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Authors: Bianca D'arc

Wolf Hills (12 page)

BOOK: Wolf Hills
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Then she remembered she was with a shifter. She looked downward, glad to see he was still in human form, but apparently he could selectively shift certain parts of his anatomy. Or maybe it was some sort of special sex thing common to all shifters. She didn’t know and didn’t really care at the moment. All she wanted right now was

She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled gently, urging him on. He began to growl again as her pussy gave up its cream. The vibrations against her clit drove her higher and higher. Rather than move away, her reaction seemed to spur him on. He licked at her opening with broad strokes, moving up to her clit to pause there and suck. His fingers spread her wide for his probing tongue and he began the process all over again until she went wild beneath him.

An orgasm hit her while he continued to lap at her juices, his mouth following her bucking hips as he rode her through the climax. He seemed so intent on her pleasure, it was a bit overwhelming. Finally, she had to push at his head to make him move away. She could hardly breathe, the pleasure had been so intense. She couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like when he was finally inside her and they came together.

She couldn’t wait to find out.

“Damn, Jason,” she spoke between ragged breaths. “That tongue thing is a neat trick.”

“Just one of the advantages of being a wolf.” He licked his lips as he sat on his haunches between her thighs.

His gaze roved over her spread pussy and the rest of her body before he met her eyes. His grin of anticipation said it all as far as she was concerned. He was enjoying himself, but she knew something that would give him even more pleasure. It was only fair, after he’d given her so many amazing climaxes that day.

“I may not be able to shapeshift…” She sat up and changed positions, urging him into a sitting position on the couch as she leaned over him from the side, “…but I bet I can make you growl again.”

She took his hard cock in her hand as she bent down, brushing her hair over him deliberately. She liked the way the muscles in his thighs tensed at the feathery touch. The more she got to know him, the more she liked pretty much everything about him. It was time to learn something new. Something intensely intimate. She was about to learn his taste.

He was long and thick. In every way, he was the best-built man she’d ever had the pleasure to be with. He’d just proven he was a generous lover and she wanted to give him something to remember her by. It worried her a bit that werewolf women could probably do that shapeshifting tongue trick. But she had skills of her own. She eased downward, over him, taking him deep. Focusing on relaxing the muscles of her throat, she tried something she’d only done once before.

Everything about Jason was different. They were from two totally different worlds. He was like some kind of fantasy figure come to life. He made her feel alive again. His confidence in her ability to handle herself and those four assholes this afternoon had gone a long way in endearing him to her. She wanted to try everything with him. And she wanted to give back some of the respect and pleasure he’d already given her.

When she went deeper, he began to growl deep in his chest. Oh, yeah. She’d made him growl and she hadn’t even really gotten started yet. Sucking hard, she used her hands and tongue to stroke up and down, over and over, driving him higher and higher. Her goal was to drive him wild.

And she thought she was succeeding too, until the moment he lifted her bodily away and slammed her back onto the soft leather of the couch. She’d driven him wild, all right. Only he didn’t seem to want to come in her mouth. He didn’t want deep throat. No, he wanted deep penetration.

He gave her little warning before planting his thick cock at the juncture of her thighs. He didn’t pause, only meeting her eyes as the tip of him began a strong, steady push into her core. She didn’t object. She was primed and ready after that lovely climax he’d given her and the rough handling seemed to have sparked a new round of vibrations in her midsection. She wanted his possession. Had wanted it since almost the first moment she’d met him.

Jason pressed steadily into her, stretching tissues that hadn’t been stretched like this in far too long. In fact, they’d never been challenged by a lover so thick and full as Jason, but she was up to it. She’d been anticipating this moment for hours now. Dreaming of it. Waiting for it.

She realized now why he’d pleasured her with those thick fingers of his earlier. He’d been stretching her, preparing her to take the monster he’d had hidden in his pants. Oh, yeah.

And then he was fully inside her, and he paused. His gaze held hers as they were joined fully for the first time. He seemed to breathe easier for a minute before the urgency renewed itself.

“I’m sorry,” he said as he began to move. His motions were jerky, out of control, but it didn’t matter.

She was as wild for him as he appeared to be for her. She held onto him as his hips plunged between hers, his cock doing amazing things to her insides, touching her in ways no other man had ever achieved. On each stroke he rubbed up against her G spot, driving her to new heights. She was moaning on each thrust, only dimly aware of the deep growling counterpoint coming from his throat.

She came a split second before he did, her body going rigid with the brightest pleasure she’d ever known. He grunted and growled as if he were trying to hold back an even louder response. They were in a house full of people, after all. Anyone could come through the door at anytime, she supposed, which added to the forbidden passion of their joining. His efforts to hold back made her wonder if werewolves howled when they came in human form. Someday soon, she’d dearly like to find out.

The thought made her smile as she floated on the highest high yet, held secure in Jason’s strong arms, surrounded by his amazing strength and powerful heat. He was really something and she knew in her heart, she would never forget him, or this time they had together, for as long as she lived. He’d always hold a special place in her heart and a scandalous place in her memories of the hottest sex she’d ever had.

And they’d only just gotten started. She had two weeks here and a hostess who slept all day long. If Jason was willing, they’d probably have more than a few opportunities to try this again. With practice, they might even get better. It was a tantalizing thought. Riding the high he’d just given her, it was hard to imagine this getting any better. He just might blow her mind.

“Oh, sweetheart,” he whispered as his hips pushed strongly into hers in the aftermath. “That was intense.”

“So you’re saying it was good for you?”

