Read Wolf Tales 12 Online

Authors: Kate Douglas

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Erotica

Wolf Tales 12 (43 page)

BOOK: Wolf Tales 12
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He turned to Luc and sighed. “Then I met Luc. And Tia had the nerve to grow up and fall in love with the bastard.” His harsh burst of laughter had all of them grinning. “Of course, by then I’d collected Mik and AJ, and Jake and Tinker and I finally figured out maybe we weren’t alone, that maybe there were a few more shapeshifters out there.”

He stood up and brushed the dust from the floor off his pants. “Then I met you, Anton, and there was no disputing the fact there were many more Chanku than I ever dreamed. There are still more out there. Finding Sunny is proof of that, but I can still remember that feeling, of Tia and me being the only ones left when Tia’s mother died. You are all my family now. I hope you appreciate how thrilled I was to discover I was wrong.”

He nodded to Anton and grinned at the others. “And now I have a lovely woman, a shapeshifter, actually, waiting for me in a quiet corner of the cavern with more on her mind than the nightly news.” He tipped an imaginary hat. “I bid each of you adieu.”

Anton watched Ulrich as he walked through the low opening toward the main cavern. “He’s right, you know. There are still more out there, and somehow, we’re going to find them. But for now we need to concentrate on getting our lives in order.”

Stefan stood up and yawned. “Personally, I’m going to opt for a good night’s sleep, first.” He reached down, grabbed Xandi’s hand, and pulled her to her feet. “Congratulations, Anton. I think today’s coverage might be exactly what we needed to stem negative press.”

Anton shook his head, aware of a sense of another presence close by. “Don’t thank me,” he said. “Thank Eve. If anyone had a hand in things, I’d say it was our Goddess.”

The air around them shimmered, though she didn’t appear. She didn’t have to. He knew she was close by. Knew she protected them still. With that in mind, he helped Keisha to her feet and headed out to the main cavern and the soft pallet where their children slept.

Chapter 30

Igmutaka struck a match to the old-style kerosene lantern, and light filled the small space. Sunny’s gasp of wonder echoed off the walls as she stood up, staring wide-eyed at the rainbow of colors cascading from what appeared to be amethyst crystals embedded in the walls and ceiling of the cavern.

“How did you ever find this place?” It was unbelievable, as if they’d stepped inside a giant geode. The predominant color seemed to be a deep purple. Even the small pool of water reflected shades of soft lavender.

“When I first manifested as a human, I was still confused by my new body, the way it worked, the way my mind seemed to function on a level so far removed from my cat. I found a few caverns, hidden from everyone, deep inside the mountain where I could come and consider the new side of myself.” Ig nodded at Sunny. “You and I stayed in one of them last night.”

She felt herself blushing, but she wasn’t sure if it was from Ig mentioning what she couldn’t stop thinking about, or the fact Adam was grinning so knowingly at her.

Then he cocked his head and smiled at Ig. “Liana and I used to worry about you when you’d take off in the snow. We wondered where you went at night, how you stayed warm. We had no idea you were spending time away from us as a man. We pictured you as a cat, holed up in a rough den beneath a fallen tree, shivering in the cold.”

Igmutaka laughed, reached into a dark corner, and pulled out a bedroll. “And all the time I was here, surrounded by beauty, sleeping on a comfortable bed.” He spread the bedding out on the ground. Sunny knelt and helped him smooth out the thick blankets.

“I can’t believe we didn’t know about this place.” Adam gazed at the crystals in the ceiling and walls. “Oliver and I’ve explored almost all of Anton’s property. We’ve been mapping all the entrances to the cave system, but we never found anything like this. Does it connect to the one beneath the house?”

Ig nodded. “It does, though it’s a fairly difficult route to get there. We’re actually on the new property Anton bought. You wouldn’t have had a reason to look for this one.”

Adam scooted over and sat on the bedding, tugging Sunny down beside him. She shivered, just from the firm grasp of his fingers around hers. The simplest touch had her going wet with arousal. Her vaginal muscles clenched and the breath hitched in her throat.

Both men were heavily aroused, but they just ignored those huge erections that were standing so high and proud. How’d they do that? She couldn’t even ignore the taut little peaks of her nipples. If she had something that big banging against her belly, she wouldn’t be able to think of anything else.

