We Are the Children of the Stars (32 page)

BOOK: We Are the Children of the Stars
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Like a slot-machine hitting the jackpot, the answer falls into place with a bang if we merely think of our star-borne ancestors who, after achieving a supercivilization far beyond ours,
began exploring the universe in spacecraft.

Ship after ship, crew after crew – and gene after gene – the grand
heritage infused the entire race, forevermore.

Perhaps this phase lasted millions of years for the starmen, long enough for natural Evolution (which probably
operate on their world) to instill the seek-the-universe factor in their DNA/RNA/gene/chromosome system.

Hence, when the starmen visited Earth long ago and “created” hybridized mankind, we automatically inherited this greatest of all human attributes –
the restless and eternal drive to find out everything, see every existing object, and go everywhere.

We submit that this answer is far more understandable and sense-making than evolutionary double-talk regarding how man's tool-making hand stimulated his brain – or was it the other way around? They are never sure, nor how much descending from the trees to the ground, to walk on two feet and leave the hands free, entered into the picture. Meaning, actually, that they are way off the track and are playing with phantoms instead of reality. Their Occam's razor is not sharp enough to cut through such entangled Gordian knots.

Besides, for this quantum leap from the nonexploratory ape to the space-exploring human to occur in a short million or two years of slow brain-evolution (a tick in the clock of natural selection), is sheer belief in superstition.

Scientifically, it must be rejected out of hand.

All those strange and esoteric mental “quirks” listed before – curiosity, quest for knowledge, ambitions for a better world, sense of destiny, need for religion, as well as the exploration urge – exist in every one of us, but no ape or lower animal can possibly share even one of them.

Why do we alone have such grandiose drives, ambitions, and yearnings?

No precept of Evolution or natural selection or survival of the fittest can even remotely account for the rise of those mental strivings in the human mind. You cannot start with ape-minds that are completely without intellect and get to human minds with their sublime thinking powers.

It's a non sequitur that a dozen Darwins could never cram into an evolutionary framework.

UFO Clues

RE THE UNIDENTIFIED Flying Objects (UFOs) real? Otherwise known as flying saucers?

We make the immediate point that whether or not these strange craft exist makes no actual difference to our theory of Hybrid Man, which is rooted solidly in anthropological, archaeological, anatomical, and other scientific data. Other people's theories of Man's possible extraterrestrial origins start with lengthy attempts to first prove the UFOs are from outer space and then go on to explain how mankind got on Earth. This book's approach, on the contrary, was to first establish that humans simply cannot be purely creatures of earthly evolution, and we will
go into the flying saucer phenomenon.

Be it admitted, however, that if UFOs prove to be bona fide vehicles from outer space,
it would be the strongest clue of all to the validity of our Hybrid Man theory.
In fact, not just a clue but virtual
The entire flying saucer phenomenon fits into the concept of Man as a Hybrid and a colony like a hand in a glove. For, if the flying saucer stories are true, then:

  1. The extraordinary care with which the alleged pilots of these craft have evaded close contact or collisions with pilots in earthly aircraft and with humans in general is compatible with the concept of Man as a colony whose purpose at present is deliberately being kept from him.
  2. The unusual and vastly superior propulsion systems that the flying saucers seem to possess would support the supposition that man's outer-space ancestors have developed, through millions of years of scientific research, greatly superior power sources and space drives.
  3. The patient way in which the flying saucers are reported to practice surveillance of Man, his works, his vehicles, and his newest nuclear wonders also fits the concept that open contact will not be permitted between earthman and his ancestral race until Man evolves or progresses sufficiently to warrant trust!
  4. These flying saucers are supposed to require their occupants to endure incredible g-forces. Their designers, then, must know engineering principles that are so far ahead of anything we practice today that, scientifically speaking, it would be child's play for them to hybridize a planet and produce intelligent men out of brute-witted ape-men.
  5. The most important point is that the flying saucers' occupants are not too concerned about humans as yet being suspicious of their existence so long as they don't pin it down. This one basic fact has thunderous implications. It could mean that these outer-space intelligences will choose the time when contact can occur. Such actions would indicate that the starmen are going to reveal themselves in gradual ways so that panic and worldwide mental shock will be avoided. This sounds like true sympathy and solicitude toward us – quite like wise masters for their colony.

The conclusion is obvious. If flying saucers exist, they, and everything that is known about them, perfectly and neatly fit the theory that Man is a Hybrid and a colony. But until those
mysterious objects darting in our skies are detected by scientists for what they are (if ever), or reveal UFOs, or so-called flying saucers (paradoxically, of every conceivable shape besides the saucer-like disk), are not a recent phenomenon at all. Diligent UFOlogists (a branch of science that may someday become sanctioned) have dug into records far past and found innumerable references to unidentified aeroforms that read just like the present-day sightings of UFOs.
The Bible is particularly rich in such UFO lore, according to certain scholars,
but even Greek, Roman, and earlier literature mention “suns” and “moons” and “sickles”
that awed people looking into their night skies thousands of years ago.

