Winter's Magic (Music City Hearts Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Winter's Magic (Music City Hearts Series)
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Beth felt her insides sway as he took her mouth in a soft caress. A slow burn began to build as his tongue swept in and she caught the warm chill of his breath. The need inside her rose as realization slammed home.

She wanted things she’d never felt before. Troy had been experienced and known how to please her. But she’d never craved like this. Her body had never screamed with need the way it did when she was with Nick.

He drew back and stared into her eyes with a seriousness that squeezed her chest. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

Beth didn’t know what to say. Her brain reeled, digesting the idea he could be feeling the same things she was. She desperately wanted to say yes.

Her lips wouldn’t move.

“I know. It’s too soon,” he said.

“Yes.” Beth barely heard her own voice. She watched his eyes grow wide, just before she kissed him back.


Nick wished he hadn’t blurted out the invitation. Oh, he wanted her to stay the night. And not just because she was beautiful and intelligent and drove him crazy twenty-four hours a day.

He simply needed her as he’d never needed a woman before. He wanted to fill her mind every waking hour. Touch every inch of her body and make her sigh his name as he made love to her over and over again. But he should have waited until after their dinner with his grandfather before asking.

Instead, his chest hummed in vibration as they walked into Margaret’s Café. He couldn’t even glance in her direction without his body reacting to the knowledge she would be going home with him in less than an hour.

“Nick. Beth. It’s good to see you.” Margaret greeted them at the door just before he saw his grandfather seated at a nearby booth.

“Margaret, how’s my favorite girl?” He kissed her cheek and gave her a quick hug.

“Girl? I’m older than your grandpa, son. As if this gray hair wasn’t a dead giveaway.” She laughed and patted the silver strands wound into a bun at the back of her head.

“I don’t believe a word of it. You can’t be a day over forty.”

“I was forty when you were in grade school.” She paused and touched the corner of one eye. “I have been using a new facial cream that’s supposed to take away the fine lines and wrinkles. Maybe it’s finally working.”

“That must be your secret. Keep it up and you’ll look thirty.”

“If only.” Margaret turned to Beth. “You should be careful with this one. He’s a real charmer.”

“I’ve noticed.” She chuckled.

“You two go on. Your grandfather’s on his second cup of coffee. I’ll bring the usual.”

When they reached the booth, his grandfather was already standing. Nick shook his hand, then stepped back as Beth was drawn into a brief hug.

“It’s good to see you again, Mr. . . . um, Jonathon,” she said.

Nick slid into the booth next to Beth and put his arm across the back of the seat.

“I’m so glad you were able to join me tonight. Nick told me you two were going riding today. Sergeant’s Gate must be beautiful this time of year.”

“Breathtaking.” Nick stared at Beth, waiting for the soft blush to appear on her neck. Yet, even when he dropped his hand and began rubbing his thumb back and forth across her shoulder blade, she wasn’t fazed and kept her focus straight ahead.

“Yes, sir. I hadn’t been up there since the leaves changed. This has always been my favorite time of year,” she said.

He probably should have sat next to his grandfather on the opposite side of the booth. Or at least kept his distance by sitting as close to the outside edge as possible. But he wanted her next to him.

“My parents and I had a great time at the party last weekend. Your home is beautiful.”

“I hope to see your parents more often. I miss Jayne and your father. William’s a good man.” He laughed. “Of course, I’m not telling you anything new. I could see you’re a daddy’s girl.”

“Guilty. Always have been. Though, I have to admit the older I get, the more I hang out with Mom. I think Dad’s ready to retire from the shopping scene. He sends her my way anytime something girly comes up.”

Nick wondered what time she had to go to work in the morning. He wanted to hold her and feel her heartbeat against his chest until she drifted off to sleep and then wake up tomorrow morning with her still in his arms.

“Good for him. He should be in charge of the Titan’s tickets and let your mom take care of Nieman Marcus. It’s the natural law of balance once a man’s paid his dues.”

He could only imagine what she would look like in his robe. She obviously needed something to wear around the house and the black silk would be perfect. The hem would probably hit the floor.

“Huh, Ugh.”

Nick spun around to find Margaret with arms full of food. Lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t realize his arm blocked a portion of the table. “Sorry.”

