While Mommy's Away (3 page)

Read While Mommy's Away Online

Authors: Saffron Sands

Tags: #fantasy, #sex, #kindle, #threesome, #menage, #taboo, #mfm, #adult fiction, #older man younger woman, #explicit erotica, #smut, #spanking sex, #explicit adult fiction, #daddy sex

BOOK: While Mommy's Away
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Calista twisted her long hair as she told
Lauren how her stepfather had bent her over the desk and of the
wonderful spanking he gave her.

“And here is the best part. My mom is leaving
town for three days.” Calista stated with wide eyes and a big

“So you are gonna fuck him again? Oh my, this
is amazing!” Lauren stood up and paced the floor. “God, now I am
horny as hell! Damn you Calista.” Lauren laughed and squeezed her
own tits.

Calista got up and walked over to Lauren.
“You know.” She said as she stroked Lauren’s blonde hair “I have
always wanted to try a threesome but I didn’t want everyone in town
knowing about it.” She moved in closer and continued “Well, Greg
can’t tell anyone now can he? So if you came over and we fucked
Greg together, then there is no one to tell it around town.” She
continued to lightly touch Lauren’s hair.

Lauren had a serious look on her face and
Calista could see in her eyes she was contemplating the idea.
Suddenly Lauren smiled and roughly clutched Calista’s hair pulled
her in and licked her lightly on the lips with the tip of her
tongue. Calista gasped and put her hands on Laurens waist. “So you
wanna have a sleepover at my place?”

“Just let me pack a few things and we are out
of here!” Lauren playfully smacked Calista on the butt and headed
to the closet for her overnight bag.

Calista went over to Lauren’s dresser and
opened her pajama drawer. She flipped through the collection of
long sleepy pants and long nightgowns and torn T-shirts. “Where are
you hiding the sexy jammies?”

“Oh, they are over here.” Lauren opened the
bottom drawer on the other dresser. “What about this?” Lauren held
up a frilly black teddy.

“That is a bit much don’t ya think?” Calista

“Okay, what about this then?” Lauren held up
sweat pant shorts with holes in them. “And a tight little tank top
to match?”

“Well that is better but just let me see in
there.” Calista pushed Lauren aside and to her surprise she saw a
large blue cock. “Well what have we got here?” Calista pulled it
out of the drawer and realized it was a strap on.

“Something you forgot to tell your best
friend?” Calista dangled the strap on in the air.

Lauren laughed and said “Well, now you know.
I have a sexy pair of red leather panties with a giant blue cock

“I think we should pack this, don’t you?”
Lauren tossed it in the bag and continued to rummage through

“Here, wear this.” Calista tossed a pair of
red short shorts and pink tank top at her friend. “Your nipples
show through in this one. It’s always been one of my

“You are so naughty! How am I just now seeing
this side of you?” Lauren tossed the clothes into the bag.

“Oh and we should pack this too.” Lauren
pulled out a bottle of lubricant. “Old blue has some girth to him.”
She winked and put it in the overnight bag.

Greg couldn’t focus at work. He stumbled
through his day and tried to avoid anything terribly important.

“Hey Greg, I am talking to you.” Charlie

“Sorry. I was lost in thought.”

“Just what are you thinking about? You’ve had
a big shit eating grin on your face since you got here.”

“Oh, just thinking about Sharon. She’s out of
town on business for three days and I guess I miss her

“Yeah, right. You sure are pussy whipped.”
Charlie smacked him on the back and walked on down to his office

Greg sat at his desk and opened his laptop.
He checked his emails and sent out the necessary responses. He
watched the clock waiting for his workday to end so he could go
home to Calista.

He hadn’t seen her all day. She had left for
Lauren’s before he had come down for breakfast and then he was out
the door for work. He was thankful that he didn’t have to sit at
the table with Sharon and Calista this morning. He wasn’t sure how
he or Calista would react once they were all together in the same

He stood up and paced the office then went
out to his secretary’s desk. “Barbara, I think I am gonna call it a
day. Why don’t you take the rest of the day off too. Get a jump
start on your weekend.”

Barbara thanked him and wished Greg a good
weekend and he returned to his office to get his briefcase and
laptop. He locked the office door and left the building.

