Read Wilde Velvet Online

Authors: Deila Longford

Wilde Velvet (20 page)

BOOK: Wilde Velvet
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“Then enlighten me, Ashley.”
she says bitterly. I am genuinely shocked and speechless right now. This isn’t my friend. Sydney doesn’t act this way. She’s never spiteful or arrogant, but now she oozes those qualities.

“Listen to yourself. This isn’t you.” I state. Sydney eyes turn dark and I prepare myself to feel her wrath.

“Listen to me? Listen to you. You’re the one acting spoilt and selfish. Do you even care about anyone other than yourself?” Sydney snaps furiously at me.

“How dare you,”

“What have I touched a nerve? It’s true, you never think about anyone
than yourself. You can’t even admit how feel about Jonathon. You have that poor guy’s head so messed up, that he
himself to sleep every night. You think that the world is yours and that everyone else just lives in it. I have had enough. I don’t know who you are anymore.” Sydney slams her hand down onto the surface of the table, and then she springs to her feet. She grabs her shopping bag and then she marches away from me. I watch as she violently pushes past the new customers entering the coffee shop. I am speechless. Have I really changed? My head falls into my hands and a light tear forms in my eye. I don’t think that I have changed. I am still me. I don’t understand how Sydney could just blow on me like that. My heads messed up. I can’t stay here any longer. I grab my shopping bags and I quickly pay the cheque. I scramble out of the coffee shop into the crowded mall. I head in the direction of the exit, pulling my phone out of my pocket as I do. I dial Jonathon’s number. I need a ride home and I hate to admit it, but I need someone to talk to. Right now, he’s the only person that I want to see.

Jonathon agreed to pick me up from the mall. He didn’t need much persuading either. I just had to mention that I needed him and he came running to my aid. He drove me back to my apartment. We talked on the way. He was surprised at how Sydney reacted. As I told him about our conflict, I myself still could not believe it. I can’t begin to understand why Sydney would act like that. I am shocked to my core over her choice of words. I had no idea that she felt that way about me. She said some pretty hurtful things and I have no idea why. She had me so confused. One minute she was telling me that Austin was whisking her away to Paris
, and the next she was asking me to spy on him. That’s something which I feel very strongly about. She put me in such an awkward position. There’s no way that I would spy on her boyfriend. What if I did see him doing something that wasn’t right, could I really tell her about it? Would she thank me for it if I did? I try to make my friends happy, not to make them sad by ratting out their boyfriends. I don’t know what Sydney was thinking. I don’t get her. I am beginning to think that her outburst has a deeper meaning, and that her issues go beyond me spying on Austin. Either way my day has turned into a nightmare. To make matters worse, I have to meet Jonathan’s parents when I have all this hanging over my shoulders, great.

“So I’ll pick you up around seven,” Jonathon says as he lightly kisses the top of my head. His breath blows against my forehead and my eyes slightly close from his tender embrace. He backs away from me, sensing that I’m still a little upset. He extends his arm and gently runs his fingers along my cheek. I sigh and bask in this tender moment with him. His deep, dark eyes bore into mine, soothing me with a daunting stare. “Don’t worry. I don’t like to see your beautiful face this way. Sydney will come round in time and anyway, you were right to say no to what she asked you to do.” I force a smile as I wrap my arms around his neck. I squeeze him as I stand on my tip-toes. He
holds onto me until my feet start to ache. I am the one who pulls back first. He pushes a loose strand of hair away from my face, and then he heads for the door. I fold my arms and watch as he leaves. “See you tonight … angel.”

It’s ten to seven and I have pampered and buffed every inch of my body. I have styled my hair into a French braid, which is carefully drooped to one side. I have slipped on my new white dress and shoes. Now all I have to do is apply some make up. I go for a smoky eye and bold lip colour. I finish with a light spray of perfume
, and then I make my way into the living area. My phone buzzes against the glass coffee table. I stomp over in my new heels and I am careful not fall from their four inch height. I smack my painted lips together as I see that my mom is calling. I quickly answer her. I hope everything is alright.

