Read Wolf Tales 12 Online

Authors: Kate Douglas

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Erotica

Wolf Tales 12 (27 page)

BOOK: Wolf Tales 12
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Millie and Beth glided quietly into the moonlit meadow and lay in the cool grass just a few feet from the men. Nick, all dark shadows and angles, was on his hands and knees, legs spread, head down as Ric took him from behind. Ric’s silver hair and fair skin shimmered ghostlike in the moonlight—dark and light, angel and devil—two apparitions locked in sensual battle.

The rhythmic buck and sway of his powerful hips as Ric thrust deep and hard inside Nick had a magical, mesmerizing quality. Nick’s soft gasps and moans, the sweep of his dark hair, the look of ecstasy on his face, and the steady slap of flesh against flesh raised the heat in the meadow by several degrees.

Nick grunted with every thrust, sounds of obvious pleasure, not pain. Millie watched, growing more aroused with each second that passed. She almost laughed when she finally tore her gaze away from Nick’s beautiful face and recognized the look on Ric’s—the man was definitely in the zone.

He could go all night like this. That alone was a challenge. Creeping close, belly almost on the ground, Millie drew close to the men, not as an observer, but as a participant. Sliding beneath Nick’s belly, still in wolf form, she used her long, mobile tongue to slowly lick his testicles.

He jerked at her first touch. “Millie? Shit . . . warn a guy, will ya?” Strained laughter faded on a soft whimper of pleasure as Millie licked him again and felt him quiver, running her long tongue over and around his sac and down the length of his cock.

She opened her mind to the others and was almost overwhelmed when she linked to Ric, falling into his sense of the tight passage he plumbed, the way he slid deep inside Nick’s hot, wet channel, the powerful clench of muscles rippling the length of his thick shaft.

“Holy fuck!” Ric cursed and jerked, slamming into Nick.

Beth lay on her belly between Ric’s bent knees. Her long tongue circled his balls. Ric groaned.

“Nick’s right. Warn a guy before you do that!”

Beth’s soft yip ended in the slurping sound of her tongue licking between his legs again. Linked to Ric, Millie felt the rough sweep of her long, rough tongue, the way it circled Ric’s sac and then followed the crease between his cheeks. He moaned.

Millie felt his concentration slip.

She doubled her assault on Nick. Licking steadily, she practically wrapped her long wolven tongue around his sac. Then she moved a bit and concentrated on the hard length of his shaft.

He jerked again when she rolled to one side for better access, licking and even nibbling at his sensitive flesh. Slipping into his mind notched her own arousal to another level.

She almost lost herself in the exquisite tease of her tongue bathing his testicles, laving his cock, nipping at his sensitive foreskin where it had retracted behind his broad crown. Then she did something that she knew Ric loved—she opened wolven jaws wide and totally engulfed the full length of Nick’s erection. Using her tongue, she pressed the thick shaft against the ridges at the roof of her mouth, carefully biting down until the sharp points of her canines teased the sides of his cock.

Nick whimpered. Millie sensed the latent fear any man would have with his penis stuffed in a wolf’s mouth—fear that bumped his arousal even higher, made his erection even bigger.

Big enough to scrape harder against her sharp teeth.

He was afraid to climax, so tightly clamped inside her mouth, and she blocked some of her thoughts—she wasn’t about to let him know he was totally safe with her. Fear was part of the excitement. Fear and uncertainty made his arousal that much more intense.

She sensed Beth’s laughter and Ric’s as well. He’d been in the same position as Nick on more than one occasion, but Millie realized he wasn’t about to let Nick know he was perfectly safe.

Instead, Ric picked up his pace and drove harder, pounding into Nick with enough force to slide him forward on the soft grass—if only Millie weren’t holding him quite so intimately.

She finally took pity on Nick and shifted. Instead of a wolf chewing on his cock, a slim blonde with a very talented mouth and teeth not nearly as sharp sucked him deep. She’d never had a problem swallowing Ulrich’s huge erection. She easily took all of Nick. Using her palms to carefully cup his sac, Millie gently worked the hard orbs inside between her fingers. Using teeth and tongue and lips, she took him even higher.

