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Authors: Joan Hohl

Tags: #Romance

While the Fire Rages (34 page)

BOOK: While the Fire Rages
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“Who in the hell is Gary? And why in the hell didn’t I know about him before now?” Brett asked angrily.

“Brett, you had to have realized there was someone before you,” Jo said carefully.

“Yeah, sure, but I thought it was—”

“And now you know it wasn’t,” Jo interrupted gently. “Gary was the first, the only one before you.” Praying that he wouldn’t spoil what they had just found together, Jo explained her one disastrous affair in minute detail.

His expression contemplative, Brett stared down at Jo for long seconds when her recital was finished. He didn’t like the idea of Gary Devlin, and not only for the hell he’d put Jo through. “Were you in love with him?” The question was a mild form of self-torture. Contrarily, he wanted her to say yes and no at the same time. Yes, because he couldn’t abide the idea that Jo would live with a man she didn’t love. And no, because he hated the mere thought that she’d loved a man before him. It was irrational. Brett knew it was irrational. Hadn’t he thought himself in love with Sondra?

“I thought I was,” Jo finally replied, unknowingly voicing Brett’s last consideration. “Of course I know now that I was merely infatuated with him. But it’s too late to change things now, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” Bending to her, Brett brushed his lips over hers. “And it no longer matters.” Surprisingly, it didn’t, Brett realized in relief. Hell! Screw Devlin! “I don’t mind not being first.” His movement swift, Brett nipped gently at her lower lip. “As long as you make damned sure I’m the last.”

“And what about you?” Jo arched a forbidding brow at him. “No more Marshas?”

“Jo, I told you ...”

“What you told me, exactly, was ‘Not for lack of trying on my part.’“ Jo repeated his exact words, “I would like an explanation of that remark.” The demand made, Jo held her breath. She knew she really had no right to an answer, but then, neither had he, and she’d been honest with him. Deep down, where she lived, Jo knew she was testing not only his love for her but his trust in her as well. When Brett smiled her personal world settled into place.

“The explanation is simple.” Brett’s hesitation was hardly noticeable. Damn it, man, he scorned himself, she trusted you, now it’s your turn. “I meant exactly what I said. We were alone in Marsha’s apartment in Vermont. We were undressed. We were in bed together.” Brett paused as Jo’s eyelids closed to conceal her pain. “Look at me, love.” When her lashes lifted he stared into her eyes. “I was thinking about you, and I couldn’t make it. Do you understand what I’m saying? I could not make it with another woman.
I wanted you.”

Jo blinked against a fresh swell of hot moisture and trembled with a fresh surge of hot response. Lord! Jo felt sure that if Brett touched her now he’d burn his hands! Lifting her hands, she grasped him around the waist to guide his body onto hers. “And now that you have me,” she whispered, “what are you going to do with me?”

“I’ve been thinking about that,” Brett answered solemnly, his eyes betraying his growing heat.

“And?”Jo prompted, moving against him sensuously to speed up his thinking process.

“I’ve decided to keep you.” In retaliation, Brett angled his hips into hers, smiling at her gasp of pleasure. “And let the fire rage forever.”



For Vivian Stephens,
who started it all for me,
with deep respect, appreciation, and gratitude.

About the Author


With many millions of her romances in print, Joan Hohl/Amii Lorin is an author romance readers can't seem to get enough of. She has received numerous awards for her work, including the Romance Writers of America Golden Medallion...the equivalency of the current Romance Writers of America Rita award.

When Joan sold her first book her editor asked her for a penname. It didn't take long for her to come up with Amii Lorin. Some years later, Joan began writing under her own name, but she has always preferred Amii Lorin. And now, through Belgrave House, Joan's preference is realized.

Joan lives in South East Pennsylvania with her husband of 57 years. She has two beautiful daughters, Lori and Amy...which explains her attachment to the name. There are two wonderful grandchildren and two adorable young great grandsons. She dotes on them all.


Publishing Information


Copyright © 1984 by Amii Loren

Originally published by Zebra

Electronically published in 2012 by Belgrave House



No portion of this book may be reprinted in whole or in part, by printing, faxing, E-mail, copying electronically or by any other means without permission of the publisher. For more information, contact Belgrave House, 190 Belgrave Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94117-4228

Electronic sales: [email protected]

This is a work of fiction. All names in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to any person living or dead is coincidental.


Table of Contents

About the Author

Publishing Information

BOOK: While the Fire Rages
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