Read When I Lie With You Online

Authors: Sandi Lynn

Tags: #Romance, #millionaire

When I Lie With You (4 page)

BOOK: When I Lie With You
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Chapter 6


After our morning run, Ian and I showered and he got ready to go to the office. We walked down to the kitchen
, where Charles had omelets waiting for us. I said good morning to Charles as he poured coffee for Ian and me.

Where are the blueberry muffins?” Ian asked.

“I’m sorry, Ian, but there are no muffins today.”

The look on Ian’s face was priceless. This was a change for him and it didn’t look like he was going to handle it well.

“You’re kidding, right? That’s really not funny, Charles.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but the blueberries I bought yesterday had a funny taste to them and I didn’t feel comfortable using them.”

I walked over to Ian and grabbed his hand. “Come on, love
; it’s okay. You’re going to be okay. You don’t need a blueberry muffin every morning.”

“Sweetheart, yes I do.”

Just as he was whining, Mandy walked in with a brown bag and set it on the counter. “I picked up some blueberry muffins on my way over. Charles said he couldn’t make them today.”

Ian smiled as he walked over and opened up the bag. The air instantly filled with the aroma of fresh blueberry muffins.

“Mandy, you’re the best.” He smiled at her. “Thank you.”

You’re welcome, Mr. Braxton.”

I gave Ian a look as I shook my head. “What?” he asked.

“You’re spoiled.”

“You still love me
, though.” He smiled as he bit into the muffin.

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my coffee. I cut into the omelet that Charles made and Ian sat down next to me.

“I wish I could go with you to see Stephen, but I have so much work to do.”

That’s okay.” I smiled. “I can’t wait to see him. It feels like it’s been forever.”

Are you going to talk to him about your father?”

Speaking of fathers, Richard breezed into the kitchen.

“Welcome home, son,” he said as he patted Ian on the back.

Richard glanced over at me. “Hey,” he said.

I responded by holding up my coffee cup with a smile. Ian looked at me and mouthed, “Be nice.”

It irked me to no end how
he was always telling me to be nice, but I never heard him say that to Richard.

poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with us. “How was Paris?” he asked Ian.

“Paris was great. Why don’t you ask Rory about it?”

“No need, Richard. Paris was wonderful. Ian and I had the best time and now we’re back home and everything is perfect.”

He looked at me and tried to crack a smile, but he failed
miserably. I leaned over and kissed Ian on the lips before I got up from my chair. “I’m going to go get ready and then I’m leaving.”

“Oh, no need to leave on my account,” Richard said.

“Trust me, Richard, I’m not. I’m going to visit my crazy brother in the looney bin.” I smiled.

,” Ian said.

I love you, honey. I’ll see you later,” I said to him as I walked out of the kitchen.

That man was still an asshole. I had an ounce of hope that when Ian told him that he was in love with me, his attitude towards me would be different. I was wrong.
He’d always be an asshole.


I walked through the double doors of Hudson Rock, signed in, and headed straight to the visitors’ room. As I walked in, Stephen looked up from his book and smiled. He stood up and I ran over to him, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck.

“I missed you so much, Stephen,” I said as a tear fell from my eye.

“Rory. You look beautiful. I missed you too.”

He led me outside to the courtyard
, where we always had our visits. We took a seat at our usual little table under a tree.

“You look amazing, Rory. I can tell you’re really happy.”

“I am, Stephen. You look great. How is it going here?” I asked as I held his hands.

“Things are okay. Therapy is going good. My meds seem to be working, and I’ve made some new friends. The doctor said that maybe I could get out of here one day if I keep showing signs of improvement.”

“Good. That’s what I want to hear.” I smiled.

“How are things with Ian?”

“Things are really good. In fact, things are perfect.” I smiled as I gently squeezed his hands.

“He’s a good guy, Rory. You’re lucky to have him. He came here and talked to me before he left for Paris.

“I know. He told me all about your visit. There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while, but then all that stuff happened with Ian and I left for Paris—”

“What is it, Rory?”

“Remember when I went back to Indiana to put closure on the past right before Thanksgiving?

“Yeah, I remember.”

