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Authors: Tawny Taylor

Wet and Wilde (22 page)

BOOK: Wet and Wilde
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“I’m ready to get out of here.” As hospital procedure dictated, she waited for a volunteer to arrive with a wheelchair, and rode the short distance to the exit in peace, thankful to have her husband at her side, and her baby on her lap.

Two whole weeks of being away from them had been murder. She nuzzled her son, inhaling his sweet breath and staring at his tiny features. They were identical to his father’s. The perfect miniature. She wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. She kissed the wispy white hair on the top of his head.

She settled herself in the car as Josh secured the baby in his car seat and then took his own. Admiring his gorgeous profile as he turned the key and glanced around the car, she gripped Josh’s hand and squeezed. “I did it. Will it really work?”

“Yes. You’ll see. Now, you’ll be comfortable, able to hold your breath just like we do.”

“That’s amazing.”

“Amazing? No, you’re amazing.” He leaned over and kissed her gently before shifting into drive and pulling away from the hospital. That brief kiss didn’t even begin to be long enough, though, and she bit back a frustrated sigh.

“After tonight, we will be free to truly begin our new lives,” he continued.

“I hope we’ll have some quiet time to get…reacquainted,” she teased. “It’s been two weeks, and I’ve missed you.”

He glanced at her as he pulled the car up to a red traffic light. “I’ve missed you, too. It was nearly impossible for me to stay away all this time. But don’t worry. I have special plans for you tonight, right after the festival.”

“I can’t wait. Want to give me a sneak peek?” She tipped her head and tried for a come-hither look.

He chuckled—so much for the effect she was shooting for—shook his head, and set the car into motion again. “No time for that. We must attend the festival. It’s tradition. But once it’s over, at exactly midnight, you’re mine.”

“I hope the baby will sleep—”

“My mother’s on baby duty. I already cleared it with her.”

“That’s very generous.”

“It’s purely selfish on her part. She wants a granddaughter.”

A lump formed in Jane’s throat, and she hacked. “Already? Josh Junior is only three months old, and I’m still recovering from the transplant.”

“She doesn’t understand. Remember, she did it, and if it didn’t kill her, she figures it’s good for everyone.”

“That woman is tough as nails.”

“And as good as gold. Someday I’ll have to tell you my folk’s story. It’s really something.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” She watched the pretty northern Canadian scenery as they drove the short distance to the cottage, happy for the momentary peace and quiet. She knew that would change before long.

It took less time than she thought. Joshua Junior began wailing before they reached their destination, and she was forced to sing every lullaby she knew to keep him quiet. Luckily, their drive was short. No one should be forced to listen to her singing for more than a few short minutes, it was absolutely horrible, faintly resembling the squawk of a dying crow.

When they arrived at the cottage, Jane tended to the source of Josh Junior’s discomforts while his father prepared for the festival. He had to wear an ornate costume adorned with a shimmery substance that looked like flattened pearls. Having been on land for several weeks, his skin had tanned, a nice contrast to the costume. He was not just a handsome man. He was a beautiful man.

The reigning king, now that his father had abdicated the throne.

Her husband.

In many ways, it still seemed a dream.

After he prepared, he helped Jane dress in her costume, a clingy, sexy number that hugged her breasts and hips. The bodice was open in the center, the neckline diving between her breasts and landing just above her belly button. The skirt was long in the back, micro-mini in the front—not the best design considering she just had a baby and the stretch marks on her thighs and hips were still candy-apple red.

Even so, she felt beautiful. And sexy…and like it might fall off at the slightest breeze.

They dressed Josh Junior in his snappiest outfit, and headed to the beach, not surprised to see everyone was already there.

A giant tent stood just shy of the water, and inside were rows and rows of tables, food heaped on giant plates. At the front, closest to the water, stood an altar-looking thing. Higher than a table, it was covered in white tablecloths and had some sort of symbol sewn into the front.

The most stunning woman Jane had ever seen stood behind it. She practically radiated light.

“Who is that?”

“Our goddess, Coventina. Tonight is a festival to honor her, and thank her for her continued blessings.” He pulled Jane’s hand, leading her to the altar.

Jane reluctantly followed, silently rehearsing a suitable greeting. What did one say to a goddess? “Hey, how’s it been in god-land?”

Josh cradled Junior in his arms and knelt before the shimmering woman. She said a blessing in some bizarre screeching voice that reminded Jane of seagulls. With a tip of his head, he encouraged Jane to do the same. As they left the goddess, he whispered, “You don’t know how blessed you’ve just become.”

She watched the stream of fellow selkies making their way to the altar behind them. “I’ll take your word for it. Now what?”

“We eat!” He led her to a table, helped her settle and leaving Junior with her, he left to fill two plates with food. Returning, he set a plate before her and then took his seat.

More seafood! Good thing she’d learned to tolerate it, or she’d be starved to death by now.

As had become common, her appetite was huge, and she ate a ton, although it wasn’t easy. Between watching Josh do obscene—but very provocative—things with his tongue while he ate, and juggling Junior, she couldn’t exactly concentrate on what she was doing. The man made a sexy promise with every slurp, lick and bite of his food. Who knew crab and squid could be so erotic! Worse, he had a restless hand that tended to want to wander between her legs every few minutes. By the time they were through eating, her body was the constitution of a jellyfish.

