Read With a Twist Online

Authors: Heather Peters

With a Twist (5 page)

BOOK: With a Twist
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He hungered for the sound of her laugh again, and she obliged.

"Years of practice,” she whispered, and bowed her head to plant a gentle kiss on his chest.

He shrugged. “I felt like a teenager again, all hot and horny for the new teacher."

Ava's eyebrows lifted, but she gave him a warm smile. “I'm impressed. Go on."

He chuckled, and stared into those moss green fathomless eyes. “I watched as you made sure your guests were happy, while your husband just stood around and drank. But when I saw you go into the kitchen he followed you, and I sensed something was wrong. You looked angry, but it was obvious you were trying to keep it together because you were hosting the party and didn't want to let on to your guests that he was acting like an asshole. I thought, what the hell is this stunning woman doing with him?"

She lowered her eyes and touched the bit of stubble on his cheek, but didn't speak. He slid his palm up and down her back. He tunneled his fingers through her luxuriant hair, and twirled a wayward curl around his finger. He couldn't seem to stop touching her. He wanted her to know everything that happened that night, so he continued. “You asked him to stop drinking so much, and he grabbed your arm, hard. I saw you flinch, and I realized that he hurt you."

She nodded. “He was drunk."

"Yeah, no shit. He spoke to you as if you were garbage.” His anger rose.

Tears filled her eyes, and Shane took a deep breath to hold in his rage.

"He called you a ‘stupid cunt'.” He wiped away an errant tear from her cheek. “I wanted to kill him."

"You didn't even know me."

"I didn't have to. You're a lady. No real man talks to a woman, especially his woman, that way."

"Shane, it wasn't your problem."

"Yeah, it was my problem. Because after he left the kitchen I followed him."

She sat up. “You knew, didn't you?"

He nodded. “Yeah. He made his way upstairs and met up with Brittany in a room that must have been an office. They must have forgotten to close the door all the way and I—"

"You saw them.” It wasn't a question.

them too.”
Grunting like pigs in a mud sty.

Her small hand grasped his wrist. “I'm so sorry, Shane, how horrible for you."

The warmth of her hand engulfed him with sensations of heat. This amazing woman who'd been betrayed in her own home by a man who hadn't appreciated her was comforting

"Brittany was on this big leather office chair, her skirt up around her waist, sitting on your husband's cock, doing the nasty."

"I bought him that chair for his birthday. Ironic don't you think?"

He'd never cheated on Brittany, yet the image of Ava had never been far from his mind and heart when he was still married. That brief meeting, so intense, yet fleeting, hit him like a punch to the gut.

If he'd cared for Brittany, would he have been so attracted to this lovely woman? Shane had experienced the connection the moment he approached her in the bar last night.

And it only intensified every moment that passed.

"And you know what? I felt as if it were my fault."

She entwined her fingers with his. “I know the feeling. It takes a long time to get over the betrayal. I found a receipt for a hotel room in his suit pocket before I took it to the cleaners."

His embrace tightened, and he kissed her cheek, her nose, and lips. “I didn't know. I'm so sorry."

"Why would you? We settled everything out of court all quiet and dignified. We wouldn't want Richard's mother to know he was screwing the secretary half his age, would we?"

Shane eased her onto his chest and wrapped his arms around her. Ava didn't appear to be a woman who needed to be protected, but he felt the urge to keep her ever being hurt again. “You didn't deserve that, Ava."

"No I didn't.” she burrowed under his chin, and he savored the sensation. “Tell me something,” she said. “If you knew they were having an affair, why didn't you tell me at the party?"

He took a breath. “I intended to, honest. But I took a job out of the country and left soon after our break up. I needed to get away, to escape. I returned about three months ago, getting my new business established."

"Which is?"

"I own a small factory with several war buddies. We build custom wheel chairs for disabled vets who don't have much in the way of money."

"You served in the military?"

He nodded as a wave of sadness hit him. “ I joined the Air Force when I turned eighteen. I served two tours in Iraq."

Her expression turned serious. Ava's comforting touch as she skimmed her palm over his tattooed right arm made him smile again. He didn't want to discuss blood and death with her at this moment. Maybe at another time, but not now.