“Hey Mom,”
I say trying to sound upbeat. I am still upset about earlier, and I feel like crying at the very thought of what happened. But I know that I can’t. I don’t want my mom to worry. She has a lot on her mind with the wedding being so close. I don’t want to add to her stress.
“What’s up
?” I ask still sounding bright.

“Nothing dear, just checking in with my ‘superstar’ is all
.” My mom says in a proud voice. I feel tense, but happy at the same time. I am glad that my mom is proud of me. God knows I haven’t given her many reasons to be proud in the past.
“How have you been dear? And how’s every one, your friend Sydney and that dashing Mr Wilde.”
I blush at my mom’s words. She practically forced me to describe Jonathon over the phone. She had sensed that things between Jonathon and I had changed, so she wanted to know the full story. I spared her some of the more awkward details, but at the same time, it did feel good to talk to her about him. I know that she would love him.

“Sydney’s … good, she has a boyfriend now.”
I mask my pain about Sydney. I don’t want to add more to my mom’s already full plate.
“And Mr Wilde is amazing as ever. But I do have some bad news about Sydney. She’s not coming to the wedding.”

“Why? I was really looking forward to meeting her.”

“I know, but she has other … plans.”

… what is more important than the wedding of your best friend’s mom?”
I laugh at her comment. My mom is ever the joker.

“Apparently a trip to Paris with her new boyfriend is.”

“You’re still coming, aren’t you?”

“Of course I am. I’ll just be flying solo.”
My mom is quiet and I fear that I know what her next words are going to be.

“Why don’t you ask Mr Wilde to join you?”
And there it is the words that I was dreading.

“Mom, I can’t.”

“Why not, what’s stopping you?”

“Everything, you know how it is.”

“I know dear, but you need to move on and Mr Wilde, seems like the perfect guy to move on to.”

“Mom you haven’t even met him.”

“I know, but I know that he’s a good guy from your description. And I’ll bet anything that you’re smiling right now.”
Dam it. The smile that has plastered my face is now irritating me. My mom knows me too well.
“Your silence tells me everything that I need to know.”
I say goodbye to my mom as the door buzzes. I stand and smooth out my dress. I take a deep breath and I carefully walk over to the door. My heart is racing. I softly turn the door-knob and I pull the door towards me. I gasp when I see him. He is dressed in a three-piece-suit, black on black with a matching tie. His hair is even longer and pushed off his face into a dark quiff. His black diamond eyes are glossy and sinful. He takes my breath away, as he stands in front of me with a large bouquet of white roses. His lips lightly twitch at the sides, as I look at the amazing flowers and then at him. My blue eyes lock on his. He’s now smiling that devilish smile. I gently shake my head, he’s too perfect.

“These are for you,” he says passing me the flowers. I smile at him.

“There’re beautiful,” I say thanking him with a nod. He moves closer to me, filling the space that burns between us. His hand moves and ends up on my cheek. I look up at him and I melt.

“No, the flowers were ordinary … until now. You’ve made them beautiful with
beauty.” My heart skips a beat at his sweet words. I have to compose myself. I could easily drop the flowers to the ground and wrap my arms around his neck. I want his kiss, but I know that course of action would make me look psychotic. Instead, I flash him another smile as I move away from him. I walk back into the apartment. I set the flowers down onto the small table by the sofa. I franticly begin to search for a vase. Jonathon makes his way into the lounge. He sets himself down onto the sofa, answering a text on his phone in the process. I finally spot an empty vase in the spare bedroom. I grab it and dash towards the kitchen. I fill the vase with water and then I start back for the lounge. My heels click against the wooden floor. The flowers look lovely as I set them in the vase. I gently pat the rose heads, fixing them upright and then I set the vase onto the coffee table. I turn to Jonathon, he’s eyeing me intently. I blush as I wonder what he’s thinking. He checks the time on his expensive watch, and he almost looks annoyed that it’s time to go. He slumps from the sofa and he buttons his suit jacket as he stands. I grab my white clutch bag from the coffee, table as he offers me his arm. I take his offer and he politely kisses me on the cheek. He escorts me out of the apartment, and into the elevator this time and then into his car. I buckle-up as he speeds off into the warm LA night.

