Werewulf Journals 2: Trolling for Love (5 page)

BOOK: Werewulf Journals 2: Trolling for Love
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“This is Hunter’s den. The way I see it, that means this is Pack Ground -- a consulate in foreign territory. From now on, we’re going to do things the way they do them in the pack lands. If Hunter wants to go naked, that’s his choice.” She gave the older woman a meaningful glare. “Anyone uncomfortable with that can leave.”

Rosa stiffened in defense. “I didn’t mean to imply ...” She waved her hand vaguely.

Mel smiled, relaxing her hard stance. “Yes, you did. It’s okay, though. Until fifteen minutes ago, I reacted the same way. However, someone forcibly brought it to my attention that I’m marrying a wulf, not a human. My son is a Breed. We will be a wulf family. Human traditions have no place in this den.”

The sharp sound of clapping rang in the hall. Melody and Rosa looked up to find Fortrayn and Hunter standing in front of the open master bedroom door, watching them approach. A broad smile wreathed Fortrayn’s face as he signified his approval of her words.

“Well said, Auntie Mel.”

Hunter’s eyes blazed with pride and love, his expression so unguarded and vulnerable it made Mel’s knees weaken. Heart melting, she made a vow never to betray his trust or love, never ever to stop telling him how much she revered him and loved him. She mouthed the words at him. “I love you.”

Hunter’s eyes went molten gold. His lips widened in a reciprocal smile. Buford rose up and preened every one of those eleven long, thick inches Rosa had blushed over.

Melody gulped, a pulse beating to life in her pussy as she watched Hunter’s cock rise and harden. On unsteady legs, she walked toward him, eager to go into his arms, feel all that male heat and ardor pressing into her belly.

Hunter took Melody’s outstretched hand and pulled her behind him into their bedroom. The other couple paused in the door, Rosa holding Fort back by her grip on his arm. Standing before the dresser, Hunter glanced over at them before returning to rifle through the papers scattered over the surface. “Fort, Rosa ... come on in here. I told you I had something for you ... Ah, here we are ...”

He turned around, holding out an official looking document. “Rosa, this is for you -- a pre-nuptial gift from Melody and me. Welcome to our pack.”

Rosa took the paper, gripping it with the tips of her fingers as if afraid of contamination. “What is it?”

Pulling Mel under the lee of his shoulder, Hunter grunted. “Read it.”

Werewulf Journals 2: Trolling for Love


Her eyes scanned the page. A moment later, Rosa gasped, and tears flooded her eyes.

“Mio Fort, mira!” She held the paper out to Fortrayn, who took it with a worried glance at his mate’s contorted face. He read it quickly, and looked up in surprise.

“Oh, man, Hunter ... what can I say?” Fort shook his head, came over and embraced his cousin. “Thanks. You don’t know how cramped we are over at the loft. Thank you, Auntie Mel.” He hugged Melody, too.

In the dark over what he was thanking her for, Mel hugged Fort back, and then accepted Rosa’s tight embrace. “You’re both welcome.” She slanted a questioning glance over at a smiling Hunter.

“Here are the keys to the duplex. The prior tenants turned them in yesterday, and I made sure the place was cleaned and ready for you. You can move in whenever you want.”

Hunter winked at Melody. “I have a paper for you, too, sweet bitch.” He handed her a document that looked exactly like the one Rosa clutched in her shaking hands.

Melody scanned the writing and looked back up. “You don’t need to do this. I already have everything I want.”

Hunter shook his head. “In our culture, a bitch’s status is higher if she owns something.

I want you two to have recognized status, so I’ve put this duplex in your name, the one next door in Rosa’s name. This way, should something happen to either Fortrayn or me before the weddings and mating ceremonies, you both have a den that no one can take from you. I’ve also opened savings accounts for both kids for one hundred thousand dollars. Melody and Rosa, your names are joint with the children’s. You can pull funds as necessary.”

Fortrayn bristled at that. “It wasn’t necessary for you to do that for Andrea, Hunter. I can take care of my own daughter.”

Hunter placed a calming hand on Fort’s shoulder. “Take it easy, Spot. I’m simply covering the bases. Until we both present our mates to my father, neither one of us is in a position to take anything for granted. Yes, you are the heir to riches, but if Father doesn’t lift the banishment edict from you, your parents will shun you. That means no help, no money.”

“Shit, I keep forgetting about that.” Fort slumped against the wall and scrubbed at his face with both hands. Despair dulled his bright hazel eyes and dragged at his usually lively features.

