White Wedding for a Southern Belle (10 page)

BOOK: White Wedding for a Southern Belle
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Ashley gave him a pointed look. “Did you ask them to come?”

“I asked Bull to see if he could have help here just in case something like what occurred happened. They were to hang back unless needed. That's just what they did.”

As much as she would have liked to argue, he'd done the right thing.

Kiefer looked at her with concern. “How're you feeling? You have to be tired. If nothing else, of people asking about your arm.”

Ashley was starting to fade. It had been a long day. “I'm fine. Let's finish here and go home.”

For the next half hour they worked at cleaning up the park. Kiefer was beside her, doing what he could and assisting where she couldn't. Marko's appearance and show of temper had put a dampener on the day, no matter how hard she worked to put a positive spin on it.

Mrs. Nasboom stopped beside her. “It was a good day. We'll plan to do this or something like it in the fall. The committee won't let those thugs destroy what we're trying to do here.”

“Thank you for saying that.” Smiling gratefully, Ashley hugged her with her good arm.

“I have to ask you,” Mrs. Nasboom said. “What really happened to your arm? I heard the doctor say something about you being shot?”

Ashley told her the truth and hoped that it wouldn't get out, but realistically it was inevitable. Hopefully it would be another couple of days before her parents heard.

The short return ride to Ashley's place was a quiet one. She was wearier than she wanted to admit. The block party had been going so well until Marko had shown up. She hadn't expected him, but glumly realized she should have. Maybe Kiefer was right. It was time for her to recognize the problems wouldn't be easily solved. That she was going to have to ask for police help.



“I just want you to know I appreciate your help today. Especially you being concerned enough to see that we had police support in case things got out of hand. I didn't think Marko would be so bold.”

His voice rose in disbelief. “After he shot you?”

“We don't know for sure it was him.”

He gave her a look of disbelief. “Come on, Ashley. Either he did it or he had someone do it. He's dangerous. He's not that kid you used to know.”

“I'm realizing that.” She still couldn't tell him that she thought she had seen Marko in the parking lot. Didn't want to believe it.

Kiefer took her hand and squeezed it. “It was a good block party. You did a great job.”

“You sure looked like you were having a good time when you were talking to those girls.”

He grinned. “Were you jealous?”

“I was not!” Ashley pulled her hand away. She had been a little bit.

He pulled into the parking lot of her building.

“I think I'll take a nap.” Ashley released her seat belt.

“I'll carry this bowl up for you and then I'm going down to the clinic and see if I can help out.” His friend was still filling in for him so he could go to the park with her.

Ashley wasn't sure how long she slept. Even though she was in her own bed, the rest hadn't been as sweet or deep as what she'd had in Kiefer's arms. She couldn't believe how quickly she'd come to depend on him for security. Her arm still ached but not like it had earlier. She moved it up and down, trying to judge her mobility.

Climbing out of bed, still wearing her sundress, she went to her kitchen for a glass of water. The door to the clinic stairs was open. Kiefer must have left it so in order to hear her. The man was very considerate. Muffled voices came from below. He was still seeing patients. Returning to her living room, she settled into her favorite chair and turned on the TV. Finding a romance movie, she tried to get involved in it but all she could think about was Kiefer. She missed him. He'd become an everyday and sometimes nighttime fixture in her life. How had he managed to weave himself into her life so completely?

Footfalls in her hallway made her back tense. Was it Marko again? She had to get beyond that. She'd felt fear enough as a child.

“Are you watching that channel that hates men?” It was nice to hear Kiefer's deep voice.

She smiled. “They don't hate men. It just looks like they do.”

“I'm getting ready to head home. I just wanted to make sure you don't need help with anything and to make sure you lock up. A couple of security guys will be around here all night.”

“Do you have to go right now?”

He blinked. “Not really.”

“I'd like some company. How about watching a movie?”

Kiefer nodded. “Okay, but no chick flicks.”

Ashley giggled. “Fair enough. All my movies are in that drawer.” She pointed under the TV. “While you decide on one I'll fix some popcorn.”

