Warrior (Navy SEALs Romance Book 5) (3 page)

BOOK: Warrior (Navy SEALs Romance Book 5)
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Chapter 5

ore iced tea
, honey?” the waitress asked, her plastic pitcher poised in mid-air over Emily’s half-empty glass. She poured to the rim after Emily nodded. “Do you need more fries?”

“Oh no, thanks. I'm just about full.” Emily gestured to the scrap of a burger and the handful of fries left on her plate. She looked back at her notebook, content to have eaten lunch alone and gotten some reading done.

“Don't worry, girlfriend. Any guy who'd skip out on a lunch date with someone as pretty as you don't deserve to eat, much less get to eat with you.”

She smiled reassuringly, trying hard not to look like she was showing Emily pity.

“Well, thanks. But he told me he might not make it. He's on call, so he might have…”

The bell tied to the door clanged against the glass when Mike pushed it open, then let it fall shut with another loud clang. He looked around the diner for a couple of seconds, then his face lit up when he saw Emily looking at him in relief.

“Hey! I wasn't sure you'd still be here!” he said, sliding into the booth. He tapped Emily's books. “Good thing you brought something to keep busy; at least it wasn't a total waste of time.”

“Are you kidding? This burger was incredible! It was worth eating alone,” she said, raising an eyebrow and hinting that her feelings had been hurt. She couldn't keep torturing him, though, not after seeing the crestfallen look on Mike’s face. “Speaking of eating alone, I don't want to sound pushy… But was everything okay?”

“Yeah, we just had to go out and get a bunch of drunks who ran out of gas. Without any power, they just kept drifting. They'd actually been out there for a good long while without shade or water, so they were lucky we got to ‘em when we did.”

“I can't imagine. It must be terrifying to be stranded out at sea, hoping someone has noticed you're missing.”

“Luckily, they always seem more grateful than afraid. I guess it’s the alcohol, it seems to take the edge off,” he answered, laughing nervously. “So where are you from that you've never had a burger this good?” he asked, only looking away long enough to signal to the waitress that he'd have the same.

“I’m from Las Vegas originally, but I went to school in Florida. There aren't a lot of ocean mammals in Vegas, or oceans either, for that matter. After I finished my degree, I headed out here for a research opportunity and a professorship.”

Emily stopped just short of telling him that academia wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Instead of inspiring students to save the oceans - and therefore, the planet - she’d ended up teaching a freshman level science class to incoming students. Hers was the class they took when their degrees didn’t require anything more than one token science credit, and their participation reflected it.

“That sounds great! It’s a pretty long way to go to school, but man, what an adventure.” Mike’s optimism was infectious, and Emily soon asked him about himself.

“Well, I told you, I work in search and rescue. I’m actually part owner of a company my Navy buddies and I started after we left field work,” he explained, beaming at the waitress who appeared with his food. He pushed the plate towards Emily, offering her some of his fries, but she shook her head. “So, that’s about all there is to tell. We have a really great team, we have this incredible old beach house as our office and launch spot, and our contract with the city keeps us pretty busy.”

“That sounds really exciting. Did you always want to do this kind of work?” she asked before taking a drink.

“Kind of, I guess. My buddies and I were SEALs first, and when we stopped doing that, we started this company since it was right in line with our training and experience. It’s still the same kind of adrenaline rush, but at the same time, it’s still saving people and being the good guys.”

“So you’re a real cowboy hero type, huh?” she teased as she plucked one of the crispier looking French fries from her plate. “I’ve heard stories about guys like that.”

“Good stories, I hope. Nothing too scary?” His bright smile was unsettling, and Emily had to look away from his rugged good looks to get a grip.

“You could say that. I guess I’ve just always looked at guys like you as risk-takers, impulsive types who act before they think. It seems like a frightening, thrilling way to live.”

“Lemme guess, you’re gonna tell me that you’re one of those analytical types, the kind who’d rather read about the adventure than actually have one of your own?” Mike was clearly teasing, and Emily felt no unsettling feeling welling up inside her. She shook her head, but it was Mike who laughed instead. “We’re not that impulsive. Guys who act first then think about it later don’t last very long in our line of work.”

