When Sparks Fly (49 page)

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Authors: Kristine Raymond,Andrea Michelle,Grace Augustine,Maryann Jordan,B. Maddox,J. M. Nash,Anne L. Parks

Tags: #Anthologies (Multiple Authors), #Holidays, #General, #Romance, #Box Set, #Anthology, #Fiction

BOOK: When Sparks Fly
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Walking him to the door, she wanted to pull him back in and kiss him the way she wanted. Long and hard. The kind of kiss that would have them heading up to her bedroom, tossing clothes along the way. But she didn’t. Instead, she thanked him for staying and promised to see him soon.

As he walked back to his truck, she smiled, knowing she would see him again.
Now, I just have to find a way to see if it is all right with Laurie!

Chapter Four

It was several days later before Jean had a chance to talk to Laurie, even though each night found her and Brock talking on the phone for hours. Jean found Laurie outside while her students were on the playground and asked if she could talk to her after school for a few minutes. Laurie seemed surprised that Jean asked and she readily agreed. That afternoon, Jean was uncharacteristically nervous.

“Jean, you always speak plainly and cut to the chase. What’s going on?”

Looking down for a moment, Jean raised her bright blue eyes to Laurie’s and said bluntly, “Brock asked me to dinner and I said yes. I would really like to get to know him, but you’re my friend, and I don’t want any….awkwardness between us.”

Laurie jumped up and pulled Jean into a hug, wrapping her arms around her friend. “Oh, Jean, I’m so happy for you! I don’t mind at all. In fact, I think it’s a really good idea.”

“It’s just dinner, my dear, not an engagement!” Jean retorted.

“I know, but I think it just…fits,” Laurie said wistfully. “Let’s call Carol and plan what you’re going to wear!”

Laughing, they headed out of school.


That weekend, Jean, Laurie, and Carol were perched on the bar stools at Smokey’s waiting on their men. Carol, always smartly dressed, was in a silky blue dress that showcased her slim figure and blonde hair. Makeup done to perfection, she looked as though she stepped off a designer runway instead of out of her nursing scrubs. Jean, finally out of the clothes she normally wore working at an elementary school, was in black slacks with a green silky top that draped in front, showing a little cleavage.
It’s been a long time since I have dressed to impress and man; I hope Brock is impressed.

Laurie, deciding to dress to kill, wore a red dress that came to a respectable length and gave plenty of coverage in the front. The killer part of the dress was the back. There wasn’t one. Rob was going to flip. The women were already giggling over Rob’s reaction.

Several men were looking them over, making Smokey’s owner, Bill, nervous. He knew when his friends’ women were in the bar he was expected to watch how much they drank, keep an eye on any men looking at them, and be the bouncer if there were any problems.

Wendy looked at her husband’s glowering face and then back over to the women. “Girls, I hope your men get here soon ’cause my husband is not the most cheerful bartender under the best of circumstances, and when you’re here alone, he gets downright surly!”

Bill looked over, glaring at all four women. “I know how to take care of my woman. I work with her so I can keep my eye on her. Your men don’t get here soon, I’m lockin’ up the joint.”

Right then the door to Smokey’s opened with a bang and in walked Tom, Rob, Jake, and Brock. Jake was alone, and Laurie thought once again how she would love to fix him up with her Aunt Emma.
Maybe, just maybe, if Emma moves here this summer…

Walking over, Tom lifted Carol off the bar-stool admiring the way she looked. “Damn, angel, you look gorgeous!”

Rob approached the bar, never taking his eyes off of his gorgeous woman. He decided to follow Tom’s example and offered his hand to assist her down from the high bar-stool. Once he saw the non-existent back to her dress, he immediately ordered the group to sit at a booth instead of a table, saying he wasn’t going to deal with every man in the place staring at her naked back.

Brock approached Jean, offering his hand to assist her off the stool, leaning in to privately complement the way she looked. He thought she looked beautiful. Classy. Elegant. He had loved their blossoming friendship, but he wanted more. A lot more. And if her expression was to be believed, she did too.

Blushing, Jean took his hand, linking her fingers with his as they walked to the booth. Sliding into the oversized booth, she made room for him to slide in as well. He moved in close to her and placed his arm around her as they made themselves comfortable.

The conversation flowed and he had to admit that he was having a good time. At first, he had been nervous being on a date with his daughter present. But those feelings quickly disappeared. Laurie was a beautiful young woman, obviously raised with love, and seeing her with Rob only made it better. He had not seen Carol and Tom since the awkward day at Jean’s house, but he quickly found that he enjoyed their company as well. Carol was a nurse at the hospital and was one of Laurie’s best friends. Tom and Jake were detectives with the Fairfield police and Brock could not ask for better friends for his daughter.

The conversation turned to Laurie’s aunt Emma and he could see from the expression on her face that she planned for Jake to meet her when she moved in a couple of months. It did not escape Brock’s attention that Jake seemed less than enthusiastic.

