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Authors: Sable Jordan

Tags: #erotica, #thriller, #espionage, #heroine, #bdsm, #sable jordan, #fresh whet ink, #kizzie baldwin, #wallbanger

Wallbanger (24 page)

BOOK: Wallbanger
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“I killed Xander’s submissive.”

“You saw her dead?” The Mistress tugged on a
taut binding.

“I…I left her with Sacha. He killed many of
the hookers before, he would surely kill her.”

The Mistress dug her toes into Kasumi’s side.
“So, mighty warrior, you were more cowardice than courage?”

An uncommon anger flashed in Kasumi and she
wanted to lash out. The Mistress behaved as though she hadn’t acted
Eighteen months….
She’d almost lost her tongue! “I

“Shut up.” She slapped Kasumi’s face with the
back of her hand, rings welting the girl’s cheek. “There are things
I simply cannot tolerate, pet. Failure is one of them. You have

“How?” Kasumi demanded, earning another blow
to the mouth. She didn’t look away, staring defiantly into the
Mistress’ eyes.

The other woman laughed. “Were you in St.
Petersburg since leaving Helsinki?” Kasumi shook her head and the
Domme continued. “Then you were not the one who killed Sacha. You

This couldn’t be happening. She’d served her
Mistress, watching Sacha and guarding against enemies she did not
know the nature of. Gigi was more than a submissive—of that Kasumi
was sure. But she’d set the charges, felt the explosion. Who could
have survived?

Yet, if Sacha had made it to St.

“I am sorry, Mistress.” A soft whisper kissed
the air before the bamboo cane slapped her exposed buttocks.

“A warrior considers death when things are
unclear. Are you thinking of death now?”

Another blow and she struggled against the
bindings. “No, Mistress.”

“But you should, pet. Things are very
unclear. You are not the warrior I believed you.”

The cane struck her breasts and Kasumi curled
her hips, rubbing her clit against the knot; aroused but
simultaneously angered by the Mistress’ words. What did it matter?
Sacha was dead.

“You are an extension of me, kotenok. Sacha
was to die at your hands—
hands. If the eye gives you
trouble, gouge it out. If the tongue tells lies, cut it off. If
are not a noble enough warrior to consider death, I will
do it for you.”

Kasumi’s eyes flew open. In one hand the
Mistress held the bamboo cane, in the other a Tanto dagger. The
hilt of the short, curved sword was of a dragon, its tail curled
round and round until it met the blade. On the scabbard was bronzed
rope, it too wrapped several times around before ending in a knot
on the top. The knife was traditionally used for one of two
reasons: close combat fighting or suicide.

“Please, Mistress” she begged, a true sense
of fear overcoming her at being bound. In a flash the security she
found in
had become a nightmare.

“Don’t beg—a warrior would not beg.”

She chewed her trembling lips to stop the
next round of pleading. Tears formed at the corners of her eyes,
slipped down her temples.

“What would you have me do, kotenok?” The
Mistress stood directly before her, making a ceremony of it. “Be
brave; be courageous. You are a warrior, and I am granting you an
honorable death.” The knife hissed when she unsheathed it; hilt in
one hand, scabbard in the other. Crouched over Kasumi, she held the
sharp edge to the girl’s throat; dragged is along the skin just
above the ropes.

Kasumi whimpered.

A quick slice severed the collar and her legs
dropped to the floor, another strategic cut separated the beautiful

The Mistress set the knife and scabbard on
the ground and rose. “You are no longer my submissive, no longer
‘kotenok’. That is the first death. Honor yourself and me, and die
twice.” She turned and strode from the playroom without a backward

Ropes unraveled, Kasumi didn’t move, too
confused by her Lady’s actions to register the pain in her oddly
bent limbs. There was an upset in the balance that her Mistress
alone could fix. She could not be below without her Mistress above.
She wanted to run after her, to yell, to kick and scream, to curl
into a ball and cry.

To die.

A heartrending sob escaped her throat and she
rolled onto her side, maneuvering until she’d gained unstable
footing. Through bleary eyes she ran after the Mistress, coming to
the paper doors and stopping. She needed the Mistress to guide her,
but she’d already been released. And begging wasn’t the warrior
way. Everything was out of alignment.

warrior considers death…. Die

Tears falling freely, she turned to the
salvation on the floor. She should end this agony of a life. What
would she do now that she had no Mistress, no Master?

Taking up the dagger, Kasumi pressed it to
her belly. That was the way of the warrior; plunge it into the
abdomen and cut across, and then an attending fighter would slice
cleanly across the neck, bringing the end rushing up toward you
instead of leaving you to go meet it. But she had no attending.
What would she do?

Gripping the knife, Kasumi crumbled to the
floor, sobbing uncontrollably as she tried to pull the pile of
severed ropes around her to no avail. A warrior with no battle; a
sub without a Domme.

You won’t survive—You will.

You need the Mistress—You don’t.

Alone you can’t make it—You can.

The warring thoughts ran round and round her
head until they were so loud she simply stopped thinking.
Everything was still. The only sound was of her feather-light
inhales and the even
of her heart.

In that moment, another of her lessons spoke
up. A whisper at first, as though far away, growing closer the more
her mind calmed.
When the warrior learns to stop the internal
dialogue, everything becomes possible; the most far-fetched schemes
become attainable.

A slow smile turning her mouth, Kasumi lifted
herself from the floor; shed the tangled ropes.

Dagger still in hand, the warrior stepped
across the tatami mats and left the playroom.

* *


Book 3




About the

Sable Jordan: Stories so Whet, you’ll want
to Lick My INK!

Quick and dirty, I’m a writer of
multicultural erotica and seductive romances, and whatever else
comes to mind. Tattooed vixen. Wicked humorist. Incurable humanist.
Proud geek! Closet badass. (Shhh…) Lover of pit bulls, fast cars,
all music, and candy. That’s the nut in a nutshell.

I’m all about INKing stories with likeable
characters, riveting plot, and steamy sex scenes. Come hang with



Check out my website:
where you can read excerpts of all my work.

Follow my Dripping Whet Ink
for all the updates in my wicked little

What are you waiting for? Come on and

Also from Sable Jordan:

Available in multiple formats for your
favorite eReader everywhere eBooks are sold!

Coming Soon:

If it isn’t Love…?

December 16, 2011

The Price of Perfection

January 13, 2012

Eros Fell
— February 10,


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By Sable Jordan

A set of twins, one rich bachelor, a reality
show and a favor…

When aspiring model Charlene Roberts is
running late for an audition, she begs her reliable sister to stand
in for her at the casting for the reality show Free Money. Of
course Charlotte, a.k.a. Charlie, can’t say no. She could never say
no to Charlene, whose agent believes a television appearance will
boost her modeling career. Free Money is much like all contemporary
dating shows: twenty hot women living in a mansion doing everything
they can to catch the eye of one filthy-rich bachelor.

And that bachelor is the media’s favorite bad
boy, the insanely sexy Jake Logan. The thirty-something business
tycoon only wants one thing—to get his parents to stop meddling in
his love life. What better way than to be trapped in a house with
gorgeous women for two months, right? He’s already done the
relationship thing, and has no intention of doing it again. That
is, until he meets Charlie…who he thinks is a model named

Warning: this title contains graphic
language, sex, and enough funnies to make soda come out your

Excerpt from

BOOK: Wallbanger
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