Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) (33 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)
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” Gavin muttered
as he vaulted over the back o
f his chair and took off
after her. Pausing in the hallway, he listened, trying to figure out which way
she had gone, the sound of the kitchen door slamming gave him a direction as it
echoed through the marble lined hall. He turned towards the sound and fo
und her on the patio, taking deep pulls on a cigarette.

“Angel? What’s wrong?” he asked, standing just behind her, he took a step
back when she rounded on him

“Do I really need to spell it out to you?” she yelled
“For God’s sake Gavin, what is so wrong
ith me that makes you not want to be with me?”

“There’s nothing wrong with you
” he took the cigarette from between her fingers
“I’m just trying to give you some space
and I don’t want to be your rebound guy
” he
took a deep drag before
it back

I don’t need space and I can’t rebound because
I was already over him
” she stepped
closer to him, just an inch away
“Why don’t you
want me?” she demanded

“I do
” he raked his
fingers through his hair, any further reply cut off by her mouth against his o
nce more, he parted his lips, his hands cupping her face,
taking the smoke she had held in her mouth into his, pulling away, he expelled
the smoke then returned to the kiss.  Angel wrapped her arms around his neck,
one hand entwined in his hair; she could
feel her
breasts pressed into his chest, his fingers resting lightly on her waist. She
pressed her hips to his, the solid length that she felt there sent a thrill
through her and she wrapped herself tighter against him, easing her hips from
side to side.

h she tasted good. Gavin’s senses were
heightened, her tongue playing with his, both of them barely breathing, her
soft breasts and rock hard nipples were pressed against him, her surprisingly
strong arms held him to her firmly, her hips grinding against h
im. His eyes snapped open. She was using his own arousal
against him, egging him on, pushing him to do things he was certain would scare
her away.

” he breathed
“I can’t do this
” he removed himself from her embrace
“You aren’t ready for this

at the hell gives you the right to decide if
I’m ready or not?” she snapped
“I’m more than ready
I’ve decided
you are the one and all you do is push me away. How dare you? I’m more than
capable of making my own decisions

“You aren’t ready for me; you
won’t be able to
handle me full on
” he tried to
explain, doing so exceptionally badly.

“You arrogant son of a bitch, I can handle anything you have to give

” he shouted
grabbing her and holding her against him, his fingers digging into her spine a
nd buttocks, his mouth on hers at first then moving to her
neck and shoulder, hard and demanding, then back on her mouth now with one hand
on her breast, kneading, pinching.

Angel felt a twinge of fear coupled with unparalleled excitement. His
hands and mo
uth causing new sensations that she
couldn’t help but respond to but the power he exerted in his touch brought her
brain crashing back to Quinn’s rough treatment of her and she began to freak,
wondering what she had gotten herself into by goading him. She
loosened her embrace, set the heel of her hands on his
shoulders and pushed.

Gavin felt her respond to his touch, he knew he was being a little rough,
realising that some part of him wanted to scare her into the realisation that
by holding back he was tryi
ng to be a good guy, no
matter how frustrating that was for both of them but holy shit did he want her?
He told himself that she only had to say stop and he would release her, not
knowing that his actions had rendered her speechless. She was gasping and cl
awing at him, dragging him closer, then she stiffened and
he knew she had come to her senses, he released her and stepped back, his hands
at his sides, his eyes searching hers.

“Angel?” he spoke softly, making no move towards her.

She looked into his eyes
and saw concern,
regret and reached out to touch his face.

“I’m ok, you let go
” she told him.

“I tried to warn you
” he added.

She nodded and stepped towards him
“You were right, the full on version of you freaks me out right now
and we
do need to take things slow
e can go faster than the snail’s pace you’ve set though

“I know I’ve made you feel as if I don’t want you Angel
but there’s nothing I want more. I want
to make sure that this will be a pleasant, memorable experience for yo
u and that’s why I want to pace myself, if I let my
emotions and imagination run riot, you’ll be running for the hills

She laughed softly

o one has ever made me feel the way you
do, I can’t stop thinking about how I feel when you touch me, you make me
feel special, like I’m the only one you’ve ever wanted.
I’ll try to understand if you push me away but there are limits to my patience
” she warned.

