Read Wilde Fire Online

Authors: Chloe Lang

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

Wilde Fire (7 page)

BOOK: Wilde Fire
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had. It was like he knew what she was thinking and was planning

what to do next to keep her jumping.

She must make sure when they met again that Austin knew she

wasn’t a pushover.
With him, I just might be. Damn it!
Well, better to fake confidence than to let him see her unnerved like she was now.

“What are you worried about, Michael?”

Phoenix had promised to take her back to the Hotel Cactus, and

she expected him to be back any moment. She wanted to be off the

phone before the sexy cowboy showed.

“Plenty, Jessica. You up and leave DC without a word to me.

What if I had headed down there and found your apartment empty?”

Michael didn’t work. He lived off a massive trust fund from his

grandparents. More carefree than anyone else she knew, he jetted

around the globe, enjoying the upper tier parties with other elite Peter Pans.

“I’m fine. It’s my job.”

“When are you going to stop being silly? All you need to do is

give in to your dad, and your trust fund opens up to you. You could come to Belize with me next week.”

Michael had never seemed to understand her desire to work, to

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hold a job. Her trust fund wasn’t quite as large as his, but big enough so that she’d never have to work should she choose. Her father

managed her money and made it very clear that if she wanted to have a job, it would be with his firm. When she hadn’t applied to law

school, he’d told her how displeased he was at her decision. Then her father had frozen her monies.

“You know I’m not going to cave to my father. He thinks he

knows what’s best for me, but he doesn’t. I’m proud of what I’ve

done, and no matter what he says or does, I’m going down the path of my choosing, not his.”

“You’ve always stuck to your guns, Jessica. You’re really

something else. I couldn’t have done what you did. How long did you work at that restaurant as a waitress?”

“You know, dummy. The entire time I was in college.” With her

part-time job and some student loans, she’d paid for her undergrad

and then her engineering degree. It had been the first time she’d ever gone against her father’s wishes. As hard as it had been, it had felt liberating. But now the distance between her and her father seemed


“Remember the time I almost got you fired there?”

“How can I forget? You came in with the entire cast of that off-

Broadway show wearing lampshades on your heads. You made such a

fool of yourself. What did that end up costing you?”

“Ten grand for the damages, I think.”

“You almost got me fired.”

“You sound different. I know something is up. You can’t lie to

me, Jessica. I always can tell. So fess up.”

On the night Michael had told her that he was gay, she pushed

down her own feelings. He needed her. She supposed they had always

been friends, more than lovers. Obviously. They fooled around, sure.

But his refusal to have intercourse, claiming he wanted to wait until their honeymoon, should have been clue enough. But it hadn’t. He

was so sweet, tender, and doting. He lived across the hall from her

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from grade three on. He’d been the one she turned to when she

learned her mother had cancer. During that time her father had

instructed her that she had to have a brave face. She was never

allowed to cry in their home. It had been Michael who let her cry on his shoulder. He knew her better than anyone.

“I don’t know where to start.” Could she really tell him the truth?

What would he think about her having sex with not one but four sexy cowboys?

“So you’re in this itty-bitty town working on an investigation at

some mine. Start there.”

“I’ve met some interesting people.”

“Tell me about these people. Who are they?”

“They’re brothers. Cowboys.”

“Are you serious? Naughty girl! Did you go to bed with one of

them?” Michael’s tone was a mix of doubts and amusement.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I did.”

“You didn’t?” The shock in his voice pleased her.

“Believe it or not.”

“A little fling with a broad shoulder cowboy... tell me more.”

“It might be more than just a fling.”

“I knew you’d fall for the first person you finally went to bed

with. Trust me, doll, there will be others.”

His words pissed her off, and she blurted out, “By the way, I

didn’t just go to bed with one of them, I went to bed with four of



She immediately regretted her confession. “I’m just teasing,” she

said, hoping he would buy it.

“No, you’re not.” He sounded worried. “Jessica, this isn’t like

you. In fact, this could be dangerous. Who are these guys?”

“Just some guys that I met the first night I got to Wilde.”

“You’re not telling me everything.” His tone was sharp.

“Michael, I know you mean well. You always do. But I’m a big

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“You’re also my best friend. Be reasonable. You’re inexperienced

about these kinds of things.”

“Not anymore. We’re not engaged anymore, so I’m free to do

what I want, and it’s none of your business.” Silence. She wished she hadn’t sounded so terse. Michael meant well, and she did care deeply for him. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

“It’s okay. I deserve that and a lot more. But, Jessica, I don’t want you to get hurt. Does your dad know where you’re at?”

“Going for the jugular, are you?”

“No. Just wondering. He left me a voice mail yesterday. You

know he never calls me. Said he was worried about you.”

“Please, don’t call him back. I’ll take care of it.”

“You have to tell him about us. There are too many people that

know. He’s going to find out that we’re not together anymore. It’s

been almost a year.”

God, she didn’t want to face the nightmare right now. All she

wanted to do was get through this investigation. She felt the knots in her shoulder tighten. “I will tell my father, but in my own time. When it’s right.”

“Okay. I’ll do whatever you want.”

“At least another two weeks, probably three.”

“I’ve always wanted to see the Wild West. Maybe I should come

out. Make sure you’re okay. My pilot is out ill, so I would have to fly commercial. Yuck.”

“Michael, don’t you dare come here. You would hate it, and I

know your boyfriend would hate it even more.”

Michael choked out, “Well, he’s not in the picture anymore.”

“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

“I’m dealing. Perhaps meeting some hot cowboys might lift my

mood.” He laughed.

“You’re a devil. Just stay put, and leave the cowboys to me. I’ll

call you in a couple of days.”


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“You better.”

“I promise.”

Phoenix walked into the waiting room and sent her a big grin.