Hunter touched his shoulder in commiseration. “It shouldn’t be a problem, but you need to remember what Uncle Rann did to Chase.”

“Hell, yeah, I remember.” Fortrayn shuddered. “Uncle Rann is certifiable. What he did to Chase was criminal, and I’d like to know why he’s still running the Eastern-American Pack”

“He’s running it because he’s their Alpha Prime, designated as such by my father. As the elder sibling, Dad could have held the entire American pack under his control. Instead, 22 Camille Anthony

he chose to split it and share leadership with his twin brother. Therefore, no one can wrest control away without Dad’s consent, and so far, he ain’t giving it.”

Hunter pressed the bankbook into Fort’s hand. “Luckily, I have more than enough money, and my funds are not tied up in pack business. Since I can do this without falling under censorship from the Great Council, it makes me happy that I can see to your den’s security. This way, there is money for the children no matter what happens.”

Melody frowned. “Why are you talking like you are going away or dying?” Suspicion grew in her, chilling her mind with dread. “Hunter, what are you not telling me?”

He shook his head, giving her a warning glance and a private signal to let her know they would discuss her concerns later. Mel nodded back, still anxious, but content to wait.

Fortrayn swept Rosa up in an exuberant hug, swinging her around in tight circles. Her dress flew up, exposing the tops of her trim thighs. “Rosa, you know what this means ...?”

Rosa laughed. “No rent?”

“Well, yeah, that too, but I was thinking about the space problem. The layout of the duplex next door is just like this one. There’s a master suite, two bedrooms, and a room we can use as a library, plus a dining room off the kitchen.”

Rosa placed a calming hand over her mate’s still moving mouth. “Yes, mijo, that is what duplex means, sí?”

The look she exchanged with Melody, woman-to-woman, said it all.

“Oh, let him vent, Rosa,” Melody advised, shaking her head and grinning at his enthusiasm. “He’s like a cute puppy when he gets excited.”

Rosa’s face shifted, a knowing expression taking over. Suddenly, her face wore a sultry, earthy expression. She looked very much mated. “He’s no puppy, mi hermana. That one is grown up in all the right places.”

Fort moved Rosa’s hand after planting a kiss in her palm. “Best of all, we’ll be living right next door to Hunter. Any sane wulf will think twice before challenging him. This gives us another layer of protection for Andrea.”

“You are a wonderful father and protector, always thinking about our safety,” Rosa praised him, pulling his head down for a kiss. “Thank you, mi esposo.”

Melody and Hunter watched as Fortrayn laid a kiss on Rosa that heated up the room. “I taught him everything he knows,” Hunter bragged in a whisper, his lips feathering the sensitive whorl of Mel’s ear. She chuckled and swatted at his face, moving him away from her ticklish area.

Glancing back over at Rosa and Fort, Melody saw the other couple was ignoring them.

Lost in their heated exchange, Fort had moved in closer to Rosa, slid a heavily muscled thigh between her legs, and was rolling his hips in a suggestive, sexy, bump-and-grind that made Mel swallow thickly.

Werewulf Journals 2: Trolling for Love


Scraping her belly with his prominent erection, Fort drew back slowly, dipped in and nuzzled the bend of Rosa’s neck. “Babe, what say we go check out our new home?”

Rosa cocked her head and eyed him from under coyly drooped lashes. She slicked her lips with a slow, sultry swipe of her tongue. “Check it out ...? Is that all you want to do?” she asked, the husky note in her voice betraying her arousal.

Fortrayn laughed soft and low, the gruff, sexy sound vibrating the walls of Melody’s cunt. Damn, she needed some loving -- bad!

“You know that work island in the kitchen?” Fort was asking Rosa when Mel shook off her distraction. “If there’s one like that on the other side, I’m going to christen our den by lifting you up on it and fucking you till you scream.”

“I always scream when you fuck me, Fort.”

Hunter guffawed and Rosa jumped, obviously startled by his laughter. Mel hid a smile as Rosa’s cheeks took on a ruddy hue. It was clear to all she’d forgotten she and her randy husband-to-be weren’t alone.

Rosa flicked a self-conscious glance toward Hunter before shrugging her shoulders and taking hold of her mate’s hand. “Oh, the hell with it ... I refuse to go around embarrassed all the time.” She tossed her head, throwing her shoulder-length hair back from her face. “Come on, lover. Let’s go see to it our new hou-- den is christened right.”