When he turned back to Beth, she gave him that smile, the one he’d decided was just for him. And her eyes were laughing.

“Thank you, Margaret.” His grandfather handed him a plate without a hint of knowing on his face. Nick had heard somewhere that he’d been a successful poker player in his youth. Never letting his face tell a bluff from a royal flush. He believed the story.

Once they were eating, the discussion slowed. Thank God. This . . . he couldn’t find the right word, was like a disease. He had to get control back. He didn’t like feeling so helpless, so consumed. Maybe it was just his mind’s reaction to the anticipation. Hopefully everything would be back to normal in the morning.


Nick glanced up from his plate to see an older gentleman in a suit approaching. His grandfather rose quickly and met the man before he reached their table.

“I haven’t seen you in months and here we are, meeting twice in the same week. I can’t believe we don’t run into each other more often. Alice loves this place.”

From the corner of his eye, Nick could see a woman just behind the man speaking.

“Isn’t Margaret the best? Of course, nothing on the menu is approved by my doctor. At some point a man has to live, right?” Jonathon asked.

“True. That’s exactly why Alice lets me come here once a week. We’re usually here for lunch, as soon as the bank closes on Saturdays. But our granddaughter had a recital this afternoon, so we’re a little late.”

“I hope you enjoy your evening, then.”

“Come see me again before Christmas, Jonathon. This time with no business. We’ll have a drink and an early dinner. I’ll bring pictures of the grandchildren and we can discuss retirement plans. I only have three months left, you know.”

“Congratulations, I’ll give you a call.”

Nick watched as the man and his wife followed Margaret to a nearby booth.

“Who was that?” he asked.

“Charles and his wife, Alice.” His grandfather waved his hand. “Just an old friend I don’t run into very often.”

Nick felt an odd twang in his gut. Even with the poker face, something felt off. Since his refusal to accept the family fortune, his grandfather had become relentless in his determination to pass on every ounce of influence the Chester name could provide. He never missed the chance to introduce him to everyone he knew, business related or socially, every single time they met.

His grandfather stared into his eyes as if trying to send him a message, and then quickly turned to Beth, who seemed oblivious to anything being wrong.

“So, Beth. Does your family have big plans for Christmas?”

His grandfather definitely wanted to change the subject.

“Christmas day is always at Mom and Dad’s house. My mom’s two sisters and my dad’s sister and brother, plus all of the spouses, kids, and grandkids will be here for the full weekend.”

“Where does everyone stay?” Nick decided not to dwell on his grandfather’s oddity. He would figure it out later. Right now, he wanted to enjoy the moment.

“I think we have twelve rooms at the Opryland Hotel reserved. The whole weekend will be full of different activities with the men spending most of Friday at Bass Pro Shop and the women doing last-minute shopping or baking.”

“Sounds like a lot of fun. Are you open on Christmas Eve?” his grandfather asked.

“We’ll close at one o’clock with just a skeleton crew. Several of the girls have closed their books for the day. I’ll pretend to work.”

Margaret brought their check, and Nick handed her enough cash to cover all three meals. He’d barely touched his plate, but his grandfather seemed tired and oddly restless. Christmas was a difficult time for both of them.

Their family meal would include his aunt and uncle and three younger cousins, only one of which were married. A quiet meal and of course lots of presents. This year his cousin had a new baby–the first newborn addition to the Chester family in over twenty-two years.

They all slid out of the booth and made their way to the front door, saying goodbye to Margaret on their way out. Nick hugged his grandfather who, in turn, gave Beth a long hug and lingered next to the Jeep.

“I hope you’ll join us again soon, Beth. Thanks for coming tonight.”

“Any time you’re coming to Margaret’s, count me in.”

. Beth didn’t know anyone named Charles. She hadn’t been able to see the man Jonathon spoke to, but she knew that voice, and she knew her mind would obsess over the mystery until she finally figured it out.

Or maybe it was just a distraction allowing her to ignore the anxiety building over accepting Nick’s invitation to stay the night. The ride back to his home seemed to take forever.

She’d felt his gaze throughout dinner and tried to ignore the exhilaration sweeping through her every time she met his eyes. Exercising strict self-control, she’d kept her focus on Jonathon as much as she could. Even when Nick started rubbing her shoulder, which should have soothed her nerves, she’d had a hard time keeping her mind on the conversation.