"Is that the reason for the tribal tattoo?” her whisper made him hard all over again. “It's a symbol for bravery, isn't it?"

His cock grew hard as Ava's pussy settled between his legs. God he wanted her again. “My unit saved a family from a deadly crossfire attack. One of my buddies is Native American, so when we got out of the service, a bunch of us decided on tribal ink. How did you know?"

"My brother has one similar to it."

She didn't say anymore, so Shane decided not to pursue the subject of her brother.

"You're making a difference. That's a good thing and I'm proud of you."

He ached for her. “Show me how proud. Take me inside your hot little pussy.” He was highly aroused, hot and hungry for her.

Her smile lit up the room, and his heart. “What are you waiting for?"

He flipped her to her tummy, lifted her hips, and spread her thighs wide open with his own. He spread her pussy lips apart, inhaled her feminine scent. With one push, he buried himself high and deep inside her slippery channel. She pushed back to take more of him, and his hands tightened on her hips as he pushed her into his raging hard on, until a cry of pleasure escaped his throat, following her into bliss.

A sensation of something he hadn't felt in years blanketed him. And it was all because of a woman who had filled his empty heart. He wanted to cherish her, possess her, and fuck her senseless, all at the same time.

Yes, Ava Denotti made him want to live again.

Ava was exhausted. She had work to do at the bar, yet couldn't quite keep her mind on anything but Shane Sullivan.

A date to meet him at his place tonight for dinner made her happier than she'd been in a long time.

"Hey sis, where have you been?"

Her brother planted a kiss on her cheek. “Oh, here and there.” Ava was purposely evasive. That wasn't going to be good enough for A.J. the Inquisitor.

He shook his head and placed the work orders on the desk. “Don't tell me you're still seeing that young guy?"

She shrugged and held in her temper. “Okay, I won't tell you."

Oh boy, here comes the look
. Ava knew what that meant. She was sixteen again and standing in the kitchen of her parents’ house, while twelve year old A.J. snitched to their parents that Ava had kissed a neighborhood boy right in front of school. That was twenty four years ago, but in A.J.'s eyes Ava was still that skinny pony tailed sixth grader.

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Been there, done that with Richard, remember?"

Her brother blew out a breath, and shoved his hands inside his jeans pockets. “Richard was a prick,” he pointed out.

Ava walked up to him, and touched his arm, forcing a smile. “Not all men are like Richard.” She stood her ground. “For once I'm having a little fun with a guy who treats me nice..

She began to pass him to go up to the haven of her apartment. She turned as he called back to her. “And look where that got you. I told you not to marry Richard. He wasn't responsible or mature enough, but you went and did what you wanted anyway, didn't you?

"Thanks for reminding me.” She took a deep breath and ran up the stairs to the apartment, slammed the door behind her, and locked it, blocking everyone out.

There was a message on her machine. It was probably Shane. What if he was calling to cancel? That he'd got what he wanted from her, and was calling to say we had fun and you were great, but time to move on. All her insecurities came back to haunt her.

She braced herself, and pushed the button on the blinking phone light and listened.

"Hey gorgeous, just confirming dinner tonight. Don't bring anything but yourself. I'd just like to imagine you going commando when you walk in my door, hint hint. Come at seven, got a surprise for you."

Ava sank down into her mother's comfortable old lumpy sofa and let out a sigh of relief. He liked her.

She ran to her closet, pulled out a dozen dresses, skirts and blouses and flung them on the bed. What to wear? The lilac jersey that hugged each curve of her, or the sage green sleeveless shift?

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Seven

After exiting the elevator, Ava knocked on Shane's open door. He didn't answer, so she called out his name, and stepped into the apartment.

"In here,” he called back.

Ava dropped her bag on the kitchen table, and saw the pots on the stove. The air was filled with the aroma of fresh made tomato sauce. She sniffed the air. Yum, Bolognese, her favorite. Her Sicilian heritage gifted her with a nose that could smell Italian food a mile away. Tomatoes, red wine, garlic, onions and ground beef. Yep, Bolognese. Her mouth watered, but when she heard Shane's voice again, she turned down the flame under the simmering pot of ambrosia and dealt with her own heat.


