What Happens Tomorrow (23 page)

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Authors: Elle Michaels

BOOK: What Happens Tomorrow
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So here we are, getting ready to have dinner with Devon and Ethan at a local French restaurant.
Can’t wait.
Carefully, I walk down the hallway from our room, my heels clicking along the hardwood floor. Dressed in an above the knee, a-line, black spaghetti strap dress with silver strappy sandals, the last thing I want to do is slip on the floor in my sandals, but then that would be just my luck; however, one bonus is that we could get out of going to dinner. My lips curve into a smile at the thought.

Dinner aside, I realize how much I love getting dressed up again. For so many years after the accident I lived in sweats or yoga pants, my appearance not mattering to me at all. Bathing, getting my hair done or brushing my teeth was an accomplishment some days. But it is really good to feel like a girl again. I’ve missed this. I know we’re at the beach and it’s not typically somewhere you would wear this kind of outfit, but we’re going to a upscale restaurant and I want to look nice for Tyler.

I love the way he looks at me, like he can’t take his eyes off me for even a second, making me feel like I’m the only woman in the world who exists. I love how he gently brushes his hand across my back as he walks past me because he has to touch me, and the way his blue eyes turn almost navy because they’re so full of desire.

I’ve never felt so wanton before.

Deep in thought, I don’t hear the sound of Tyler’s footsteps as he walks in from watching the sun set on the deck outside.

“Penny for your thoughts?” he says as I nearly jump out of my skin.

“God! Why do you always do that?” I scowl, smacking him across the arm.

“Ouch!” he playfully shouts, rubbing his arm.

“Didn’t your mother ever tell you it isn’t polite to sneak up on people? You nearly gave me a heart attack!”

He laughs at me, still rubbing his arm. “Damn, I didn’t know you could hit so hard. That hurt. If I’d realized you were so deep in thought, I might have put on a suit of armor before I spoke to you.” He wraps his arm around my waist, leaning in to kiss the crown of my head. When he pulls back, he grins his sweet boyish smile. The smile that confirms his feelings for me because this smile is only given to me. Does he even have the slightest idea of just how much this smile makes me want him?

I lean my head against the soft cotton of his dress shirt, reveling in the warmth of his skin, as I breath in his scent. Everything about him has become so familiar.


I never expected to ever fall in love again, but I have. Gently rolling my bottom lip in my teeth, I explain, “I was thinking how nice it feels to make myself look pretty for you. I forgot what it felt like to get dressed up.”

Pulling himself away from me, his hands cup my shoulders as I look up into his eyes.

“Sweetheart, I wanna make something clear, and please, don’t take this the wrong way. I love that you want to get dressed up for me, but you should be doing it for you. Not me. You need to do what makes you happy, not what makes me happy, okay?” I nod in agreement. I know he’s right but it doesn’t change the fact that I like to make him happy.

His voice is commanding yet comforting. “I love you no matter what you look like, and all I want is to see you happy. You never need to worry about pleasing me. Taking care of yourself and being happy is all I will ever need from you to make me happy, got that?”

He playfully flicks the end of my nose with his finger, then leans down and places a delicate kiss on my lips. As he pulls away he looks me up and down with his dark, lusty eyes and my breathing hitches. “And for the record, I do love how you look tonight, and every night. Even when you’re wearing your yoga pants and T-shirt you look beautiful and sexy. I ask the big guy upstairs every single day how I got so lucky to have this amazing, beautiful woman as my girl.” His words embarrass me, I definitely don’t see myself the way he sees me. “You forgot an amazing, beautiful woman with a heap load of baggage,” I playfully respond.

Pulling me close, his heart beats strong and fast as he informs me, “Everyone has some form of baggage in their life. You survived the unimaginable, and years later look who you are…who you’ve become. I’m in awe of how strong a woman you are, and as much as I wish I could take all of your hurt away, I think it helped shape who you are today.”

A tear sneaks from my eye and down my cheek. He quickly wipes it away, then leans down and cups my face in his loving strong hands. His lips are strong when they find mine. My mind goes blank and all I can concentrate on is this kiss and how desperately I need him. All of him. I deepen the kiss and softly brush my tongue against his, making him moan into my mouth. My fingers find their way to his shirt and start to unbutton it.

I’m desperate for him.

To feel the warmth of his skin against mine.

To feel him inside me.

Seconds later, he lifts me up onto the kitchen island. Slowly, his hands reach under my dress, gliding their way up my thighs. Once they reach my hips, his thumbs hook the sides of my lacy black panties as he slowly slides them down my legs. The warmth of his hands on my thighs has every inch of my body on fire in anticipation of what’s coming next. Breathlessly, I pull away from our kiss to carefully place soft kisses up his strong neck towards his ear.

“I want you. I need to feel you inside me.”

He pulls his warm flesh away from my lips. Closing his eyes tightly, he sighs, leaning his forehead against mine. “I need you just as much my baby. God, you have no idea how much I need you.” His hands move back up my thighs as he gently nibbles and sucks his way down my neck. I suck in a ragged breath as his fingers graze my bare, aching flesh. He stops, pulling me to the edge of the counter as he drops to his knees.