As the evening came to a close, the friends headed toward the parking lot. Laurie moved next to Jean and whispered, “I wanted you to know that I’ll be with Rob tonight. In case you and dad wanted…well, you know.”

Jean’s eyes grew wide at Laurie’s implication but found that she could not deny what she hoped for. Laurie just giggled, kissed her dad goodnight and headed off to Rob’s truck.

Brock moved back over to Jean, and seeing the amused look on her face, lifted his eyebrow in question.

“It seems that Laurie wanted to tell me that she was spending the night with Rob.” She looked up at Brock’s face, wondering what he was thinking.

Brock stared at the beauty in front of him. He saw the desire flash through her eyes once again and wondered if this was an invitation or just information. “I’d like to follow you home to make sure you get there safely.”

Smiling, she replied, “I’d love that.” Standing on her toes, she gave him a quick kiss. “And if you want to stay for a bit, that’d be okay too.”

With that, she sashayed over to her car and drove to her house, seeing him right behind her all the way. Pulling into her garage, she met him in the driveway as they walked to her front door. Her sense of awareness was heightened. She noticed the scent of his old, leather jacket, the feel of his hand on her back, his height as he stood close as she unlocked the door. It was as though her body was longing for his touch…a feeling she had not had in a long time.

Brock was having much of the same feelings as he followed her inside. His fingers itched to slide through her hair and his dick was already hard in anticipation.
Down boy. She’s not a barfly, but a lady.
He willed his dick to behave, knowing that he would be going back to the hotel soon.

As they entered the small foyer, she tossed her purse on the table and turned abruptly. “Brock, I want you to stay.” The words came out in a rush, knowing if spoken slowly they would have never made it out of her mouth. She immediately blushed and sucked her lips in, wishing she could pull the blurt back in.

A slow grin spread over his face as he stepped closer. Lifting her chin with his fingers, he said, “Oh sweetheart, don’t ever be sorry you said those words. Words any man would love to hear, but coming from you…they mean everything.”

Her gaze held his as she said, “I just…feel…when you’re around. Things I haven’t felt in a really long time.”

“Like what?” he prodded, stepping closer until their bodies touched from chest to knee.

“Like I’m on fire. But not just lust,” she quickly added. “But as though all of me is in tune with all of you.”

Brock understood exactly what she was saying, having felt the same for the past couple of days. With both hands cupping her face, he leaned down and kissed her. This time taking the kiss deeper, wetter. Licking her lips, he took the invitation when she opened to him.

His tongue plunged in, tangling with hers as he tasted the intoxicating wine. Sliding one hand from her face to her back, he pulled her in closer. Pressing his aching dick against her, his hand made its way down to her luscious ass. Kneading the soft globes, he battled the urge to take her against the door.

Jean’s body felt alive…more alive than in a very long time. The feel of his thick member pressing against her made up her mind. No more living life on the edge of happiness. She put her hands on his chest and gave a gentle push.

She immediately felt the cold as their bodies separated and fought the urge to pull him back. She saw the look disappointment flash through his eyes, but then saw them spark again as they dropped to her hands as she pulled her shirt over her head.

His eyes dropped to her satin bra, breasts spilling over the top. He lifted a finger and traced along her swollen lips down her neck to the soft mounds aching to be touched. Raising his eyes back to hers, he saw desire mingled with doubt, and he wanted to erase the latter.

Bending, he scooped her up into his arms saying, “Where to, sweetheart?”

A shy smile escaped as she answered, “Upstairs, the first door on the right.”

Quickly ascending the stairs, he entered the room and lowered her, allowing her body to slide along his front. Emboldened, she unfastened her pants and slid them down her legs, kicking them to the side. Standing in front of him, with the first man she had been with in fifteen years, she felt on display. Her satin panties matched her bra and from the look in his eyes, he appreciated the view.

Brock felt his hands shake as he began to unbutton his shirt. She stepped up to him and gently brushed them out of the way, taking over the task herself. Lifting her hands to his shoulders, she slid the shirt off of his sinewy body. He had a few tattoos on his arms and shoulders. One caught her eyes.

was tattooed on his chest in small letters right over his heart.

He looked embarrassed, but she quickly placed her fingers over his mouth. “It’s fine. You loved her just as I loved Rick. They’re a part of our past, but their ghosts don’t enter here.”

“I want to get another one that has Laurie’s name under her mother’s, but I don’t want to rush things.”

“I think she’d love it,” Jean said truthfully.

He smiled at her understanding as his gaze landed on the picture beside her bed. He realized that she was right; he was not jealous of the man that loved her first.

Turning his attention back to her, he quickly divested his jeans and they landed on the pile of clothing gathering on the floor. Standing in only his boxers, tented with the evidence of his desire, he stepped forward again. It had been a long time since he had been with a woman he actually cared about. Usually his baser needs were met from a quick hook-up from someone at the bar—either a young woman looking to bang a soldier or a more mature woman past her bloom, looking for a night of pleasure.

But this woman in front of him, beautiful, smart, kind…she was everything he could have possibly dreamed of and she was presenting herself to him.

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