Winter Wolf (A New Dawn Novel Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Winter Wolf (A New Dawn Novel Book 1)
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“What is it, Kat?” Toby asked.

Katalina looked over her shoulder at him. “I- I’m not sure.”

There it was again, a pull in her chest, a sense that someone was calling to her. The sun was setting.

“Kat?” Toby said, sterner.

He’s here. Bass has come for me…

Katalina felt time slow as her brain worked a mile a minute. She needed to escape, but her door was guarded and Jackson was downstairs.
Cage, where’s Cage?

“Toby, where’s Cage?”

“Jackson sent him home. Said his presence was winding up your wolf.”

“So no one is guarding the house? Who’s here?”

“No…Kat, what’s going on? You’re safe. Jackson is here and Ned is an enforcer.” He nodded toward the door.

Just Jackson and an enforcer to get past.

She saw a truck in the far distance.

Katalina picked up a vase and smiled at Toby, sending him a look of apology in the process. She threw the vase. It smashed loudly against the window, cracking the glass. The sound of Jackson’s feet running for the stairs urged her to move. Leaping, Katalina smashed through the window. She landed on her side in the snow, wishing she had more control over her wolf so she could have changed and landed on her paws. The impact knocked the air from her lungs. Stunned, she was unable to breathe as her nerves pulsed with pain. Sucking in a gravelly breath, she pushed up with her arms, blood dripping onto the snow; its stark crimson leaving its mark on the pristine earth.

Shouts from inside the house brought her body back to life. She leapt to her feet running for the truck that had travelled past the tree line. Katalina was surprised nothing major had been broken from the fall. Her feet glided across the ground fast and sure, a quick glance over her shoulder confirmed Arne was following, and Jackson had just burst through the front door.

“Katalina!” His voice echoed all around her, the power in it, vibrating through her bones. She shook it off, pushing her legs faster toward Bass. He’d just spun the truck around and headed back toward the tree line.

“Katalina, I order you too stop, as your alpha!” His voice bellowed through her causing her steps to falter. She felt her wolf rise to the surface, brushing against her skin, wanting out.

She could feel it, the natural instinct to change; her wolf was stronger, faster and she needed to escape. Katalina forced herself to relax to let her wolf through. When an image of Toby entered her mind, the feel of his warm blood filling her mouth…she gasped, forcing the wolf back.

“I’m your alpha. Obey me!”

He was right behind her. She could almost feel his fingers brushing against her. Arne ran at her side. The command rolled through her again.
No! You’re not my alpha. You are no one to me!

Katalina found more strength within her, pushing herself faster. The truck ground to a stop. Bass climbed half out, his eyes frantic.

But Jackson was an alpha, not hers, but he still had the power of an alpha, which Katalina didn’t possess. His fingers brushed her skin and she heard a growl rumble from his human throat.

“Go!” she yelled at Bass. The truck started moving; it was just a meter away.

Katalina pushed off the ground, stretching as she jumped. She landed half into the back of the moving vehicle. Her hands scrambled for something to hold onto, wrapping around a bar as Jackson took hold of her ankle. The truck was now speeding away, swerving from side to side, trying to loosen Jackson, but his hand only tightened around her.

“Let go!” he growled.

Katalina gripped on with all her strength half-turning her body. She looked into Jackson’s angry eyes. “Let me go!” she screamed, kicking her free foot into his face.

Arne was still running after the truck, but he wasn’t quick enough to make the jump.

“Bass, Arne!” she yelled, kicking out again in hopes of making Jackson let go.

The truck suddenly braked, causing Jackson to collide with the back; Arne jumped, his legs scrambling on the smooth metal as he landed beside Katalina; her arm jarred, stretching painfully as Bass put his foot back on the accelerator. Gravel sprayed up as the tires skidded, making Jackson lose his footing. Katalina screamed as Jackson’s weight pulled against her.

“Let me go, Jackson!” she yelled. She was losing her grip, unable to take his full weight.

