When in Rio (24 page)

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Authors: Delphine Dryden

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: When in Rio
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I looked down at his groin to see the all-too-clear evidence of my success pressing firmly against the fine fabric of his tailored trousers. Too late, he took off his jacket and draped it over his arm in a futile attempt to hide the bulge. It was just lucky the hotel was close by or I don’t know how he’d have made it. As it was, it looked like he must be uncomfortable walking around like that. I think we broke some land-speed records in covering the remaining few blocks and the wide lobby to get to the elevator.

My wrist was actually a bit sore, Jack was gripping it so tightly. I didn’t care, only cared about what was going to happen when he got me alone. He didn’t even make eye contact in the elevator, which was crowded with other guests all the way up to our floor. He just stared at the ceiling with a clenched jaw and never released his grip on my wrist.

He almost pulled me off my feet again in his rush from the elevator to the suite. His hands fumbled with the cardkey and he almost dropped it before he finally managed to slide it through the slot and pull me inside after him.

The door had barely closed before Jack had me up against it, claiming my mouth harshly until I was nearly as tense as he seemed to be. But then he pulled back with a look I could read easily, and said tersely, “Do it. Just like you described it.”

I would have a bruise on one knee the next day, I dropped so fast, but at the moment I didn’t notice. I only wished I hadn’t put quite so much foreplay into my description, because I wanted his cock in my mouth
right away
but I had to wait.

If I rushed things a little, Jack didn’t seem to notice. Far from the tender way he’d wrapped his fingers in my hair on the beach when I sucked him, this time he held my head with both hands, firmly. When I shoved his pants and boxers down farther to get them out of the way and ran my fingernails over his balls, he grunted and started fucking my mouth in earnest, barely giving me time to breathe between thrusts. But it was only a matter of a few short seconds before he came, shooting straight down the back of my throat with a force that might have made me gag if I hadn’t been anticipating it. As it was, I just kept my mouth still and open, breathing heavily through my nose, until he pulled his still-firm cock free.

Jack reached one arm out, grasping for the wall and finding it to lean over me, his breathing still a little ragged. Unable to resist, since it was dangling right in front of my face, I gave his cock a swift puppy lick, then another few little laps, until his hand came down to stop me.

“No, pet,” he said, the humor creeping slowly back into his voice. “That’s enough for now. Good girl.”

I was tempted to follow him on all fours when he staggered into the bedroom and ordered me after him, but the dress would have gotten in the way. And besides, since when had I been interested in puppy play? With Jack, strangely, even that seemed like it might be fun. Sitting on his bathmat while he’d patted my head had been fun, after all.

“Do you want me to strip, Sir?” I asked hesitantly once we’d stopped by the bed.

“Any time we’re alone together in the bedroom I expect you to be naked unless I tell you otherwise,” he remarked, as he used the toe of one shoe to nudge the other off.

I only had the dress and a pair of panties on anyway, so taking them off was the work of a minute.

“Get on the bed, on your back. And here, play with this until I come back. Don’t come, pet.”

Jack tossed something onto the bed as I crawled to the center…my bullet vibe. And then he was in the bathroom with the door not quite closed, and I could hear splashing water. I flopped to my back and considered the toy Jack had decided to let me play with, smiling at myself for automatically thinking of it that way—
it was my damn toy to begin with
—but then frowning at the thought of playing with it in front of him. Hmmm.

Perhaps it would be best just to close my eyes and pretend I was home. Turning the toy on, I lay back and thought of my apartment. Inspiration failed to strike but I dutifully raised the vibrator to one nipple anyway, teasing it to a high peak. Ignoring the other one, I decided to cut to the chase and lower the buzzing toy to the spot where Jack had placed it earlier, trying to put myself back there.

And then I
there, my body answering the vibration with a sweet hum of its own. Not wanting to tease myself too badly, I moved the toy down farther, playing it over each fold of my cunt and feeling it grow slicker and a bit sticky with the juices it gathered there. Nestling the tip just inside for a moment made it warm, and on its next trip to my clit it was a different little beast, almost like a lick, warm and wet.

