Vulnerable: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Vulnerable: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 1)
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“Let’s get you home,” Shane said, steering Beth to his Jaguar.



As Shane buckled her into her seat, Beth found herself distracted by the sight of his long fingers. She watched the tendons flex and contract and thought about where those fingers had been just minutes before. At the memory of how those fingers brought her such blinding pleasure, her belly did a little somersault. She couldn’t imagine what those hands would feel like stroking her all over. The thought made her dizzy.

He tugged on her seatbelt to tighten it, and she rolled her eyes at him.

Shane leaned forward and kissed her gently, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth. “I like taking care of you. Does it bother you?”

She shook her head, smiling. “I don’t mind.”

It was true; she didn’t mind. She knew a lot of women would be offended. Gabrielle would have considered it patronizing, and she would have swatted his hands away and asked him if he was insane. To Beth, it was comforting.

Shane leaned forward and kissed her again, although this time his kiss had some heat behind it. She shivered when his tongue traced the seam of her lips.

He stroked her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “You take my breath away, you know that?”

She blushed.
Same to you, mister.

Shane’s lips curved in a smile. “It’s late. Let’s get you home.”



Traffic was light at this late hour, so it was an easy drive south to Hyde Park. Beth sent a quick text to Gabrielle to let her know that she was on her way home.

As they sat in comfortable silence, Shane stroked the back of her left hand, which he’d laid on his thigh. Beth rested her head back in her seat and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his hand stroking hers.

She must have drifted off, because suddenly they were parked in front of her house.

“Somebody’s up past her bedtime,” Shane said, smiling at Beth as she blinked under the bright light of a street lamp. Shane unbuckled his seat belt and then hers. “I’ll get your door.”

Beth watched him cross in front of the car, admiring his physique and the powerful way he moved. He helped her out of the car.

At the top of her front steps, Beth unlocked her door and they stepped inside. The front hall table light was on. The upstairs was dark, as was the front parlor to the right, but there was a light on in the kitchen at the back of the hall.

“Gabrielle?” Beth called.

“In the kitchen!”

Beth took Shane’s hand. “Come and meet my roommate.”

“Sure,” he said. “I’d love to.”



Shane followed Beth down the hall to the kitchen, hoping like hell that Ms. Hunter would keep her cool and not blow his cover. He had no idea what to expect from Gabrielle.

Gabrielle looked up as they entered the kitchen. Shane made a quick visual sweep of the room – a mixture of original 1940s cherry cabinetry, stainless steel fixtures, and top-of-the-line appliances. The exterior wall was mostly windows overlooking the back yard.

Gabrielle stood at the island counter making a sandwich, and there was a bottle of red wine and a half-filled glass on the counter.

“I’ve had a really long day, I’m starving, and it’s late,” Gabrielle said, glancing pointedly at him, as if these things were his fault. Then she looked at Beth, a too-bright smile on her face. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your new

He couldn’t help missing her sarcastic tone, but Beth didn’t seem to notice.

“Gabrielle, you didn’t have to wait up,” Beth said as they came into the room. “I texted you that I was on my way home.”

“Pardon me for worrying about you, Beth,” Gabrielle said, cutting her sandwich in half with a little more force than necessary. Gabrielle’s voice was tight as she glared at Shane. “It’s not like you to go home with strange men.”

. She was mad as hell at him, but at least she hadn’t spilled the beans. Yet. Maybe she wouldn’t.

“This is Shane McIntyre,” Beth said to her roommate. Then she glanced at Shane, and he couldn’t help noticing that her smile had slipped a little. She’d definitely picked up on Gabrielle’s hostility. “Shane, this is my roommate and best friend, Gabrielle Hunter. Gabrielle’s a sous chef at Renaldo’s.”

“Nice to meet you, Gabrielle,” Shane said, eyeing Gabrielle directly.
Go ahead. I dare you.
To his utter relief, Gabrielle held her tongue. “Renaldo’s is one of the best restaurants in Chicago,” he said, sending her an olive branch. There was no reason they had to be enemies.  “Congratulations. I know those sous chef positions are difficult to come by.”

Beth was watching her friend closely, but Gabrielle was avoiding her gaze.

