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Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey

Wait (Beloved Bloody Time) (10 page)

BOOK: Wait (Beloved Bloody Time)
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He considered her. “We never really did get that right, did we?” he asked softly.

“That’s because we both were trained to live with humans and hide who we were. Every relationship we’ve had with humans has been one long lie. One long compromise, where we conceded everything, including our real identities, in order to live with them. We don’t know how to keep a relationship going when both of us are vampires. We’ve never had to do it before.”

“You didn’t lie to every human you knew,” Lee reminded her.

“That’s what made me think of this. Kyle knew who I was, and he and David made adjustments to keep me in their lives, anyway.” She gave a small shrug. “I think we both snapped back in the opposite direction, away from compromise, when we no longer had to accommodate a human in our lives.”

Lee pushed his hand through his hair again. “We’re both stubborn as hell, I guess.” It was an admission. He was conceding, just a little.

Hope flared in her chest, hot and bright. “Then say we’ll meet, when I get back. Two days from now. We’ll meet right here and you can do the old fashioned thing and take me on a date.”

Lee smiled. “Very well, then.”

“Good.” She realized she was smiling like a jack-o-lantern herself. Giddy happiness bubbled up inside her. 

Lee leaned toward her and she knew he was going to kiss her, so she stepped back, just barely getting her kirtle out of the way. “Not yet,” she said, shaking her head. “We haven’t even had our first date yet. Behave yourself and I might let you kiss me when you drop me at my apartment door.”

Lee’s eyes took on the heated, narrowed look that told her he was already planning her seduction. “Alright then,” he said heavily, his voice thick with promise. “Two days’ time.” He indicated her clothes. “Where are you off to, by the way?”

“Bannockburn. It’s just a day trip. My client wants to see Sterling Castle and the siege.”

Lee nodded. “It’s always interesting back there. I’m glad you shared that time marker with me. I like ancient Scotland.” He stepped further away from her. “Go and play travel host.” He was smiling.

“You’ll be here?” she asked, picking up the hem of her dress. “In two days’ time?”

“I’ll wait,” he promised.


Byzantine Heartbreak
– Book 2 of the Beloved Bloody Time series

Can they love again? Is it too late?
Nayara Ybarra and Ryan Deasmhumhain are the most powerful vampires known to humans in the 23
century. They lead the Chronometric Preservation Agency, welded together yet divided by grief that won’t heal, their lives on hold. Vampires have lived apart from humans in the two hundred years since Nayara and Ryan jumped back in time and killed their lover, Salathiel, to halt the time wave that was destroying humanity
Now, Càel Stelios, Worlds Assembly member, intends to make humans like vampires any way he can. He knows the vampires must become allies.  Their unique strengths and abilities will help humans in the coming battle against the raging psi and their psychotic leader, Gabriel.
While he wages his political and social campaign he hides his true ambitions: to win Nayara and Ryan for himself.  But despite being politically powerful, rich, smart and sexually potent, Stelios has a overwhelming disadvantage:  He’s human.  “No” is not a word he accepts without a fight, however.  The psi-filers and Gabriel have plans, though, that will make fighting very real and bloody indeed…
WARNING: This book contains two hot, sexy alpha heroes, frequent, explicit and frank sex scenes and sexual language. It includes heart-stopping sexual scenes between the aforementioned sexy heroes, menage scenes, and anal sex. Do not proceed beyond this point if hot love scenes offend you.  No vampires were harmed in the making of this novel.
Byzantine Heartbreak
is part of the Beloved Bloody Time series
Book 1: 
Bannockburn Binding
Book 1.1:
Book 2: 
Byzantine Heartbreak
Book 3: 
Romani Armada
(With more to come!)
*Time Twist Tales are short stories and novellas featuring characters and situations from the Beloved Bloody Time series. 
Best Romantic SF-Futuristic Book of the Year 2012 --
The Romance Reviews
Amazon Best Seller – Top 100 Romance Time Travel Best Sellers
The Romance Reviews
Byzantine Heartbreak
is hot damn
! Holy swear-word, is this an awesome book! The sci-fi world is
, the romance
utterly compelling
and the secondary characters
. Oh please, Ms. Cooper-Posey, write faster!
The Romance Reviews
This is another outstanding novel by Tracy Cooper-Posey! She is the epitome of a truly talented author who uses her wonderful writing skills and vivid imagination to bring us a world that is unique, bold, passionate, and fresh to the erotic world. This
powerfully passionate
will rock you to the core
and have you on your knees pleading for more stories by this amazing author.
Coffeetime Romance Reviews
I was rewarded with one of the best stories I’ve read this year. The
emotional draw
to the characters is amazing and it’s
impossible to not wonder/worry
about them even after you’re finished reading.
Vampire Romance Books
This author is on auto-buy for me and she
did not disappoint
with this book.
Byzantine Heartbreak
sexy, intense
, and keeps you
in suspense
until the end of the book. I could not put it down and read it in one day.
Amazon Reader
Ms. Cooper-Posey is a talented writer and created
a world that sucks you in
very quickly. This is the second book I have read from her and find it difficult to believe more people have not discovered this treasure. If you are tired of the cliched paranormal novels, then this book is for you.
The author takes us on a journey with her
beautifully drawn characters
to the twenty third century. The
vivid description
of this world set in the future is a major plus side to this book.
Top 50 Amazon UK Reviewer/Top 500 Amazon Reviewer
Click here to buy
Byzantine Heartbreak