Shamelessly, she stared at both men, making comparisons in which neither suffered. They were both perfect in their own ways—Adam bronzed from the sun with his sun-bleached tangle of chin-length hair and the darker mat of hair on his chest. As always there was stubble on his chin, a few cuts and scratches on his hands, and a twinkle in his eyes. His cock was long and thick, the tip smooth and broad.

Igmutaka’s skin was darker, his chest smooth, his long, silky hair almost black. His eyes were a clear emerald green. There was no way to describe his beauty—he would have made a gorgeous woman, but there was no doubting his masculinity. Unlike Adam, he was uncircumcised. The broad head of his cock was framed with the soft folds of foreskin.

As large as Adam was, Ig’s package was even larger; as beautiful as Ig was, Adam was just as enticing. And Sunny suddenly realized both of them were well aware of her perusal.

They each studied her just as closely. But what did they see, these men who were used to such perfect women? Adam’s mate had been a goddess—she was still unbelievably beautiful. Ig could have any woman he wanted—why had he aligned himself with a skinny nineteen-year-old who knew absolutely nothing about the ways of men, of sex, of anything?

And then their thoughts spilled into her head. How they saw her as courageous and beautiful, as strong and as brave as any woman they knew. She’d battled adversity her entire life and yet it had never beaten her down. She still had her spirit, her joy for life, her amazingly open personality.

She was tough—a fighter, yet she’d not lost her femininity. She had the look of a true minx about her, a beautiful, tough, adventuresome spirit that had her taking on the form of a she-bear and going up against a rampaging grizzly to protect her friends.

She’d never seen herself as any of those things. Never imagined any man could look at her and see anything beyond a crippled girl with eyes too big for her face, and withered legs that would never carry her upright.

“Not true.” Adam reached for her and pulled her into his lap. “Try seeing yourself as we see you, Sunny. You’re sweet and innocent and sexy as hell, and yet you never show fear. No fear of anyone.” He ran his fingers along her side, gently cupped her breast, and then slipped them lower, down her flat belly, between her thighs. Slowly, he stroked her as he held her. She whimpered as his fingertip slipped gently over her swollen clit and circled her vaginal opening.

Her body actually hungered. “That’s not enough,” she said, and her voice sounded rough, almost hoarse with need. She grabbed his wrist with both hands and forced him against her, harder. Damn, she was practically breaking his wrist, she held him so tightly.

Adam chuckled. “I know it’s not. C’mon, Ig. The girl needs help here.”

Igmutaka was grinning when he crawled close to the two of them. “You think I don’t? What about me?” Laughing, he wrapped his fist around his own shaft and stroked up and then down, sliding the foreskin back behind the broad head. Then he leaned over Sunny and planted a kiss on first one nipple and then the other. She cried out and bucked her hips, forcing Adam’s fingers deep inside. Shoved her breast close against Ig’s mouth. Made a strangled noise that seemed to come from somewhere deep inside.

Ig rolled over on his back and reached for her. As if she weighed nothing at all, Adam handed her over; Igmutaka grabbed her waist and lowered her over his erection.

She felt the pressure, the burn from his thickness as he entered her, and then her sex rippled around the broad crown and she settled slowly over his full length. She was wet and slippery and he went all the way in, sliding across the hard mouth of her cervix, stretching her, making room for his massive size.

She settled herself more fully and felt the brush of his pubic hair against her vaginal lips. He was all the way in. Every last inch of the Louisville Slugger was buried deep inside her body. She giggled, remembering the first time she saw him naked and knew there was absolutely no way any woman could ever fit that much man inside herself.

Thank goodness this body was pliable, because he fit perfectly. Rising up on her knees, she leaned forward and brushed the tips of her breasts across his chest. Kissed that beautiful mouth, running her tongue over his perfect lips.

The contact sent bursts of fire spiraling straight down between her legs.

Adam knelt behind her. His lips teased the soft globes of her bottom as he kissed her. Then she felt his fingers stroking the narrow cleft between her cheeks and one fingertip softly pressing against her anus.

Dear Goddess . . . she’d not expected such sensitivity there, but maybe it was everywhere, the arousal that seemed to consume her, the sensations exploding from wherever she connected with either Ig or Adam. Adam pressed against that tiny opening again, and this time she pressed back.

