Read Will's Rockie Way Online

Authors: Peggy Hunter

Tags: #Erotic Romance Contemporary

Will's Rockie Way (11 page)

BOOK: Will's Rockie Way
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“I don’t want to think about it,” she told him as she tilted her head back. “We have one night left together and I don’t want to think beyond that.”

Will smiled down at her. “My sweet Rockie,” he said before his mouth landed on her succulent lips.

Rockie moaned as his hands pulled at her bathrobe and pushed it over her shoulders. His hands slid down to her tight buttocks, glided up her back and gently massaged her shoulders.

God, her warm flesh felt so good against his. He knew he’d never get enough of her. Not in a million years!

His hands slid between them to cup her breasts and gently knead her nipples. She moaned as her head fell back, allowing him to glide his tongue over her sweet throat.

He moaned when her arms fell from his shoulders and her hands cupped his erect need. While one hand gently cupped and massaged his balls, the other circled his swollen penis and softly slid back and forth over the sensitive skin.

“I love touching your cock,” she whispered in his ear. “It’s so hard but the skin is so soft.”

“My cock loves your touch,” Will growled, barely able to contain himself. If she kept it up, he wouldn’t last long. He pulled her hands away from him. “But I want to taste you again,” he said. “It’s been way too long since I’ve tasted your pussy.”

As Will attempted to push her down on the bed, she leapt out of his grip. “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander,” she said. “I want to taste you, too.”

“I might explode in your mouth,” he said honestly.

Rockie grinned. “I don’t have a problem with that.”

Will smiled back at her and laid back on the bed. Rockie quickly straddled him, her knees on either side of his face as she braced her hands on either side of his hips.

She dipped to touch his cock with her tongue and Will shuddered with his own need. His fingers opened the lips of her vagina and slowly stroked her clit before he pulled her hips down onto his face. Rockie cried out in sheer pleasure as he ran his tongue and teeth against her.

Rockie valiantly tried to pleasure him but with each stroke of his tongue against her sensitive core, she found herself gasping and fighting the pleasure he brought her. When Will slowed his assault, she slowly took him into her mouth and laved her tongue over him. He knew the game would be over moments after it began if he allowed Rockie to continue.

He stepped up his efforts to bring her pleasure hoping she’d lose focus on his cock. As he sucked and lapped her clit again, he slipped two fingers inside her. Rockie cried out, a garbled sound since her mouth was filled with his erection. As her mouth slid up his shaft, she clenched her teeth against the erotic pleasure Will was causing.

Will howled in pain when her teeth closed on the tip of his penis. He pushed her off him and quickly rolled on top of her.

“I’m sorry,” she gasped. “I didn’t mean to bite you.”

Will knew she hadn’t done it on purpose but wasn’t able to find the words. His entire body was consumed with his need for her. He settled in the saddle of her hips and stabbed forward. Her sweet core opened to accept him. She sighed as he filled her.

Will’s mouth covered hers in a deep kiss before he planted his hands on either side of her head and raised his torso above her. Her eyes gazed up at him as he pumped inside her. She lifted her hips to meet him with every stroke. Their bodies smacked together in the age old rhythm.

As they reached the pinnacle together, Will knew one thing for certain. He would never let Rockie go. He loved her with all his heart.

Chapter 12

Roxanne’s heart ached as she stood in the airport waiting for their flight to board.

Will had done it again. After an incredible night of lovemaking, he was gone when she woke in the morning. Only this time was different. This time, she knew she’d never see him again.

The flight for Calgary had left an hour ago, taking with it all her hopes and dreams for a future with Will. He’d promised her nothing;she had no reason to hope for anything more. If nothing else came of the trip, at least she knew that Will had wanted her. Nope, he didn’t love her, never would. But at least he’d wanted her, if only for a few days.

Flight 4X742Z for Toronto, Canada is now boarding at gate twenty-five.

Roxanne sighed. Time to go home. Time to pick up where she’d left off before spring break. Just how she’d do that was anyone’s guess. So much had happened in the past week…so much that altered her life. Nothing would ever be the same again.

Roxanne held off until the last possible moment to board the plane. Part of her hoped Will would show up at the last minute and declare his love for her.

You crazy, romantic fool!
Roxanne finally boarded the plane and waited in the aisle to take her seat. She smiled at an attendant when the woman asked to see Roxanne’s ticket.

“Oh, Ms. Way,” the attendant said. “You’ve been bumped out of your seat.”

Roxanne blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

The attendant smiled. “It happens from time to time. The airline overbooked the flight. You’ve been bumped to first class.” She pointed to her right. “You have to go that way.”

Roxanne peered back at the cramped seating on the plane. If she had to be bumped, first class was definitely the way to go. An attendant just inside the first class door looked at her ticket. “Ms. Way, you’re in seat Five B. I’ll be along to see to your needs as soon as we’re airborne.”

She found her seat and reveled in the leg room the moment she sat down. If she had to go home alone, at least she’d go comfortably. Roxanne leaned back in the plush seat and closed her eyes.

“Excuse me, Ms. Way?”

Roxanne opened her eyes as the attendant stood over her. “Yes?”

She smiled softly. “I’m afraid you’re in the wrong seat,” she said. “I have the gentleman who is in seat Five A. I’m sorry, ma’am, but you’ll have to move over one seat.”

“No biggie,” Roxanne said as she quickly moved from one plush seat to the next. She closed her eyes again.

“Ms. Way?”

Roxanne clamped her eyes closed. “Yes?”

“It’s the airline’s policy to introduce our first class passengers to each other when they sit together.”

“I really don’t care who sits beside me—”

“This is William Sheridan,” the attendant continued.

What? Was it possible?
Roxanne squeezed one eye open and peered up.
Will! It was Will!

She sat up and she peered at him. “I don’t understand,” she said. “You’re supposed to be on a flight to Calgary right now.”

Will nodded to the attendant before he took the seat beside her. “There’s only one place I belong,” he said. “And that’s with you. I hope you have room for me in your apartment because I’m going to need a place to stay for the next few nights.”

Roxanne blinked. It was too much for her to take in.

Will smiled as he leaned over and kissed her on the lips. “Don’t you get it?” When she shook her head, he continued. “I love you, too,” he said simply. “And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t leave my job in Calgary until the end of the school year, but I found a sub to cover for me for a few days.”

Roxanne still couldn’t find the words as she grappled with the fact that Will was actually there beside her. He continued.

“Do you remember Brandi?”

She nodded numbly.

“Her father’s been asking me to work in one of his schools for ages now. That’s what we were talking about when you came upon us. So, since you said you loved me, and I know I love you, I think it’s time for me to move back to Toronto.”

Roxanne’s heart thudded in her chest. He’d said the words so casually and yet… “You love me?”

“Yes,” he said. “I think I’ve been in love with you since college. I was just too stupid to recognize it.” He took her hand in his and pressed it against his chest. “But I’m a lot smarter now. I know enough not to let a good thing go. And you, Rockie Way, are far too good to let go.”

Roxanne was about to leap into his arms when the captain announced that they were about to take off. She quickly snapped her seat belt into place and gazed at him through tear-filled eyes. “The second we’re airborne, I intend to show you just how happy I am.”

“I’ll hold you to it,” Will said with a devilish grin.


Peggy Hunter lives in Midwestern Ontario, Canada with her husband, son and way too many pets. 

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