"Shane where are you?"

"In the bedroom. Come on in."

She followed the sound of his low, sexy voice. What was he up to? Well, sex, of course. Her body was literally crying out for him. Her heart pounded with nearly breathless anticipation to find out. Her pussy wept and her nipples clenched and ached for his touch.

She entered his bedroom, and lost her breath. Small flickering flames came from fat white candles that burned in every corner of the room, illuminating the large king sized bed. Soft jazz drifted like a breeze throughout the large area, and Ava took in every nuance. And in another corner of the room, dressed only in unzipped jeans, arms perched on the arms of an oversized chair, sat Shane. His face was covered partly by shadows, but Ava could feel his gaze taking in every inch of her body, as if he were touching her with his expert fingers.

A little nervous, she said the first thing that came to mind. “Shane, dinner smells simply delicious.”
Lame, Ava, really lame.

"So do you. Take off your clothes."

At the sound of that voice she shook her mass of hair over one shoulder.

Take him, Ava. He's yours

"Slowly,” he commanded. “Start from the top and work your way down. And take your time. We're not going anywhere."

She stepped closer to him, making sure he wouldn't miss a thing. She was a woman who wanted to please her man, make him as hot as she was. Tonight she was prepared to do anything for him, to him, with him.

Music floated on air that overflowed with sexual electricity. The sounds of a sexy saxophone prompted Ava to gain a rhythm. She stood still as stone, as if waiting for the performance of a lifetime. She'd give it to him.

Ava began to move to the music, swaying her hips as her fingers slid oh so slowly to the first button of her blouse. She swiveled and pivoted her body to him, teasing him as she undid one pearl button, then the next. His stillness didn't fool her. His hands had a death grip on the arms of the big armchair, and his chest heaved.
Good, I'm getting to him

Her power to please washed through her, down her chest to her belly and further as she threw her blouse at Shane. He caught it in mid air, then brought the silk to his nose and inhaled. Letting it drop to the carpet, his hand covered his denim encased cock. He began to slide his palm up and down his length, hypnotizing Ava with his erotic movement.

Next, she brought her fingers to the front catch of her bra. She pulled the cups off her breasts and let the silk fall to the floor. Her nipples ached and stood at attention, hard as pebbles. She wanted his wet, hot tongue suckling them until they ached with pleasured pain. Ava lifted each full globe in her hands fondling and squeezing them, never taking her eyes from Shane who had pulled his length from his jeans, and was now palming the top in a clockwise motion.

Shane took a breath. “Don't stop, honey. Keep going.

Her skirt was next. The saxophone wailed, as if urging her to dip and turn. She unzipped the material, and let the skirt slide slowly, wantonly to the floor.

She began to dance for him, and she imagined creating an inferno that could only be extinguished by coming together. Ava wanted Shane so hot and out of control, so desperate for her, he'd go up in flames. She crossed her arms over her breasts and teased him as she turned and swayed. He groaned and cried out her name.

Ava closed her eyes, raised her arms above her head, and let the music drown her in a sea of hunger. And still Shane sat in the shadows of the room, his cock a vertical stick pointing straight up and his hand moving faster and faster, until Ava realized what he was doing.

When she remained with only her tall thin stilettos, she slid her middle finger down her belly to the bare skin of her mound. In a teasing display, she buried her digit into her pussy, then pulled it out. Mirroring Shane's movements, she repeated her actions. In and out, in and out.

When he nearly came out of the chair, fisting his cock faster and harder, his veins bulging from his neck, Ava opened her legs wider, and followed his lead.

Within seconds, she stilled, her orgasm rushing through her in a flood of pleasure and wet heat. She screamed as she came then watched Shane as he stroked, once twice, and followed her to a rousing climax.

It wasn't enough. She was on fire, every fiber of her body burning for him to put out the inferno. Her clit throbbed, her nipples ached and she wanted nothing more than to burn him until they both smoldered.

She brought her fingers to her mouth, and sucked the nectar from them.

BOOK: With a Twist
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