Don’t come
, the little submissive in my brain reminded me, and I obediently shifted the vibrator down again, using my fingers to spread myself wider and take a bit more of it into my pussy. Warm again, wet again, it traveled slowly back up to my clit, which was now practically sitting up and begging for attention like the puppy I’d been playing earlier. The thought of the analogy broke my concentration for a minute and then I started getting into the idea, wondering what Jack would make me do as a puppy, what it would feel like not to be able to talk, not to use my hands except as paws, to be his little bitch in heat—

“That is beautiful, pet.”

I squeaked and jumped at the sound of Jack’s voice. He was standing, still fully clothed, at the end of the bed, staring right between my legs where the vibe was busily buzzing.

“Don’t stop,” he ordered quickly, and without thought I immediately dropped my head back down and started sliding the toy just inside my pussy again, spreading my legs wider. “Now tell me—in ten words or less—what you were thinking about.” The wry tone in his voice registered only dimly.

“I was thinking about…puppy play, Sir.”


“Yes Sir.”

“Huh. Have you ever done that?”

“No Sir.”
But at the moment I’m getting off to the memory of you calling me a bitch in heat, so it’s clearly open for discussion.

“Me neither. Although it sounds like fun. Not as a lifestyle, mind you. Just something to play around with sometime.”

“Of course, Sir,” I murmured. “You already have a dog.”

Jack’s laugh warmed me. My hands were on autopilot—I was perilously close to coming but knew he wasn’t going to let me yet. Life had seldom seemed so rosy.

“True. But Rufus has clearly never studied the Big Book of Submission.” He was on the move, unzipping his suitcase again, and I felt and heard two soft thumps on the mattress. Glancing to the side, since he hadn’t said I couldn’t, I saw my other two purloined toys. Jack’s toys now, that he might let me play with if I was good. I planned to be as good as humanly possible.

The toy I was using was starting to annoy, however. I had gone too long without coming but I suspected that no orgasm was in my immediate future, judging by Jack’s mood, and even the lightest touch of the buzzing metal against my clit took me too close now. I whimpered and slid it back down to the somewhat safer region of my pussy. It was almost with relief that I handed the bullet over to Jack when he held out his hand, though it was to be a short-lived recess.

“Come over here,” he called once he’d placed the toy out of reach. Then, with a grin, a sharper, “Come!” He patted his leg and then pointed at the bed directly in front of him. Grinning back, I rolled over to all fours and puppy crawled to where he’d indicated, mentally wagging my tail for all it was worth.

“Okay, enough puppy for now.”

Pouting a little, I knelt in front of him, trying to look more subservient and less rabidly horny than I was actually feeling. Jack’s next words really didn’t help.

“Two toys left, little one. Which one are you going to demonstrate for me next? Oh, and the pop quiz will be continuing while you perform for me, porn princess. Just so you know.”

I surveyed the remaining two toys in dismay. There was my little massager with the cute bunny ears, of course, my favorite toy of all, the one guaranteed to work every time. But I wasn’t going to be allowed to come, I was positive, so the idea of using Bunny on my already swollen clit and sore pussy was a little horrifying at the moment.

On the other hand, I was getting this little break right now, and at least I might be able to withstand the pleasure of Bunny for a few minutes. Whereas if I had to use Bunny after yet another round of entertaining Jack with my other toy, and he
didn’t let me come…

I looked at Slim, the slender, heavy, copper-colored piece of art that was the only dildo-shaped vibrator I owned, and then at Bunny, calculating the advantages and disadvantages of each.

“Choose, or I’m choosing for you,” Jack prompted—and without thinking I reached for Slim.

“This one, Sir,” I responded uncertainly, clutching the toy to my chest. At least with Slim I could focus my attention away from my clit without raising any suspicions. I hoped.

“That one? Okay, little Katie. Show me what you got. Back to the middle of the bed with you.” He took off his tie as I slid back to the center of the king-size bed and contemplated the toy in my hand for a few seconds. “And don’t just show me, tell me. Tell me what you like doing to yourself with that toy.”

“Yes Sir. May I have some lube, Sir?”

