Read Wild: Tiger's Blood MC Online

Authors: Heather West

Wild: Tiger's Blood MC (4 page)

BOOK: Wild: Tiger's Blood MC
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Chapter Five







“Grace?” I whispered her name softly, not wanting to wake her harshly. The sunlight was streaming in through the windows of the hotel and reflecting on her soft blonde hair. Her skin was pale in the early light of the morning, and I knew that she was probably barely asleep, still dreaming of things I didn’t even know about.


Grace opened her eyes and yawned softly. “Elliot, it’s so early,” she whined. “Why did you wake me up?”


I couldn’t help but grin. “Happy birthday, baby,” I said, leaning down and kissing her on the cheek. Grace blushed and buried her face in the pillows, wriggling around in the nest of blankets. I watched as her small breasts rose and fall with the force of her breathing and my cock began to stiffen in my pants. I wanted her; when I was around Grace, I always wanted her. She was the most incredible woman I’d ever known, and today was finally gonna be the day that I’d ask her to become my wife.


“What is it?” Grace moaned. “I haven’t brushed yet,” she added when I tried to lean down to kiss her. Grace wriggled away and then sat up. The sheet fell away from her naked torso, exposing breasts capped perfectly with pink nipples. I dropped my jaw and rolled my eyes back in my head, pretending to drool.


“You kill me every time,” I croaked with desire as Grace slipped out of bed and pulled a blue silk robe around her perfect, lithe body. “Don’t you know what you do to me?”


“I have to shower,” Grace teased. “I’m dirty from those three times last night!”


I closed my eyes and thought about our heavenly fucking from the previous night. Grace and I had been living together for about three months, and I loved it. While my friends teased me about being whipped by the pussy, I couldn’t get over how she made me feel. She was incredible; she was the kind of woman I wanted to change my life for.


Grace and I had grown up together. Our parents had been best friends, and while they hadn’t been great parents, we’d taken care of each other. I’d been the one defending Grace against bullies in the schoolyard and she’d been the one who helped me learn how to multiply and divide when I was almost about to flunk the fifth grade. We always had each other’s backs. I couldn’t think of a day when I wouldn’t want to be around Grace, loving and cherishing her.


If any of the guys could read my mind, they’d never talk to me again. Being with Grace went against everything else in my life. To everyone else, I was a tough guy, a real outlaw. I was in a motorcycle club with ambitions to lead it someday, and I wasn’t going to let some chick stand in the way of that. But Grace wasn’t just some chick. She was a perfect woman who understood me, and I knew that she was always willing to go the extra mile for me. My friends didn’t understand our bond, but I didn’t care. As long as we had each other, I knew that I’d always be happy.


“So,” Grace said, after she emerged from the bathroom. Her pale blonde hair was clinging to her forehead and she looked beautiful. “What is it?”


I grinned. “Well, first we’re having breakfast,” I said. “Then we’re gonna go on a long ride, and then we can do whatever you want.”


Grace pouted. She threw her towel at my face and I swiped it to the floor, staring lewdly at her perfect body. “It’s my birthday,” Grace whined. “Why do you get to decide everything?”


I laughed. The ring box in my pocket felt heavier than ever and I shifted my hips so she wouldn’t see me trying to conceal it. “Because I know what you want,” I said softly, stepping closer and running a finger down Grace’s bare back. “I know exactly what you want.”


Grace turned to me with her eyes wide open and her lips slightly parted. Her breath was coming in damp bursts and I could see a pink flush rising from her neck and covering her cheeks. She stepped closer and wrapped her damp arms around me, pulling me close and pressing her warm lips to mine. She tasted like soap and toothpaste and I closed my eyes as Grace slipped her tongue into my mouth. She moaned softly as I squeezed her firm ass and slid my fingers between her thighs, feeling her wetness on the soft skin of her shaven pussy. I loved the way Grace’s body felt against mine—like we were made for each other, like we had to fit together. As my cock stiffened between my legs, Grace reached down and rubbed me gently through my jeans. She glanced up at me with a playful smile on her face.


“What do you say about staying in bed for a little while before breakfast?” Grace licked her lips and sat back on the bed, spreading her legs.


I got down on my knees and crawled towards her, soaking in the heavenly scent of her pussy. As I licked the inside of her thigh, Grace moaned and I felt a shudder of lust rip through me. It wasn’t enough to be with Grace like this, I wanted to fuck her until every muscle in my body was sore and crying out for relief.


Grace moaned and pushed her hips towards me, shoving her fragrant, clean pussy in my face. I licked her soft skin before finding her clit with my tongue and sucking the hard little bead until Grace was crying out with pleasure
Grace’s juices were flowing down my face and soaking the little beard that I was growing. My own pleasure grew with each passing moment until I wanted to throw her back on the bed and fuck her wildly, without abandon. Grace was moaning and humping my face. Her hands were tangled in my hair and I knew she was having the ride of her life. I slipped a finger inside her wetness and began to wriggle it around as Grace moaned loudly. Her hips shook and I could feel a fine sheen of sweat had broken out over her body. When she came, she screamed. I felt every muscle in Grace’s body tensing and then releasing with a delicious, pulsating pleasure. Grace had the loudest, sexiest orgasms that I’d ever heard and it drove me wild just listening to her get pleasured.