“I just want to make it special,
you have to
give me the time to do that. After all, you do only get one f
irst time
” he opened his arms and wrapped them around her when she stepped into
his embrace “Just have a little patience
” he paused
“And try not to
turn me on so much

She grinned, her cheek against the side of his neck
“I like turning you on, the fee
l of you hard against me gets me hot. I’m looking forward
to my first time, I know you will make it special

Gavin groaned, being near this girl was torture, just one tiny touch
would have him hiding his erection
“It’s a little
embarrassing having a perm
anent hard on
” he admitted.

“Get used to it
” she told him
and kissed his neck
“I’m going to
tease you until you fuck me
” she quickly
kissed his lips before twisting out of his embrace
” she called, running into the house.

Both had a fitful nigh
t’s sleep causing them to
rise early the following day and after a quick cup of tea, the pair wandered
the grounds hand in hand, only heading back towards the house when their
stomachs protested the lack of food.

Gavin pulled Angel into a kiss as they step
onto the patio
he kept his
lower body away from hers, once again aroused beyond belief at her closeness.

“Stop it
” she whispered
against his lips.

“What?” he asked.

“Keeping your hips away from me, I know what’s going on down there
” she breathed, he
r hands on his waist, pulling him, unresisting towards her
“I’ve told you I like the feel
” she finished letting one of her hands
fall to his groin.

Novak, dressed in swimming shorts and a t-shirt, stopped dead with his
hand on the handle of the kitchen d
oor on surveying
the scene in front of him. The sudden stop had caused Kiera to cannon ball into
his back, he had whipped a strong arm around her to prevent her from bouncing
off him and onto the quarry tiled kitchen floor. He was s
miling as he turned to f
ace her,

e have lift off
” was all he said
esturing to Gavin and Angel then proceeded to usher Kiera, James and
Gabby not only out of the kitchen but out of the house.



“Tell me again what we’re doing here
” James groaned, his forehead
resting on the
edge of the table, his arms dangling at his side, his Tequila induced hangover
making its presence known in spades.

They were sitting at a window table of the local Little Chef, Kiera
wrapped in Gavin’s leather jacket that she had mistaken f
or hers. Gabby, as always, immaculate no matter what time
of day it was and James in crumpled jogging pants and t-shirt, his hair a
tangled mess, his head thumping in rhythm to the awful music being piped
through the restaurant.

“We are here, my friend, be
cause it would seem
the boy is about to get some and I thought it prudent to give him some space
” Novak replied

“We’re staying in a fucking mansion, how much room does he need?” James
asked as he sat up, wishing he hadn’t bothered. He pressed his fingers
to his temples in a vain attempt to ease the pain
“I didn’t even put shoes on
” he lifted his leg and wriggled his
toes only to have Gabby slap the offending leg back under the table
“I feel sick
” he moaned

“Drink some water
” Novak advised,
“I’ve orde
red you the full English breakfast
” he
beamed. James baulked before leaving his seat and bolting for the

“Let’s take this inside
” Angel

“I don’t know about this
” Gavin stalled
“I thought you were trying to be

“I am. Surely
you aren’t averse to fooling
around a bit?”

” he relented,
knowing he was about to put himself through hell. Angel grabbed his hand and
pulled him through the house and up the stairs to his living room, kissing him
and wriggling against him suggestivel
y as he closed
the door. Somehow they found the sofa, Angel tugging at Gavin’s t-shirt,
encouraging him to remove it, taking off her own shirt then dropping down onto
the sofa with him upon her in seconds, his mouth automatically finding the
swell of her b

“Kiss me
” she pulled at
his hair, making him come up to face level, he pressed the full length of his
body against her as he kissed her deeply, he could feel her hands unfastening
his belt, then his jeans and knew he should stop her but wanted to
feel her hands on him so badly that he let her continue,
recognising that he was already very close to coming.

As her hands eased their way into his boxers, he peeled the material of
her bra aside and returned his mouth to her breast, catching a nipple bet
ween his teeth, his hands caressing, squeezing, then moving
up to her neck, kissing, nipping, and all the while pushing his hips into her

Angel arched towards him as his mouth, tongue and teeth worked on her oh
so sensitive neck, loving the sensatio
ns his warm
hands and mouth were causing along with the feel of him in her hands,
marvelling that something so hard could also feel so soft.

Gavin’s heart was beating so fast he was having trouble catching his
he was secretly
pleased that he had so
far been able to respond to
her caresses without slipping over the edge, after all, he was only eighteen
years old, he figured he was doing pretty well and he was, right up until Angel
sunk her teeth into his shoulder, his hormones took a gigantic leap, h
is arousal reached epic proportions in the blink of an eye.

