Read Weapon of Desire Online

Authors: L M Brook

Weapon of Desire (4 page)

BOOK: Weapon of Desire
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“Is there anything I can do to help?”
Anthony’s eyes are honest.

He looks
scrummy as I swiftly imagine lots of things he could do to make me feel better.

“No, I’
ll be fine, nothing that a good bottle of wine can’t sort.” I smile appreciatively at his genuine concern.

“Darcey, here
’s my mobile number.” He takes a pen from his pocket and scribbles his number on Angela’s note. “If you need to talk at all, any hour, please call.” He pushes the paper towards me

“Enjoy your wine!”
He adds and then turns and leaves the room.

I stare at his number and then
delve into my handbag to retrieve my phone. Switching my phone on there are seven unknown missed calls. I call the number from my office telephone to satisfy myself that it’s nothing urgent. The phone rings and then redirects to a voicemail message.

“Hi you’
re through to Melissa Stone, Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m available.”

That bitc
h. I should have guessed he’d be calling from her phone. I disconnect the call and then enter Anthony as a new contact. I continue to crack on with more work. What is there to go home to? I’m better off with my mind occupied until I’m so tired that I fall into bed.

An email appears in the corner of my screen.

“Hi baby,

I left messages with Angela but I assume you d
idn’t get them.

ve just reached the hotel. Picked up a new mobile at the airport. I’ll text you my new number when it’s fully charged.

tells me you cancelled and working late.

Are you ok?

Daniel X”

m still angry and can’t bring myself to reply as I stare at the message. What do I say “I saw you!” or “Have a lovely evening with Melissa.” I don’t want to tackle this over text, phone or email. I want to see his face and watch him squirm when I throw the evidence at him. He’s not getting off that easily.

I rub my eyes as
I start to feel tired. Wow it’s nearly 7pm. Another email pings into the corner of my screen.

GO HOME, I can still see your light on.

Go get
that bottle of wine.


I quickly respond.

“OK bossy! Thank you for the coffee.


Immediately he replies

“You’re welcome.


I decide to call it a day. A frozen ready meal and a bottle
are waiting for me at home as my stomach growls.

evening is a blur. I get hideously drunk and ceremoniously cut up the night dress Daniel bought me before forcing down a few mouthfuls of
Boeuf Bourguignon
and collapse exhausted into bed.

Thursday starts a brighter day
. I shower bopping around to Beyoncé and then dress in my tailored black trouser suit and blue silk blouse with black court shoes. I didn’t respond to Daniel when he tried to call last night and feel stronger today, ready to carry out this charade until he returns. I enter his new number onto my phone and as soon as I finish a text message bleeps through from Daniel.

Morning Baby, please call me. I’m worried about you.


My drive to Dorton is
invigorating, another clear blue morning. As I reach the Airfield security they wave me through with a smile.  I park my car and decide to text Daniel. I didn’t want to give him any reason to plan his excuses before I confronted him.

Hi, I’ve been busy with work. Speak to you later.


As I throw m
y phone back into my bag Nick pulls into the car park with a wave.

Anthony emerges through his rear car door and finishes off his tie as he chats to Nick through the front window. He looks smart but casual in a light grey suit and fresh white shirt.

m aware that I shouldn’t interrupt their deep discussion and therefore make my way to my office. Dumping my files I turn on the computer and decide to go in search of a coffee before tackling the first wave of emails. The staffroom is buzzing. Duncan Shaw, Estates Manager approaches me and I feel a little embarrassed as I’ve not seen the SMT since I walked out of the meeting.

“How are you this morning?” Duncan swirls a s
poon in his strong coffee. He is a friendly guy who’s always very helpful and would do anything for me should I ask him.

m good, so sorry about yesterday. Please feel free to drop by anytime and I can discuss the reports with you.” I awkwardly break eye contact to make my coffee.


Duncan moves closer and whispers in my ear. “You know I thought he was really tough on you. Sure your mind was obviously on something else but he was quite aggressive when you didn’t reply the third time.” Duncan stops to smile and takes a sip of coffee. “I could see he was instantly annoyed when you left the room, he didn’t expect you to do that! You showed him, don’t mess with Darcey!” Duncan winks and walks towards other colleagues.

I smile to myself thinking that I possibly may have
more power over Anthony Hunt than I thought and perhaps he feels threatened at the loss of control. I felt better that other members didn’t think any less of me and that perhaps, some were pleased that I walked out in response to his rant.

I make my way back to my office an
d sit at my desk as another message from Daniel pings onto my screen.

Darcey I can tell you’re unhappy with me about something, what is it?


m determined to not give him the pleasure especially as we’re not face to face although I want to give him a snippet of information to antagonise him more.


I found your phone but I
discuss anything with you until you return.

Hope you both enjoyed the evening.


My heart beats
faster as I wait for a reply. Nothing comes. I sift through other emails and then he responds.

Darcey we need to speak. Please call me.


