When Sparks Fly (32 page)

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Authors: Kristine Raymond,Andrea Michelle,Grace Augustine,Maryann Jordan,B. Maddox,J. M. Nash,Anne L. Parks

Tags: #Anthologies (Multiple Authors), #Holidays, #General, #Romance, #Box Set, #Anthology, #Fiction

BOOK: When Sparks Fly
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Frankie shrugged her shoulders. She really didn’t know what to do next. The only thing sure thing was her love for Renee and the music she created. She wanted to do everything in her power to help the young woman reach stardom.

“What is unique to you, Renee?” Blake asked.

“What the hell do you mean what’s unique about her? My God, Blake, can’t you see what a phenomenal woman she is? You heard her music,” Frankie snapped.

“Do you remember what I said in your office, Ms. Wellman? We shook on it and you agreed that we would do things my way. If you’re going to grill me with every question I ask and with every suggestion I make, then I will break this gentleman’s contract here and now.”

Blake stood part way up, his hands braced on the table. Renee reached out and covered his hand with hers, stopping him from further movement. He sighed as he sat down.

Renee looked at him, studying the frustration in his face.

“There’s no need to do that, Blake. I’m anxious to hear what you have to say. I’m excited to find a new path that will take me up the charts. Please, let’s just calm down.”

Blake’s feeble smile did little to assure Renee that he would stay, even just for lunch.

“Then, I ask again, Renee, what is unique about you? Your music? Your style?”

Renee thought for a moment before answering. No one had ever asked her that before.

Unique and me in the same sentence…I’m not thinking so. Plain and me yes. Unique and me, a definite no.

“I’ve never really thought about it, Blake. I’ve worked in the same profession for the past fifteen years. All I knew was legal this, legal that.”

“That’s your first assignment, then, Renee. Create a list of things that makes you unique. I don’t care how trivial it is, if you feel that it’s part of what makes you different from everyone else, put it on the list.”

Blake noticed the smirk she emitted. It made him furious to think that she would be this way, making light of a serious thing, when all he wanted to do was help her.

“I mean it, Renee. If you want my help, you’ll do as I ask. You may not think this list is important, but it’s very important in creating a brand that can be associated with you.

“Think of some of the big name singers. What comes to mind when I say George Strait?”

“His black hat.”

“What about when I say Shania Twain?”

“Her long hair and sexy, toned body.”

“How ’bout Mr. Rogers?”

“The sweater and sneakers.”

Frankie sat back and observed. She liked what she was hearing. By watching Renee’s mannerisms, she saw that Blake’s words were beginning to sink in.

“So, Blake, what you want to do is create something that people can associate with only me. When they think of it, they see me or hear me,” Renee nodded. “Cool.”

Finally! She may be gorgeous and talented, but I don’t think she has a brain cell that is capable of understanding anything.

Blake took a bite of his sandwich and wiped the dressing from the corner of his mouth. He looked at the women and they’d begun eating, too. Silence, at least for a little while.

“May I bring dessert and coffee for any one?”

Frankie rubbed her hands together and licked her lips.

“You can’t come to Knight’s Table without having dessert. Yes, please. Coffee for all of us and bring one of the large apple tarts with ice cream on the side and three spoons.”

“Oh, that does sound good, Frankie. Just a couple bites for me, though,” Renee remarked.

“Now that you’re going to be out in the public more, we’re going to have to think about a new image for you. We need to figure out how to make your statement loud enough that people will stand up and listen.”

Frankie accepted the cup of coffee handed to her, took one of the spoons, and scooped a generous portion of apple tart to a plate, topping it with ice cream. She handed the first one to Blake and repeated the process for Renee.

Frankie kept the largest portion for herself and savored the spoonful she’d just put in her mouth. The cinnamon, warm apple and ice cream flavors danced on her tongue. She closed her eyes and shivered. How delightful.

Blake chuckled as he watched Frankie enjoying her dessert. He’d never seen anyone react to food this way. She certainly loved and appreciated it, that’s for sure.

“What? You’re looking at me like I’m doing something wrong,” Frankie remarked, shoving another spoonful of the decadent dessert into her mouth.

“No, Frankie, I’m just enjoying watching you enjoy your food, that’s all. It’s not every day you see a woman like food. Most these days don’t eat enough to keep a bird alive.”

Blake caught himself several times during the past couple hours glancing in Renee’s direction. She was a beautiful woman. She could benefit from time at the gym to tone up her arms and legs, but over-all Blake liked what he saw.

Stop fooling yourself, man. You feel what she does to you and you want to do the same to her.

“I want to meet at least twice a week until we have a firm plan of attack.”

Frankie’s voice brought Blake back from the bunny trail he was hopping down.

“Yes, that’ll work. If I feel it needs to be more, I’ll contact each of you and set something up. Maybe we can meet at my apartment, or even at Renee’s.”

Again, Renee felt like she was sitting on the outside of the circle. They were talking about her and not including her in decisions. This part of the process was not something she was fond of at all.

“You know, you’re talking like I’m not even in the room again. I repeat, don’t I have a say in this?”

A resounding ‘no’ was voiced in her direction simultaneously.

“I want you involved in this process, Renee, I really do, but until I get a handle of what needs to be done, it’s best that you just look pretty and nod your head.”