Gabrielle picked up her plate, wine glass, and bottle. “I’m heading upstairs, Beth, now that I know you’re home safely,” Gabrielle said pointedly as she walked away. “I’ll wait for you upstairs.”

In other words,
He’s not staying long, is he

“Okay, Gabrielle,” Beth said, a small frown marring her brow. “I’ll be up in a few minutes.”

He tamped down his irritation at Gabrielle’s manner, but he certainly couldn’t complain. She’d held her tongue, even though it hadn’t looked easy for her. For that, he was grateful.

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Gabrielle,” he said, as she walked away.



Beth watched Gabrielle disappear up the back staircase, at a complete loss to explain her friend’s rude behavior to Shane. It didn’t make any sense. Gabrielle didn’t even know Shane.

“I’m sorry,” Beth said to Shane. “She’s usually very friendly.”

“It’s all right,” he said. “She’s probably just tired from a long day. It’s late, and I’d better let you get to bed.” He drew her to him and kissed her.

“Maybe she had a rough night at the restaurant,” Beth said.

“Or,” he said, playing with a loose tendril of her hair, “maybe she’s just a tad protective of you. I can appreciate that.”

Shane removed the band holding Beth’s ponytail and the strands fell forward, framing her face. He kissed her again, his fingers threading through the silken strands. Obeying the gentle coaxing of his lips, she opened her mouth for him, and his tongue slid inside. She could feel his erection prodding her belly.

He broke away from the kiss, a guilty grin on his face. “Sorry. I couldn’t help it. When I’m around you, I want you.”

She smiled at him. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For not getting mad when I freaked out at your apartment. I appreciate that. Many guys would have gotten angry.”

“Beth.” He shook his head. “I hope I never get angry at you for expressing your honest feelings. It was just too soon. I understand that.” His hands cupped her face. “I’m in no hurry here, sweetheart. Well, actually I am in a hurry, because I want you. But you know what I mean. I told you – I want to take care of you. That means meeting your needs – all of them. And if cutting the night short was one of your needs tonight, so be it. We’ll get there.”

He kissed her again, and Beth felt the heat of his palm through her blouse as his hand covered her breast. She looked down at his big hand molding her flesh, gently kneading it. Feeling a sudden pang of inadequacy, she tried to pull back, but his other arm slipped around her waist, holding her to him.

“What is it?” he said, looking into her eyes. “What just happened?”


“Beth.” His voice was even, but firm. “Talk to me.”

Well, wasn’t he master of the universe, she thought. He was patient, but she also knew he could be very persistent. She had a feeling they’d be there all night if she didn’t answer him.

“It’s just... I’m not– ” She couldn’t say it. “Never mind. It’s not important.” She tried again to pull away, but he held her.

“Sweetheart, I told you before, there’s nothing you can’t say to me. I saw that flash of panic in your eyes, and I’m not leaving until you tell me what put it there.”

“My breasts aren’t very big,” she said, nearly choking on the words.

Shane struggled to suppress a smile, and Beth wanted to hit him.

He brushed the edge of his thumb over her nipple, sending a shockwave of pleasure through her body. Then he unbuttoned the top few buttons of her dress. Before she could even protest, his fingers slipped inside her clothing and pushed aside the material to reveal her left breast. Then his hand slipped into her bra, nudging the white cotton fabric down.

Shane looked down at her bare breast; they both did. The nipple was puckered from the attention and exposure to the cool night air, a tight little dusky pink bud atop a small mound of pale, creamy flesh. He leaned down and licked her nipple before he took it fully into his mouth. He sucked on the little bud, and then his teeth tugged oh-so-gently on her nipple. She felt a corresponding rush of warmth low in her belly. She arched into him, crying out. His mouth moved quickly to cover hers and catch the sound.

He kissed her long and deeply, his tongue stroking hers, teasing it, dominating it. When he pulled back, he gazed down at her. “Your breasts are absolutely perfect,” he said. “Are we clear on that?”

She nodded.

“Good. Now, are we still on for dinner at my place tomorrow evening?”


“Great. I’ll pick you up at six.”

“Okay,” she said, still reeling from the memory of his hot mouth on her breast.

He chuckled as he released her. “Good night,” he said, and he kissed her one last time, a sweet, languorous kiss. “Sleep well, Beth. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight,” she said, smiling.