She made her way to the kitchen. What had got into her? What was she thinking, inviting the most attractive male she knew to spend the evening with her? Aggressive in almost every part of her life, asking a man to spend time with her was out of character. She was opening a box she might not be able to close again. Even if she wanted to.

Kiefer was sitting on the sofa with his shoes lying on the floor and his feet propped up on the coffee table when she returned. He looked relaxed, as if he belonged. She placed the bowl of popcorn on the table and took a seat beside him, but not too close.

“What did you decide on?”

Star Wars.
The original.” He pushed a button on the remote and the movie started.

“Good choice.”

She picked up the bowl and offered it to him.

He took a handful. “I ate so much today I don't know if I can eat any more.”

“I know what you mean.” She placed the bowl on the table again and sat back against the sofa.

Kiefer put his free hand around her waist and gently pulled her over next to him. His arm came to rest on the sofa above her shoulders. “That's better.”

It was. A lot better. She laid her head on his shoulder. That was even nicer. Kiefer's heart beat at a steady rhythm beneath her ear.

They were about half an hour into the movie when Kiefer whispered, “Ashley.”

She looked at him. His mouth found hers. The smell and taste of salted popcorn filled her head. He pulled back slightly then brushed his lips across hers before settling firmly on them. Her toes curled and her fingers itched to cling to him. Warmth permeated her inside, melted her resistance. Desire flared. She couldn't remember the last time a man had been as sexually attentive as Kiefer. Or made her feel more.

Too quickly he pulled away. “I've wanted to do that all day and I just couldn't wait any longer.”

Ashley put her good arm around his neck and tugged his mouth down to hers again. She wanted more, needed everything from him. During the last few days things had changed between them. She'd come to depend on him. He had to know she wanted him, craved him. Pressing closer, she ran her hand through his hair. His tongue teased the seam of her lips and she opened for him.

She found heaven. A warm paradise. A place of security. Her tongue joined his in a dance that made her center throb. She grazed the back of his neck with her nails as he lowered her to the sofa. With his lips never leaving hers, he shifted to cover her body.

When he touched her hurt arm she flinched. He paused. She shushed him and pulled him back to her. Her whole body quaked with desire. She wanted him. Now.

Kiefer's mouth skimmed her cheek. She moaned. He breathed, “I don't want to hurt you.”

“I don't care.” Ashley directed his mouth back to hers, pouring all her passion into the kiss. She flexed her hips against him.

He broke away. Kissed her temple. “If you keep that up, this might be the fastest lovemaking session ever.”

“I want you.”

He rose up enough that he could look down at her. “In this you aren't in charge. We're partners.”

She met his gaze. “Whatever you say.”

“That's more like it. First off, and I can't believe I'm asking this, is this what you want? I'll accept no regrets in the morning.”

Ashley nodded agreement as she fumbled with a button on his shirt and slid a finger through the opening to touch his skin. “Very sure.”

“Are you feeling up to this? I wouldn't hurt you for the world.”

She lifted up so that she could kiss the side of his mouth. “Why, Dr. Bradford, are you trying to talk me into or out of bed?”

“I've been thinking about this for days and don't want to mess it up.”

How like him to be concerned for her. “Then why don't you shut up and kiss me?”

He cupped each side of her face, sliding his fingers into her hair, and brought his mouth to hers. The kiss was powerful, going straight to her soul. Kiefer had some type of power over her. This was more like it. She sighed. Her hand kneaded his shoulder while the fingers of the hand in the sling brushed along his ribs.

His mouth moved over her lips, begging and giving at the same time. He shifted and pressed against her arm. She squeaked with pain.

He was off her in a flash. Oaths were said low and sharp.

She stood and took his hand. “I'm fine. Let's find somewhere more comfortable.”

Ashley tugged him toward her bedroom. She paused halfway there, turned to give him a kiss. To her pleasure he groaned. She flicked her tongue over his lips. Without warning, he took control, turning it hot and wet. A growl rolled from deep within his throat as he wrapped his arms around her. Her feet came off the floor. Kiefer carried her into the bedroom. At the bed, he let her slide down his body. “I'm going to do what I wanted to do the other night. Undress you.”