He was dragged behind the truck, his feet scrambling for grip. Determination flooded Katalina as her foot connected with his nose. His blood splattered against her bare feet. Her hold was slipping; she was going to fall. Fear of being trapped in that house forever coursed through her. At that moment, Arne leapt forward, sinking his teeth into Jackson’s wrist. Jackson yelled. Unable to keep his grip, he fell onto the ground, rolling over and over before stopping in a heap. The growl that left him as he sat up made Katalina’s hairs stand on end. She scrambled further into the back and banged on the glass window. “Go, Bass, get me out of here!”

Chapter 10


Ten minutes down the road and Katalina finally started to relax. That was until she saw a truck in the distance slowly gaining on them.

“Bass, we have company,” she yelled.

“Shit! Hold on!”

Katalina barely had a chance to grasp the edge of the truck before Bass swerved off the road. The vehicle bumped violently over the rough terrain and into the woods. Bass weaved in and out of the trees at stupid speeds; branches collided into them, slashing at Katalina huddled in the back. Arne stood on four spread legs, trying to keep upright; the look on his face, indicating he wasn’t impressed with the little detour. However, driving through the woods hadn’t stopped Jackson from pursuing, and soon Katalina saw the battered blue truck following behind them.

“He’s following!”

Katalina didn’t hear his answer. She screamed as she was thrown around when they turned sharply, bumping up onto another road. Arne’s feet fell from under him. He landed in a heap, skidding across the metal truck floor.

“I’ve got you, boy,” Katalina said, wrapping her arms tightly around her dog.

“Nearly there!” Bass yelled. He swerved again, taking them into more woods.

“Nearly where?” They didn’t seem to be anywhere and she could hear tires screeching onto tarmac so Jackson was still following.

Bass didn’t answer; instead, he sped up, swerving through the maze of trees as if he knew the placement of every one. Katalina couldn’t bear to look anymore. She was sure any minute they’d all be dead with the truck wrapped around a tree trunk, but another few minutes of crazy driving and Bass came to an abrupt stop.

“Get in!”

Katalina jumped over the side, Arne following her and they quickly climbed in. It wasn’t until she shut the door and glanced behind her that she realized Jackson wasn’t following them anymore.

“He gave up?” she asked, not quite believing it was true.

“We’re on Dark Shadow land. I didn’t think he’d risk an all-out w…” Bass’s eyes widened. “Kat, what happened to you?” His hands gently touched her bleeding arm. “We need to get this out, Kat; otherwise, you’ll heal with the glass still inside.”

“Okay.” She looked down at her arm for the first time, realizing it was lacerated with cuts and pieces of glass embedded in her skin. The adrenaline from her escape began to fade when she took in her injuries.

Bass gently removed the glass from her shoulder and arm. Kat winced each time, biting her lip so she wouldn’t cry out.

“There, all done. We’ll stop at a petrol station so you can freshen up, but I think it would be wise to leave before my father’s enforcers arrive.”

Katalina nodded, pulling her legs up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Bass glanced at her as he drove through the trees, slower this time.

“Tell me what happened, Katalina. Whose blood stains your skin?”

Katalina took a deep breath before speaking, “It’s Toby’s.” She didn’t miss the shocked look on his face, even if it was there for just a split second.

“Toby’s, the young lad? I thought you liked him?”

“I did…I do. Toby is the only friend I have there.” She sucked in another breath. “I couldn’t control it, Bass. Jackson had me locked up; he treated me like a prisoner and I was so angry. I…I lost it. I broke through the door and the wolf took over. I was so blinded by my rage I didn’t even know it was Toby until I felt his bl…until…” She swiped at the tears running down her cheeks.

“Hey, Kat, it’s okay. Losing control is perfectly normal after the first change and your situation is very different. Jackson should have treated you better. He should have known. If anyone is to blame, it’s him!”

“I don’t ever want to change again,” she whispered into her knees.

His hand ran through her hair. “So that’s why you didn’t change when you were running for the car. I’m surprised you could control your wolf. No more worrying. You are safe now, Katalina.”