“Oh. I see. Sorry for making the snap judgment there.”

“No apology necessary; it’s easy to see why people get that impression. But I promise, me and the guys are anything but impulsive. Well, okay… maybe one or two of us struggle with slowing down and thinking it through from time to time, but when it comes down to the wire, we’re all super sharp.”

They chatted through lunch, talking about minor details and things they had in common, until Emily declared she had to get back to work.

“I teach a two o’clock biology class, and I need to set up my notes,” she explained, reaching for her oversized bag and patting the notebooks she’d put in there. “But this was really fun. Thank you so much for the company!”

“No, thank you. This was nice. So… I guess… I’ll call you? Or maybe text you, if that’s okay? I’d love to get to have a real chance to hang out, not some hurried diner lunch that I was late for.” His self-deprecating manner was instantly endearing, because Emily could tell there was genuine humility behind it.

“Maybe. I’ll have to get in touch with you. Bye!” She left a few bills on the table to cover her meal and a tip, then smiled and left the diner. Mike watched through the large windows as she walked down the block and unlocked a Toyota that had seen better days, wincing when she had to slam the door shut twice to get it to close.

Maybe? I’ll get in touch?
That wasn’t good enough for him. He jumped up from the booth and pushed open the same glass door, chasing after her car. Mike called her name and waved, hoping she’d stop the car.

By the time their talk had ended, they’d made plans for a second date.

“But don’t let on with Knox’s girl. If she doesn’t think she’s a miserable failure at setting people up, she’s gonna go on a matchmaking rampage,” Mike teased, delighted when Emily laughed at the joke. “Seriously, nobody will be safe.”

“Gotcha. Yeah, she struck me as the type who might be a little too invested in the happiness of others,” Emily answered, smiling. “So, are we really on for a scuba date?”

“You bet. I haven’t gotten to go out for anything other than actual missions in so long… And I gotta be honest with you, I’ve never had any other girl ask me to meet them at the pier instead of the mall.”

“Well, I hope you find out that I’m not like other girls.” Emily waved slightly and turned on her heel, heading to her car. Mike could only stare after her, wondering if that revelation was a good thing or not.

Chapter 6

s much as
she tried to focus on her notes that night, Emily’s mind kept wandering back to the way Michael had chased her down at the diner, intent on setting up more definite plans. He had everything going for him in the plus column. Good looks were the least of his great attributes, but instead she loved his easy manner of talking to anyone as if they were his best friend, and the way he seemed to be genuinely interested in their conversation.

But in the minus column, she couldn’t escape the thought of that terrible first date, the one where he’d seemed like an entirely different person. He’d been moody and clearly uncomfortable being around her, and that wasn’t something she could chalk up to nervousness, not after getting to know him better.

She finally put her notebook and laptop aside and wandered over to the small kitchen, pouring herself a glass of wine and leaning back against the countertop, lost in thought. Her phone buzzed on the countertop, jolting her out of her thoughts. She jumped when she recognized Mike’s number on the screen.

Is it too stalkery to text yet?

, she typed back.
Is this Michael, the guy I just had lunch with a couple of hours ago?

One in the same.

Then yup, too soon. You’re a total creeper. :)

Yikes. Sorry for bugging you. Won’t do it again. Wait, I mean no, it’s not Mike. It’s some other guy who got your number. So now we can talk…

Emily had to laugh at his silly sense of humor, but there was still a part of her that needed to keep him at arm’s length. This was someone who’d made her feel small once, almost invisible. A pleasant lunch and a good deed didn’t change that, and Emily was by nature a very cautious person.

Well, I guess since it’s some other guy, I can totally talk right now. What was your name again?

Uh… Shmichael. My friends call me Shmike for short.

Nice to meet you, Shmike.

No, it’s “ShmikeForShort,” like I said. Old family name.

Emily burst out laughing. Even in rows of tiny letters on a phone screen, he had the ability to make her smile in the most endearing way. She carried her phone and her glass of wine to the couch, then sat down, her legs tucked beneath her long t-shirt.

So you’re not standing outside my apartment right now, are you?