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About the Author

Tracy Cooper-Posey is an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author.  She writes erotic vampire romances, hot romantic suspense, paranormal and urban fantasy romances.  She has published over 70 novels since 1999, been nominated for five CAPAs including Favourite Author, and won the Emma Darcy Award.
She turned to indie publishing in 2011. Her indie titles have been nominated four times for Book Of The Year and
Byzantine Heartbreak
was a 2012 winner.  She has been a national magazine editor and for a decade she taught romance writing at MacEwan University.
She is addicted to Irish Breakfast tea and chocolate, sometimes taken together. In her spare time she enjoys history, Sherlock Holmes, science fiction and ignoring her treadmill. An Australian, she lives in Edmonton, Canada with her husband, a former professional wrestler, where she moved in 1996 after meeting him on-line.
Her website can be found at
.  Tracy appreciates hearing from readers and can be reached at
[email protected]

Blood Knot Series (Urban Fantasy Paranormal Series)

Blood Knot
Southampton Swindle
Broken Promise
Blood Stone
Blood Unleashed
Blood Drive
(Boxed Set)
Blood Revealed

Beloved Bloody Time Series (Paranormal Futuristic Time Travel)

Bannockburn Binding

Byzantine Heartbreak
Romani Armada

Kiss Across Time Series (Paranormal Time Travel)

Kiss Across Time
Kiss Across Swords
Kiss Across Chains

Guardian Bonds (Gargoyle Paranormal Series)

Carson’s Night
Beauty’s Beasts
Sabrina’s Clan (Upcoming)

Destiny’s Trinities (Urban Fantasy Romance Series)

Beth’s Acceptance
Mia’s Return
Sera’s Gift

The First Trinity

Guns ‘n’ Lovers Series (Romantic Suspense)

Red Leopard
Black Heart
Blue Knight
White Dawn (Upcoming)
Silver Noon  (Upcoming)
Golden Day  (Upcoming)

Go-get-‘em Women (Short Romantic Suspense Series)

The Royal Talisman
Delly’s Last Night
Vivian’s Return
Ningaloo Nights
Sian’s Run

Jewells of the Morrow series (Historical Romantic Suspense)

Diana By The Moon
Heart of Vengeance
The Perilous Maiden  (Upcoming)
To Soothe a Savage Heart (Upcoming)
The Heart of the Enemy (Upcoming)
The Cherlebury Rose (Upcoming)
The Duchess of Winter (Upcoming)
Despite The Sands Of Time (Upcoming)

Scandalous Sirens (Historical Romance Series)

Dangerous Beauty
Rhys Davies’ untitled story (Upcoming)

The Sherlock Holmes Series

Chronicles of the Lost Years
The Case of the Reluctant Agent
For reviews, excerpts, and more about each title, visit Tracy’s site and click on each title in turn:



Copyright Information

This is an original publication of Tracy Cooper-Posey
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.
Copyright © 2014 by Tracy Cooper-Posey
Text design by Tracy Cooper-Posey
Cover design by Dar Albert
Wicked Smart Designs
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.
Cooper-Posey, Tracy
Wait/Tracy Cooper-Posey—1st Ed.
Paranormal – Fiction

BOOK: Wait (Beloved Bloody Time)
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