Katalina turned her head to the side, her cheek resting on her knees. She looked at Bass with unshed tears in her eyes. “Am I? Am I ever going to be safe? Dark Shadow want me dead and my own father wants to keep me as a prisoner. What was his plan? To just lock me up until he decides he wants me to have babies with Cage.”

Bass growled. His hand caressed her face. “I will never let anyone hurt you again. I’ll keep you safe. Do you understand? You are mine, not his, and I will treat you like the queen you are. You’ll never be locked up again.”

was such a possessive word, yet coming from Bass, it sounded anything but.


“Yes, Katalina Winter, you are a queen, a very beautiful one,” he said softly, brushing his thumb over her face. “Now, let’s get you home.”

“Do you think Jackson will come looking for me there?” she asked. “And your father, will he not wonder where you are?”

“I’ve taken care of my father, and as for Jackson, he’ll most definitely come looking, but as long as you’re with your family he can’t just kidnap you. We may live outside of the law a lot of the time, but he couldn’t get away with taking you in front of humans. I’ll figure something out, just concentrate on dealing with all that’s happened and I’ll worry about Jackson. Okay?”

“What do you mean, ‘taken care of your father’?” she asked.

“Katalina, stop worrying, okay,” he answered a little sharply.

Katalina nodded her response, wondering why he was being cagy.

He smiled at her warmly and Katalina chose to leave the subject. She trusted him. Sebastian Evernight made her feel whole. He was the missing piece she’d never realized she’d been searching for.

He’d rescued her. He was taking her home and he’d gone against his pack for her. He’d said she intrigued him. He’d also said she was beautiful, a queen; but what did all that really mean? She needed to understand what was between them; she needed a real answer.

“Why, Bass, why are you taking me home? Why are you helping me? And don’t say I intrigue you. That’s not an answer.”

He glanced at her briefly, smiling. “You’re mine.”

“What does that even mean, Bass? Talk like a normal human being, will you?”

He chuckled softly at her.

“What’s so funny?” she said, frustrated.

“You are. I’m not human, Kat. I’m a shifter, just like you, and I’m talking just like a shifter.”

“Well, I was raised in the real world.”

He looked at her, a sparkle in his eyes. “So you were, and in the ‘real world’, as you put it, I’d say, I love you, Katalina Winter.”

Katalina couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe. He loved her, this gorgeous, sexy, boy, loved her! How was that even possible? They’d had a handful of meetings and stolen kisses, yet her heart raced when his words flittered through her.

“Your wolf was made for mine. They fit perfectly together. We were made for each other. You are mine and I am yours. You’re my mate, Katalina.”

She was mesmerized by his words. He spoke with such certainty that she found herself squeaking out, “Mate?”

“Yes, Kat, mate,” he chuckled again. “Can’t you feel it?”

There was a rightness to his words. “I knew you were coming. Before I even saw the truck. I knew it was you. I didn’t understand how, but deep down I knew.”

He took her hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing each of her knuckles. “Because you are my mate.”

Katalina moved closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. She soaked up the heat of him. “I love you, too, Bass.” Her words spilled from her without them even registering in her brain. She spoke from her heart. As soon as they filled the cab, she knew she had spoken the truth.

They drove on in silence, hands entwined, only stopping once to fill the truck with gas and to clean and bandage Katalina. Before long, Katalina dozed off, snuggled against Bass as he drove through the darkness. It had been a while since she’d felt truly safe, and with Bass she did. She trusted him.

She woke to Bass’s fingers stroking her face, his soft voice whispering against her skin, “You’re home, Katalina.”

She sat up, feeling suddenly wide-awake. It was still dark outside. A quick glance at the clock said it was one a.m.

“There’s a car parked out front.”

Katalina’s eyes scanned the drive, finding the car. “It’s my grandma’s. She must be here.” She leapt out the car, running for the front door, not caring about the sharp stones beneath her feet.

Bass was beside her in seconds, his dark eyes scanning all around. He positioned his body to protect. After a few loud bangs against the locked door, Katalina could hear feet shuffling toward the door. A light turned on above their heads, casting them in dim light.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, Gram.”

“Kat?” She heard the startled whisper and then the sound of a key turning.