As he drove home it was difficult to contain
his excitement. He was getting a hard on just thinking about what
he wanted to do to his sweet stepdaughter tonight. He turned up the
radio and tapped out the beat on his steering wheel as he got
closer to the house.

He pulled into the driveway and parked the
car. He practically ran to the front door. He had to laugh at
himself for being so giddy about being so bad. But Calista made him
feel young and alive and there was nothing wrong with that, he told
himself. Two consenting adults even if she were just barely legal,
she was legal.

He put the key in the door and went in the
house, immediately he heard moaning and a female voice shouting
“Yes, yes!” He crept further in and quietly put down his briefcase
and laptop.

“Oh yeah, Lauren. Just like that!” Greg’s
cock stiffened instantly as he rounded the corner and saw what was
happening. There in the tv room was his beautiful Calista getting
rammed by her friend Lauren with a strap on dildo. Lauren had
Calista bent over the arm of the sofa, her ass in the air, pounding
her from behind as she wore a hot red panty strap on. Greg’s jaw
dropped as he saw the big blue cock pumping in and out of Calista’s
pink pussy lips. Lauren thrust her pelvis, aggressively penetrating
Calista, grunting as she slammed into her ass. Both girls’ breasts
bounced on impact and beads of sweat glistened on their flesh. Greg
stared in shock and almost let out a moan when he came to his
senses and tiptoed away and out of the house. He got in the car and
drove around the block a couple times. His dick was so hard he
thought it would rip through his trousers. He drove around a bit
longer then stopped at a park pulled out his cell phone and called

She answered out of breath. “Hello?”

Greg kept his voice steady “Calista, I am out
of work early today and just wanted to let you know I’m on the way
home. Anything you need me to pick up?”

“Greg? Hey, umm can Lauren spend the night?”
Calista asked.

“Umm, sure. I don’t see why not.” Greg’s
heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest and his mind
raced with all sorts of nasty scenarios.

“Cool. Thanks. Oh and can we just order some
pizza for dinner?”

“Sure. If it means I don’t have to cook then
that is fine by me. So I will see you in fifteen minutes or

“Okay. Later.” Calista hung up the phone and
looked over her shoulder at Lauren. “We got fifteen minutes before
he gets home so we better put ole blue away for later.”

Lauren made a sad face and thrust the big
blue cock in Calista’s juicy pussy one last time then pulled it
out. “I didn’t even get a turn.” She whined.

“Oh you are gonna get your turn. Don’t even
worry about that my dear.” Lauren kissed her on the nose and then
proceeded to pick up their clothes.



Chapter 4


Greg pulled into the driveway once again and
got out of the car. He hoped he could keep his cock down when he
saw the girls. He opened the door slowly “I’m home.”

There was no answer. He put his briefcase and
laptop down once again, loosened his tie and walked into the tv
room. “Calista?” Still no answer then out the window he saw Calista
and Lauren both in tiny bikinis lounging by the pool. Greg opened
the patio doors “Hello ladies. Just let me know when you are ready
to order pizza. I’ll be in my office.”

Calista sat up and tilted her sunglasses down
her nose “Oh come on out here for a while Greg. It’s Friday and you
are out of work early. Take a break already.”

Lauren chimed in “Yeah all work and no play
and all that shit.”

Greg chuckled nervously “You girls don’t want
an old man like me out here cramping your style.”

This time Lauren slid her glasses down her
nose and looked him over approvingly “Come on out and relax with
us. We won’t bite.” She taunted.

“Well, alright. It has been a long day and I
could use a little relaxation.”

“There ya go Greg. Go get your swim trunks.”
Calista got up and walked toward him I’m going in for a glass of
lemonade. Anyone else want one?”

“I’ll take one, thanks.” Lauren said.

Calista looked at Greg “Can I get you
something to drink?”

Greg stammered as Calista walked past him,
her ass hanging out of the thin red piece of material they sold her
as a bikini bottom, her breasts barely concealed by the small
triangles of the so called top “Yeah, I’ll take lemonade also.” He
almost fell over as she opened the door and went in the house. He
slowly followed her to the kitchen and watched in amazement as she
opened the refrigerator and the cold air hit her, her nipples
responding, immediately becoming erect and poking the thin red
material of her bikini top.

