Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE... (11 page)

BOOK: Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE...
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“You look refreshed. Your skin is glowing. Have a relaxing night?” He looked her over before returning his attention to the table.

“Uh yeah. I feel more relaxed than I have been in a while. I have come so far yet I still have a ways to go.” Danni stated with a smile, shrugging her shoulder. “I just came out to grab some more wine and I will be out of your hair.”

“Why don’t you chill with me?” He suggested. “We could shoot some pool. You know how?”

“Yeah actually I do. My dad taught me how.”

“Uh oh, do I have a pool shark in my house?”

“No pool shark. Actually it’s been so long since I played. I probably suck by now. All rusty and stuff.”

“I doubt that. You look shiny as a new penny, no rust in sight.” He gave her a once over before smirking at his own joke. “Anyway it’s like riding a bike. You never forget how.” Riding? Did he have to bring up riding? Oh how she would love to ride…

“Huh, shit… I must have zoned out.” Danni asked when she saw he was giving her a weird look.

“You alright? How much wine have you had?”

“Not enough.” She said lowly. “A game is probably what I need to take my mind off of something’s.” She said pulling in a shaky breath.


“Let me go throw on more appropriate clothes.” Looking down, she could feel her breast start to get heavy and her nipples were starting to harden. Goosebumps were forming on her legs.

“You are at home. Don’t let me take you out of your comfort zone.” Mark said. “You look better in my shirt than I ever did.” He chuckled.

“I completely forgot this was your shirt. I should have returned it.” A part of her wanted to feel as close as she could to him so she lied about not remembering it was his shirt. He didn’t seem to care to call her out on it other than to point out he knew it was his. Mark’s signature fragrance surrounded her on a cloud of contentment. “Rack em’ up.”

“Oh god, now she thinks she is hard.” He laughed harder. Even his laugh was sexy. How was this going to work?


Two hours later and they were still shooting pool while drinking countless different mixtures. They had obliterated their chosen poison from fruity cocktails to straight shots of patron. Buzzed beyond rational thinking, Danni enjoyed hanging out with Mark. Too many times since they had been chilling he had gotten too close to make her horny mind go into overdrive. The liquor had soon started to affect her body’s natural cooling system, so a particular article of clothing had to go.

Taking off his large shirt, leaving her in her skimpy pajamas to get some much needed air. If she were thinking logically she would have called it a night before she made a fool of herself. Showing her a few tricks on the table caused him to be all in her personal space. Making it next to impossible to think clearly. Her focus was clouded with lust. Avoiding eye contact with him was her main goal. There was no way in hell she wanted him to know the affect he was having on her body. Just for him to stand within arm’s reach of her, smelling his mouth-watering scent, and feeling the body heat radiating off of him was making it hard to keep her hands to herself.

“Uhm…” Mark had cleared his throat as he was showing Danni a trick shot. He had been standing directly behind her. When she bent over the table widening her stance she bumped her derriere into his package. “Shit.” He hissed lowly. Danni had subconsciously grinded into him. Satisfied that she had some sort of effect on him.

“Shit.” A spray of cold water slapped her in the face making her curse out in a thwarting way. She could have sworn she felt the bulge grow upon contact. “Uhhh…”

Danni turned around awkwardly preparing to put some distance between them. Her wanton behavior was making her act out irrationally. This was her client once upon a time, and here she was teasing him. It had to have been the liquor making her act out of character. Taking a much needed step back Mark laid his pool stick on the table looking at Danni expectantly. She had no choice but to follow suit laying hers down as well. The wheels were turning in her head to come up with something to say to justify the stunt she just pulled. Just as she was about to make up something, ‘Sex Therapy’ by Robin Thicke came on.

“I know that was weird.” Danni stammered.

“Weird?” He cocked an eyebrow.

“What would you call it?”

“Teasing, sounds better.” He crossed his massive arms over one another.

“I am so sorry. That was completely out of line…” Danni started to explain but was caught off guard when Mark started laughing. “What’s so funny?” She started to feel self-conscious and let her shattered self-esteem allow her to think he was making fun of her in a way. As sexy as Mark was, there was no way he was interested in her simple self.

“Wait, where are you going?” Mark asked grasping for one of Danni’s hands as she tried to flee to her room. “What’s wrong? Did I miss something here?” He asked regarding the moisture on her face.

“…” All the ugly words Lamont spoke came filtering back in her head. ‘Who would be attracted to her?’