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Chapter Three

“That was sweet, Hunter ... giving Fortrayn and Rosa the deed to the other half of your duplex.” Melody sat on the side of the bed, watching her mate rummage through the closet for a set of clean clothes.

Her man believed in air-drying. Still wet from his solitary shower, his skin gleamed in the low lighting, enticing and mouth-watering. Melody wanted to slip her arms around his back and sip the drops of beaded water off his shoulders and arms.

Heat coiled under her skin and along the conduits of her body, sluicing through her veins in a volcanic rush that pooled in the caldron of her sex. If she didn’t get some action soon, she was going to implode.

Licking her lips, Mel rocked her hips, bringing the folds of her skirt out from under her full bottom. With a sly glance in the mirror to see if he was watching, she fanned the hem, flipping the skirt up to show her pantyless state.

Between her chunky thighs, spread wide to show Hunter how hungry she was, her pussy glistened with her welling juices, deeply pink and swollen. Her clit rode high and thick between the slippery lips, exposed and needy. She leaned back on her hands, tilting her hips up.

Hunter’s eyes met hers in the glass. For a moment, thunder rumbled in the room as his low bass growl vibrated the furniture. Then his mouth tightened, and he gave his head a slight shake. “Pull your skirt down, Melody. And for god’s sake, put some panties on.”

Her eyes narrowed. “This is my den, too. I’ll go naked if I want to.”

He turned, leaned his hips against the dresser, and crossed his arms. “I’m not going to fuck you, no matter what stunt you pull.”

“I’m ... I ...” Melody swallowed, swiped her dry lips with a raspy tongue. She sat up straight. In a low voice she admitted, “I really need to come, Hunter. My panties were so wet Werewulf Journals 2: Trolling for Love


they were about to start dripping. I took them off and tossed them into the hamper while you were in the shower.”

Hunter crossed his legs, ignoring the swelling taking place between his thighs. “Bring yourself off.”

After a shocked moment, Melody averted her swimming eyes and tried to stop her bottom lip from trembling. She bit down until it firmed, refusing to use tears to soften him up. If she couldn’t get him to fuck her without tricks, then she didn’t deserve it.

“I don’t need an orgasm, Hunter. I need to climax ... with you.”

Fingers shaking, she unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off, revealing her plump, full breasts. She palmed her nipples, twisting the hard nubs between her thumbs and forefingers until they stood stiff and alert, encircled by a puffy ring of dark chocolate areoles.

With an audible thunk, Hunter’s cock popped out from between his legs, fully extended, tip flushed red and blood-swollen. Pre-cum dribbled down the crown, pearly drops coalescing and dripping onto the plush carpet. A hiss of displeasure escaped him and Hunter snarled low and angrily. “I said no, Melody. I refuse to be manipulated ... even by you!” His eyes narrowed. “There’s still enough anger inside me that if I come over there, you’ll soon be wishing you hadn’t started this. I’ll take my pleasure and leave you aching.”

All playful sexiness dropping from her demeanor, Melody lowered her hands and fisted them at her side. “Let’s talk about that anger, shall we?” Looking into his eyes, she shook her head slowly. “What on earth made you think you could fool me for long?”

He shifted uneasily, moved his gaze away, refusing to meet her eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Melody gave a disbelieving huff. “Don’t make me laugh, Hunter. You’re a piss-poor liar, thank god.” She stood and walked over to the closet, rummaged inside for something comfortable and loose. Pulling out a bright purple dashiki splashed with pink and green hibiscus flowers, she stuck her arms inside and yanked it down over her head.

Hunter shielded his eyes with his forearm, shrieking in a high-pitched voice, “Bright light! Bright light!”

Mel couldn’t help it. She laughed. “Shut up, you fool!”

“I’m going to rip that monstrosity to shreds one day. It hides your body from me, and those flowers are butt ugly.”

“Touch my dashiki and you die.”

“It’s a fucking muumuu, not a dashiki. Dashikis are cool. That thing is just ...” He winced. “... wrong!”

“I like it.”

“Better wash it by hand then,” he muttered under his breath, thinking she couldn’t hear him. “Once it hits the laundry, it hits the street.”

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“What was that, oh sleeper-on-the-couch one?”

“Uh ... I said, ‘don’t get in a quandary ... you can keep it, sweet’?”

Raising a skeptical eyebrow, she flopped down on the bed. “Yeah, I thought it was something like that.”

BOOK: Werewulf Journals 2: Trolling for Love
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