“Aunt Nancy told me that our father was her boyfriend and that him and Mom slept together one night while they were both drunk.”

“Are you serious?”
he asked with concern.

, he wasn’t happy Mom was pregnant and took off, leaving all of us.”

“What an asshole. How could he leave his own children?”

“How would you feel if I searched for him?” I asked.

I could tell that bothered him by the way he got up from his chair and pulled a leaf from the tree. “Why would you want to do that, Rory?”

“Because I want answers. I want that bastard to tell me why he abandoned our mother and us!”

Stephen turned around and looked at me. “You always wanted the answers to everything, Rory. I think some answers are better left not knowing.”

I closed my eyes and slowly got up from the table. I walked over to Stephen and looped my arm around his, laying my head on his shoulder.

“He’s our flesh and blood. He’s a part of us and I want to know why he did what he did.”

Stephen wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him, kissing the top of my head. “If it means that much to you, then find him. But I don’t want to know him and I don’t want you bringing him around me. Okay?”

I nodded my head as I hugged him tightly. Visiting hours were over an
d it was time for me to leave.

“I wish we had more time,” I said.

“Me too, sis.”

I gave Stephen a kiss and waved goodbye. Even though I knew he was okay and doing well, my heart ached every time I had to say goodbye.
Guilt settled in deep inside and I couldn’t stop it. As I walked out the doors of Hudson Rock and over to the parking lot where I parked my car, I looked up and smiled at the handsome man in a dark gray suit who was leaning up against my car.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I kissed Ian’s lips.

“I came to drive you home. I had Joshua drop me off.”

“How long have you been standing out here?” I asked as I hugged him.

“Just a few minutes. How is he?”

“He’s doing well,” I replied.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart? You look sad.”

I took in a deep breath as I looked into his eyes. “Guilt. Every time I leave here, I can’t help but feel consumed with guilt.”

Ian placed his hands on each side of my face before softly kissing me on the lips. “I understand the guilt, but I don’t think Stephen would want you feeling that way. He knows you had no choice.”

“I know and you’re right. Let’s go home.” I smiled
lightly before kissing him.

Chapter 7


It bothered me that Rory was struggling. Not only about her father, but about the guilt she felt with Stephen.
I got up from my office chair and stood in the entrance of the living room, where Rory was playing the piano. Words couldn’t describe the feeling that overtook me every time I heard her play. I walked to the kitchen and poured us each a glass of wine and then set her glass on top of the piano while I sat on the couch with mine. She stopped playing and looked at me.

“Keep playing, sweetheart. I just want to sit here and watch you.”

She flashed me a smile and continued playing. As I stared at her, I remembered the first time I saw her, when Joshua opened the door to the limo and set her in my lap. The pain on her face and the fear in her eyes as she looked at me unleashed a part of me I didn’t know I had. I instantly wanted to protect her. I’d never felt that way with anyone before and, to be honest, it frightened me. That was why I brought her to my house instead of the hospital. I feared that once they took her, I’d never see her again and I wouldn’t be able to protect her. I stared at her intently as her fingers hit the keys, and I watched her lose herself in the music. She possessed such talent and it made her happy. This girl, the woman who made me fall in love with her, was now a vital part of my life.

She finished her song, grabbed her glass of wine, and walked over to the couch. As I held my hand out to her, she gracefully accepted it and sat down beside me. After taking a sip of my wine, I set my glass down and wrapped my arms around her.

“I’ll never get tired of hearing you play the piano,” I said as I kissed her cheek.

“I hope not
, because I plan on playing for you forever.” She smiled.

“You better keep that promise.”

I gently sucked her bottom lip as she continued smiling at me. I wanted her. I took her hand and softly kissed each finger.

“I love these hands.
They’re very talented in more ways than one.” I smiled.

She closed her eyes and I knew she was highly aroused. I slowly laid her back and hovered over her as my erection was jammed between her legs.

“I need to fuck you, Rory,” I whispered.

“I want you to fuck me, Ian,” she whispered back.

My hand traveled up her shirt and under her bra. Cupping her bare breast, I smashed my mouth into hers, passionately, letting her know how much I wanted her. She wrapped her leg around my waist and returned the kiss with her tongue exploring my mouth.

