Winnie Mandela (50 page)

Read Winnie Mandela Online

Authors: Anné Mariè du Preez Bezdrob

Tags: #Winnie Mandela : a Life

BOOK: Winnie Mandela
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African National Congress
Azanian People’s Organisation
Bureau of State Security
Black Parents’ Association
Congress of South African Trade Unions
Mandela Crisis Committee
Mass Democratic Movement
Umkhonto we Sizwe, armed wing of the ANC
Mandela United Football Club
National Directorate of Public Prosecutions
Non-European Unity Movement
National Union of South African Students
Pan Africanist Congress
Progressive Federal Party
post-traumatic stress disorder
South African Communist Party
South African Defence Force
South African Police
South African Students’ Organisation
Soweto Youth Congress
Soweto Students’ Representative Council
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Urban Bantu Council
United Democratic Front






royal mourning ritual, requiring Zulu warriors to ‘wash’ their spears in enemy blood

regiment of Zulu warriors

traditional soap made from herbs

witch doctor

traditional cowhide skirt worn by Xhosa maidens

tribes or clans

derogatory term for blacks, now outlawed in South Africa as hate speech

blanket made from animal skins

rural settlement or cattle pen

bride price, traditionally paid by potential bridegroom to bride’s father in cattle

it must return (political slogan as in
Mayibuye iAfrika! –
Africa must return)

derogatory term for a black woman

literally ‘the crushing’, used to describe bloody conquests of Zulu king, Shaka

white person

black person

medicine or potion made up by witch doctor

to the people (traditional response to ANC slogan

traditional round dwelling with clay walls and thatched roof

illicit township beer house

street thugs

spirit of mutual support, caring for the well-being of others

indigenous grass used to weave traditional sleeping mats

traditional Xhosa dish of sour milk and coarse maize meal porridge

open country or grassland

Nelson and Winnie Mandela on their wedding day on 14 June 1958


With her daughters Zeni and Zindzi in 1975


Winnie and Reverend Buthelezi at the funeral of Hector Petersen, the first victim in the Soweto uprising


Winnie was exiled to the small Free State town of Brandfort, 400 kilometres away from her home in Soweto


At her home in Brandfort


Winnie and Zindzi


Winnie and others give the Black Power salute at a rally in 1985


Nelson and Winnie at home in Soweto in 1990


Winnie and TRC chairperson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu


Arriving late for a rally on 16 June 2001, Winnie greets President Thabo Mbeki, before he pushes her aside and knocks off her cap. The incident confirmed the sour relations between the two

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