“So are you sure you don’t mind me joining
you and your friend?”

Calista smiled and said “Not at all Daddy. We
both want you to come outside with us. Lauren says she really likes
you.” She poured three large glasses of lemonade and put them on a
tray. “So go get your swim trunks on silly.” Calista carried the
tray of drinks past him. “Could you get the door?”

Greg opened the door and closed it after
Calista had walked through. He watched as she put the tray on the
patio table and Lauren got up and walked over to get a drink. He
couldn’t believe she was actually wearing a sexy black thong
bikini. Greg practically ran to his bedroom to find his trunks.

Greg quickly got his swim trunks on and then
checked his hair and his breath before walking out to the pool as
casually as he could. He swallowed hard and picked up a glass of
lemonade. He walked to the edge of the pool and walked down the
steps stopping to sit a couple stairs down in the water. He thought
that perhaps the pool could help conceal his erection that was
certain to reappear the way things were going so far. “The water is
perfect today.” He said and leaned back on the steps.

Lauren turned up the stereo and walked past
Greg on the stairs she slowly got in the water then swam over to a
raft and climbed on making sure her ass was in Greg’s sight at all
times. He licked his lips and took a drink of lemonade smiled
knowingly and was happy he sat in the water.

Lauren lay on the raft and paddled her way to
the edge of the pool “Calista will you be a doll and hand me my

Calista got up and walked over to her friend
handing her the glass of lemonade. Greg just watched as the girls
interacted. He wished to hell he could tell one of the guys at work
about it but knew it was wise to keep this delicious secret to his

Calista took the empty glass from Lauren and
sat it on the pool side, slipped into the water beside Lauren and
hung onto the side of her raft kicking her feet lightly sending
them across the pool and closer to Greg. She playfully splashed
Lauren who squealed at the contact of the cool water on her now
sunny, warm skin. They frolicked around a bit and Greg just soaked
it all in pretending to sunbathe until Lauren rolled off the raft
and swam over to him. She sat beside him and took his glass from
his hand and took a sip. She handed it back. “So how’s it going?
Enjoying your Friday?”

“Yes as a matter of fact, I am immensely
enjoying my Friday. And you?” Greg took a drink and sat the glass
on the edge of the pool.

“Yeah, it has been amazing so far. Not at all
what I expected to be doing this weekend but some surprises are
good.” Lauren moved in closer to Greg.

Calista came over and sat by Lauren hanging
her arms around her neck. “Are you guys ready for pizza? All this
playing around has made me hungry.”

They agreed it was as good a time as any and
got out of the pool. Greg ordered pizza and they all went to get
showered before it arrived.

Greg came out of the bedroom in sweatpants
and a T-shirt and sat on the sofa waiting for the pizza to arrive.
The doorbell rang and he paid the guy and carried the boxes into
the kitchen where he found the girls getting plates and cans of
soda. Calista looked lovely in her tight pale blue T-shirt and
cutoff sweatpants shorts. And Lauren looked amazing in hot red
short shorts and a tight faded pink tank top with cotton so thin
you could see just see the outline of her nipples through.

They sat out in the tv room eating pizza and
watching some reality show Greg wasn’t familiar with but didn’t
really care because he had his own sexy show right before his

It was hard for him to keep his eyes off the
girls as they used their tongues to wrap around strings of cheese
that dripped off their slices of pizza and giggled and bounced
around on the sofa that earlier he had seen them fucking on. His
mind flashed back to the red panties and the blue cock and he
shifted in his seat.

“What are you smiling at?” Calista looked at

Greg cleared his throat “Just happy to have
the evening off.”

“So are you enjoying yourself? “ Lauren slid
down on the floor and sat between Calista’s long legs.

“Yeah, it’s been a good day.”

“So what should we do tonight?” Lauren
lightly rubbed Calista’s leg and her nipples stiffened.

Greg licked his lips “I don’t have any
definite plans so whatever you girls want to do is fine by me.”

“Whatever we want to do?” Calista cooed and
slid down to the floor behind her friend and kissed her on the
shoulder. Lauren leaned her head over exposing her neck and Calista
kissed her gently.

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