“Danni?” She went to walk away but he pulled her body into his when she tried to walk away again.

Hugging her so close to his body that she wished she could crawl into his skin to get closer to the comfort. The soft and uplifting words whispered from Mark were meant to make her relax further. Instead it stirred the same something that caused her to start this whole misunderstanding in the first place. Wanton. Before she could pull away again she was scooped up as if she were light as a feather. Her body had a mind of its own, her legs were wrapped around his body as she was placed on his lap. Sitting on the couch made it look more intimate than what it was supposed to be. One kiss to the forehead, then another to each cheek made her insides flutter.

“No offense Danni but this is a very awkward position we are in.” Mark joked lightening the mood only by a small margin. Her tears were no more as she took steadying breaths to get herself under control. His hands were going up and down her exposed thighs when his chuckle settled.

The intense look on his face was enough to make her cream her pan… ‘Wait I’m not wearing any panties,’ she thought to herself. A blush quickly spread throughout her body from the realization of what position she was really in. Sitting perched on his lap with a raging gutter-filled mind with no barrier besides her pajama shorts that had risen nicely. While his hands moved back and forth over her legs his thumb was so close to the goal line. What she wouldn’t give to have him swipe his thumb across her naked flesh. To feel the imprint in his pants without the hindrance of the restraints.

“Don’t do that.” He said lowly as a warning.

“Do what?” Danni asked resting her hands on the cushions on the side of his head. Mark didn’t reply he just reached a hand up to her face using his thumb to pull her bottom lip from between her teeth. Rubbing his thumb over her lip in a soothing manner caused her to sigh. “I should probably…”

“Don’t move…” He groaned. Danni had attempted to get up from his lap trying to clear her mind from the lust swirling around.

“Am I too heavy?” She asked timidly. Lamont had often said he didn’t like her to straddle him for it was a strain to keep his legs lifted.

“Nowhere near. Why would you ask something like that?” He chuckled before realizing she was serious. Then as a thought registered, he cocked his head to the side to study her further. “You know you’re beautiful, sexy, and tempting right?”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“Do you think I would have this…?” He thrust his hips upward causing her to gasp in surprise.

“That doesn’t say anything outside of there’s a half-naked woman on your lap.” Her failed attempt of a joke fell on deaf ears.

“I’m going to act like I didn’t hear you just put me in the category with every other man in the world.”

“Since we have established that I am not heavy to you. This is still a very compromising position we are in.”

“Yes it is indeed. I’m rocked out and you smell so damn sweet.”

“I’m pretty sure I taste just as sweet.”

“Fuck!” He hissed raising his hips up to meet her core again while squeezing her thighs. The raw, roughness made her purr like a kitten. “You are making it so hard for me to restrain myself right now.”

“What if I don’t want you to restrain yourself?”

“What are you saying exactly Danni? I need to hear you tell me what you want.”

“I NEED you to…”

“To what?” Mark bit his lip looking up into her dazed face.

“Kiss me.” Without hesitation Mark pulled Danni to him in a sweltering kiss that took her breath away. Detaching his mouth from hers he attacked her neck with his feverish tongue. “Touch me.” Within an instance his hands were fondling her breasts through her skimpy top.

Danni had enough of the PG-13 affection, she wanted to feel his skin against hers. Removing her top, she didn’t have to wait long before he had taken a nipple into his mouth. Massaging the other one skillfully. Arching her back, holding on tight to the couch cushions afraid she would fall off. Grinding into his hardened member with skilled precision, Danni’s shorts were moist from the friction. A sharp intake of breath was taken feeling Mark swipe his thumb across her bare flesh.

“Damn and you don’t have on any panties.” He stated huskily, never stopping his assault on her silky petals and sensitive pearl.

“I NEED you to put out this fire.” Danni groaned.

“That I can do.”

Mark didn’t waste any time flipping their positions. Danni found herself laid against the soft leather marveling at his strength. Her shorts were slid off in record time along with his jeans, boxers, and undershirt. His body was something to ogle. From his bulging biceps, muscular chest, and stacked abs he was a work of art. Sexual frustrations was so raw and real as she withered below him. Mark was busy sheathing his member unintentionally blocking her view of his package. Hoping and praying he knew what he was doing. She knew from personal experience that ‘packing’ meant nothing if he didn’t know what to do with it.

