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Authors: Ann Mayburn

Wild Lilly (28 page)

BOOK: Wild Lilly
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The sun shone off her blond curls as Lilly thrust her hips back against Paul with a small whimper. Cìarán would love to have Estrella make those sounds. Unbuckling his pants, Paul released his erection and ran it between her legs, wetting it against her entrance. She tried to reach back and guide him in, but he stepped away with a wicked chuckle.

“You look so beautiful like that, open and wet for me. I want you to reach down and play with your pussy while I take you.” Paul grabbed her hips and rewarded her for her compliance by shoving as much of his cock into her as he could. She must have been tight because he had to work his hips to make her open for him.

Lovely little sounds of passion escaped from her parted mouth with each punishing thrust. Her hand continued to work between her legs, but she had to pull it back to brace herself. Paul pounded into her without mercy, and Cìarán completely approved. If he had Estrella’s softness around his cock, he would do the same.

They rocked together in the sunlight and Lilly threw her head back. “I’m close.”

Trailing his fingers up Estrella’s inner thigh, Cìarán delighted in her shiver of pleasure. He could feel the heat of her pussy even through the cloth of her borrowed pants. Ever so gently, he stroked his fingers over her hidden mound.

From her reaction he would have thought he’d just plunged his fingers into her. She arched back and closed her eyes, biting on her hand. Intrigued, he focused all of his attention on her. Once again, he lightly stroked her and she bucked and shuddered. He bit his lip and tried to muster his self-control. She was so damned sensitive, he could probably make her come just by brushing his lips over her. Noises drew his attention. Cìarán returned his gaze to the couple before them.

Paul grunted and tilted her hips; apparently he was running his cock over that sensitive spot inside of her pussy. Lilly’s breath came out in a ragged pant as she began to orgasm, her lovely body shuddering and feminine growls echoing over the field.

Cìarán held his hand still between Estrella’s thighs, letting her stroke her pussy over his fingertips with a butterfly-light touch. The things he could do with her. Grabbing her close, he held her as she shuddered with her release against his palm. Pressed fully against him, he could feel how swollen and soft her pussy was, how wet the trousers were with her cream. Cupping her mound and giving her a gentle squeeze, he was rewarded with another series of shudders as he drew her orgasm out. Making a muffled cry, she pushed his hand away and lay against his chest, panting.

With his cock nudging against the press of Estrella’s belly, he watched Paul pound into Lilly while she cried out beneath him. The sensation must have been too much for Paul. He threw his head back and roared while his entire body tensed.

Estrella removed herself from his arms and refused to meet his gaze. He tipped her head up and made her look at him. Using only his willpower, he held her gaze and whispered. “Mine.”

She flushed and anger snapped in the lovely heat of her dark eyes. He couldn’t help but smile as she jerked her head out of his grip. Looking back at Paul and Lilly holding each other, he knew it was time to step up his plans and get this over with so he could make Estrella his.

Chapter Nineteen

A Masked Diversion

Cìarán tossed a roll of bills to the woman with a flick of his wrist. “You’re sure this is the costume he’ll be wearing?”

“Yes, sir. This is exactly the same. Her Ladyship sent me to the costume shop to choose the outfits for her guests.”

With wide eyes, the middle-aged woman gaped at the expensive hotel room. She was overly thin and her skin held an unhealthy yellow tone. Little tremors shook her hands as she put the money into her pocket. Without a doubt, she would go to her opium den as soon as she left his room.

“Thank you. It will be quite a funny trick when we both show up in the same costume. He’ll think it’s hilarious.” Cìarán put warmth in his voice and a sparkle in his smile to charm the woman.

Predictably, she blushed and toyed with her gloves. “Can I do...anything...else for you?” she asked with an invitation in her voice.

“I also need one of your uniforms.” The maid’s thick eyebrows pulled down in confusion and he quickly added, “My sister was very fond of Paul growing up. She’d like to surprise him as well.” Cìarán schooled his expression into a hopeful smile, snorting on the inside as she beamed and simpered.

“Oh, that is a wonderful idea.” Her expression turned calculating. “Though the uniforms are expensive....”

