Read Wicked Nights Online

Authors: Lexie Davis

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Wicked Nights (8 page)

BOOK: Wicked Nights
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Jesse rubbed a hand over his face. That was another thing that pissed him off. Addison had labelled him a stalker and actually turned him in to his supervisor for checking up on her. He hated that she didn’t trust him. He was only looking out for her. Much like when he’d stopped by her office after it had been shot up. She needed someone to protect her from these clubs, these malicious men who didn’t know any limits. The law, to them, was a joke.

Marco finally finished fucking his chick, and Jesse decided it was now or never. He didn’t want to partner with a motorcycle club to get Addison away from Mason, but if it was what he had to do, then he would do it. Jesse tossed the folder on the passenger’s seat and stepped out of the car.

“Marco Fowler,” Jesse said in his most authoritative voice.

Marco turned around with a sneer. “What?”

Jesse approached the man, giving him enough time to put his clothes back on as the woman idled off to the side still wearing her summer dress. Marco grabbed a package of cigarettes from the picnic table and lit one up before focusing on Jesse again.

“I need something from you.”

Marco scoffed. “Who doesn’t?”

“I think we can reach a compromise.”

Marco puffed on his cigarette. “What do you want?”

“I want you to set up Mason Vaughn.”

Marco stared at him. When Marco dismissed the woman, Jesse grinned, knowing that he had Marco’s interest enough to proceed with getting the job done. Nothing attracted these guys into working with their enemies than having the same goal towards the same enemy.

“I’m listening.”

“Addison is the person you want, but she’s not the bad guy in this situation. The bad guy is and always has been Mason and the Wicked Angels MC.” Jesse clenched his fist by his side. “The best way to get him back is to prove he did what he does best.”

Marco blew a stream of smoke into the air. “And what is that?”


Jesse could see he’d piqued Marco’s interest. The other man’s pupils dilated as if he could picture it in his mind. “Fire? To what, the club?”

He shook his head. “No. Addison’s house.”

Marco brought the cigarette to his mouth. “How do you propose I do this?”

“While she’s sleeping. Douse the front in gasoline and let it burn.”

“Kill her?”

“No. The fire department will respond by then. Mason is a known firebug around Tampa. He has numerous convictions for arson and has served only a little time for it. If we can get Mason near her, I think I’ll have enough to accuse him of setting the fire. We’ll both get what we want.”

Marco chuckled. “And what is that?”


Marco sat there for a moment, cigarette dangling between his lips. Jesse knew it could go either way with him. If Marco wanted to play Jesse’s game, then Jesse would have a scapegoat if shit hit the fan. It really was the only way for him to prove Mason’s true colours to Addison.

“And the Skulls have immunity, right? No fucking with us.”

“No fucking with you. You asked me a few years ago when you first came to Tampa if I’d help you in a business arrangement. Well, this is me offering my help.”

Marco tossed his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it with his large, black boot. “It’s a deal then. We’ll start the fire. You set up Mason.”

Jesse smiled and nodded. “I’ll be in touch.”


* * * *


Mason pulled Addison on top of him as he turned the TV on. She snuggled against him and he couldn’t deny that he liked it.

“How many tattoos do you have?”

He propped his head up with one hand, his other hand wrapping around her body. “Twenty, I think. Some are connected so I’ve lost count.”

Her finger circled his nipple. “Which one is your favourite?”

“Do you really want to talk about my tattoos right now?”

“Yes.” She pushed up from him. “I haven’t really seen them up close and we’ve had sex. I want to see them before anything else happens.”

He held his arms open. “Have a look.”

She studied him with precision. She traced her finger along the ones on his chest. He had a large tribal tattoo taking up the majority of his upper arm. A few Wicked Angel tattoos decorated his inner arms and back. A weeping angel covered his left pec.

“Everything is so macho.” She lifted his arm and read the Wicked Angel’s tat he had on the inward portion. “I figured you had an ex-lover or something marking your body.”

“You are obsessed with my ex-lovers.” He smoothed his hand along her bare arm. “There is no way in hell I’m going to get a woman’s name tattooed on me.”