She walked him to the door, then locked up and headed upstairs.


* * *


Beth found Gabrielle sitting in an armchair in the upstairs landing, sipping her glass of wine. A third of the bottle was gone.

“Did you drink all that by yourself?” Beth asked.

Gabrielle looked up and sighed. “No. It was already open. It’s late, Beth. I’m going to bed. I just wanted to make sure you got home okay.”

After the way Gabrielle had acted downstairs, she’d been sure Gabrielle was planning to read her the riot act. But now Gabrielle just seemed tired.

“Gabrielle, what’s wrong?”

Gabrielle shook her head. “Nothing’s wrong. I just had a really long day, and I’m tired. I need sleep.”

Beth didn’t believe her for a second. “If you’re sure,” she said.

“Everything’s fine. I just need to hit the sack,” Gabrielle said. “So do you. You’re up way past your bedtime.”

“Yes, mom,” Beth said, rolling her eyes, which made Gabrielle smile.

Sometimes Gabrielle was so much like Tyler. They were both overprotective, and they both thought they knew what was best for her. Beth appreciated the concern, but sometimes it got to be too much.

“Goodnight, Gabrielle,” Beth said. “Thanks for waiting up for me.”

“Wait!” Gabrielle grabbed her arm. “Beth, what do you know about this guy?”

“I told you. I met him last weekend at Clancy’s, and we started chatting. I ran into him again tonight.”

“You just
to run into him again?”

“Yes. Well, he’d asked me to call him, but I didn’t, so he came looking for me tonight at the bookstore – I told him I go there on Friday evenings. We talked, and then we walked to Café del Sol for drinks.”

“Don’t you think that’s kind of weird? That you just happened to run into him again?”

“Gabrielle, don’t go reading anything into this. He’s very nice. He was a real gentleman tonight. Don’t be so suspicious.”

“He seems a little old for you.”

“He’s thirty-four,” Beth said, shrugging. “It’s not a big deal.”

“Wait until Tyler finds out,” Gabrielle said. “Your brother will throw a fit.”

Gabrielle was certainly right about that.

“We’re consenting adults. That’s all that matters,” Beth said. “I’m having dinner with him at his apartment tomorrow night. Well, I guess it’s tonight now. He’s picking me up at six. He’s going to have Renaldo’s send dinner over. Can you believe that?”

“Beth, Renaldo’s doesn’t deliver.”

“Shane said he knows Peter Capelli, and that Peter will send dinner over.”

“I’ll believe that when I see it,” Gabrielle said.



Beth said goodnight to Gabrielle and headed to her room to get ready for bed. After a quick trip to the bathroom to wash up, she crawled between the sheets and stretched out, groaning with pleasure.

It was probably just her imagination, but she thought she could still feel the gentle tug of Shane’s mouth on her breast. She’d thought she was going to burst into flames right there in the kitchen. And then there was the orgasm he’d given her in the foyer of his apartment; her insides still felt like liquid. She hadn’t even had sex with him yet, and he was already the best lover she’d ever had. She smiled, a stupid giddy smile. Maybe she could do this.

Moonlight filtered through the sheer lace curtains, casting a soothing glow in her room. As she lay there in her bed, her eyelids growing heavy, a fleeting thought occurred to her. The thought grew into a stark realization, and she suddenly felt sick.

Shane had driven her home tonight, but she’d never once told him where she lived.


Chapter 11


Beth was wide awake now, her heart thundering painfully in her chest. How could Shane have driven her home from his apartment, when she’d never told him where she lived? She’d dozed off in the car on the drive home, and somehow they’d ended up at her front door. She hadn’t thought about it at the time, but now the alarm bells were pealing loudly in her head, accompanied by flashing red lights.

How had he known where she lived? She lay there, wondering, fretting, and it wasn’t long before the anxiety bus rolled right over her. It was full-blown panic attack time, and she started to hyperventilate. She used the imagery and breathing exercises her therapist had taught her to try to control her heart rate and breathing, but it wasn’t helping. No happy place was going to pull her out of this downward spiral. She’d gone too far, too fast.

She replayed all of their conversations in her head, and she was sure she had never given him her address. And he had never asked.

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