He slowly removed the sling from her arm then brushed a kiss over her lips. His hands came to her shoulders and skimmed her flimsy dress straps down her arms. He placed a kiss on the ridge of her shoulder. Briefly he fingered her necklace.

Ashley shivered. Could she stand this much attention until he was done?

“Turn around.” His hands went to her waist and gently guided her so her back was to him. His lips flicked over the skin just below her neck. She shook.

“Like that, did you?” He didn't wait for an answer as he stroked his fingers at the top of her dress where the zipper started. Slowly, almost painfully so, he opened the closure until her dress hung by the straps at her elbows. His large, warm hands traveled along her rib cage until his fingers cupped her breasts still secure in her strapless bra.

“Perfect,” he murmured in her ear, before he placed a kiss below her earlobe.

His hands began to work magic, making her breasts tingle and her nipples harden. Stepping closer, Kiefer pressed his ridged manhood against the small of her back. As one of his hands continued to lift and test her breasts, the other skimmed along her body, pushing her dress over her hips until it fell to the floor. One of his palms settled over her belly and pulled her back against him. She moaned.

Kiefer's hand left her and seconds later her bra fell away. Ashley shivered as the cool air of the room touched her sensitive breasts. That same hand returned to twirl a nipple between two fingers, making her womb contract. She leaned her head back against his chest, her breathing turning to short gasps.

Teeth nibbled at the top of her shoulder before his lips journeyed up her neck. “Sweet. So sweet,” he murmured, as he took her earlobe between his teeth. “I'm hungry for you.”

His hand at her breasts captured her other one, his fingers circling that nipple. Kiefer's other hand moved farther along her skin until he found the top of her panties. His fingers traced the distance of the lace at the top then back again before they slipped beneath.

Ashley sucked in a breath. Held it. Waited. Wanted.

His fingers tormented her breast. Warm, wet kisses found the spot behind her ear. The tip of his tongue flicked out to taste her skin. Kiefer's hand moved lower, brushing curls. “Share with me.”

She widened her stance. He sucked gently on the curve of her neck as his hand cupped her heat. A finger found her core. Slipped in. Exited, to return.

Her panting was the only sound in the room. Blood roared in her ears. Kiefer's hand left her center and his thumb hooked in her panties, pulling them down. They rolled along her thighs and he shoved them to her knees. From there they fell and she stepped out of them. His hand glided up her leg, across her thigh to cup her again.

Kiefer's finger entered and left her core as his other hand rhythmically massaged her breasts in turn while his mouth kissed and nipped over her skin. She was on fire, the throbbing becoming a drumming. Urgency tightened in her, twisting and swirling, squeezing until she squirmed against him. Ridged with tension, she was being driven to begging, gasping for release. Yet Kiefer continued his assault.

Another thrust of his finger and she closed her eyes, pushed against him and keened her pleasure before becoming weak in his arms. Her knees buckled. Kiefer's soft, satisfied chuckle brushed her ear as he held her close.

Turning her around, he pulled her tightly against him and gave her an openmouthed kiss that only made her desire more of his attention. She'd never imagined foreplay could be so powerful. Or perfect.

* * *

“This time I want to watch you.” Kiefer breathed as he looked into Ashley's flushed face. She was so beautiful. He lifted her to the bed.

“Unfair. You have your clothes on,” she teased.

“That's easily remedied.” His eyes locked with hers as he jerked his shirt over his head. She watched him unbuckle his belt and release it. He pulled a packet from his wallet before pushing his pants and underwear over his hips. They fell to the floor. He stepped out of them. With perverse pride he watched as Ashley's eyes widened as she gazed at his manhood. When her lips curved into a small smile, his heart beat hard against his ribs. She liked what she saw. His chest swelled. With her he wasn't lacking, like he had been with Brittney. Ashley had a way of making him feel like a man among men. Kiefer was tempted to thump his chest.

BOOK: White Wedding for a Southern Belle
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