“Lovya, Jessica.”

She didn’t want to say it back with Phoenix listening. “Me, too.

I’ll talk to you later.”

“Doll, when—”

She hit the end button. “Hey.”

“You ready to go, angel?”

“I am.”

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Chapter Seven

Jessie sat in her bed and held her cell to her ear, listening to


“Darlin’, I really miss you.” Hearing his voice sent amazing chills through her.

“I miss you, too.” She’d only known him a little over a week, and

yet she already hated being apart from him.

“Another day or two, and I should be back in Wilde. How’s the

investigation going?”

“Slower than I’d like. Your brother Austin is something else.”

He laughed. “I’m sure you’ll warm up to him in time.”

“I’m not sure about that, and I doubt he’ll ever warm up to me.

Are your dad and uncles with you in Colorado?”

“Uncles?” He sounded puzzled. “I believe that they’re on their


“I thought you were with Wilde Mine’s three co-presidents.

Daniel, Craig, and Dillon Wilde.”

“Ah. Yes, they’re here.”

“Which one is your dad?”

“Let’s not talk about my family right now.”

“Okay.” Jessie wondered if her question had hit a sensitive subject with Jackson. Did he have an issue with his dad that he wasn’t ready to share?

“Besides, I’d rather talk about us, darlin’.”

She felt a shiver shoot through her body at his word

“What are you wearing right now?”

She looked down at her clothing. She considered lying, but didn’t.


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“Bra and panties.”

“Fuck yes. I can see your hot body in my head. What color are



“Are they lacy like your pink ones?”

“Yes.” Something stirred in her core.

“Excellent, sweetheart. When I come back, I want you wearing

nothing at all. Understand?”

“Yes.” Her body warmed up. “I’m not sure I can get off this way,

Jackson. I’ve tried it a couple of times, and it’s never worked for me.”

“You’ve never tried it with me, sweetheart. I think you’ll enjoy


“I’ll try.” Getting into the spirit of things, she asked, “What about you, cowboy? What do you have on?”

“That’s my girl. Love it. I’m on my bed and stretched out stroking

my cock, thinking about what I want to do to you the moment I see

you again. I’ve been hard for you the whole time I’ve been away. I

just have to taste that pretty pussy.”

“Mmm.” His explicit language had her trembling with desire.

“I want to take care of you, darlin’, and get you addicted to the

pleasure I can give you. The instant I get to your hotel room, I’m

going to rip off your clothes and run my hands over every part of your body.”

She recalled how amazing his touch was, and she felt dampness

from her pussy. The wickedness of listening to him talk dirty on the phone was working to get her insides clenching for more.

“You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. The first thing

I’m going to do is to kiss you until you think you’re going to pass out.”

Jessie chewed on her lower lip, imagining his mouth pressing

there. “Uh-huh.”

“Then I’m going to suck on your neck, feeling your pulse


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Even on the phone, Jackson’s virility worked to get her hot and


“Oh, sweetheart. Your skin tastes amazing.”

Closing her eyes, she put her free hand up to her neck where he

promised to kiss her.

“I’m going to spend some time on your flawless breasts. Fuck, I

love them.”

Jessie moved her hand down to her chest, remembering how his

callous hands felt on her skin.

“I will suck on those pretty little nipples until you think you’ll go mad.”

She touched her bits of flesh with her fingers, pretending they

were his lips.

“You still with me, darlin’?”

“Y-yes.” Then she moaned as she tweaked her nipple.

“Sweetheart, I’m on fire for you. Fuck.”

Her breaths came faster and faster as she played with her chest.

“W-what next, J-Jackson? Don’t stop talking. Please.”

“I’m going to lick every inch of your body until you beg me to

take you. But I will hold back until I’m certain you’re insane with cravings. You’ll cry out for me to take you, and still, I won’t enter your tight, pretty cunt.”

“T-take me. Please.” She moved her hands over her belly and


“Not yet. Not until you’re clawing my back, thinking you can’t

take another second of my wicked teasing.”

“G-God!” She leaned back into her pillow, writhing on the bed.

“Tell me, Jessie. Are you good and wet for me?”

She touched her mound and found she was. “Uh-huh.”

Jackson’s breathing was erratic and labored, but he continued his

dirty talk, thrilling her beyond reason. “I’m going to lap up every drop of your sweet cream.”

“G-God! I-I’m close.” Her fingers splayed through her swollen


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“Good girl. Touch your clit, now. Think of me.”

She obeyed and pressed on the bundle of nerves. An image of

Jackson on top of her, plundering her insides with his cock whirled in her mind. She could almost feel his weight on top of her. She clutched her cell, and continued flattening out her clit.

Jackson yelled through the phone.

Everything inside her went kablooey, detonating every cell in her

body. Her womb convulsed and carnal sensations took her on a ride.

Her body shook like a leaf in the wind, and she screamed her lover’s name over and over. “Jackson! Jackson! Jackson!”

* * * *

“Sweetheart, are you awake?” Jackson whispered.

Jessie stirred. Her cell was still to her ear. The orgasm had sent

her to the moon and back, and she’d drifted off as the last of the

climatic vibrations weakened. Who knew phone sex could be so

amazing? “I am. How long have I been out?”

“Thirty minutes.”

“You didn’t hang up?”

“No, sweetheart. I wanted to say goodnight.” That he’d waited

made her feel so special.

“That’s sweet.”

“Darlin’, I’m really glad you’re spending time with Phoenix.”

She stiffened. “You are?” Did Jackson have any sincere feelings

for her at all?


None of what he said made sense. “I don’t understand how.

Surely, you know your brother wants more from me than just a dinner partner. Don’t I mean something to you more than a cheap thrill?”

BOOK: Wilde Fire
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