Ezekiel's “flaming chariot” in the Bible is often cited by UFO researchers as an unmistakably described flying saucer. When this was stated in the best seller by Erich von Daniken
(Chariots of the Gods?)
, a certain engineer at NASA laughed. He was a topnotch engineer of rockets and aircraft, and he told his wife it was a crackpot idea. To prove it, he read over the passages in the Bible telling about the flying phenomenon in detail. To Joseph Blumrich's surprise, the more he read, the more he began to see the basic engineering data for a true flying spacecraft. He thereupon wrote a whole book about it.
Blumrich was convinced that UFOs or spacecraft had indeed visited the biblical people as well as others in ancient times.

As a matter of fact, it is very likely that Neanderthal Man and the first Hominids two million years ago must also have spied unknown shining bodies in the sky and even seen them land, if our theory is correct. For the starmen who molded the human race genetically through hybridization must have visited Earth almost continually, in order to carry out their great human-creating experiments in their world-sized biological laboratory.

So even if UFOs were not reported today, we would have to “invent'' flying saucers.
After all, how else could our alien sires reach Earth except with spacecraft of some sort?

As a brief summary, the modern phase of UFOs began in the United States in 1947, when a businessman named Kenneth
Arnold was flying his private plane in Washington state and was amazed to spy nine crescent-shaped objects speeding near Mt. Rainier and skipping along like “saucers” being sailed across water.
The press devised the name “flying saucers,” and the controversy was on. The great controversy over whether they were real or illusionary still goes on to this moment, with great passion on both sides between the believers and skeptics. The latter include almost all “hard-nosed” scientists.

Ironically, as we have seen earlier in the book, the greater majority of scientists, including astronomers, today believe the universe is teeming with inhabited worlds and intelligent beings, human or otherwise. Wild horses, however could not drag out of them the acknowledgment that there is any connection between their belief and the sightings of alleged flying saucers. In the author's belief, those scientists are stubbornly failing or refusing to add a glaring two and two. But among scientific minds, there are a few who have achieved the enlightened answer of four.

One such was Ivan Sanderson (deceased 1972), noted zoologist, who, in a book surveying the entire UFO phenomenon, gives the speculations of earnest students of the field.
He lists the possibilities that mankind may not be a sole product of earthly evolution but may instead have been “seeded” on Earth by ETs, that superior intelligences may have consistently “interfered” with our history, and that we may actually be “owned” by other-world creatures who came and surreptitiously took over Earth long, long ago.

That basic idea, curiously enough, was stated by the famed Charles Fort, indefatigable collector of strange mysteries unexplained by science.
In the early 1900s, he listed many UFOs long before they were called flying saucers, and he dropped this sly little bombshell: “I think we [humans] are property.”

As we, the authors, acknowledged before, this general concept that Man may have an extraterrestrial origin was mentioned by others before us. “Mentioned” is the right word, since none of them attempted in any scientific way to
back up
their contention.

In that way, this book differs from them all by doing something for the
first time
, we believe –
examining factual data about
mankind that removes this concept from the realm of a pure mental exercise and lifts it up by solid data into the category of legitimate scientific enquiry
. It is (if the simile can be forgiven) the “missing link” between UFO speculation and scientifically acceptable theory.

Another man of high scientific caliber who came to believe in UFOs as interstellar spacecraft was the late Wilbert B. Smith of Canada. During his directorship of Project Magnet, designed to investigate UFO anomalies, he came after long study to firm conclusions regarding them, including the fact that they “colonized” Earth. He first states unequivocally that the flying saucers are real, then adds significantly: “We may summarize the entire flying saucer picture as follows. We [the human race] have arrived at a time in our development when we must make a final choice between right and wrong. The [UFO] people from elsewhere are much concerned about the choice which we will make . . . partly because
we are their blood brothers
[italics added] and they are truly concerned with our welfare.”
Quite obviously, Wilbert Smith had no doubt that the aliens were somehow responsible for implanting the human race on Earth.
Yet neither did he give any sort of tangible proof that his beliefs were true, and scientists have ignored him.

Two mainline scientists of international reputations have also voiced the possibility of ET visitations to Earth, but only in the far past, discrediting the UFOs of today. They are Dr. Carl Sagan, head of Planetary Sciences at Cornell, and Dr. S. I. Shklovski, noted Soviet scientist, who collaborated on a book.
Intelligent Life in the Universe.
In it is this remarkably frank passage by Dr. Sagan, stating that he had come upon a legend that seemed to be a “genuine contact” with ETs. He adds, “It is of special interest because it relates to the origin of Sumerian civilization.”

As mentioned before, that event is one of the greatest mysteries in archeology and anthropology – if Cro-Magnon Man (modern Man) already existed in 40,000 B.C., why did it take him until 10,000 B.C. to achieve even rudimentary civilization,
30,000 years later?
Thus, the great
with which civilization arose has always startled archeologists, and they have nothing but lame answers that are no answers at all.

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