“Will seven dollars cover it?” He bit back a snort as she quickly agreed. She could probably buy a new one for fifty cents, but he wanted her silence.

He stood and showed her to the door. Her jacket and hair held the sickly sweet stink of opium. “Thank you again, Agnes. And remember, tell no one about this. I would hate to go to all the trouble and have my surprise for Lady Catherine and Mr. McGregor ruined.” He shut the door in her smiling face.

He strode over to the washstand, and began to swirl up a good lather in the shaving cup. He inspected the costume on the bed. A half-mask with silver stitching around the eyes over black velvet lay next to a black velvet jacket. The inside of the jacket was reversible, showing green silk embroidered with darker green foil stars. Next to the black-and-silver mask was a green velvet mask with gold stitching around the eyes. The lower half of his face would be exposed, so the mustache had to go.

Opening a hat box, he took out the dark black wig and tried it on. It looked odd with his tawny eyebrows, but the mask would cover that. With a flick of his hand, he tossed the wig on the bed and grabbed the mask.

Holding the mask over his face, he began to practice his speech. “Come with me, Lilly.”

He cleared his throat and tried to fit the Midwest accent again. “Come with me, Lilly.”

A snort came from the open door of the washroom. “You sound nothing like Paul.”

Turning, Cìarán narrowed his eyes at Estrella. She had avoided him like the plague after their forbidden time together in the garden yesterday. While he wouldn’t force himself on her, he had begun to seduce her in earnest. Hence the reason she was hiding from him in the washroom.

“It will work.” He turned his back on her and strode over to the shaving stand. Whipping up a cup of lather, he began to cover his face while watching her in the mirror. “Soon we’ll be on a train heading west and you’ll be rid of me.”

She bit her lip and he noted the sadness in her expression. Whenever he mentioned returning to Kansas, she became melancholy and scared. He knew she wanted him. He just wondered what secret she hid that kept her out of his arms.

Stroking the razor over his mustache, he promised himself that he would find out soon enough.


“Miss Brooks, you’ll need to brace yourself on the bed post while I do you up,” the young maid instructed as she gripped the two laces of the steel-boned corset in her hands. They were in Lilly’s bedroom at the mansion, getting her dressed for the costume ball.

Lilly groaned and clung to the carved wooden bedpost with both arms. She was being poured into a flame-red silk ball gown that pushed her breasts into creamy mounds. The maid was cinching the back, and contrary to convention, Lilly filled her lungs with air to give her the most breathing room possible.

“There,” huffed the maid. “I think that will do. You look wonderful, Miss Brooks.”

Lilly let out a constrained breath and spun around to gaze into the full-length mirror. The red gown made her skin glow in the lamplight. Her blond curls gleamed in an artful pile on top of her head, held in place by golden jeweled combs. On the bed lay an elaborate red-feathered mask, with coal-black velvet around the eyeholes. She was going as a cardinal tonight.

A gentle knock sounded at the door. The maid opened it and Catherine strode in. She was dressed in a rich navy blue gown, with long chiffon sleeves in various shades of blue and white. Her hair flowed down her back in a cascade of cinnamon curls. Diamond clips shaped like snowflakes sparkled in her locks. More diamonds dripped from her neck and wrists. A navy blue velvet mask with small glints of diamonds encircled her face, and her eyes sparkled like ice.

“Lilly, I have something for you to wear with your costume.” Catherine smiled and handed Lilly her mask from the bed. “You look incredible. That color makes your skin glow like alabaster.”

Lilly blushed and tied the mask on. “Thank you. I appreciate your generosity and attention to detail. The mask and ball gown are perfect. And you look wonderful.”

Catherine looped her arm through Lilly’s and smiled into the mirror. “Paul could not have picked a better sister for me. Thank you for putting up with him, and with me for keeping you in separate rooms.”

“Did he really threaten to kill your husband if you weren’t a virgin on your wedding night?”

“Oh yes, though neither of us listened to him.” Catherine gave her a wink and sighed. “I miss Daniel a great deal, but it’s been two years since his passing. I need to start living my life again.”

