Where There's Smoke...: Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man, a Memoir (31 page)

BOOK: Where There's Smoke...: Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man, a Memoir
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One of the unexpected pleasures of writing a memoir is searching out people from one’s past for their memories, thoughts, and assistance. Many people whom I had not spoken to for decades gave of their time. My thanks to Ray Stancer, Karl Jaffary, David Gardner, Jackie Burroughs, David Calderisi, Dan MacDonald, Sandra Ward, Fred Euringer, Donald Sutherland, Hannah Gordon, and others with whom I enjoyed a renewed friendship.

I am especially grateful for those who took time to read parts or all of the work and give me valuable feedback. I thank Jerry Wasserman in particular, not only for reading the first section of the manuscript, but for suggesting I write a memoir in the first place. Donna Wong-Juliani’s unflagging enthusiasm inspired me with new energy. And David Helwig’s clear editorial eye helped me trim a lot of dross.

But particular appreciation goes to Barbara Ellison who shared so much of the process and gave me such wise counsel and editorial experience. And finally to my editor, Jen Hale, who rode the bumps with great good will and gave such enthusiastic support.

BOOK: Where There's Smoke...: Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man, a Memoir
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