Testing the waters, Mark went for the goal after looking to be sure that she had no second thoughts about continuing. Stunned beyond belief at his size Danni tensed up. Mark didn’t halt his movements obviously saying to hell with it. With each in and out, Danni dug her nails into his forearms. Hoisting her legs parallel to her upper body, she could see her feet clearly. He was literally drilling the inside of her vagina. Swiveling his hips, he hit every spot open for his enjoyment. Grunts, curses, and skin slapping mixed with the music playing in the background.

Danni pried her eyes open to watch as Mark expertly opened her legs wide enough to see his handy work. The animalistic look he displayed made her instantly wetter. She craved this attention so bad and now she didn’t know how to handle it. She wanted to run from the steady beat that tapped her cervix but the grip he had keeping her legs open didn’t allow that. Deep down she knew what they were doing was so wrong on so many different levels but the woman in need didn’t care at the moment. Not breaking stride, Mark flicked her painfully hard nub sending her to the moon and beyond.

“Ahhh!” She screamed feeling her insides tighten increasing the pleasure from his rapid thrusts. “MARK!” His name was screamed to the heavens.

“DAMN!” Groaned Mark with his lip between his teeth like a savage.

“OH…!!!” Danni could swear she saw stars, black spots, and fireworks as he drove her to the peak of a major orgasm. Never in all of her adult years has she been given such an experience. Her gasps were mixed with extreme whimpers as she tried to figure out just who she was dealing with. When Mark finally came, she thought for sure it was over.

“Now that we got that out of the way. Let’s take this to the bedroom.”


“I know you didn’t think we were done.”

“I don’t think I can. I don’t think I can move.”

“You can handle it. Allow me to help you.” Danni screamed from Mark picking her up walking her to the bedroom. Wasting no time making a mad dash to his room to retrieve so more protection. All the while her brain wanted to formulate the words to put an end to what her body so boldly craved. ‘A man of Mark’s stature couldn’t want something permanent or he would have that. They could always just be booty buddies.’ She went over in her head. Nothing serious, no feelings attached. Just some old fashioned screwing. As a matter of fact, now that they had gone there, he probably wouldn’t even think about revisiting. They could always stick to the age old excuse, ‘We were drunk.’ It just had to work.

Chapter Ten

Danni woke up the next morning sore as all get up. Everything in her, on her, and around her hurt. The sheets were tangled, yanked, and scattered all over the bed. However the comforter was nowhere to be found. Turning over on her back, she tried to gather all of her thoughts together. The first one that came rushing back was Mark taking her to new heights on the couch. Then if that wasn’t enough, he took her there so many more times before she collapsed on her stomach. Marks sexual appetite was insatiable. So much stamina from one man was only heard of in porn unless medically induced.

Just thinking of Mark and the things he had done to her body made her sit up in the bed fast. The sun was shining through the window, silence was all she heard. Looking all around she realized she was indeed alone in her room. If her body wasn’t hurting so bad she would have sworn it was only a dream. Danni couldn’t lie and say she felt some kind of way that he wasn’t still there when she woke up. That only solidified her resolve that they were both only looking to have a great time. NO strings. NO feelings. NO attachments. They both just needed to blow off some sexual steam.

After taking a long hot soak in the tub, straightening up the mess they made, Danni went upstairs to get something to eat. Although she was fine with what happened last night, she couldn’t help but feel it would be a little awkward. They had seen each other naked and done some naughty things. How do you put those thoughts out of your head and continue as if nothing happened? What if he regretted going there and didn’t want to see her slutty face again? After all he was technically her landlord now. What if he put her out before she could get settled?

“Good morning Danni.” Mark’s smooth baritone voice startled her out of her thoughts.

“OH. Hey. Good morning.” She rambled.

“You sleep alright?” He asked with a smirk.

“Uh…yeah. Of course. You?”

“Wonderful. Only if I didn’t have to get up to greet my mom and Niecee, I could have slept
a little longer.” Danni’s cheeks flared with a blush from his emphasis on ‘in’ and that gained a chuckled from him. Well so much for it not being awkward. “The blushing is cute.”

“…” Danni put her head in her hands sitting at the breakfast bar. She could feel the blood travel all over her body from his insinuations.

“Especially when…” He whispered in her ear making her body heat to rise further. The wicked things he whispered in her ear almost made her melt against the bar stool.