His relief was audible—he moaned now, fighting a battle she was bound and determined to make him lose. While Beth used her tongue on Ric, Millie concentrated everything on Nick. She felt the first pulse of his coming orgasm, but she locked her fingers around the base of his cock and squeezed.

After a few seconds, he managed to back off, and once again she took him almost to the top. This was one race she wanted Ric to win, no matter how much he preferred to hang on.

Whatever Beth did next tipped the scales. Ric’s hands tightened on Nick’s slim hips, his thighs slammed against the back of Nick’s, and he roared a curse with each powerful thrust.

“Fuck. Fuck . . . fuck!”

Millie sucked hard on Nick, ran her tongue across his sensitive crown, and squeezed his balls in her palm.

“Oh . . . fuck!” Nick’s cock jerked between her lips and he filled her mouth with his salty release. Still holding his balls, she kept sucking and swallowing until he collapsed, still cursing quietly, and rolled to one side in the grass. Ric went with him, still buried deep inside, groaning from the final spasms of his own climax.

Beth rolled away, entirely human now, laughing.

Millie licked her lips, planted a kiss on Nick’s softening penis, and sat up. “Whatever you did, Beth, I want to know the trick. It’s not easy to make him lose it.”

Ric raised his head, grumbling. “She cheated. That’s what she did.”

“I did it with one little finger. Just one.” Raising her middle finger for Millie’s benefit, she leaned over Ric and kissed Nick. “Planted all the way to the third knuckle.”

Ric lifted his head again and stared at Millie. “Told you she cheated.”

Laughing, Millie crawled over Nick and lay across her mate. “You know the rules. All’s fair, and all that stuff.”

“True,” Ric said. “But payback’s a bitch.” Then, before Millie had time to react, he’d flipped around and had her flat on her back. “My turn,” he said.

She couldn’t stop giggling as he loomed over her, especially knowing that Nick had Beth in the same position. Then Ric shifted, held Millie down with two very strong paws, and poked his long, wet nose between her legs.

When the hot length of his tongue swept between her sensitive folds and curled deep inside, Millie decided payback was perfectly okay, as far as she was concerned. Beth’s soft moans appeared to agree.

And far, far in the back of her mind, she sensed even more of a healing. The connection with her past, with the ugliness that had haunted all that she’d done for all of her life, was gone. Instead, her pleasure was here, now, with the man she loved, with the packmates who were the family of her heart.


Though she knew the mechanics of sex, Sunny realized she didn’t have a clue what the reality was like. Igmutaka was physically huge compared to her, all long, lean muscles on powerful arms and even more powerful legs. His broad chest was smooth, the musculature clearly defined, his long hair a sensual curtain that swept across her suddenly oversensitized skin like the silk sarong she’d worn earlier.

Shivering as much from nerves as from arousal, she lay in the cool grass and watched him as he knelt beside her. She certainly wasn’t cold—his body radiated enough heat to warm the entire meadow. His erection was huge—the shaft long and thick, riding high and hard against his flat belly. His testicles hung beneath, closer to his body than they’d been earlier when he’d not been this aroused, but still more than a handful, and nothing at all like the ones she’d seen on the Internet.

No, Igmutaka put all those guys to shame.

She’d not expected the sense of power she felt, knowing that while his shapeshifter libido was generating the energy behind his arousal, she was the focus. He was looking directly at her, seeing her. There was no denying the desire in his eyes, the slight tremor in his hands.

He ran his fingers along her sides, raising shivers wherever he touched. Her body was unfamiliar to touch of any kind. His gentle strokes—his passion so obviously just barely leashed—were absolutely killing her. Her breasts ached. She wanted him to touch them, wanted his mouth on her nipples, his teeth biting her, his huge member filling her . . . his body covering hers.

“Then tell me.” His smile glinted white in the moonlight. “Tell me what you want, sweet one. I will do whatever you desire. As much or as little as you wish.”

She licked her lips and tried to say the words, but it was just too embarrassing.

He laughed. “Then think them. Open your mind, imagine what you want. It’s all the same to me. Only never forget how much I want you. How much I desire you.” He said it so matter-of-factly, as if it wasn’t really all that important, but she sensed the need in him growing with every moment that passed even as he calmly shrugged and sat back on his heels.

“I will be your fantasy tonight.” He almost purred.