Crap, what am I going to say? Too late now.

Just before the door opened, Katalina quickly kissed Bass on the mouth. “No mate talk in here. You’ll freak Gram out.”

Bass didn’t get chance to answer before the door was swung wildly open, and Katalina was dragged into the arms of her grandma.

“Oh, God, Kat, it’s you. It’s really you. I thought… Oh, thank God, you are safe. Let me get a look at you,” Grandma said, holding her at arm’s length, her eyes focusing on the white dressings on her shoulder and down her arm.

“I’m all right, Gram, nothing serious.”

“Well, I thought, after your mom and dad, well I…” her voice trailed off with emotion. Composing herself, she asked, “Where have you been, Kat?”

“Oh, I…erm”
Shit, shit, shit!
She glanced at Bass out of the corner of her eyes, hoping he had some idea of what to say.

“Her father found her on the side of the road, the other side of those woods. He took her to hospital, but she couldn’t remember who she was, or what had happened when she woke.”

Katalina’s grandmother gave a startled squeak, only just noticing Bass. “Kat, who is this?”

“Oh, erm, he’s my friend.”

Bass took a step forward, offering his hand, “Sebastian Evernight, but my friends call me Bass. It’s nice you meet you.”

Grandma took his hand, still looking startled. “I’m Kat’s grandmother, M-Mary. You said her father?”

“Her biological father.” Bass didn’t seemed fazed at all.

“And he didn’t think it was important to inform her family she was alive?”

“I’m certain he wasn’t aware she had any more family, and with Kat not having any memory, he was uncertain of what to do. Of course, when she recovered, I brought her straight here.”

“Where is he?”

“Gram,” Katalina jumped in, “I’m so tired. Can we talk about this in the morning, please?”

“Oh, yes, of course. You must be exhausted. Your friend can stay in the spare room.”

They stepped over the threshold, Arne scampering in and curling up in his bed.

“It’s so good to be home, hey, Arne?” Katalina smiled at her dog. “Come on, Bass. I’ll show you the way.”

With another quick hug, Katalina kissed her grandma on the cheek, and took Bass’s hand, dragging him off down the hall.

Her home wasn’t large. It had four bedrooms but the smallest was an office. Katalina walked past the spare room and realized her grandma had been asleep in there.

“He’ll have to stop in the office. I…I couldn’t bear to touch your parents’ room.”

Katalina swallowed down her tears as she walked past the next door. Slightly ajar, she caught a glimpse of her parents’ bed, still unmade as if they would be jumping back into it any moment.

“Here it is,” she said to Bass, overly cheerful.

He pulled her in for a hug. “There is no need to put on a brave face for me, Kat.”

“I’ll be fine,” she said, giving him a quick squeeze. “I’ll go find some sheets. I’m afraid it’s just a sofa bed. Hope that’s okay?”

He answered with a soft kiss to her forehead. She returned a few minutes later with an armful of sheets and blankets. Bass took them from her before she could make his bed.

“I’m capable of making my own bed. You need to rest, Katalina. Is that your room?” he said with a nod toward the door opposite.

“Yep, bathroom is next door. Do you need anything else?”

Bass smiled, a wicked smile, his eyes glancing down the hall and then back at her. The silver flecks sparkled as he spoke low and the awareness between them jumped. “Just one thing.” His words wrapped around her, making her shiver. His lips touched hers, softly at first, teasing, and then increased their pressure, becoming urgent. She moaned into his mouth, opening up for his tongue to explore, to taste.

Katalina pulled away breathlessly. “Bass, my grandma is just down the hall.”

He smiled again, that naughty, wicked smile, which made her weak at the knees. “She’s asleep. Can’t you hear her?”

“Of course I can’t—” Katalina’s words stuck in her throat. She could hear her. Her breaths were soft and even. “Wow.”

“It’s about time you started using your new senses, Katalina.”

“Hmm, I still need to go sleep, Bass. I can’t spend the rest of the night kissing you.”

BOOK: Winter Wolf (A New Dawn Novel Book 1)
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