Of course not. That would be weird. Besides, ShmikeForShort is a traditional Icelandic name. I’m in Iceland.

Oh, of course. Makes perfect sense. But isn’t it pretty early in the morning there?

Yup. Gotta get up early to beat the penguins to work.

Nice try, smart guy. No penguins in Iceland. I’m a marine biologist, remember?

No, I don’t remember. Why would I know this? We’ve never met before.

Emily laughed again.
Ah, you caught me. I was pretty sure this was someone I went on a date with, someone named Mike. I must be wrong. I won’t take up any more of your time. Good night.

No! Wait! This Mike person sounds incredible! I must hear more about this date!

Well, if you insist.... I had a very lovely lunch date today. No one you know, of course. But he’s very handsome, funny, and has a very good heart.
Emily took a long sip of her wine before hitting Send, then bit her lip nervously while she waited for him to respond.

You think he’s handsome?

Emily laughed again, setting down her wine glass so she could respond.
Very handsome. Illegally handsome, even. Like, it’s not fair how handsome he is because it means several other people didn’t get their fair share of good looks. But don’t tell him I said that, he’ll think I’m shallow and only like him for looks.

Okay… but shallow isn’t all that bad. Hey! I just got a message from Mike! He said he thinks you’re the most beautiful girl he’s met in a long time. And that you’re smart, and something about you smelling like laundry. No wait, he said lavender.

Did he really? Imagine that. Mike’s talking to you in Iceland? Amazing.
Emily smiled with anticipation as she waited for him to respond. It took a while, but he finally responded.

Okay, you got me. I’m Mike. And I’m not from Iceland.

, she answered, adding a short row of shocked-face emojis.

Yup. Busted. But I still think you’re beautiful. That part was true. And you’re even smarter than you are pretty.

She didn’t have a response that didn’t sound canned or weak, so she only typed on blushing smiley face.

You know, it’s not that late. We could meet for a quick bite?
Mike texted.
I’m ending my shift here at the headquarters in ten minutes.

I have a better idea… you know my address.
Emily shocked herself with that response, but it was something she wanted desperately. She wanted to see him, but even more, she wanted to have him all to herself.

By the time Mike arrived, Emily had thrown on some clothes and set out some crackers on a plate. When her doorbell rang, she felt a tiny pinprick of apprehension, and toyed with the idea of hiding behind the door. Instead, she opened it, smiled, and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Mike’s smiling face.

Chapter 7

he hadn’t intended
for her invitation to be a “booty call”. She really hadn’t. But when she saw him and smelled his cologne, she knew that was exactly what was going to happen.

Still, she tried to avoid it. Tried to talk herself out of it. Tried to reason with herself that even though it had been a long time for her, she could hold out. She could just have some wine with this good-looking man and not take it further. Her self-talk wasn’t working.

“Well, maybe I should get going,” Mike said after the wine was gone and the night was turning into early morning. “I know you have a long day tomorrow.”

Emily sighed. “I know I should say goodbye and all that.”


“I don’t want to.”

Michael’s lips found Emily’s in the near darkness of the living room. They had talked and laughed even more than before, and in the quiet it wasn’t long before she invited him to sit even closer. It was such a sudden moment, so unexpected but the feel of kiss was intoxicating.

He filled her with his tongue, letting out a quiet, satisfied sound as he drew her tongue gently into his mouth. Emily’s body, both numb and burning with sensation, leaned closer to him as he held her hip and pulled her towards him. Sensing the action, Emily slid one leg over his until she could sit in his lap, facing him and lacing her hands behind his neck. She couldn’t believe what she was doing. This wasn’t her, only she didn’t feel like her dull, boring self around him. She felt desired, wanted, adventurous.

When Michael’s hand moved up towards Emily’s breasts, she leaned her shoulders back only slightly, granting him access and permission at the same time. He held them tenderly until Emily moaned softly in his mouth, then squeezed them harder, his fingertips finding her nipples through her shirt. The feeling of his hands on her made her wetter, and she moved instinctively against the growing bulge in his lap, reveling in the friction it caused.

