When Sparks Fly (71 page)

Read When Sparks Fly Online

Authors: Kristine Raymond,Andrea Michelle,Grace Augustine,Maryann Jordan,B. Maddox,J. M. Nash,Anne L. Parks

Tags: #Anthologies (Multiple Authors), #Holidays, #General, #Romance, #Box Set, #Anthology, #Fiction

BOOK: When Sparks Fly
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Chapter Five

The twenty minute drive home seemed to take longer than normal. The thought of Tucker touching me kept the fire in my core burning brightly and my imagination was starting to run wild the longer the ride seemed to take. It seemed like he was driving slower than normal but I couldn’t bring myself to speak. I sat quietly staring out the window into the dark star lit sky.

As we approached the last turn, Tucker slowed the truck down to almost a crawl. I wanted to ask him why, but I really didn’t know for certain of what might tumble out of my mouth. What I logically need to say and what my body wanted to say were two very different things. I had never been so tongue tied in my life. Not even Nate could leave me speechless.

As we crawled to a halt in the driveway, he looked at me with a wicked grin. “Stay put.” He spoke placing the truck in park before opening the door. I didn’t move as I watched him jog around the front of the truck to my door. He pulled open the door and offered a hand to me. I smiled and reached my hand out to his as my fingers rippled a crossed his rough, calloused hands. You could feel where the skin flaked from the rope and gloves he wore. I froze for a moment.

My mind raced back to the first night Nate ran his hands over my naked body. Oh how I missed the feeling. I prefer the touch of a strong man with rough, torn and calloused hands over the soft and smooth version. The rough and tough feel made me feel at home knowing he worked hard, probably on a farm. And that made me think of cowboys. Something about a cowboy… I could never put my finger on it. I shook my head trying to clear the images of Nate from my brain.

“Are you okay?” He asked as I stepped down in front of him. I simply nodded. How could I explain to the man standing in front of me, the man I wanted to take me to bed and treat me like a woman again, I just had a flashback of the very first time Nate and I made love?

“I am perfect.” I lied. If he would have tried harder to get more information from me, I would have melted and the words would have just tumbled from my mouth.

“Come, let’s get you inside and cleaned up.” He wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me to the house.

I don’t need help, but who was I to argue with a strapping young man who wanted to help me to the house? He tucked me into his side as we took the short path down to the house. The half-moon giving us a perfect path of light to the back porch. He tentatively let go of my waist as we stepped up the few steps to the deck. As we hit the back door, I retrieved the keys from my pocket and handed them to him.

He took them from my hand. “It’s the large pink key.” I heard a soft chuckle leave his mouth. “What?”

“Absolutely nothing.” He smirked as he pushed the key into the lock. Unlocking the door, he pushed it open allowing me to pass by. I slid my free hand across his stomach as I slipped by him. “You are playing with fire.”

“And I am waiting to get burned.” I mumbled under my breath as I headed towards the bathroom. I knew the price of playing with fire and I was about to really get my ass in trouble.

“I heard you.” He smarted off. I didn’t wait nor did I answer back. I could hear him shuffle across the hardwood and then the carpet as he followed behind me. He came up closely behind me as I stopped at the door. I slid my hand inside the door and up the wall to flip on the light switch. I stepped inside as the light came on. Stepping towards the full length mirror, I saw where the blood had seeped through the shirt Tucker had wrapped around my arm.

“I need a pair of scissors.” I commented. “Top drawer.” As he went in search of the scissors, I slipped my shirt off. When Tucker turned around it was his turn to be speechless. He cleared his throat and I could see the desire light up in his eyes.

“Umm… here you go.” He tripped over his words as he stretched out his hand.

“No, you will need to cut them off. I can’t see what I’m doing.” He pulled back his hand and I turned sideways to give him better access. He stepped forward hesitating for just a moment. “Tucker, I am not going to bite and I am pretty sure you have seen a woman in her bra.”

“Yes ma’am I have but…” His voice trailed off.

“But what Tucker?” I grasped his hand as he pulled the fabric back from my arm. By his lack of voice I knew he was hiding something.

“Never mind.” He focused on removing the shirt pieces. As they loosened, I watched them drop to the floor before surveying the damage done by the brick wall.

“There is some peroxide underneath the cabinet and washcloths in the top drawer. I think it just needs to be cleaned. I don’t think there is anything we can help using the butterfly stiches.” I say trying to eye the wound on the back side of my arm.

“Well let’s get all the blood out of the way and I will determine if you do.” He let go of my arm and my eyes followed him around the bathroom. He grabbed the peroxide and several washcloths before returning to my arm.

“I think the best way to clean this is for me to sit on the side of the tub. I have dried blood all down my arm.” I stepped back, turned, and sat sideways on the tub edge. Tucker smirked and kicked off his boots. He bent pulling off his socks and playfully tossing them at me before he rolled up his pant legs. “Yuck.” I joked tossing them back at him. He stood and walked towards me before he straddled the tub. As he adjusted to the width of the tub edge, he removed his cowboy hat and tossed it to the floor.