“You seem ... tense. Are you alright?” Jonathon asks as he pulls my hand away from my mouth. “Don’t bite your nails.”
he commands. I nervously place my hands onto my lap. My stomach is in knots and I can’t believe that I am about to meet his family.

“I’m really nervous.” I confess. Jonathon briefly makes eye contact with me as we stop in a line of traffic.

“What are you nervous about?” I stare blankly at him. Is he for real?

“I’m nervous about meeting your family, duh!”
his expression changes from light to thunderous in a matter of seconds.

“Don’t be.”

“How can I not be? It’s human nature to be nervous when meeting a … boy …” I trail off. Crap I have already said too much. My cheeks burst into flames.

“Don’t stop, finish that sentence.” I shake my head at him. “C’mon what were you gonna say?”
he insists. I blush even harder.

“Nothing. F
orget it.” he laughs at me.

“You were gonna say … boyfriend weren’t you?”
he says smugly. I gently slap his leg, as I try to lighten the mood and move on from my embarrassment.

“I wasn’t. Can we please move on?” I say playfully. Jonathan sniggers as he pushes his foot down onto the gas pedal.

“Okay,” his tone is sarcastic and smug. I grit my teeth and let this one go. The streets of LA are rushing by and I can’t help but think about Sydney. I hate that we have argued, and I feel terrible about some of the things she said to me. I don’t know why she would put me in such a horrible position, and now I have to go to Dallas on my own.
Thanks for that one Sid.

We seem to arrive in Beverly Hills sooner than expected
, and boy am I my nervous. The luscious homes pass by. I am stunned at their splendour. Never have I have seen such a vision. The road is steep and we seem to keep on climbing. Jonathon finally slows down at two impressive white gates. We join the line of expensive cars that are waiting to enter. The dark of the LA night is drawing in, and all I can see stretched out in front of me, is glowing tail lights. The cars in front slowly move forward and Jonathon sighs as we near the house. I shoot him a darting look, he looks nervous. My heart begins to pound. If he’s nervous then why shouldn’t I be? My hands start to shake as we grow even closer to the house. My eyes tear away from his and onto the stunning house.
Holy crap that’s one amazing crib.
The lawn is amazing, with a large water feature situated in the middle. Glowing lights line the walkway to the impressive front door. Roses and ivy climb the walls. Soft lit candles fill the water feature and Spanish style music is playing. My heart is thumping; I’m really out of my depth here. These people are from another world and there’s no way that I fit in. I always knew that Jonathon was rich, but never to this extent. His house is like something out of dream. I am way out of my league.

The valet guy kindly opens the door for Jonathon and then for me.
I fix my dress as I stand and I smooth out my loose plait. My hands are still shaking and Jonathon seems tense. He tries to mask his anxiety by smiling at me as he wraps his arm around my waist. He whisks me to the front door, exchanging hello’s with everyone he sees in the process. The front door is wide open and we just barge into the house. Well to me it felt like barging in, but to Jonathon he’s simply going home. Inside the house is even more beautiful than the outside. The floors are white marble; the stair case is gold and cream and spirals at both sides. Portraits and expensive art, that I will never understand, hangs neatly on the white walls. Beautiful chandeliers light up the wide entrance. White orchids delicately sit on every one of the side tables, and the scent of lavender pricks at my senses. Jonathon tightly grabs onto my waist as he leads me further into the house. We enter a large, soft lit room. Slow music is playing as couples dance and sip champagne. Everyone is dressed so tastefully. I have never seen so many diamonds in one room. I glance down at my outfit and I sigh
. I don’t fit in here.
I barely have time to think when a woman rushes towards us. She is dressed in a black cocktail dress that hugs her curves. She has dark glossy hair that’s swept into an up do. Her make-up is impeccable, her skin flawless. She is stunning and very familiar. She reaches us and my heart begins to pound when she throws her arms around Jonathon. She grips onto him for what seems like forever. Her arms are draped around him and his gripped onto her. I smile at the sight, he clearly adores his mom.

BOOK: Wilde Velvet
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