White Sugar Lover (Interracial Romance Stories BWWM) (4 page)

BOOK: White Sugar Lover (Interracial Romance Stories BWWM)
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The phone was silent for a moment. “I would love to meet but we can’t do
again. Not now, it’s complicated so much.”

Okay Tiana, no more words now. I promise we will just talk. Let’s meet at our favorite park at around 5:00. Do you want me to bring some deli sandwiches for dinner or will you eat before you come?” he asked.

Why don’t you bring some sandwiches and I will grab some chips and a couple of juices for us. I haven’t been too hungry today; maybe if I eat with you I will be able to choke something down.” She admitted.

Alright T-Cup, that sounds good. I will see you in a few hours then.” He said using his childhood nickname for her.

Okay JJ. See you soon.” She said with some relief in her voice.

And they hung up.

Somehow hearing and using their pet names for each other seemed to calm her but there was no doubt about it, things between the two would never be the same again....

3 Months Later....

One would think the way Tiana had been feeling about what happened the night before she would have showed up to meet Jake with a shield and boxing gloves on—she didn’t want to see Jake unless he assured her they would not do
again. The same could be said for Jake who insisted the two of them needed to talk.

They never did have their heart to heart conversation the day after that first sexual encounter. Jake showed up before Tiana set up a blanket and their food and he brought some wine along; he knew Tiana was bringing juice but they never did anything without some wine. And besides, at the time he thought it would make things easier to talk about because both of them were a bit awkward on the phone.

The wine certainly loosened them up; a little too much. Jake had set up their lunch in their
spot where they had shared their darkest secrets, fears, aspirations, and everything else. It was their own little hideaway from reality. Of course on that day they took their
spot to a whole new level.

Now, two months later, they were getting ready to go visit Tiana’s folks and break the news. The sneaking around was getting too difficult; too many questions were being asked by her parents. Jake’s parents were very suspicious and had pretty much figured out that Jake and Tiana were more than friends now. Jake didn’t think his parents would cause too many problems but Tiana’s might.

How ya doing T-Cup?” Jake asked as he strolled into the bedroom to watch her get ready.

I’m doing great actually; nervous but really good.” She said with a smile.

Yeah, me too but what’s the worst that could happen? We’re adults now and are capable of making decisions about our futures. If your parents don’t see that now they will one day right?” He asked.

I think they’re pretty reasonable. Mom is always so inquisitive lately and has been asking about you a lot. I hate lying to her and am sure I’ll hear about that some day.” She said rolling her eyes.

Oh well, one day at time.” He said as he came up from behind her and kissed her neck. As he nuzzled her he said in a playful voice, “You want a way to calm your nerves? I can help with that you know.”

Tiana turned around and gave him a long deep kiss and said breathlessly, “I would love to but we have to go.” And she pulled herself from his arms and grabbed her coat.

Yeah, she was nervous; she wanted to get this over with.

Her parents were used to seeing her and Jake together so they weren’t too surprised that she asked if he could come. They actually seemed to like Jake. They got to the house and chatted a bit before dinner was served. After everyone had their food Tiana broke the news that she and Jake had taken their relationship a step further.

Tiana’s father asked how long this had been going on and barely said anything more about it. In fact he changed the subject but seemed to chew his food really hard. Her mother said nothing throughout dinner and barely ate the remaining food on her plate. After dinner Tiana helped her mom clean up; her mom made small talk and asked only one question about her and Jake, “Are you happy Tiana?” Tiana hugged her mom who returned with a cold short hug and said, “Yes mom, I have never been happier.”

Tiana could see the disapproval on her mother’s face and this made her both sad and uncomfortable. She left the kitchen after putting the last dish away and walked into the family room. Her father and Jake were chatting like old friends but she sensed her father’s unhappiness in the look he gave her. They stayed a bit longer and Jake said, “Well, I suppose we should call it a night. Tiana, are you ready to go?”

She looked at Jake and then at her folks and said uncomfortably, “Yeah, we should probably get home now.” She realized her slip—she said home. Her parents both looked at her and then at Jake and said, “Yeah, we’re pretty worn out. It’s been a long day.”

Tiana hugged her parents tightly when she left but it wasn’t returned. She knew they were very disappointed in her choice but it gave her hope that her mom asked her if she was happy. That was something.

Her and Jake were quiet in the car. Jake turned on the radio and flipped through the stations and settled on the Soul Rock station they often listened to.

Jake reached out and grabbed her hand and asked, “Are you doing ok Tiana?”

She looked at him and just as she was about to respond ‘Superstition’ began playing on the radio; it is one of their favorite Stevie Wonder songs. Both of them broke out into smiles at the memories they had of this song; they used to belt it out to each other and take turns singing the lead while the other played air guitar.

Tiana said, “How lovely! And yes, I’m doing ok. Can we go for a walk at the park tonight? It’s such a beautiful night.”

Certainly!” Jake said.

They started walking and discussing the events of the evening. Tiana was really struggling with the looks and the silence of her parents. They had always been so proud of everything she did but this was different, she wasn’t used to the coldness she felt from them.

Jake was understanding and said, “Tiana, do you want to stop seeing each other? I would understand; I know how much your family means to you.”

They continued walking with their fingers interlaced as she pondered this question. She suddenly stopped and looked up at Jake sadly. Her eyes were glistening; Jake could see the anguish even in the moonlight. She kissed him and started walking again.