“Angel, you need to stop
” he gasped, she
questioned him with a look
“I’m about to
make a hell of a mess
” he shrugged.
Angel responded with a deep throated chuckle and shortly afterwards, Gavin
felt pressure then pain, he pulled away with a start.

“I have my tricks to stop that
” Angel smiled, once again stroking his length.

“I don’t like that one
” he replied.

“You don’t want to come yet though do you?” she asked.

” he huffed, his
ego bruise
“Where’d you learn that?” he asked,
once again lowering his body down but staying on her left side.

Just because
I’m a virgin, doe
sn’t mean I’ve been a complete n
” she quipped,
suddenly changing her tone to a sighed
, “
h” as his hand
slid into her u
nderwear causing the involuntary
spread of her legs, his mouth was on her neck again, nipping and sucking, her
free arm clawing at the skin of his shoulder then dropping to rake her nails
over his ribs bringing forth shudders of pleasure.

“Here you are
” t
he door crashed open and Novak stepped through
” he turned his back but not before
drinking in the scene before him.

” Gavin growled,
using his body to cover Angel from his friends’ gaze.

“Sorry bro,
car was here,
but I couldn’t find you
I began to worry, thought you’d been
kidnapped or something.”

” Gavin replied
“Get out!” he waited for Novak to leave before sitting back on his haunches
between Angel’s legs, regarding her flushed, semi naked body with an amused

that killed the moment
” she said, easing her breasts back into
her bra and sitting up, her legs either side of his, her face level with his
chest, she pressed her lips to his skin then looked up at him.

“You’re beautiful
” he told her,
his fingers under h
er chin, he lowered his lips to
“Sorry about

“It’s ok
” she answered
wriggling backwards, freeing her legs and standing up, pulling on her shirt
“How far would you have gone had he not
interrupted us?” she asked.

“To be honest, I was approac
hing the point
where I would have backed off
although saying that, it appears that
I have seriously underestimated your
” he cuddled
her, still naked from the waist up
“Maybe you
should tell me exactly what you’ve done so far?”

“I will
” she
scrabbled in her pocket when her phone beeped “I need to
take my pill.”

“As in the pill?” he asked.


“Why would you be on the pill if you haven’t actually had sex?”

“Horrendous periods, the pill keeps them regular and relatively pain free
” she gigg
when he shuddered.

“Too much information
” he groaned.

Angel shook her head
“Back in a
sec.” She told him leaving his room for hers and giving him time to re-arrange
himself and his clothing.

The other four houseguests were found in the garden discuss
ing what they would do that day when Gavin and Angel joined

“Thanks for breakfast
” James said,
tossing Gavin’s wallet at him.

“You really should change your PIN number
” Novak added.

“You honestly felt the need to go out to breakfast when the house
is fully stocked?” Gavin asked to a round of silent nods
“How come I paid?”

“We went out without any money, Kiera picked up your jacket instead of
hers and as luck would have it, and your wallet was in the pocket
” Novak grinned
“I thought I was doing yo
u a favour dude, from the look of things going on out here
this morning I was convinced you were preparing for takeoff

“You can explain it to Dad then
” Gavin advised his friend
e turned to James
“You look like shit

” James answered
y, I
now feel better than I look. So, what are we doing today?”

” Novak spoke up
“Do you still have enough energy for a
stroll around the Seven Sisters Country Park?” he asked Gavin.

“Fuck off
” Gavin replied,
bowing his head to light a cigarette
and taking a
deep pull
“Thanks to you,
I have loads of energy. What’s at this Country Park?”

“Shipwrecks on the beach
” both James and
Novak spoke up.

“Ah, cool
” Gavin nodded
then turned to Angel
“Do you fancy

“Yeah. Why not?”

A pleasant day was h
ad by all, the three boys
keeping the girls amused with their antics and tales from their school days
together. When it started to rain, they made their way to the Eight Bells at
Jevington, enjoying their excellent sausage and mash with onion gravy for lun
ch over a bottle of wine and views of the countryside, they
didn’t return home until early evening.

” Novak stated,
opening and closing cupboards.

“Already?” Kiera asked
“I couldn’t eat
another thing.”

“You should
” Novak advised
“I plan on us having a very energetic

BOOK: Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)
10.81Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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