A flutter went through her lower belly as they entered Nick’s garage. Beth hoped he felt the same anxiety she did. He probably didn’t.
Why would he? Look at him. He was every woman’s dream.

She could feel her heart begin to race as she stepped down from the Jeep and followed him inside the house. Although she felt small next to his tall frame, she couldn’t help reveling in amazement at his broad shoulders and taut chest she wanted so desperately to see.

Nick led her through the kitchen and into the entryway, where he took off his coat and hung it in the closet. She caught the momentary quiver of his fingers as he took hers and buttoned it onto a hanger before placing it next to his.

Stepping into his embrace felt like the most natural thing in the world. His arms wrapped around her with a firm, yet gentle touch.

“Thank you for a wonderful day. I loved seeing Sergeant’s Gate with you.”

The statement must have been rhetorical or maybe she’d lost track of time before answering. Because the next thing she knew, he leaned down and touched his mouth to hers.

Nick tightened his grip on her waist and lifted her off her feet. A moment later, they were in his bedroom and everything in the outside world disappeared.

Their eyes met as his tongue began a sensual sweep across her lips. No signs remained of the nervous hesitation she’d seen in the hallway. With a gentle nudge, he tilted her head and took the kiss deeper, demanding complete submission.

By the time he drew back, Beth could hear the echo of her own heartbeat racing. Her skin prickled and her clothes felt too tight. She raised her hands to his chest and quickly began unbuttoning his shirt. When she reached his waist, she gave a desperate tug, and the tail came free.

His muscles jumped as her fingers slowly trailed up the center of his chest, then out to his shoulders, edging the shirt down until it fell to the floor.

“You have the most amazing hands,” he murmured as she felt his at her waist, raising the hem of her shirt. She shifted back so he could lift it over her head, then lowered her gaze back to his chest.

“I believe you mentioned that the first day we met.”

Her fingers splayed and ran from his collarbone to just above the belly button, then back up again, through a thin scattering of dark hair that tickled her palms. She kissed one of his nipples, and flicked it with her tongue.

“I was right.” His voice held a ragged edge.

When the rest of their clothes disappeared, Beth lifted on to her toes, winding her arms around the back of his neck, and eased his mouth down to hers again. She pressed into him, feeling her breasts tighten as they slid against the textured surface of his hard chest.

Nick pulled her onto the bed with him. Lying side-by-side, he kissed her with an excruciating slowness that made her insides scream. It was maddening. He caressed her back in long, gentle strokes. Their tongues tangled in a controlled rhythm until she couldn’t take the torture any longer and caught his between her lips, slowly withdrawing until she finally released. His eyes popped wide and he grinned.

Beth drowned in the feel of his fingers as they quickly slid over her waist and down to her hips, where they firmly brought her close. She couldn’t stop her fingers from digging into his shoulders as the exquisite pressure sent a shudder through her core.

She gasped as he moved her against him, all of her attention focused on the ache that was quickly becoming unbearable. She wanted him, now.

Just when she thought she might fracture into a million pieces, he turned her onto her back. His mouth left hers, only to reappear at her ear where he grazed the earlobe with his teeth.

She could smell the heated musk rolling off his skin as his lips kissed their way down her neck and continued to the center of her chest. She could barely hold on as the onslaught of sensation continued.

Nick took one nipple into his mouth, as she felt his leg slide between her thighs. When she arched into him, the combination of his tongue and the pressure returning to her center brought a whimper to her throat. She tried to hold back, but quickly gave in as the pleasure soared.

Nick moved to her other breast where his tongue swirled and nipped. His free hand cradled her hip, holding her against him so perfectly. She strained to get closer and dug her fingers into his skin, not able to stop her reaction to the frenzy he created.

Suddenly his leg was gone and his mouth left her skin.

“Nick?” She started to reach for him, but he held her in place.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Damn him, he was chuckling. And the smile he sported was just a little too arrogant. He reached over her and she heard the nightstand drawer open and close.

She’d been so wrapped up in the moment she hadn’t thought.

Nick was immediately back at her side and rolled on top, settling between her thighs. Poised at her core, she watched his eyes close and the lines grow tight on his face as he slowly slid into her welcome body.

BOOK: Winter's Magic (Music City Hearts Series)
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