“Good morning Danni. I missed you.” Niecee exclaimed when she walked into the kitchen. Danni was so preoccupied that she didn’t hear her coming but thankful that Mark had walked away already.

“Hey sugar plum. How was your time with your granny?”

“It was great. We went shopping, the nail shop, and just hung out. I wish you could have been there.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Maybe next time we can all go?” She asked with hope clear in her eyes. Danni didn’t have the heart to tell her no.

“Sure, I would love to.”

“So what did you do while I was gone?”

“Oh a little of this a little of that.” Danni said swallowing the juice that Mark had sat down in front of her. She needed the distraction.

“Daddy didn’t keep you company? He didn’t bore you did he.” Niecee asked to which Danni spit out some of her drink and started coughing, while Mark had another reaction. He was chuckling his life away.


“We just shot some pool and hung out little girl. If you must know.” Mark said after he got himself under control.

“Yeah.” Danni agreed.


“Go wash up breakfast will be ready in a few.”

“Even though it’s too late for breakfast.”

“Well brunch then.” Mark rolled his eyes at his daughter’s theatrics. “Just go.”

“Mark…” Danni started but Mark cut her off.

“I don’t know exactly what happened last night Danni. One minute you were backing it up on me and the next you were calling me stupid. I was just trying to understand what was going on at first. Then things just happened.”

“I didn’t call you stupid.”

“Yes you did.”

“If I was calling anybody stupid it was myself. I let the alcohol dull my senses to a point where I acted on my hormones. I apologize for putting you in an awkward situation. I totally understand if you want me to leave.”

“Do you regret it?”

“Which part?”

“The end result?”

“As bad as this may sound, no. I don’t. Does that make me a slut?” She whispered the last part.

“Hell no. It makes you human, desirable, sexy, and able woman. For the record neither do I. The only thing I regret is that I didn’t wake you up with round…where did we leave off at again?”

“Oh goodness.” Danni flushed again making him laugh.

“Let’s eat. I’m starving.” Niecee came back just in time. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing honey.”

As the three of them sat down to eat together for like the umpteenth time since Danni had been living there, they talked randomly. Every so often they would catch Niecee staring at them with something clearly weighing heavy on her mind. For a minute Danni thought she was on to them and what they had been up to. Sweat was starting to formulate in her palms thinking the worst. Mark on the other hand would study her for a minute then turn to Danni to gage her reaction. Soon he sat back and just observed.

“Something on your mind baby girl?” He asked Niecee.

“Huh? I mean sir.” Niecee smiled after her failed attempts at playing oblivious.

“Why do you keep looking at us like that?”

“This just feels like a family. I never really had that feeling unless I was with you for Thanksgiving. That’s all.”

“Aww.” Danni said absentmindedly.

“Girls are so sappy.” Mark drawled mocking them. That erased the small tension in the room as they laughed together. Danni had to agree with Niecee it did feel like a little family. Like all families, there little fake one had a big secret that could backfire on them, all could possibly be hurt.


It had been almost a week since Mark and Danni did the do. The dirty deed that she thought for sure would make him treat her a certain way. To her surprise everything went back the way they were. No awkward moments, he stopped saying off the chart things pertaining to their rump. Sadly Danni didn’t know how she felt about that. Her mind would often go into the gutter though just from the sight of him. Him walking around in basketball shorts, no shirt, with sweat all over his toned body. It made her hot just thinking about it. It was like a memory that kept playing in her head like a movie. At night she would relieve the stress she held by the vision.

Mark had gone for a run through the wooded area behind the house which she now knew was a manmade trail. She was in the kitchen fixing some sandwiches when he came in through the back door. His shorts clung to the most intimate parts of his anatomy, while sweat dribbled down his sculptured chest to the last pack of his abdominal muscles. Disappearing either inside the material to his glorious package or absorbing into the waist band of his shorts. Either way it was a sight to see. Her imagination was in overdrive as she longed to be those droplets of sweat.

Never had she liked the act of going down but she had tried with Lamont. Mainly because he had hinted on it until she gave in to his needs. Something about the taste made her internally gag but for some reason Mark made her want to do some nasty things to him. She could just imagine taking his joystick in her hands before dropping to her knees in the kitchen to top it off. Sweaty and all she could practically taste the pre-cum on her lips. Taking as much as she could muster up into her mouth without gagging. Slurping and sucking him until he felt faint. Needless to say she didn’t act on her wanton day dreams but that didn’t stop her brain from forcing those images regularly when she was alone.