“It’s supposed to be romantic. A pledge of commitment.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Says the woman who thinks I’m incapable of commitment and also has no tattoos.”

She smiled. “Okay, you’ve got me there.”

“Hell, yeah, I’ve got you.” He leaned in to kiss her. “Now, stop talking about other women unless you’re planning to have a threesome.”

She blinked a few times, stiffening on top of him. “Do you want a threesome?”

He glanced up at her. This was coming from the person who’d basically chewed him out for the mere thought of another woman touching him. She confused the hell out of him.

“Are you willing?”

She held eye contact. “That’s not an answer.”

Uh-oh. Her mood had instantly changed. Mason blinked a few times, trying to figure out what was wrong. He realised a little too late that the longer he waited to answer, the worse it got.

“If you’re willing, then yes. No man is going to turn down a threesome. Why are you making this a big deal?”

She pushed off him. “Because it
a big deal. What are we doing?”

She stepped back, turning to head down the hall. He moved from the couch, faster than lightning and grabbed her arm. With a swift tug, he pushed her up against the wall, pinning her body with his.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

She shook her head.

Mason felt his anger rising and tried to calm down. “If you don’t tell me what the fuck is wrong with you, how the hell am I going to fix it?”

“What are we doing, Mason? You’re never going to give up that lifestyle for me, so who are we kidding? You want to fuck around with anyone who is willing. I’m not saying don’t do it, but I am saying you won’t do it with me.”

He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. “What lifestyle?”

“The bimbos. The skanks. The threesomes and God only knows what else.”

He let her go and licked his lips. “There is nothing to give up. And even if there was, I pretty much have by my choice to be with you. I’ve fucked you once and it’s all I can think about. I had my chance to find someone else, but I didn’t want it. I want you and you’re standing here in my hallway denying it to me. I don’t give a shit about what you think I’ve done in the past.” His hand slid beneath her shirt. “Why are you so insecure about it?”

“I’m not like them. I’m not that kind of woman.”

“Maybe that’s why I want
. Maybe that’s why I waited for
. Maybe that’s why all I can think about is fucking

He slipped his hands inside her shirt and cupped her breasts. Her little gasp of delight gave him the perfect opportunity to taste her. Her lips parted and he thrust his tongue between them He could spend all night tongue-fucking her mouth. She tasted like the wine they’d had at the restaurant, nearly as intoxicating as the alcohol itself.

She pushed at his chest, meeting his gaze. “I’m not sure I trust you enough to believe that.”

“Stop fighting with me.” He nipped her lip. “You’ve got this look in your eyes, and I can’t stop thinking about what it feels like to be inside you.”

He tugged her shirt up and off her body. He didn’t know what the hell went on in her mind. A guy needed a PhD in female thinking to even begin to understand the thought processes of a woman. He’d dropped out of high school, so a PhD was out of the question. Her shorts came off next and he lifted her, walking back to the bed and laying her there. He drove his hand between her legs, finding her wetness and exploring her enticing body. The sounds of her whimpers urged him on.

The window of opportunity with her left him time-constricted. If she ever allowed her mind to come into play, he was fucked. He wasn’t about to sleep on the couch with a hard-on again.

His scratchy face left red marks on her perfect skin and he liked it. Even more, he liked that she seemed to like it. He moved over her as he found the side of her neck. Her eyes were half closed, lips parted as he continued to pump his fingers into her. Her lips parted. He watched her as his thumb swept over her clit.

Mason pressed a kiss to her breast, licking her stiff nipple. God, he wasn’t even inside her yet, and she went straight to his head.

“I like you like this.” Mason turned his attention to her other breast, sucking her nipple into his mouth and letting it go with a pop. “Soft and compliant. Wet and needy. You’re seconds away from begging me to fuck you.”

She clutched his hair and held his mouth against her. He was more than happy to give her whatever she wanted, but he liked that the hot lawyer wanted to fuck the convict. She wanted his cock inside her, not that pansy-assed cop who hit on her every chance he got. She wanted his mouth on her, his mouth on her pussy, his fingers filling her tight hole. She wanted him even if she tried to deny it.