Looking up at me, desire thick in his eyes, I drop my head back as his mouth claims the most intimate part of my body. I can’t help but moan at the sensation of his warm mouth on my delicate skin as he nibbles and flicks the tiny little bundle of nerves that’s about to send me into orgasmic bliss. With one last flick of his warm tongue, my body starts to convulse and my legs quiver with my release as I scream.

I lean forward and grab him by the shoulders, lifting him up off the ground. I need him. Now.


I roughly grab his face in my hands and kiss him with every once of my being, trying to let him know how desperately I need him with this kiss. Eagerly, I pull my hands away from his face, searching for his belt buckle. I find it, fumbling as I quickly try to undo it. I unbutton his pants, then slowly unzip them, trying to drive him crazy with anticipation. I want him to feel as desired as he makes me feel. I push them down his hips until they land at his feet.

His perfectly toned legs in nothing but his boxer briefs has my mouth watering. His muscular thighs really do make him look like sex on a stick. I slowly slip my hand inside as he releases a loud moan at the feel of my hand touching his bare flesh. He’s so hard, yet his skin is like touching silk. Taking him in my hand, I slowly run it up and down his gorgeous length, loving the sound of his moans.

With ragged breath, he pants, “You need to stop that. I want you so bad, but I know I won’t last if you keep stroking me like that.”

In the most arousing voice I can muster as I kiss the base of his neck I whisper, “Then what are you waiting for, handsome man? I need to feel you inside me now.”

Tyler presses against me slowly, inching inside until he fills me completely. I will never get used to how amazing it feels to have him inside me, to be consumed by him. I wrap my legs around him and lean back on the counter as he makes love to me. Even as desperate as we both feel at this moment, he take his time to be gentle and nurturing with me. I’ve never felt so loved or cherished by a man.

“I’m getting close. I’m not gonna last. Are you close, baby?” Beads of sweat run down his forehead and drip over my neck.

“Mmm hmm.” A moment later, a warm sensation courses through my body and my release consumes me as I call out his name. I feel him still as he throbs inside me, burying his head in my neck. Breathless, he pulls away, stopping to cup my cheek.

“I love you. Never forget that.”

I smile as I place my hand over his, nuzzling my cheek further into his hand. “You’d better, because I love you.” I suck in a breath. “Tyler, you’re the man responsible for bringing my heart back to life.” I place his hand over my heart. “And now it belongs to you. You’re stuck with me, my handsome man.”

He picks me up off the island and swings me around in his arms before setting me down on my feet and kissing me passionately. At this rate, we’ll never get out of here. I pull away.

“What? I thought you liked when I kissed you like that,” he says, sounding puzzled.

I giggle and playfully smack him in the arm. “I do, but if we don’t stop now we’ll never make it out of here in time for dinner with Devon and Ethan.”

He slowly runs his fingers through his sandy hair. “Tell me again why that would be a bad thing?”

Rolling my eyes at him, I shake my head as I pick his shirt up off the floor and throw it at him. “Come on, stud muffin, we need to make ourselves presentable again. There’ll be plenty of time to pick up where we left off when we get home.”




DINNER GOES EXACTLY how I expected it would. Devon shamelessly hits on Tyler while Ethan uncomfortably eyes me for most of the evening. I’m not sure what Ethan’s motives are for inviting us out because it doesn’t seem to me that he is in the least bit interested in his brother. The dinner conversation is very strained to say the least. Any time Devon talks about her and Ethan, Tyler tenses up. You can tell by the look on Ethan’s face that he clearly enjoys making his brother feel uncomfortable which makes me wonder if Ethan hasn’t arranged this dinner just to mess with Tyler.

An hour later, we politely decline dessert and say our good-byes, hightailing it out of the restaurant.

“I couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there,” Tyler declares. “Can you do me a big favour? The next time my mom brings up how her sons are never together, please tell her about tonight.” I laugh.

We arrive home and I feel the need to have a shower; Ethan’s roaming eyes have left me feeling dirty. “I’m gonna grab a shower, care to join me?” I suggestively tease as he stalks toward me, unbuttoning his shirt.

“I thought you’d never ask. Oh, and when we’re done… since we left the restaurant without having dessert…I’ll have you for dessert.”





MATT CAME HOME from work early with a big surprise…

“Babe, we’re going to Cancun! I got a great deal on a package through one of the agents at work. A couple of the guys have gone to this particular beach resort and said we couldn’t pass this deal up.” I can’t remember the last time I saw him this excited. “I think it’d be good for us to get away, to relax. Think of it as a babymoon.”

I can’t believe it. An actual vacation. We’ve never been on a real vacation, not even for our honeymoon. Hmmm….Matt doesn’t usually like to travel. I wonder what has changed his mind?

As I exit the plane, the scorching Cancun heat nearly knocks me over.

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