Catherine motioned to the maid and she brought over a green velvet jewelry case. “Here. I’d like for you to wear this with your outfit. Don’t let those prissy biddies downstairs intimidate you. They gave me a hard time when I was first married and entered their social circle. Most are nice enough, but a few think they are God’s gift to the world.”

Inside of the case gleamed an intricate diamond-and-ruby choker, with a ruby as big as her thumb dangling from the center.

“Oh, I can’t wear that! What if I lose it?” Lilly held up her hands in protest.

“Don’t be silly. You can and will wear it. I want to see Paul rendered speechless.” Catherine spun her around and fastened the choker. It sparkled in the light like a thousand stars around her neck, and the ruby glowed with its own fire.

“It’s amazing, Catherine,” Lilly whispered in awe as she tilted her head.

“Thank you. It was a wedding present from Daniel.” Catherine took a soft breath through her nose. “Now, let’s go get the men and make our entrance. Most of the guests are already here.”

“What about Sleeping Bear? Will they receive him?” Lilly asked as they swept out the door in a flurry of rustling fabric.

“I’ve thought about that, too. It could go either way. They will either view him as a savage, or as something exotic and new.” Catherine fiddled with the long sleeves of her gown. “If it becomes intolerable, I’ll intervene. He’s my guest and shall be treated as such.”

Lilly’s mouth opened to respond, but speech failed her when she caught a glimpse of Paul standing in the doorway. He was dressed like the night sky, all dark velvet with sparkling bits of rhinestones as stars. The velvet breeches clung to his muscled thighs and the black shirt opened at his throat, revealing a rather large patch of his muscular chest. A black velvet mask covered half his face and his eyes appeared as silver as the metallic thread around the mask.

“Oh,” Lilly managed to whisper as Paul caught sight of her. His kissable lips curved into a wicked smile.

“Oh, indeed,” Catherine said half-aloud in a breathless voice.

Lilly turned and watched Sleeping Bear come down the hallway. He was dressed from head to toe in white and gold, and his hair moved like a long black cloak flowing down his back. White satin molded itself to his impressive frame, embellished with gold foil leaves. The shirt gaped open at the throat and slid across the muscled expanse of his chest, giving a glimpse of his tattoos. A white-and-gold domino mask hid most of his face, but his lips were exposed.

“You’re stunning,” Paul told her as he took Lilly’s hand. His gaze ran over her mounded breasts and he stroked his rough thumb over her palm.

“You don’t look so bad yourself.” She let her eyes show her appreciation; she examined him from head to toe. Paul constantly astonished her. Looking at him now, there was no indication that he was anything but a wealthy and polished gentleman. She cherished the knowledge that underneath his fine costume stood a cowboy that personified strength and passion.

“Shall we?” Catherine asked, leading them to the top of the winding staircase. Maids and butlers followed behind, lifting the fabric of the gowns so each flowed properly behind its wearer.

Catherine spoke without turning. “Lilly and Paul, you’ll go down first. Sleeping Bear, you will go second, and I will come last.”

The butler nodded at her words, his posture stiff and formal in his elegant grey and blue livery.

Paul offered his arm as they were announced. “Miss Lillian Brooks and Mr. Paul McGregor.”

Lilly placed a slightly shaking hand on top of his and tried to breathe through her tension.

As they walked down the stairs, the glittering throng of Boston’s high society turned to watch them. She clutched Paul’s hand beneath her own and took a deep breath. Tonight, she was one of them and knew she looked as good as any woman in the room. Furthermore, she knew Paul looked better than any other man in the room. That thought gave her the courage to walk down the stairs with her head held high.

They took their place at the bottom of the stairs, nodding their heads to the polite greetings of those around them. Paul didn’t release Lilly’s hand, and stroked his thumb over her knuckles. Flashes of their naughty afternoon in the woods made her take a quick breath, and his roguish smile revealed his thoughts were running along the same decadent path. Something across the room caught his attention, and his grip tightened on hers almost to the point of pain.

BOOK: Wild Lilly
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