Again and again, and her arousal grew and the feelings blossomed, taking her higher, closer to that amazing edge that Ig had introduced her to just a few hours ago.

Two men, both intent on her pleasure, each uniquely different and yet with the same goal. Completion. Fulfillment. Climax.

She shivered, reaching for the finish. Her body burned with the force of her passion. Trembled with growing need. Sensations expanded, desire blossomed and grew, engulfing her, swallowing her in unbelievable lust until she opened her mind and set herself free.

Adam was there, and Ig, too. Both waiting for her to join them, wanting to share what they felt, what they needed. She saw the thick tip of Adam’s finger pressing and retreating, then pressing harder against the tiny wrinkled orifice in her bottom. Her first thought was to pull away. It was too much, too intimate, too . . . too good to stop.

She pressed against his finger and softly groaned when he slipped through the tight opening. Sawing in and out, slowly stretching the opening wider, softening that taut ring of muscle. He added another finger and she tensed at the intrusion, but Ig was stroking her clit with the soft pad of his fingertip and his big cock was slipping in and out of her sex. She was wet and soft and swollen, and what Adam did just made all of it feel even better.

She closed her eyes and gave in to the sensation, the amazing fullness of Ig’s slow and steady thrusts, the sensual slide of Adam’s fingers. There was something so wicked about this, so amazingly, wonderfully wrong about two men working toward nothing more than her pleasure.

Giving, not taking. Concentrating on her needs, her desire.

So why did it feel so amazingly right?

“Relax, Sunny. This might hurt a little at first, but not if you relax.”

Okay, so Adam was telling her something sort of scary, but she could do this. She could totally relax while he teased that amazingly sensitive spot that she’d never once thought of as an erogenous zone. She let her body go and fell forward against Igmutaka’s chest, presenting herself to Adam. Ig stroked her back and murmured in her ear—soft sexy words in a language she didn’t understand, but they relaxed her even more.

Adam pulled his fingers out of her bottom, but something else took their place. She slipped into his thoughts once again and watched in utter amazement as he placed the broad head of his cock against that little—
little puckered hole.

Now this was going to be interesting. She separated herself from that person and became Adam, slipping so completely into his mind that she was barely aware of anything Sunny experienced. She felt Adam’s growing arousal, his struggle to be gentle, to take her higher, to show her a level of eroticism she’d never even imagined.

Fascinated, she watched as he dipped his fingers inside her sex, right alongside Ig’s thick shaft. They were wet with her fluids when he rubbed them over her sphincter and easily slipped one finger inside. Just one. She’d done that easily.

Then he rubbed the broad head of his cock over the taut opening, pressed the tip against her, and slowly pushed forward. Some instinct had her pushing back against him. His soft instructions had her relaxing even though he stretched her impossibly wide, even though it burned.

Through Adam’s eyes she watched as his glans seemed to reform, to narrow enough to fit through, to pass beyond that tight ring and into the wider channel beyond. Once he’d breached that small barrier, the rest of his cock slid all the way in.

Sunny let out a long, low sigh.

“You okay, sweetie?” Adam’s lips brushed her shoulder.

“I am. I can’t believe you’re both in me.”

“How does it feel?” Adam kissed the back of her ear.

She moaned dramatically, and thought about it a moment. How did it feel? Ig held perfectly still. So did Adam. “Full. Very full.” Then she tilted her hips. “Move. I want to feel you sliding against each other.”

Ig groaned and raised his hips as Adam pulled out. In, out, in and out again. Both men going impossibly deep, her body adjusting completely, taking them both. She sensed their control, how difficult it was for each man as he held back, making it good for her. Building her arousal to a fever pitch, touching where she needed to be touched, thrusting when she had to have them deep inside.

They’d linked with her, become her, and Sunny let go of whatever inhibitions she might have clung to. Let go of her fears, of her need for anything beyond the here and now, reaching instead for the fulfillment that came from two men loving her, two men who loved each other.

She felt cherished beyond belief, a part of something so profound it was almost impossible to wrap her thoughts around it. Adam moved faster. So did Ig, the two of them thrusting in and out while they bathed her in feelings of love, in a connection unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

BOOK: Wolf Tales 12
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