Wet Dreams & Fantasies 3

BOOK: Wet Dreams & Fantasies 3
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A Total-E-Bound Publication


Game On

ISBN #978-0-85715-042-4

©Copyright Desiree Holt 2010

Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright March 2010

Edited by Michele Paulin

Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.

This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated

Wet Dreams and Fantasies


Desiree Holt


To Michele, the best editor ever, who keeps me grounded and is my greatest support GAME ON

Desiree Holt


Chapter One

Some people might have thought the weather an uncertain mixture, sunshine mixed with rain. But for Lisa Graham it was absolutely perfect. The rain brought Mark, the sunshine brought Jake, and today she was headed for a new experience with both of them. She wondered how she’d sustained herself on the days when neither type of weather was present. Other men had no appeal for her at all, and using the toys alone had lost its thrill.

After the erotic experiences the two brothers had introduced her to, her body craved more all the time—more arousal, more eroticism, more acts from her wildest fantasies.

She had spent a long time on her bath this morning, soaking in the bubbles and bath salts then smoothing lotion onto every single inch of her body. Yesterday, she’d visited a spa that did Brazilian wax jobs, and her cunt was as naked at the day she’d been born. She touched herself as she rubbed cream on her labia, letting her finger rub slowly over her clit, but doing it alone had totally lost its thrill.

Mark and Jake had explained that a car would call for her at noon. She was to wear absolutely nothing and bring all of her toys with her. She’d packed them carefully in a tote bag that now sat by the front door, but she was still nervous about walking out of the house stark naked.

Oh, well. She mentally shrugged. It couldn’t be much different than letting Mark undress her at
in front of the entire clientele or carry her around the room so everyone could see and touch her pussy. Little had she known the night she’d ducked in for a drink to get out of the rain that
was actually an intimate bar where people left their sexual inhabitations at the door. Somehow, that evening, she had let Mark coax her into sexual play that others could see. To perform for the crowd. But what really startled her was how much she’d enjoyed it and how she’d craved it after that one night.

But Mark was only there when it rained and Jake when the sun shone. Today was a special circumstance, and one she’d looked forward to so avidly her pussy was constantly wet. She reminded herself that she could call a halt to this at any time, but she didn’t want to.


Desiree Holt


An erotic demon had been unleashed inside her, and she was ravenous to discover what would happen next.

A glance at the clock told her she had the better part of an hour before her ride would arrive. To calm her sudden attack of nerves, she grabbed her favourite white wine from the fridge and poured a glass for herself. Settling on the couch, she sipped on the chilled liquid, savouring its crisp taste then leant back her head, letting the alcohol do its work. In just moments, she felt more relaxed and actually once more anticipated the coming afternoon.

The doorbell rang just as clock in the hall struck twelve, jarring her from her lethargy.

“Just a minute,” she called, hurrying to carry her wine glass into the kitchen.

Taking one last look at her hair and makeup in the hall mirror, she pulled the front door wide open.

The man standing on her front porch had to be at least sixty years old but age had not diminished his physical condition or his masculine aura. Electric blue eyes looked out at her from beneath a thick head of iron-grey hair.

“Miss Graham?” he asked politely.

“Yes. That’s me.”

He held out a hand. “Shall we go?”

Although his eyes took in every detail of her body, he didn’t appear to react in any other way to her nudity. He ushered her into the backseat of the waiting car, placing her tote bag on the seat beside her. Her eyes widened when he pulled a silk scarf from his pocket.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to wear this for the trip,” he apologised as he tied it over her eyes. “None of the guests are permitted to know our destination.”

“Guests?” she asked. “Exactly how many will there be?”

“I’m quite sure I don’t know.” He opened a small, walnut chest in the massive rear seat and removed a chilled bottle of wine and a glass. When he’d filled the goblet, he handed it to her. “This should relax you during the trip. Please feel free to help yourself to more. This won’t take very long.”

He settled the bottle securely in a holder, closed the door and Lisa heard him climb into the front behind the wheel.

The car rolled smoothly forward, and Lisa sipped from the goblet. The chilled white wine was crisp and cool and sat pleasantly on her palate. She quickly polished off the full GAME ON

Desiree Holt


glass and poured herself another. She leant back pliantly in the plush upholstery, the wine coursing through her veins, the movement of the big car lulling her. Her eyes drifted shut before she’d realised it and drifted off on a cloud of anticipation.

