart




Publishers Weekly
(starred review) on
Wolf Captured


(H.H.) daughter of Norvin Norwood and Luella Stanbrook: sister of Edlin, Tait, and Lillis Norwood; adopted sister of Blysse Norwood (Firekeeper).



Aksel Trueheart:
(Lord, H.H.) scholar of Hawk Haven; spouse of Zorana Archer; father of Purcel, Nydia, Deste, and Kenre Trueheart.



Alben Eagle:
(H.H.) son of Princess Marras and Lorimer Stanbrook. In keeping with principles of Zorana I, given no title as died in infancy.



Alin Brave:
(H.H.) husband of Grace Trueheart; father of Baxter Trueheart.



Allister I:
(King, B.B.) called King Allister of the Pledge, sometimes the Pledge Child; formerly Allister Seagleam. Son of Tavis Seagleam (B.B.) and Caryl Eagle (H.H.); spouse of Pearl Oyster; father of Shad, Tavis, Anemone, and Minnow.



Alt Rosen:
(Opulence, Waterland) ambassador to Bright Bay.



Amery Pelican:
(King, B.B.) Spouse of Gustin II; father of Basil. Seastar. and Tavis Scagleam. Deceased.



(city-state of Gak): aridisdu.



(Princess, B.B.) formerly Anemone Oyster. Daughter of Allister I and Pearl Oyster: sister of Shad and Tavis: twin of Minnow.



(Queen. Azure Towers) a respected ruler.



(Dragon Speaker. N.K.) long-time elected official of New Kelvin, effectively head of government.



(Nexus Islands) Once Dead.



Aurella Wellward:
(Lady, H.H.) confidante of Queen Elexa; spouse of Ivon Archer; mother of Elise Archer.



(Pelland) a popular general.



Barden Eagle:
(Prince. H.H.) third son of Tedric I and Elexa Wellward. Disowned. Spouse of Eirene Norwood; father of Blysse Eagle. Presumed deceased.



Barnet Lobster:
(Isles) sailor on the



Basil Seagleam:
see Gustin III.



Buxter Trueheart:
(Earl. H.H.) infant son of Grace Trueheart and Alin Brave. Technically not a title holder until he has safely survived his first two years.



a Wise Wolf.



Bee Biter:
Royal Kestrel: guide and messenger.



Bevan Seal:
see Calico.



(L.) member of u-Liall. representative for Air.



a Wise Raven.



Blind Seer:
Royal Wolf: companion to Firekeeper.



Blysse Eagle:
(Lady. H.H.) daughter of Prince Barden and Eirene Kestrel.



Blysse Kestrel:
see Firekeeper.



Royal Crow: eastern agent: sometime companion to Firekeeper.



a Wise Jaguar.



Brina Dolphin:
(Lady or Queen, B.B.) first spouse of Gustin III, divorced as barren.



Brock Carter:
(H.H.) son of Colby and Vernita Carter; brother of Derian and Damita Carter.



(N.K., Captain) soldier in New Kelvin.



a sorcerer.



(King. Mires) son of Veztressidan: husband of Gidji; father of Junal, Stave, Neysa, and Vahon.



(B.B.) proper name, Bevan Seal. Confidential secretary to Allister I. Member of a cadet branch of House Seal.



Caryl Eagle:
(Princess, H.H.) daughter of King Chalmer I; married to Prince Tavis Seagleam; mother of Allister Seagleam. Deceased.



Ceece Dolphin:
(Lady, B.B.) sister to current Duke Dolphin.



Chaker Torn:
(Nexus Islands) captain of fishing boats; father of Junco and a daughter.



Chalmer I:
(King, H.H.) born Chalmer Elkwood; son of Queen Zorana the Great; spouse of Rose Rosewood: father of Marras, Tedric, Caryl Gadman. and Rosene Eagle. Deceased.



Chalmer Eagle:
(Crown Prince. H.H.) son of Tedric Eagle and Elexa Wellward. Deceased.



Chelm Charlock:
(Mires) minister for International Trade.



Chetuk Meadows:
(Pelland) an emissary.



(N.K.) Illuminator. Wife of Grateful Peace. Deceased.



(L.) assistant to Meiyal, disdu in training.



Citrine Shield:
(H.H.) daughter of Melina Shield and Rolfston Redbriar; sister of Sapphire, Jet, Opal, and Ruby Shield; adopted daughter of Grateful Peace.



Colby Carter:
(H.H.) livery stable owner and carter; spouse of Vernita Carter; father of Derian, Damita, and Brock.



(N.K.) retired Prime of the Sodality of Lapidaries.



Comb Ripper:
a Wise Bear cub.



a Wise Wolf.



Culver Pelican:
(Lord, B.B.) son of Seastar Seagleam; brother of Dillon Pelican. Merchant ship captain.



(H.H.) steward of West Keep, in employ of Earl Kestrel.



Damita Carter:
(H.H.) daughter of Colby and Vernita Carter; sister of Derian and Brock Carter.



(L.) member of u-Liall, representative for Water. Deceased.



Dark Death:
a Wise Wolf.



Dawn Brooks:
(H.H.) wife of Ewen Brooks, mother of several small children. Deceased.



(H.H.) steward for the Archer Manse in Eagle’s Nest.



Derian Carter:
(H.H.) also called Derian Counselor: son of Colby and Vernita Carter; brother of Damita and Brock Carter.

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