She took a long, slow, shuddering breath.
Then come back. Touch me everywhere. Taste me. Make love to me. I’ve never done any of this, so I don’t know what to ask you. I just want you to do it.

He nodded. His teeth glinted like ivory in the moonlight that filtered through the treetops. He leaned close and wrapped those perfect lips around her left nipple. Tugged, nipped her with the sharp edges of his teeth. Laved the sting with the flat of his tongue.

She arched her back, closed her eyes, and moaned. The ripples of desire were still racing over her body when he switched to her other nipple, sucked and licked, nipped and licked again, and then kissed the very tip.

She felt each touch as if his mouth were between her legs, and he wasn’t even close. Shivers raced over her skin, arcs of lightning spreading from one point to the next, wherever his lips touched her. She was burning up, shivering, on fire one moment, ice cold the next. When he kissed her belly, her pussy clenched. He ran his tongue over her belly button and all those muscles inside her sex tightened and rippled, but there was nothing inside her to clench, no one to hold on to.

He kept kissing and licking, never moving below her belly, taking her higher, driving her crazy, but not taking her far enough. Not touching her where she really needed to be touched.

She dug her fingers into the soft earth, ripping grass from its roots. She bucked her hips, wondering why he didn’t kiss her there, between her legs where she really, really wanted him.

He laughed, leaned over, and kissed her mouth. His lips moved over hers with a quiet confidence that had her shivering even harder. His tongue tangled with hers. He tasted wild and free, like sin and all those things she’d wondered about and never expected to know. She was enveloped in heat as he moved over her, surrounded her. Covered her with his body.

Once again his lips moved over her flushed skin. Waves of hot and cold undulated across her surface. She was burning, then freezing, then burning again, and still he kissed her, stroked her, touched her.

She felt his fingers on her hips. Felt them slide beneath her butt and he was lifting her—lifting her up until her skinny legs sprawled inelegantly over his forearms. Lifting her to his mouth and kissing her inner thighs, kissing the soft blond curls covering her pubes, nuzzling between her legs, inhaling as if he needed her scent as much as she craved his touch.

She felt his gaze on her and opened her eyes. He stared at her, cat’s eyes watching her in the moonlight. When he realized she was looking at him, he winked, smiled, and dipped his head between her upraised thighs.

The first touch of his tongue made her hips jerk and sent fire through her blood. One long, slow lick that separated the swollen folds and found the source of the wetness shimmering on her inner thighs.

He licked steadily, lapping at her like a cat with cream, using his tongue to tease her virgin passage, gently, softly licking deep, curling the tip against the sensitive walls.

She was aware of the pressure, but arousal ruled. She wanted more, needed more, but he continued to lick and probe much too gently with his tongue, teasing the sensitive nerve endings.

Then, after what felt like a lifetime of teasing, he set her back down and sat back on his heels. “You’re so small inside. Untried . . . too tight.” He sighed, sounding as frustrated as Sunny. “I’m very large and I would hurt you too much. Maybe your first time should be with another man, one not so big. Tonight I will give you pleasure, but anything else?” Again, he shrugged. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I don’t want another man. It’s going to hurt if you go slow or fast. I want you to do it now, tonight.” Breathing hard, panting with the effort of waiting one more minute for something that had eluded her for an entire lifetime, she struggled for calm. Her body thrummed with need, her skin rippled with sensations too new, with arousal simmering over the surface, deep inside. Somehow she had to find enough control to make a sensible argument.

He thought it wasn’t going to happen tonight? No way.

He sighed and glanced away, then looked at her again. “Are you sure? Logan can give you a shot to take away the pain. He can remove that part that blocks me, give it a day or two to heal. Then we can do this.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Frustration rolled over her in dark, angry waves. She dropped her head back on the grass and stared at the dark sky. “He’s got to be fucking kidding. Please tell me he’s kidding. . . .” She propped herself up on her elbows. That voice she was still getting used to had a gravelly edge to it she’d not heard before, didn’t know she was even capable of.

“Tonight, Ig. You, me, the Louisville Slugger. If it hurts, I’ll get over it. If you don’t do it, I will probably kill you. What’ll it be?”

He laughed. Shook his head. Laughed harder. “What happened to my shy little one who was afraid to tell me what she wanted?”

BOOK: Wolf Tales 12
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