Maybe we should just not see each other for awhile. I’m so confused, I love you but I love them too. I don’t want to disappoint you or them. Maybe if we stop seeing each other it would just go away but….”

Jake stopped her and said, “Its ok Tiana, I understand, if you want to just lay low for awhile I get it. You’re i….”

Suddenly her mouth was devouring his mouth. Before Jake even knew what was going on she had already un-tucked his shirt and was pulling it off of him. She was being really rough and demanding with her hands and mouth. She started pushing him back and they fell to the grass with a thud. She was on top of him, didn’t even ask if he was ok. She needed him; she wanted to be close to him.

Her mouth was all over him, kissing him hard and biting him on the ear and neck. Tiana was really focused on the moment. Jake was beside himself with horniness while trying to grasp what was happening. She’d taken control in bed before but never like this.

She rolled him onto his stomach and began kissing the back of his neck, down his back. She ran her nails down his back with firmness causing Jake to arch his back. She grabbed his hair hard as she put her hands between his thighs. She was
rough as she rubbed his balls through his jeans, reaching further to rub his cock. “Do you like this Jake? Do you want me to do more?” she said in a sexy voice.

Oh my god Tiana, yes!” he gasped. She was driving him nuts.

Tiana smiled and grabbed his shirt off the ground. She straddled his back, grabbed his hands and brought them behind his back and used the shirt to tie his hands together. “What are you doing back there, why are you tying me up?” Jake said feigning ignorance.

She said nothing. Her breathing was fast, her pussy wet; she had fantasized about doing this to Jake. He was so good in bed and at times he would attack her in ways that drove her crazy and made her want to turn the tables on him.

Your mine tonight Jake! You make me so horny with your tongue but I never get enough. Tonight you’re going to lick me for as long as I want.” She said commandingly.

Jake raised his ass up and pressed it on her crotch as he moaned at her words. She climbed off of him and rolled him on his back. She looked at him like it was feeding time as she roughly undid his jeans and yanked them off of him. He lay there naked under the stars. Tiana stood straddled over him and began taking off her clothes.

She watched him as she slowly undid the buttons on her shirt and seductively slid it off her shoulders. He was helpless and lay there struggling to get his hands free. His face was all contorted in agony and pleading. She smirked as she stood over him in her bra and jeans. She grazed her fingers over her chest and dug her hand under her bra and started kneading her breast. Her other hand inched down to her jeans and undid the button; then the zipper. She slid her hand down her pants and Jake could see the outline reach her pussy. His breathing was rapid; his body writhing beneath her.

Tiana was so moist. Her fingers rubbed her clitoris and then dug into her pussy; she moaned as she looked back as Jake. He was biting his bottom lip trying desperately to free himself. Her fingers started to find a rhythm and she started swaying above him as she became lost in the pleasure of touching herself. Her hand squeezed her breast while her other did circles under her pants. She started breathing harder and saying, “Do you want me to make myself cum Jake? Should I cum for you and show you how I do it when you aren’t around?”

Fuck yes Tiana, play with that pussy...fuck it with your fingers. Cum for me! Pinch your nipples! Oh you’re so fucking sexy tonight! I can’t wait to put my tongue in…” His words were drowned out by her moans of pleasure. Tiana’s head was back, her pelvis pressed into her hand and her body was shaking as she came all over her fingers.

She slowly pulled her hand out of her pants, bent down and put them in Jake’s mouth then continued to undress over Jake. She turned around so she was standing straddling Jake backwards; she put her hands on her jeans and started to slide them off. She arched her back; Jake could see the shadow of her ass in the moonlight as it appeared naked. He could glimpse her pussy ever so slightly and moaned as she wriggled her ass nearly in his face. She stepped out of her jeans and her hands came up and undid her bra. She turned and Jake was sweating from excitement.

She stood over him and toyed with her breasts saying, “Do you want some of these? Do you want to touch them?” Her hands trailed down her stomach to her sex and said, “Or do you want some of this? Wouldn’t you love to suck on me Jake, wouldn’t you just love for me to slide myself down on your cock?”

Oh God Tiana, untie me! I need to touch you, I need to feel you, I need to lick you and eat you! Untie my hands!” he pleaded.

Tiana gave him a devilish smirk and lowered herself onto his stomach. She slid her pussy all over him and then down on his cock. She used herself to massage him as his pelvis thrusted up; his attempt to slide his cock inside of her when unnoticed as Tiana continued to move lower down his body.

Her mouth started to water as she anticipated sucking his cock. He was so hard it looked painful. Her tongue started licking him down his stomach and found his cock. He arched and moaned at the lightest touch begging her to put him in her mouth. “Tiana, put my cock in your mouth! Suck it. Please! Touch it with your hands!”

She licked him again causing him to moan and beg louder. Her hands played with his balls while her tongue flitted in and out on the length of his cock. “Suck it T, suck it!” he moaned.

She continued to lick stopping on the tip circling around the sensitive spot just below the head. His pelvis came up and as he did that she strategically got him in her mouth to meet his thrust. He wasn’t expecting it; his breath caught; he tried to ram his cock deeper. She sucked him hard, “Oh shit Tiana.” He managed to say as he exhaled. He moaned and wriggled as she sucked and licked his cock. Her hand was working with her mouth. She brought her head up to look at him as she used her hand to massage him. She spit in her hand to make it wetter, more slippery; Jake’s arms were moving frantically to get free but to no avail.

BOOK: White Sugar Lover (Interracial Romance Stories BWWM)
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