No way am
I going to let him dump me via the phone, text or email. He can damn well be man enough to do it face to face.

Daniel I
want to talk to you right now. You can say all you want to when you get back next week.”

My phone begins to ring, it’
s Daniel. Declining his call I put the phone onto mute. Another email immediately appears.

Darcey please pick up the phone.

D x

m starting to fizz at his persistence. My office phone rings.

“Hello Darcey Brooks.” I answer as I glare at his email.

“Darcey, please listen to me.” Daniel’s voice is needy. “Please don’t hang up, Darcey are you still there?”

m silent as I listen to his voice.

I love you and we need to speak.” He sighs slowly.

“Daniel, you have a funny way
of showing it. Do you think I’m going to give you the pleasure of dumping me over the phone? You can collect your stuff next week!” That felt good and without giving him a chance to reply I put the receiver down.

he phone rings again, I recognise his number and ignore the call. Then Daniel emails me.

Darcey, I don’t want to finish anything with you. I want to make it right. Please call me when you’re ready to talk.”


I’m furious
. He’s so sure of himself, assuming I’ll simmer and want to talk to him. Well he has a long wait.

My morning is uneventful with one email from Anth
ony asking me to prepare data for competitor schools with league tables. He seems distant and preoccupied. I settle down to data collect. Angela puts through a call from Lola.

Hi Darcey, how are you honey? Just heard from Daniel – the shit!”

m so pleased to hear from Lola she’s such a good friend even though her brother is no longer on my VIP list. I’m a little choked with emotion and can’t speak.

You need some girl time. Are you up for a sleep over at mine on Saturday Night? I’m thinking drink, food, more drink, going to a club, dancing; chat up two
men and even more drink?

Taking a deep breath I reply
. “Sounds good to me, I’d love to hit the town. I’m with Mum all day Saturday at Arcazia Hotel for a Spa Day but you’re welcome to join us?” Lola is exactly what I need right now although I did wonder whether Daniel had asked her to talk to me.

sighs. “Oh I’m sorry I can’t make the Spa but come over at 6pm. We’ve some partying to do.”

ooking forward to it already.” I enthusiastically respond.  Girly time with Lola is always great fun.

My stomach
tells me that I’m hungry so I close down Anthony’s reports and make my way to the Officer’s mess for lunch. Passing through the foyer I can see Anthony standing by his car. He is holding open the rear door for an attractive, tall brunette wearing cream tailored trousers and a tan, fitted, chiffon blouse. They smile at each other and look very comfortable in one another’s company. Anthony slides in behind her and then Nick whisks them off. Who is she?  My mind immediately springs into action putting together stories foretelling that she must be his girlfriend. I now feel foolish for my recent behaviour when I actually thought that I may have some power over him.

Angela is seated alone by the window, with a healthy salad.
As I approach her table she looks up and pats the seat inviting me to sit.

“Hello stranger, where have you been?”
Angela continues to eat.

getting reports together for Anthony.” I place my tray down beside her.

“How are
things with you and Daniel?” Angela stops eating and assesses my eyes for a reaction. You can’t hide anything from her.

“Not good.” I look down and tuck into my Macaroni Cheese. “He is screwing someone else.”

“I hope you told him to take a hike!” Angela puts down her fork with obvious outrage.

won’t talk to him and told him to collect his stuff when he gets back.” I don’t look up for her approval.

“Anthony is concerned
. He asked me how things were with you and Daniel” Angela casually delves back into her salad.

“When was this?” I’
m shocked at this comment and stop eating to look at her.

“This morning”
she continues to munch.

“Shit!” My anxiety now switches to Antho
ny who obviously thinks that I’m letting Daniel get in the way of my work. “He must be still angry about walking out of the SMT meeting yesterday.”

“I doubt it
,” Angela sips water. “Anthony was standing at the reception when Lola called this morning. Before I transferred her to you he heard me chatting to her about Daniel and that you won’t speak to him.”

“Oh no, h
e really thinks I’m not coping.” I instantly lose my appetite.

m sorry Darcey; I didn’t mean to tell Anthony, he just happened to be listening in on the call.” Angela is genuinely apologetic.

We finish lunch and walk back to reception, Anthony’s car ha
sn’t returned and I head back to my office to hide feeling exposed of my embarrassing private life. The afternoon drags on as I complete my analysis and then email to Anthony.

Hi Anthony

Please fin
d attached the data you require. Let me know if you need anything else.


I lean back planning a quiet evening with take away pizza and of course a bottle of something chilled. My mother w
ill be expecting a call tonight to arrange plans to meet on Saturday. An email from Anthony appears.

Hi Darcey

Sorry I haven’
t managed to get to see you today. Thanks for the report. I’ll take a look this evening.

Is your diary
free to visit a local school with me on Monday? I’d love your opinion of a takeover/merger.


heart leaps with excitement, I’m already planning in my head further analysis and a business case.

Hi Anthony

BOOK: Weapon of Desire
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