I quickly looked away. The attraction I felt for him became more evident as time passed. “Okay, this may sting a bit. Can you hold this under your elbow?” He handed me a secondary washcloth. I placed it just below the bend in my arm. I looked away. I knew as soon as he poured the peroxide on my skin it would burn a bit. My skin tingled for a moment before I felt his cool breath against my skin. Taken back by his action, I looked to see his nose almost touching my elbow lightly blowing the white bubbles away. “This cut here, I am going to put a butterfly on it. It is deeper than I think it should be.”

I took his word for it. I didn’t think any of the cuts or scrapes warranted stiches or anything. “Bottom drawer.” I gulped as he stood and his groin and my nose almost made impact. I could clearly see the outline of his manhood. Shit! How the fuck did I not notice that earlier? He clearly wasn’t hard, but from what I can tell, I’m going to be in deep shit when he is. This man was going to rock my world in more ways than one.

He grabbed the rest of the supplies he needed and sat back down beside me. As he dropped to the tub side, I made sure to look away. I really didn’t want to be caught eye fucking his crotch.

“This is really going to suck, but I want to clean all this blood off.” He spoke softly as he began wiping dried blood from my arm with a wet washcloth.

“Shit.” I mumbled. I knew he was trying to be gentle, but I don’t think it would have mattered at this point. The skin was raw and tender.

“Sorry. You are going to be bruised tomorrow. Not too bad, but it will be noticeable.” I saw the washcloth land in front of my feet. “I would say change this twice a day and keep it clean.”

“Okay. Mr. Rodeo Doctor.” I smarted off. I wanted to look at him and shake my head and say I think I am old enough to know better, but I didn’t. I kept my smart mouth shut. Sometimes my mouth can write checks my body can’t cash, so I better keep it shut.

“Wow. You really better watch it. I may just hog tie you and toss you on the bed.” He winked.

“Really?” I raised an eyebrow.

“You are not in the best position to be picking a fight.” He finished wrapping my arm in gauze and tapped it soundly. “You are good to go. I will check it again in the morning.”

“Morning?” I questioned.

“Yes, ma’am. I will be here.” He nodded picking his hat up from the floor and placing it on my head. “Come let’s get you some clean clothes. Tomorrow is a long day and we both need our sleep.”

Seriously, the last thing on my mind was sleep. “Sleep? Really?”

“Kennedy Montgomery, what else would you like me to do?” He questions stopped right before he left the bathroom. He knew what I wanted. He just wanted me to say it out loud.

“Damn it, Tucker.” I shoved upward, stepping out of the tub. I stepped across the small room until I was as close as I could be to him. I took the hat off my head and stood up on my tip toes and placed it back on his head. “If I have to spell it out for you, then it’s not worth the time.” I stormed past him heading towards my room. “Shit,” I mumbled under my breath. I didn’t even look back to see if he had followed me. At this point, I didn’t care. I was kind of pissed off at Rodeo boy.

I threw open my closet door and stepped inside. I pulled the string turning on the light. I kept swearing under my breath as I stripped off my dirty pants. I bent over picking them up, but not before I noticed Tucker’s bare legs behind me. I didn’t turn around as I stood up. I tossed my jeans in the small worn hamper and tried to ignore the man behind me. I knew if I turned to see if he was naked or not I would be ready to pounce on him. I walked to the back of my closet and refused to look over my shoulder. I pulled a shirt off the hanger and counted to ten.

I held the shirt in my teeth as I reached around my back and tried to unclasp my bra. I removed it from my body tossing it to join the jeans in the hamper. I placed my arms in the sleeves. I closed my eyes as I had started to reach my arms above my head to pull the shirt over my body when I felt him.

He pressed his body up against mine pinning me against the wall. He kicked my feet apart. My heart started to race as I started to panic. I gulped loudly as he pinned my arms above my head with his left hand and his right hand timidly touched my stomach sending the already lit fire blazing. His hand slid farther south until he reached the rim of my silk panties. I sucked in a quick breath.

“Kennedy, are you ready for me?” His voice low and gruff sending chills spreading over my entire body.

I nodded; I couldn’t answer him verbally.

“Oh are we being shy?” He growled against the nape of my neck as his hand slipped under the thin band. His hand continued to explore when he hesitated and I knew he had discovered I had been completely waxed. “Fuck me.”

I didn’t move as his hand cupped my intimate area. I could feel him running his finger up and down my wet seam. I gasped as he slipped inside of me.

“I feel you’re ready for me. Kennedy, do you want me? Do you want me to show you what I can do?” He barked pressing his very thick hard member into my back.

There wasn’t a single doubt in my mind that Tucker Jackson would give me more than an eight second ride tonight.

Chapter Six

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