“One more thing.” Josh grinned and pulled her outside of the tent. “When the moon is at its fullest, we must…”

“Fuck each other’s brains out?” she suggested.

“No.” He gave her that grin that left her staggering and giddy. “Although you’d have no complaints from me.”

“Then, what do we have to do?”

“Form a series of concentric circles, kneel and say a prayer.”

“Oh. Okay.” Did she feel stupid! “Well, you can’t blame me for thinking the other, after our orgasmic wedding ceremony.”

“Believe me, I like the way you think.” He ran his hand down her back and squeezed her ass cheek. “As soon as we’re through with the prayer, you’re mine.”

As Josh said, just before midnight, they formed a series of circles within circles with the other selkies—there were a lot of them, hundreds. Then they kneeled in the sand and said a prayer, again in that bizarre language that was only theirs. Finally, they left Junior with Josh’s smiling mother and half-walked, half-ran to the cottage. Jane felt giddy and silly, like a naughty schoolgirl about to make out with her boyfriend behind the football bleachers. She tugged on her flimsy dress as she ran, enjoying the feeling of the cool, salty air on her skin.

Jane was completely undressed before she reached the cabin’s door, and Josh was undressed soon after. Feeling a little brazen, and wanting to punish Josh a little for all the teasing he did during the festival, she tried a little wrestling maneuver she’d learned in self-defense class, knocking him to the floor. Feeling a little powerful after that bit of success, she leaned over him and took his cock into her mouth, not even bothering with the little stuff. Instead, she opened her mouth wide and swallowed him to the base, teasing his balls and ass with her hands.

He growled and, gripping her hair in his hands, pulled her head away. “You! That’s…oh! That’s not fair.”

“What, dear? Don’t you like?” Giving him an intentionally wicked grin, she fisted as much of his erection as she could and pumped up and down.

“It’s been much too long.”

“For you and me both.”

He scowled and then in a ninja-like maneuver, turned the tables, gently flipping her over and leaving her flat on her back under him.

Not deterred, she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, grinding her pussy into him. “Do you want me, lover?”

“You know I do.” He pinned her shoulders to the floor with his hands and kissed her. His tongue and lips worked magic, lighting mini-fires all over her body. His hands dropped to her breasts, pinching her nipples and kneading their fullness.

She moaned, lost and dizzy from need.

He broke the kiss, and she lunged forward, trying to capture his mouth again.

“Now, this is better. I like to be in control. I’m the king. You must never forget that.”

As he tip-toed his fingertips down her stomach, she held her breath. Those same fingers pulled at her labia, and she drew her legs back and apart, welcoming his touch and eager to be filled. A thick finger pushed into her pussy, and she sighed.

“I am your king,” he murmured.


“You serve me.” He pushed a second finger inside, and she groaned. “For always.” He gently pressed a third finger into her ass, and she gritted her teeth and cried out.

“Yes! Yes!”

“Do you want me?” he whispered into her ear.

“Oh, yes!” She writhed on the slick floor, her spine grinding into the pine. The smell of sea and salt and man filled her nose and lungs. The taste of him lingered on her tongue. The vision of him nude, his face tense with urgent, raw, hunger, played through her mind.

He swept her into his arms, taking her completely by surprise, and carried her into the bedroom. Glazed-eyed, she blinked as she clung to his wide shoulders and enjoyed the way his chorded muscles worked under his silky skin.

He was the strongest, sexiest man she’d ever met. And he was hers. For always.

“Yes, love. I am yours. Forever. I could never love another. You have my heart and my soul.” He set her on the bed. “And now, I’ll show you how much I love you.” He pulled her legs apart and standing on the floor, he bent over to taste her.

As his tongue slipped between her labia, and his fingers slipped into her pussy, she arched her back, pressing her head into the bed.

“I love you more than life itself, and I will spend the rest of my life showing you how happy I am to have you as my wife.”

As he thrust his cock deep inside, she soared toward orgasm with his sweet words echoing in her head.

This was the most precious gift of all: Josh’s never-ending love.

She might only see the stars and the sky once a year. She might only see her dearest friends for a few hours each year. She might spend her life in the deep, blue ocean where her worst nightmares used to lurk.

Even a minute without Josh was a lifetime of hell, and now, thanks to a miracle, she would never have to endure hell again.


The End


About the author:


After penning numerous romances bordering on sweet, Tawny Taylor realized her tastes ran toward the steamier side of romance, and she wrote her first erotic romance, Tempting Fate. Her second book, also a contemporary, Wet and Wilde, spotlights a water-phobic divorcee and a sexy selkie whom no woman could resist.

Tawny has been told she’s sassy, brazen, and knows what she likes. So, it comes as no surprise that the heroines in her novels would be just those kinds of women. And her heroes…well, they are inspired by the most unlikely men. Mischievous, playful, they know exactly how to push those fiery heroines’ buttons.

Combining two strong-willed characters takes a certain finesse, something Tawny learned while studying psychology in college. And writing pages of dialogue dripping with sensual undertones and innuendo has also been a learned task, one Tawny has undertaken with gusto.

It is Tawny’s fondest wish her readers enjoy each and every spicy, sex-peppered page!


Tawny welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at P.O. Box 787, Hudson, Ohio 44236-0787.

Also by Tawny Taylor:


Passion In A Pear Tree

Tempting Fate

Wet and Wilde

BOOK: Wet and Wilde
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