With Her Completely (8 page)

Read With Her Completely Online

Authors: Megan West

BOOK: With Her Completely
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She hesitated for a moment before deciding it was ok to
He stopped short of the cabin
and asked her once more if she was ok with this. A nervous breath gulped down
her throat as she nodded and he opened the door.
There were a few steps down and from below
she could see a soft light and hear the faint sounds of classical music

When she looked back at Xavier she noticed he wasn’t standing
next to her anymore.
What she felt
though was a slight lurch and sway before everything was smooth again.
She took a tentative step forward down into
the cabin.
At the second to the last
step she felt him step behind her again.

She relaxed, but it
only lasted a moment. As she fully entered the boats cabin she realized the
full extent of what he meant when he said he wanted to share his pleasures with
There was what she could only
describe as a sex swing hanging in the middle of the room. On the wall were a
vast array of whips, gags, dildo’s and other items that she didn’t even

She figured his story about taking guests sailing was bogus
now. Unless of course it was a totally different kind of a sailing trip. She
attempted to take a step back and found herself running into his solid chest.

“Um what the hell is going on Xavier?” She spun around and
glared at him. “I don’t even know you and you bring me here”, she pointed at
the wall, “to this!”

“Daisy let me explain.”
He attempted to take her hand again. “It’s not what you think.”

“Oh it’s not?
it sure looks like a sexual deviant’s nest of filth.” Her voice was rising and
she could feel the heat in her cheeks flare red.

Before she could react he took her by the arms and pulled her
against him, his mouth covering hers in a violent kiss.
First she fought, but she was no match for
him and the growing warmth in her crotch.

His tongue pushed into
her mouth and to her amazement she felt her body react. She no longer fought
the kiss, but allowed him in and let him take her.
She felt her body melt to his and the heat
from her cheeks spread to her belly and finally her pussy.

She could feel his aggression and desire.
He was hard against her stomach. She
struggled against him again and she felt his cock grow larger and stiffer
against her. The feeling of him and his sheer size was enough to make her wet
her panties.

She knew she shouldn’t want him, but she did in the worst
His hands found their way to her
He was rough, but it turned her
on like nothing before. She didn’t know why she just knew she wanted more.
She pushed him and he pressed into her more.

Her grabbed her arms and raised them over her head.
He backed her into the wall as she felt the
boat move with the waves.
With her
wrists pinned above her head, body pressed into the wall by his, she couldn’t
move, all she could do was give into him completely.

When her mind made
that decision her body relaxed into his control and he felt it. Their kisses
became less about control and more about passion.
His hand explored her body through her paper
thin dress.
A breathy moan blew against
him, her hips pushing into him, begging him to take her right there against the

Then suddenly he stopped.
She was breathless when he let go of her arms. “Did I do something
wrong?” She implored him.
“I can do
whatever it is you want Xavier.”
meant it, in a single moment she more than willingly gave up all she was to
this man she hardly even knew.

“No my darling you did nothing wrong. You are as perfect as I
expected you would be.”
He kissed her
forehead. “I need to go above deck, please remove your clothes and lay down on
the bed.”

“Yes of course.”
nodded, head down already assuming a submissive position to him without even
realizing it.

He kissed her again and headed up the stairs to the
She quickly threw her dress off
and laid on the bed waiting patiently for him to come back.
As she laid there she thought about what was
happening to her. She knew this was insane and potentially dangerous, but she
didn’t care.
She was on vacation after
Why not go a little
Although, even she realized this was a bit further
than that.


She assessed the various toys in the room and realized that
almost every one of them were made to pleasure a woman, not a man.
Maybe she was wrong about what exactly he
wanted from her.
Suddenly she felt the boat
abruptly jerk and then settle. It was an odd feeling trying to get used to the
movements of the boat, but she wasn’t overly concerned.
She guessed they’d be off and back to the
resort after this little play time ended.

When he came back down he stopped and stared at her for a
She blushed knowing he was
appraising her naked body.
Her long
slender arms and delicate hands laid across her naked breasts.
She moved her hands away as he looked her
She was curvy with a generous pair
of tits men loved. She felt his gaze travel over her soft tummy to her shaved
pussy lips. She parted her legs slightly to give him a better view. A breath
caught in his chest.
Down his eyes swept
along the length of her legs.
he looked her in the eyes. Her soft brown doe eyes
were a sharp contrast to his sea blue gaze.
Her long blonde hair fell in messy tendrils around her face. She wasn’t
nearly as tan as he was and the tropical sun had left its mark on her, her
chest and shoulders slightly reddened.

“Daisy you are a most spectacular woman.”
He licked his lips as he walked towards the
“Your curves call to
your soft pale skin begs to be reddened by my
Once he was next to the bed he
ran his hands along the length of her, starting at her toes and ending on her
His fingers left a trail of
goosebumps behind them.
“Are you
He lifted her chin so her eyes
met his again.