The sound of laughter roused her, and she was aware the car had stopped. The door next to her opened, someone removed the blindfold and she found herself looking into Jake’s familiar smouldering eyes. Behind him, the sun shone brightly, but his naked body sparkled with tiny raindrops.

“Welcome to the picnic.” He grinned and held out his hand to her.

Lisa took it and stepped out of the car, taking in the scene around her with stunned amazement. Other cars filled the parking area, and more than a dozen men and women, all completely naked, sat in a large circle, sipping from drinks and chatting. In the centre of the circle was an enormous game board with different coloured blocks in a circle and a thick stack of cards.

“Ready to picnic and play?” asked a voice on her other side.

She turned to see Mark move up beside her, his electric-blue eyes darkened with desire.

She shifted her gaze to Jake then back to Mark, noting that both of their cocks were swollen and erect.

“Yes,” Mark chuckled. “We’re hard, and the game hasn’t even begun. Come on. I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

Still dazed, she allowed herself to be led to the circle, where two people shifted to make room for her.

“Everyone,” Mark said, “this is Lisa. This is her first time here so treat her with care.” There was a cheerful chorus of hellos, and several people waved at her. The man seated to her right let his gaze travel over her body then reached out a hand and caressed one breast.

Mark slapped at him playfully. “Not yet, buddy. Remember the rules.”

“Sorry.” But Lisa didn’t think he looked sorry at all.

“Time for food,” a lilting voice called.

Lisa looked around to see a willowy blonde with long hair and longer legs and a petite brunette with lush hips and breasts carrying huge trays of sandwiches which they distributed to everyone. Lisa looked up at Jake questioningly.


Desiree Holt


“Told you this was a picnic, didn’t I?” he grinned.

He and Mark sat down next to her, tiny droplets of rain sprinkling on Mark’s delicious body, their fingers dancing lightly over her inner thighs and barely brushing her moist cunt.

Soon everyone was munching sandwiches, chatting and sipping on their drinks. Lisa wondered if anyone thought it weird they were all picnicking in the nude and a brilliant sun shone down on them making the raindrops that continued to patter on everyone’s skin shine like diamonds. She’d never had sex in the rain before, but she knew they needed both sun and rain for Mark and Jake to be in the same place at the same time. Dark and light, she thought. Opposite sides of the same coin.

Yet in so many ways, they were exactly alike. She knew whatever they had planned for the afternoon would be another intoxicatingly erotic adventure. She felt more moisture gather in her pussy and her breasts tighten as she thought about what they might have in store.


Desiree Holt


Chapter Two

“All right, everyone.” Mark rose from where he sat, brushing stray crumbs from his thighs and his cock. “Time to get down to business. We’re here to play the game of Ménage.

Jake and I will review the rules, as we always do, and acquaint Lisa with the game.” He gestured towards her and smiled.

Lisa smiled back, trying to quell a sudden attack of nerves.

Jake placed a bright-red basket at the place where he’d been sitting. “All the game pieces are in here,” he said. “Choose one and pass the basket to the next person. Also be sure to take a chip with a number on it that you’ll keep throughout the game.” A redhead picked up the basket, made her choices and handed the basket to the man next to her.

“Then,” Mark picked up the thread, “place your game piece on the big block that says Start.” He dropped three dice onto the big board. “Whoever has the Number One chip will go first. Roll the regular die to find the number of spaces to move, the other dice to find out who you’ll interact with. Remember, you must do whatever it says on the block you land on.”

“And,” Jake added, “If you land on a purple square, you get to pick a card from the pile which gives you additional choices. Everyone ready? Okay. Number One, roll the dice.” Number One turned out to be a well-muscled man with sandy hair, an impressive chest and a more impressive cock, visible despite his seated position. He rolled the regular die, moved six spaces and chuckled.

“Kiss one player of the opposite sex and fondle her breasts,” he read. “I choose our guest. Her breasts look delicious.”

He uncurled himself and rose, walking over to where Lisa sat and lifted her to her feet.

When his mouth came down on hers, she felt a shiver of delight race through her. His lips were firm and smooth, brushing lightly against hers before nibbling on her lower lip. His tongue traced the seam of her mouth, pushing to indicate she should open for him. As she did, his hands came up to cradle her breasts, squeezing them gently.

BOOK: Wet Dreams & Fantasies 3
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