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Authors: Elizabeth Vaughan


BOOK: Warcry
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is possibly the best romantic fantasy I have ever read. I loved the sequel . . . I can’t wait for number three. Continue please to enthrall me with your storytelling.”

—Anne McCaffrey,
New York Times
bestselling author



“Vaughan’s brawny barbarian romance re-creates the delicious feeling of adventure and the thrill of exploring mysterious cultures created by Robert E. Howard in his Conan books and makes for a satisfying escapist read with its enjoyable romance between a plucky, near-naked heroine and a truly heroic hero.”




“The most entertaining book I’ve read all year.”

All About Romance



is simply mesmerizing. The story is told flawlessly . . . Keir is a breathtaking hero; you will never look at a warlord the same way again.”

ParaNormal Romance



“Ms. Vaughan has written a wonderful fantasy . . . The story is well written and fast paced . . . Run to the bookstore and pick up this debut novel . . . You won’t be disappointed by the touching relationship that grows between the Warlord and his warprize.”

A Romance Review




“A superb climax to an excellent saga . . . Romance and fantasy readers will appreciate this terrific trio as Elizabeth Vaughan provides a fabulous finish to a superior story.”

Midwest Book Review



“An outstanding conclusion to an inventive and riveting trilogy with a passionate, powerful love story at its core.”

The Romance Reader



“A top-notch series, well written and enjoyable.”

Curled Up With a Good Book




“A moving continuation of the wonderful
. Bravo.”

—Jo Beverley



“Readers will be delighted . . . Unusual and thoroughly enjoyable.”







“Fans will relish this strong romantic quest fantasy.”

Genre Go Round Reviews



“Riveting . . . The plot moves at a nice clip, and the ending is a masterstroke . . .
Destiny’s Star
is a terrific story.”

The Romance Reader



“Bethral and Ezren are marvelous characters to spend time with . . . [Vaughan] has a gift for bringing cultures and dialogue to life, and I very much look forward to more.”

All About Romance



“Vaughan’s writing is rich and provocative. Her descriptions [are] gorgeous, watching Bethral and Ezren fall in love . . . was perfect . . . I didn’t want the story to end.”

Smexy Books







“An engrossing story which will keep readers enthralled. The characters are interesting and appealing . . . Ms. Vaughan has crafted an interesting world where myths and reality blur. Filled with magic, gods and goddesses, and heroic deeds, the reader will never want to put this book down.”

Fresh Fiction



“There’s tension, turmoil, and adventure on every page. The characters—main and side alike—are interesting and enjoyable. The sex is fun, and the romance is undeniably sweet.”

Errant Dreams Reviews



“Vaughan world-builds with a depth and clarity that allows you to immerse yourself in the world of the hero and heroine . . . If you are looking for a book with colorful world-building, solid characters, and sound storytelling, this one might be just what you’re looking for.”

All About Romance



“A riveting and thoroughly enjoyable story.”

Romance Reviews Today



“Fans will appreciate the clever twist that Elizabeth Vaughan writes in
White Star,
as the latest return to her Warlands saga is a welcome entry in one of the best romantic fantasies of the last few years.”

Alternative Worlds






is the perfect blend of fantasy and romance . . . A really enjoyable read.”

Fresh Fiction



“An excellent romantic fantasy . . . Readers will enjoy Elizabeth Vaughan’s superb, clever return to the desolate Warlands.”

Midwest Book Review



“Elizabeth Vaughan pens a story of love and adventure . . . You feel yourself being sucked into the adventure and don’t want to put the book down.”

Manic Readers



“In a return to the world of the Warlands trilogy, Elizabeth Vaughan successfully creates a new set of characters and a new story . . . A very satisfying read.”

Romance Reviews Today


Berkley Sensation Books by Elizabeth Vaughan




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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author


PRINTING HISTORY Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / May 2011

Copyright © 2011 by Elizabeth Vaughan.


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eISBN : 978-1-101-51494-8


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To my editor, Anne Sowards



Thanks have to go to the following: To Tom Redding, who knows the name of sharp pointy tools that split things. To Jacqueline Harris of Northcoast Soaps for her enthusiasm and skills. To Jennie Moening, she of the evil Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip, which has gotten me through so many deadlines. To Patricia Merritt, gentle muse. To Kandace Klumper, gentle muse with a critical eye. To Denise Lynn, gentle muse with a whip and a chair. To Mike Konwinski, who helped me with the sword. To Keith Flick, who did not help. (Hippoflys? Really?) To David Browder, Fred Barkman, Roberto Ledesma, and Brad Faggionato, because after all, it’s the camaraderie, not the abuse. To Betsy and Dan Candler, dearest friends, I am really sorry about the prune whip incident. To Jean Rabe, who pointed out the obvious to me. To my long-suffering copy editor, Kristin Ostby. To all my friends and family, who understand when I get a strange look in my eye, and reach for pen and paper. To the Maumee Valley RWA Chapter, for their wonderful support and encouragement. To my agents, Meg Davis and Merrilee Heifetz. Finally, to my wonderful writer’s group—Helen Kourous, Spencer Luster, Marc Tassin, and Robert Wenzlaff. I know I’ve forgotten someone; please forgive me if I have. And for all the efforts of so many people who help me, please know that any mistakes found in this book are mine and mine alone.

BOOK: Warcry
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