She shook under
his touch.

“Good, you should be.”
He continued to gently run his fingers across her.
“I’m going to do things to you that you never
imagined in your wildest dreams”

He pulled four satin straps from the wall behind her.
“I’m going to tie you up now, both arms and
both legs.”
He ran the satin around her
stomach and her breasts, her nipples poked erect as the straps brushed against
“Before we go any further I need
you to verbally tell me that you accept this and that you consent to what we
are about to do. It is important for you to be comfortable before we
She heard a faint click
behind her head. “I’m ready whenever you are.”
He waited patiently for her to respond.

She laid there looking around the room trying to fathom all
of the possibilities. What exactly could he do, or would he do, if she said
Then another thought crossed her
mind, what if she said no?
The tremors
that just a moment ago gently caused her to shake turned into full body
goosebumps. Every inch of her told her this was dangerous and wrong and yet
here she was unmoving.
She could easily
get up, walk out and swim back to shore if she really didn’t want to be there.

“Yes Xavier, I want whatever it is you desire from me.”
She relaxed her body and mind and waited for
his command.
He kissed her, this time on
the forehead and then the mouth, it was a soft kiss.

“Raise your arms over your head.
I’ll be fastening you to the rings on the
posts of the bed.”
She did as he asked
and he slipped the satin over her wrists and fastened them to the bed. They
were tight, but not uncomfortable.

“Now spread your legs a little,” he touched the inside of her
thighs and kissed both of them as she spread them apart. A brief shiver traced
up her back as a gust of air blew across her wet pussy.
He looped the satin around her ankles and
attached them to the posts at the foot of the bed.
“Are you feeling alright?”


“Yes, I’m ok.”
She smiled
at him as he placed the blindfold over her eyes next. Her eyes fluttered
underneath the blindfold as her world went completely dark.

She felt him move away from the bed.
She trembled when he came back to her side
and she arched her back when the ice cube circled her nipple. She moaned as he
slid it across her chest to the other side.

Slowly he moved the melting cube down her tummy and left it
to melt in her belly button as he moved further south.
At first he only kissed her thighs and the
outside lips of her pussy, but without warning he thrust his finger inside her.
She convulsed around it with a gasping breath. He pulled back and she could
feel him moving around her.
He was right
next to her face.
She could smell her
scent on him.

“You taste
I’m going to
make you cum in my mouth.”
A shiver ran
through her.

“Xavier am I aloud to speak?”
She said hesitantly, not knowing if she was violating some unspoken rule
to his naughty games.

“Of course my dear. At any point this is too much or you are
in too much pain please speak up.”

Um also what
should I be calling you?
It seems like
you must have a preferred title.” She felt him stiffen slightly and chuckle
deep in his throat.

“Sir will be just fine.
So you’ve done this before?” He inquired.

“Oh gosh no, I just, well, I’ve read some books.”
She could feel her cheeks redden under what
she assumed was an amused look from him.

“So tell me Daisy, what did you learn from these books?”
He stepped away from the bed.
She heard him take an item from the
She could only imagine what was
coming next.

“Well, I expect that you will spank me at some point.
Probably when I am being bad.”
This time he laughed out loud.

“Yes there will be some spanking, but I cannot guarantee it
will only be when you are bad.”
Something hit the bed near her leg, she jumped as much as the restraints
would allow.
“Sometimes I will do it
because it pleasures me and that will be the sole reason.” She felt his weight
on the bed and suddenly he was on top of her.
He straddled her and his cock pressed on her stomach.
“And what next?”

“Um,” she was having trouble thinking.
He felt so thick and throbbing against her.
The weight of his cock coupled with its length scared her and aroused her at
the same time.

“There will be things put inside of me that I would probably
never normally allow.”
She wiggled under
him and tried hard to get him to shift, she wanted to feel him inside her.

“Oh yes, there will be things like butt plugs that I will
insert inside you.
You will enjoy it
He slapped the side of her
breast with something hard and flat.

She cried out.

“Did that hurt?”


“Good.” He positioned himself over her.
He kneeled so that his dick was just in front
of her face and only inches from her lips.
“Then we can officially begin the training.”

He slapped her mouth with the head of his cock, she moaned in
Her tongue darted out and
tasted the pearl drop of
on the tip.
He pulled back and she huffed as her tongue tickled

“No Daisy.
You will
not engage me unless I allow it, I will tell you when you can touch me. Do you
He slapped her mouth
She held stone still. “Good

As soon as he pressed the head of his cock inside her
puckered lips she hollowed her cheeks, sucking him with a deep moan. His hand
tangled in her blonde curls as he slowly started to thrust in and out of her
mouth. A deep grunt barreled out of his chest as he pushed the head of his cock
towards her throat. Her eyes watered underneath the blindfold. She quickly
sucked a deep breath through her nose as she tried to fight the urge to gag.

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