The question took Jack by surprise, and I could see him biting his lip to keep from laughing. “So polite. Yes, of course you may have some lube, Katie.” Still struggling to put on a poker face, Jack strode over to the closet, dug in his bag for the bottle and brought it to me. “I’m prepared to be dazzled now.”

“I don’t usually turn it on right away,” I started, pleased with this sudden inspiration. I opened the flip-top on the lube and spread the heavy liquid liberally over the cool metal of the toy, coating it thoroughly. “I just play with it at first, like…” I paused to arrange myself on my back again, stifling the feeling that the whole thing was a bit too clinical. “Like this. Just teasing.” I demonstrated, sliding the slick metal over my clit, back and forth, only a few times because it was excruciating not to be able to come. And then—with a sense of relief—down to my pussy, which would normally not be quite so wet and willing at this stage of the game.

“And then I usually fuck myself with it and just sort of play with my other hand, like this.” Matching actions to words, I slid my hands into place, feeling the familiarity in my own actions, if not in this current setting. Instinctively I eased the pressure of my fingers to the bare minimum, hoping I was getting away with it, trying to ignore the tension even that much stimulation was causing.

I was doing fine holding myself back until Jack climbed up between my legs on the bed and started running a fingertip everywhere the toy wasn’t.

“You’re not really playing my game, little one. You’re hardly breaking a sweat.”

No, no, please, please don’t…

He bore down with the pad of his finger where I wanted it most and could take it the least, circling hard enough that it was nearly painful on the abused nerve endings there. I couldn’t help it—I gave myself away by begging him to stop.

He did, but only long enough for the threat of orgasm to pass. Then he was at it again, and again, until I was moaning and thrashing, in an agony of need, more than breaking a sweat.

Jack just smiled a cruel little smile and said, “That’s more like it.”

And then, five words that sounded like a death knell. “Now—turn that thing on.”

I know I wept but I did as I was told, scrabbling frantically until I found the control and then sobbing as the toy leapt to life inside my pussy. I tried to stroke it in and out of myself as I had earlier, but even a half-dozen strokes had me practically flinching away from it. Usually Slim wasn’t quite thick or
enough on his own to do the job without a lot of extra help from my hand. But this time it was too much, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself, I
had to
—until Jack pushed my hands away, slid the vibrator out of me and just looked at it thoughtfully before turning it off and tossing it carefully to one side.

“I have great plans for that toy. Later, though.”

I couldn’t answer, just lie there trying to catch my breath, trying desperately to think myself to some place where my nerves weren’t screaming for relief. Wherever that place was, it wasn’t in the hotel suite, that much was clear. Jack had an evil gleam in his eye and I shuddered at what he might be thinking of. Only one toy left.

“Only one toy left, little one. I’m wondering why you saved it for last. Is it the best one?” He held up the stubby little bunny-headed wand and turned it on, raising an eyebrow at the unexpected power of the vibration. “Oh my. That
a special bun-bun. You’ve been holding out on me. I bet he’s probably not your favorite right now though, is he, pet?”

“No Sir!” I replied instantly and adamantly. And very foolishly, I thought a moment later, because I’d just revealed a weakness, and Jack already knew enough of my weaknesses as it was. “He’s…he’s not really my favorite anyway, Sir.” It sounded weak, even to me. And I could tell right away that Jack wasn’t buying it.

“Just for that I should make you use it until you’re screaming. But I think I’ll still give you this choice. You demonstrate the bunny right now, or you get to take a break first while I warm up your butt with my hand—extra hard for lying just now. But mainly just because I feel like it.” He rose from the bed and was already rolling up his sleeves—he obviously knew which option I was going to choose. The new cufflinks were deposited neatly on the bedside table.

“The spanking, please. Sir.” I sounded as miserable as I was, and Jack looked insufferably pleased with himself.

“Oh, hearing you actually ask for it is priceless, pet. Just priceless.”

I wasn’t expecting him to jump onto the bed and drag me, automatically struggling a bit, to the edge. He sat and slung me over his knee, still startled and kicking, and dropped a rapid-fire series of smacks on the meat of one buttock before I could even get my bearings. Hard enough at first—his hands were so large, they made a lot of contact—and then ramping upward, a slow crescendo of pain and stimulation.

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