“Enough,” I said, pulling away and wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Grace looked down at me with a sexy smile on her red face. She was flushed bright from the orgasm and the attention and she licked her lips again, beckoning me closer. I climbed on the bed and covered her body with my own, wrapping my hand around the back of Grace’s neck and pulling her close until our tongues were playing against each other. Grace moaned into my mouth as I slipped a hand down between her legs and fondled her swollen clit. She jerked away—she was always so sensitive right after she came—and lay down on her back, pulling me close. Grace’s hard little nipples pressed into my naked torso and I growled with lust. As I ripped off my pants and boxers, my cock sprang free. Grace looked at me with a seductive, coy look on her face. She reached down between our bodies and began to stroke my cock with her soft hand until I thought I was going to cum right then and there.


“Oh my god,” I groaned as Grace began to stroke me even more rapidly. “Grace,” I grunted. “I need you.”


Grace kissed me deeply, licking my juices off my lips until I thought my cock was going to explode. She knew how to play me in bed like no other woman ever could, and I loved everything that she did to my body. When she pulled her hand away, I groaned loudly. Grace spread her long legs and wrapped them around my waist, pulling me close. I could feel the heat coming off her pussy and I buried my cock inside of her wetness, plunging deep inside and battering her cervix with the tip of my erection. Grace cried out and bit my neck, arching her back and tangling her hands in my hair. As we kissed passionately, I thrust my hips against hers wildly, as fast as I could. Grace leaned back into the pillows and raised her arms over her head, making her magnificent breasts perk up. I rubbed her nipples with one hand as I fucked her gently, feeling her grind her hips against mine with every thrust.


When I woke up, my hand was wrapped around my cock, jacking off with a ferocious speed. My head ached and I opened my eyes to find myself in a dark room.
What the fuck happened last night?


As I swung my legs over the side of the bed and forced myself to sit up, my head started to pound so badly that I had to lay back down, just for a moment. I couldn’t believe what had happened to me. Had I been drugged? Me, Elliot, leader of the Tiger’s Blood?


. This time when I tried to sit up, I took a deep breath and filled my lungs with air. I tried to imagine each of my cells absorbing the amount of oxygen that I needed and passing it along to my bloodstream, making me stronger with each passing moment. The visualization helped, although I still felt as weak as newborn kitten. I’d always made fun of people who drank too much and got drugged at bars, thinking that they needed to shake it off and take better care of themselves. But now that it had happened to me, I wasn’t sure what to think.


“The guys are gonna fucking kill me,” I mumbled, putting my head in my hands and rubbing my sore scalp. Everything on my body hurt: my limbs, my joints, even the ends of my
ached. I’d never been in pain like this before, not even when I crashed my bike and skidded across four lanes of highway in the dead of August. Not even when I’d gotten chemical burns from a deal gone bad. Not even when I’d broken my arm clean through.


I tried to piece together the events of the previous evening. There had been a woman, a gorgeous woman who had tried to keep her head down, and somehow she’d been responsible for this. Everything had happened so quickly. I’d been drinking with the boys out back and I’d been nursing a healthy buzz when I’d gone inside the bar. Well, maybe not a
buzz. Maybe the kind of buzz that could have knocked a horse down on its ass.


And then, I’d seen her. She’d been sitting alone and staring down at the bar into a glass of something dark. She’d had a weird smile on her face, like she was acting a part that she wasn’t used to. And dark black hair, and striking blue eyes. She’d been welcome to my moves, and easygoing enough when I bought her a drink…and then what?


My mind went foggy after that. I knew that she’d somehow managed to drag me up here and ask me something. It had been something important, that much I knew. I had the oddest sensation of a cut on my neck, like a blade had been pressed against my throat. When I went to the mirror, sure enough, there was a small spot of red just below my Adam’s apple.


What the fuck had I told her?


I frowned. There was something that wasn’t right about the whole situation. Last night, the bar below had been a roaring, insane mess of bikers and bartenders. This morning, it was quiet, abandoned, almost forlorn. I closed my eyes and listened to the quiet, various sounds of the world around me waking up. Birds were chirping outside, something was clanging downstairs, and the smell of stale beer still hung in the air. Inside, the air was quieter. Further inside, my stomach hurt. A lot.


I tried to remember every detail about the woman, but my mind was foggy. There were so many times, countless instances over the years where I’d woken up after a drunk fuck and could barely remember the woman involved. But this wasn’t a fuck, at least I didn’t think it had been. My cock was dry and smelled like musk, but not pussy. And my pants had still been buckled when I’d woken up this morning. I swallowed hard. Someone had known that I was going to be there, and someone had attacked me. This was a deliberate instance. This woman, whoever she was, well, it hadn’t exactly been an accident.


And that was the most troubling thing of all. Even though I could barely remember the woman’s facial features or anything too distinct about her, at the time I’d had a weird feeling. Sure, I’d been drunk, but it had been more than that. The woman had reminded me of someone, someone that I’d spent years trying to forget. The woman had reminded me of my old girlfriend, Grace.


Just thinking about her name made me shudder. Grace and I had grown up together. We’d lived on the same street and helped each other out of every jam that had ever happened. Grace had been my first crush, my first kiss, my first fuck. My first love, although I didn’t like to admit it now. Now, I didn’t like to admit that I was the kind of guy who could love at all. It was easier to just keep doing what I always did: fuck and run. Now, I didn’t want a girlfriend. I didn’t have
for a girlfriend. All I had time for was me, myself and I.


And then, a little bit after Grace’s nineteenth birthday, she’d completely disappeared. Like, without a trace. I’d hired some of the best private investigators that I could afford and nothing. It was like she’d never even existed.


After a while, that was how I felt, too. Like our entire relationship had just been a mirage. I started convincing myself that there was no way I could have ever fallen in love, there was no way I could have wanted to give my life for this girl. She
to be a figure of fiction, there was no way on earth that I would have almost ruined my life for someone like her.

BOOK: Wild: Tiger's Blood MC
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