“Is this okay?” he whispered against her neck. “Because we can stop.”

She pulled back and looked at him. “I don’t want to stop. Don’t you dare stop.” Mike chuckled.

“Good, because you might have seen me cry if you said stop.”

Michael reached behind himself to pull his shirt off over his head, the invitation open to Emily to do the same. She looked down at him when he pressed his hands to the hem of her shirt and nodded, silently begging him to slide it off over her head. Within seconds his mouth sought her nipple, licking it hungrily before drawing it into his mouth and making her whine softly. She clung to his shoulders to steady herself as she pressed down against his length with her full weight.

“You don’t need to be at work anytime soon?” Emily asked, the question becoming an invitation.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”

She kissed him again with an urgency that surprised her, shivering when his hands traced delightful circles on the heated skin of her back. In one motion, Emily rose up to her knees and Mike reached between them, unbuttoning his jeans and sliding them down to the floor where he kicked them off. Easing her weight onto his shoulders, he hooked his index fingers in the waistband of her shorts and panties, then inched them down, watching her face with a combination of desire and hesitation. When she pushed them down the rest of the way, he let out an eager breath. Panting lightly, she guided his erection to her heated entrance, and with a slow but intense thrust, he pushed himself inside of her.

Emily gasped with excitement at the way he filled her so completely. Michael waited for a moment as she adjusted to the feeling before rocking his hips upward. With his hands moving from the back of her knees to slide up and grip her ass in his hands, he led her movements, closing his eyes for only a moment as the sensation overwhelmed him.

Her hands rested on Mike’s biceps, which flexed over and over again with the effort of guiding her up and down the length of him. The rock hard sinews excited her even more, and she gripped his arms to hold herself up as she moved.

Emily kissed him again, this time ravishing his mouth and trying not to cry out at the incredible feeling welling up deep inside her. She knew all too well how thin the walls were, and once when Michael let out a loud sound of satisfaction, she had to laugh and press a fingertip to her lips in warning.

It was hard to follow her own rule, though, and more than once she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming herself. The sight of her lower lip sucked in between her teeth, the color draining from it as she clamped down and tried to contain her shouts of ecstasy, were all he needed. With a series of quick thrusts beneath her, Michael pushed her over the brink, his own orgasm erupting inside of her as she pressed her face to his neck, muffling her cries of joy.

* * *

fter coming back
down from the incredible high, Emily excused herself to clean up then pointed Mike to the bathroom down the narrow hallway. She went to the kitchen to fix them each a drink, still reeling from the entire evening. The newness of reconnecting with someone and the uncharacteristic, impulsive behavior had left her nearly dizzy.

Her phone pinged with a text message, and she went to check it in case it involved her research. She picked it up, but the home screen was empty. She heard the phone ping again, and realized Mike’s phone had fallen to the floor in their haste to remove their clothes. Intending to keep it safe by moving it to the end table, she couldn’t help but see the words on the lock screen when the screen lit up with yet another text.

Yo dude, still going to whale girl’s place? Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!

She looked up in horror as Mike came down the hallway, pulling his shirt back in place. He smiled.

“Oh, thanks! I just realized I dropped that,” he said happily, reaching out a hand. Emily slowly extended her arm but let it fall from her fingers into his palm, not even wanting to touch hands. “What’s up? Is something wrong?”

“Whale girl?” she whispered, her gaze burning into his. “I’m whale girl. And you told your buddies you were coming over here… for what? A quick screw on your way home from work?”

“God Emily, no! What are you talking about?” Mike asked before connecting the dots. He stared down at his screen in horror, furrowing his brow as he opened the screen with his passcode and read the text messages. “Oh crap. Let me explain…”

“No. There’s no explanation necessary. I knew this was a bad idea, but I put aside my better judgment because I thought maybe there was something more to you than I’d seen the first time we met. Now I know that I was wrong. I want you to leave.”

Emily crossed her arms and looked away, determined not to start crying. Mike started to take a step towards her and she flinched, stepping back and putting distance between them. He turned around without another word and left, closing the door quietly behind him.

BOOK: Warrior (Navy SEALs Romance Book 5)
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