“Hey, welcome back, bro,” Andrew said as he shut the door.

I broke our kiss and looked over the back of the couch. “Andrew, I didn’t know you were stopping by.”

“I called you a few times
, but you didn’t answer your phone. Hey, Rory.”

I got up from the couch and
gave him a light hug. “Good to see you, man.”

Rory sat up on the couch and gave Andrew a small smile. I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on with the two of them. Andrew had talked to me a couple of times and expressed his opinion that he didn’t feel Rory was good for me. I basically told him to mind his own business and that he needed to get to know Rory better.

“I think I’ll head upstairs and leave the two of you alone,” she said.

“You can stay, sweetheart.”

“No, it’s okay. Have your bonding time.” She smiled as she lightly kissed my lips.

As I watched her walk out of the room, Andrew poured himself a drink. “Glad you’re back, Ian.”

“It’s good to be back,” I said as I walked over to the bar and poured myself some bourbon.

“I take it things with you and Rory are good.”

“Things with me and Rory are great. I’ve never been happier. You should try it.” I smiled as I held up my glass.

“No thanks. Women just fuck you over at some point
and end up ruining your life. I thought you and I were on the same page about that?”

“Yeah, well, maybe we’ve been wrong about that. Rory walked into my life and she changed everything for me.”

Andrew rolled his eyes as he walked over to the bar and poured another drink. “Whatever, Ian. She has you so pussy whipped already that before you know it, you’ll be a daddy and you’ll be shoveling out millions in child support.”

I sighed as I sat down on the couch and glared at him. “First off, don’t tell me I’m pussy whipped because that’s not the case. I love her and she loves me. Second of all, there will be no kids. You know that’s the one thing I’m firm on. There’s no way in hell I’d bring a kid into this world.”

Andrew chuckled. “Really, Ian? You don’t think that little woman of yours is going to secure her future and trap you?”

“No. Rory isn’t like that. She doesn’t care about my money. She cares about me and the person I am,” I said angrily.

“All women are like that and you’re stupid to think otherwise. That girl came from nothing. You took her in and showed her this life and now she won’t leave it. Why do you think she came back with you? Any secure woman would stay away from a man like you after the things you said. But the minute you ran after her in Paris, she was seeing those dollar signs, a rich husband, and three little kids running around this mansion with a future so secure she’d never have to worry again.”

I shifted myself and took in a sharp breath. Andrew and I
had always been close and always had each other’s backs, but I didn’t like him talking about Rory like that.

“You’re wrong, Andrew. Very, very wrong. Rory and I love each other deeply. I love her for who she is and she loves me for who I am.”

“She’s in love with what you represent, Ian. Fuck, get your head out of your ass.”

I shot up from couch and pointed my finger at him. “That’s enough, Andrew. I will not sit here and let you talk about Rory like that. You’re the one who needs to get your head out of your ass and go find someone to love. It’s time to grow up, man.”

Andrew chuckled as he threw back his bourbon and slammed the glass down on the bar. “You’re making a serious mistake, Ian. Don’t come crying to me when she takes you for everything you’re worth,” he said as he shook his head and walked out the door.

I stood there, pissed, enraged
, and a little surprised by his attitude. He needed to see and understand that Rory changed me, my life, and my views. She knocked sense into me when I thought I had everything in life figured out.

“Did Andrew leave?” I heard Rory ask behind me.

I turned around and smiled when I saw her standing there. “Yes, sweetheart, he left.”

“He wasn’t here very long.”

“He just wanted to stop by and say hi. He had somewhere to be,” I lied to her.

There was enough tension between the two of them already. I wasn’t about to tell her his concerns and what he
had said. As I walked towards her, she gently bit down on her bottom lip. She must have known what I wanted because she had that sexy smile on her face. I wanted Rory Sinclair every second of every day, and I couldn’t get enough of her. She was my girl, my woman, and my partner. I was no longer Ian Braxton, and she was no longer Rory Sinclair. We were now Ian and Rory, a couple, a team, and we were ready to build a future together.

BOOK: When I Lie With You
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