Humor in a sexual situation was something new to her. The men she’d been with in the past had been serious, even reserved, in the bedroom but something about Jason invited her to smile. She’d smiled more in the day she’d known him than she had in the past six months. And come harder than she ever had before. The memories made her grin. Although he had a position of authority within his Pack, he didn’t take himself too seriously and she felt unaccountably comfortable with him.

“Is there any doubt in your mind?” He eased back and pushed in again, reminding her of the bliss they’d just shared in the most blatant way.

She squirmed under him as aftershocks made themselves known low in her belly. He felt so good there. So right. And his come was thick and warm, heating her from the inside out. It was an odd sensation that she found intensely exciting. Being with a shapeshifter was something out of her experience and everything felt new with him. New and somehow magical.

He made her feel special. And that was the crux of the matter. No matter what Carly had warned about him sleeping around with every girl in his Pack, she still felt special when she was with him. If he made every woman he’d been with feel this way, it was no wonder they were lining up around the block to hop in his bed.

She didn’t like the idea of being one in a long line of conquests, but she honestly couldn’t hold it against him—or those other women. The idea may make the small part of her ancestry that was werewolf want to challenge the other women to a fight, but she had to remind herself that this wasn’t her world. Her existence lay a thousand-something miles to the west. Her apartment, her job, her life were all there, back in San Francisco. This was only an interlude out of time where she could be with a werewolf and learn about his culture. Then she’d go home and resume her normal life…a little wiser, perhaps.

She’d miss him. She realized that even now. But she didn’t see any way she could become part of his world. Not now. Certainly not here. If anything, she’d hook up with her newly made vampire friends back in California and give them hell for not telling her about all of this a whole lot sooner. But that was it. She’d go along with being watched and might enjoy some all-nighters hanging out with her fanged friends, but she’d go back to her world when the sun rose and nobody would be the wiser.

Jason rolled in what little room was left for him on the wide couch until she rested on top of his long, lean, muscled body. He was still inside her, pulsing every now and again to remind her of the pleasure they’d just shared. It felt good to laze in the aftermath.

“There. Now I won’t crush you.” He stroked her hair with one hand. A man who liked to cuddle. Could this guy be any more perfect?

“What about me crushing you? I’m not exactly small.”

“Compared to werewolf women you are.” His honesty sometimes went a little too far. “Damn. Sorry. That was rude.” He sighed heavily. “Honey, you’re perfect as you are. You didn’t hear me complaining a few minutes ago and you certainly won’t hear me complaining now.” He resumed stroking her hair and she decided to let it slide. He knew he’d stepped in it and he’d been honest enough to try to fix his mistake.

Nothing would ever fix the fact that she wasn’t one of his kind. Or the fact that he was probably the werewolf equivalent of a Don Juan. All that didn’t really matter when it came down to it. She was in his bed—well, on his couch—now. She hadn’t forced him and he’d given her a memory she would cherish. Hopefully they’d get a chance to make a few more memories before she had to leave, but that was all she could really hope for.


Chapter Six


They lazed together for a while, but eventually sounds from out in the hall intruded. Sally could clearly hear at least two people walk past the door and pause. She’d bet Jason could tell even more about them, with his even more sensitive werewolf hearing.

“As far as seduction scenes go, this wasn’t one of my better ideas.” He slid his semi-hard cock out of her with obvious reluctance and shifted them around so they could both sit up. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I should’ve thought ahead a little better, but all I could focus on was getting inside you as quickly as possible.”

The crude admission made her tummy flutter. “It’s okay,” was all she said. She dared not admit that her own focus had been exactly the same. Nothing else had mattered at the time. Not even thoughts of how awkward the aftermath might be.

“No, you deserve a soft bed and time to enjoy. Not a quickie on the couch. I’m a jerk.” He ran one hand through his hair in frustration.

“If so, you’re the most sexually talented jerk I’ve ever had the good luck to meet.” Again the humor came easy with this man, which was not her normal style at all. But with him, it worked. She was able to be herself. “Seriously, it’s okay, Jason. Maybe next time?” She was putting herself on the line with the question. Maybe he’d gotten what he wanted and there wouldn’t be a next time. She sort of thought he was better than that, but the moment of truth had arrived much sooner than expected.

“If you’ll allow me to try to make up for this, you‘re on.”

He had a sort of pleased eager puppy look on his face that was totally endearing. Maybe he’d been worried she wouldn’t want him again.

“Oh, I definitely want more. As long as you do.” Uncertainty was hard to shake.

But his smile widened and he moved in for a quick kiss. “There’s no question about my desire for you, sweetheart. It started the moment I first caught your scent and probably won’t ever end. If you’re breathing, I want to be with you. End of story.”

His impassioned tone and the way he spoke the words so close to her mouth as he paused between sweet kisses convinced her like nothing else. They were on the same page. The want and need went both ways. All was right with the world.

Except for those feet pausing outside his office door yet again. She looked over at the door in frustration.

“You can hear that?” he asked with surprise in his tone.

“Yeah. Footsteps. Pausing outside your door. This isn’t the first time. I heard two distinct sets before. This is the lighter-stepping set of the two.”

“Very good, Detective.” He seemed truly impressed. “I bet you’d be able to tell who was who if you hung around here long enough. Our current indecisive visitor is Kathy, who met us at the door with her baby on her hip. She’s been living here at the Pack house while her husband is away.”

“Who was the other woman? The one who looked like she wanted to roast me over a spit?”

“Ah.” He grimaced. “Serena. Watch out for her. She’s got enough attitude and cunning to be an Alpha, but it’s the wrong kind as far as I’m concerned. She wants to rule and she needs me to do it. She’s been stalking me and I want nothing to do with her, but she’s having a hard time taking no for an answer.”

BOOK: Wolf Hills
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