He withdrew his hand and pushed up from her. She’d wrapped her legs around him and he didn’t waste any time aligning their bodies so he could fit inside her. Wet pussy was wet pussy, but Addison damn near made him lose his fucking mind. She clenched him, hot as a furnace and wetter than the gulf. He closed his eyes, relishing the moment.

Mason took his time, letting her call the shots with the little signs she gave him. A whimper, a moan. He loved the sweet sigh she made when he brushed against her G-spot and how she arched her back off the bed. They strained for pleasure, pleasure Mason didn’t quite want just yet. He wanted to stay with her, inside her, for as long as she’d let him. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he entertained the idea that it wouldn’t be long. She’d eventually give him up when he fucked up, and he knew that was bound to happen sooner rather than later. He sucked the tip of her breast into his mouth as he thrust into her, not giving a damn about anything but the present. Addison came hard, tightening around him, digging her nails into his back. He let her ride the wave, hoping to build another one before he let go.

“More, baby,” he whispered in her ear. “I want more.”

She lifted her hips and he fucked her harder. He’d never been with someone so responsive. Or maybe he’d never paid attention before. She sank her teeth into his shoulder, coming hard enough to surprise them both. Mason felt everything pour out of him, unable to stop it. The hot flash of pleasure was something he felt down to the bone. He collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily as he calmed from his euphoria.

After a while, he rolled off her and sat up, looking down at her. “You’re my woman and that’s good enough for me.”

Addison sat up and pulled the blankets over her body. “Fine.”

Mason stared at her. Something was still wrong. Perturbed, he asked, “What the hell is wrong now?”

“We didn’t use a condom.” She walked across the bedroom and snagged a towel from the closet. After cleaning up, she met his eyes.

“You’re not on the pill?”

“No, I’m not.” She had an eerie calm about her, something he’d only seen in the courtroom right before she ripped the prosecutor a new one.

He rubbed his forehead. “Well, it’s not like you stopped me.”

She narrowed her eyes. “God help you if we ever meet in family court.”

He gave a sharp exhale. “Addy…”

“Take me home.” She grabbed some clothing and headed out of the bedroom without saying another word.

They really did need to offer classes for men on the female gender. Mason fell back against the mattress. He was normally a bullshit-free kind of man, but dammit if he didn’t like Addison and the drama that came with her.


Chapter Four




Addison woke to the smell of something burning. She sat up and glanced around, her entire room full of smoke. She coughed before reaching for her phone and dialling 9-1-1. She had no idea what the hell had happened, but her room was at the back of the house and the door was at the front. She made her way down the hall and saw tall flames covering most of the living room and kitchen areas. She found a jacket from the hall closet and made her way outside, the fresh air hitting her like a two-ton Mack truck.

She took a few deep breaths as she watched her house burn. Everything she had went up in flames. Her phone rang and she saw Mason’s name pop up on the screen. Of course he’d call. After she’d refused to allow some prospect guys from the club linger outside her house, she could only imagine how he knew about this.

“You okay?”

“No, not really.”

He blew out a pent-up breath. “I’m on my way.”

She hung up and glanced to the side when she heard the sirens getting closer. She didn’t think she really needed protection in her own home, but evidently she did. She didn’t want
protection, though. She didn’t want to be caught up in this mess with him playing with her feelings either.

The fire truck parked in her yard and the men rushed out to do their job. Addison spoke with the captain and he informed her that they’d do the best they could to save the rest of her house. She sat with her jacket over her legs, part of the bandage covering her thigh showing from her sleep boxers. It was a perfect reminder of who she was dealing with. She knew the Skulls were behind this. It only made it Mason’s true reason for being in her life clearer, regardless of her feelings about it.

His truck pulled into her drive moments later and he parked off to the side, out of the way. She didn’t even look up at him when he came to her then sat beside her.

“I told you that you couldn’t control everyone.” Addison stared at the flames licking up the walls of her living room. “They weren’t kidding that the next time would be worse.”

BOOK: Wicked Nights
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