Frankie’s words stung. Tears escaped the corners of Renee’s beautiful eyes. She was shocked and embarrassed to be spoken to like a lower class human, especially in front of Blake.

Sit here and look pretty like some hood ornament? Nod my head in agreement with what’s being said?

Blake stood up and walked the short distance to her chair and knelt down by her side. He took the napkin on her lap and wiped the tears that ran down her cheeks.

“Renee, look at me,” Blake tilted her chin so their eyes met. “I’m not going to have you upset about any of this. We won’t do what you don’t want to do. You have to trust me. I’ll do my best to get you gigs that will generate the most interest and the most money. Once we have the money, I promise you that I’ll book you in a recording studio so we can get your music out there. I promise.”

“Blake, do you really believe people will want me?” Renee questioned softly between sobs.

“Yes, Renee, I do. You’re a fabulous guitar player. I haven’t heard you sing yet, but I’m sure you’re good at that, too. Trust me, we’ll make it happen.”

Renee put her arms around Blake’s neck. He reciprocated by pulling her into a tight hug.

“Alright, you two. That’s enough. I need to get back to the office and since both of your vehicles are there, I suggest that you come along with me.”

Frankie signed the credit card receipt and headed for the door, Blake and Renee in tow.

The short drive to the agency was mainly silent, except for Frankie singing off key to a couple tunes on the radio. Blake opted to sit in the back seat in case the women had things to discuss.

“Well, I’ll be in touch. I have another client shortly, so I’ll say goodbye.”

Frankie shook hands with Blake, hugged Renee, pulled her gray London Fog coat closer around herself, and entered the automatic doors that lead to her office.

“Blake, thanks for wanting to help.”

“You’re welcome. Sorry I seemed harsh back there, but when I take on a project, I become immersed in it to the point of getting what I want. I want to do my best for you, and for Frankie and her agency.”

“Thank you.”

“There’ll be times I’ll piss you off, I won’t lie, but always know I have your best interest and will do all I can to get fabulous end results.”

“I understand.”

Renee walked over to her car.

“I’ll see you at home, I guess.”

Blake chuckled.

Home. Guess you could call it that…we live on the same floor of the same building.

Chapter Four

Melodic music floated into Blake’s apartment. It was a softer, gentler tune than the past ones had been. He rolled over and looked at the clock. 2 am. He might have known.

That girl has to get a grip on time!

Blake shrugged into his robe and slid his feet into the slippers at the end of his bed. He almost hated to do this again, but he had to go tell Renee to tone it down. Honestly, he was surprised that none of the downstairs neighbors complained. Hell, he was sure even the neighbors in the surrounding buildings could hear some of her music.

This time Blake dispensed with knocking and just opened the door and showed himself into Renee’s apartment. There she was, sitting on the same stool, one foot on the bottom rung and the other on the floor. She wore pink fleece cat print pajamas, had a scarf wrapped around her neck, and her hair tied up with something pink. A moccasin clad foot tapped time with what she played.

“Renee,” Blake called, louder than normal.

“Oh, hi. I woke you up again, didn’t I?”

“Yes, and guess what time it is? 2 am. Do you set your alarm for this time or what?”

“This is just the time I do my best work. Come, sit down, and listen, if you’d like.”

Blake made himself comfortable in one of the oversized chairs across from where she sat at the bar.

Renee strummed the first few bars of a new song. It was haunting, kind of bluesy, yet not. She began singing the lyrics on the paper in front of her. Soon her eyes were closed as she played and sang from her soul.

Blake was astonished at the sound that now filled the room. He’d never heard Renee sing, or really play, for that matter. All he’d heard in the past were the frustrations in her head played out on the instruments, which was nothing more than an incessant drone to him.

He listened with piqued interest. Blake closed his eyes and was transported into the world she was singing about. Note after note took him deeper into Renee’s musicality, giving him a better understanding of just who he had to market.


Blake opened his eyes, still amazed at what he’d just experienced.

“My God, Renee, why are you not a million seller? You sing with such ease, so natural…and the music…simply beautiful. I have my work cut out for me, that’s for sure!”

Renee smiled.

“So, does that mean you like what you heard?”

Blake walked over to where Renee was sitting and put his hands on either side of the stool by her thighs, bringing him just inches from her face. His gaze focused on her shadowed amber colored eyes and moved to her soft, inviting lips.

Don’t do it, Blake, don’t do it. I mean it, Blake, don’t kiss her. Don’t look into her eyes, don’t focus on those luscious lips.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve heard any music that affected me the way yours just did. Mark my words, Renee Manelli, before the end of the summer, you will have a recording contract. The world will hear all of the brilliance of who you are and what you do.”

Renee licked her lips. She was very uncomfortable with Blake being so close to her, yet there was part of her who wanted to have him pull her close to him again.

He has the most amazing eyes. The midnight blue shines silver in some light. Oh, Blake, you don’t know how much I want you to kiss me right now. Wait, that can’t happen. We have to keep this professional.

As if Blake could read Renee’s thoughts, he stood upright and moved to the other side of the counter. He needed to put distance between them.

“Would you like something to drink or eat? I haven’t eaten since we were at the restaurant. I wanted to get this song done while it was fresh in my head.”

Blake moved toward the refrigerator to see what she had to offer. Eggs, orange juice and yogurt. He shook his head.

“How ’bout we go across the hall. I have more food than you do. I’ll fix something. Whatcha in the mood for?”

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