Her mind did some things to her body that even the best cold shower couldn’t tame. All because of a reckless night with him. The object of her desires at the moment, Mark was something to dream about. Everything she was envisioning was just as wrong if not worse than her cheating bastard of a husband. Technically she was a married woman fantasizing about another man. A man that is a little girl that looks up to her for guidance at the moment, her father. Here she was supposedly only taken care of Niecee but she can’t stop fantasizing about having her father between her thighs.


Here she was again in the kitchen making lunch while he was out exercising. This had turned into an everyday thing. Only this time she wore a little less clothing than normal. After he would walk in she would pass him his sandwich which he accepted with great appreciation and go about his business. Danni would run back to her safe haven and pleasure herself. The restraint of her bra was restricting her nipples from hardening to their full potential. Normally she would have on some shorts, pants, or panties but today she wanted to make it easier on herself. Only wearing one of her many sundresses, she was completely bare below with a fresh wax to boot. Her fingers trembled in anticipation waiting for her daily eye candy to make himself present.

Like clockwork he strolled in looking oh so delectable. ‘If I could only muster up enough courage to ask for what I want,’ she thought to herself. Biting her lip unintentionally she tried to focus on the matter at hand. As soon as he had his food he would be on his way or so she thought. Instead of greeting her with polite conversation as he usually did, he gave a curt head nod as a greeting. For some odd reason she found his rugged aura today an extreme turn on. She always assumed she didn’t do bad boys. Assuming they weren’t her type. Looking at Mark, she had to rethink her previous statement. This man was all MAN. Danni was so far gone at trying to regain her composure she didn’t realize he had crept up behind her until his body heat was felt against her back.

“Mark, what are you doing?” She asked with a shaky voice.

“Did you know when you get turned on your pulse leaps?” He asked in a husky voice that sent tremors down her spine. “Right here.” He circled a spot on her neck that had her lean into him more.

“Not to mention you bite your lip when you are turned on and lost for words.” He continued.

“Umm… I don’t think we should… um… do this.” She cursed herself for stammering like an idiot.

“Do what?” He asked never stopping his assault on her senses. “This?” He asked as he roughly grabbed her breasts causing her head to fall back against his chest. Eyes shut, lip tucked between her teeth, and hands gripping his encouraging him further.

“You feel that?” He nudged her legs apart with his and she didn’t fight back.


“I know you want this d*ck but I need to here you say it.”

“Hummhm.” She hummed from the shear harshness of his tone.

“Say it!”

“Fuck me!” She screamed but was too far gone to be embarrassed at her crass words.

“Assume the position.” Without a seconds notice Danni found herself bent over at the waist with her legs apart. Somehow Mark had guided her far gone body to the opposite side of the island with her hands flat against the surface.

“Shit!” Danni’s inner muscles trembled from the sudden intrusion from a huge source digging for gold in her loaded tunnels.

“Damn.” He groaned. “So good.”

“Oh my…” Danni felt her legs trying to give out but Mark wasn’t having that. Slanging one of her legs up on the stool opened her up wide as ever for him to continue while giving her nowhere to run. “Ahhh!”

“Why don’t you have on any panties baby?”

“Huh…” He wanted to ask questions that there was no way she could answer. Her brain wouldn’t even form words without her stammering.

“Always have it ready for me.” She couldn’t tell if he was issuing a command, questioning her motives, or declaring that was what he already knew.

His balls slapping her bud was enough to have her try and tap out. She couldn’t take it. He was literally tapping her insides into submission. She was positive she wouldn’t be able to walk right for the next week. Screaming so loud that she was sure the neighbors could hear her pleas. For the life of her she couldn’t figure out what her plea was. Did she want him to stop? Did she want more? What kind of drugs was he on? Danni was beyond conflicted. One thing she did that got his attention was slap her hand against the counter top so hard it caused her to hiss.

“No tap outs.” He growled. “Take it!”

“Oh God! Mark!”

“Almost there!” He said. The only audible sound was a squeak and then silence. Danni couldn’t breathe. Her eyes were bulging out her sockets, mouth had formed a perfect “O”, and body was on fire. There was a buildup so tough she thought for sure she was going to die. Then a big ‘gush’ happened and it was all over as she panted with relief. “That’s it.” Mark pulled out leaving his essence all over her back.

The lovers tried to regain their composure not saying a mumbling word. Danni’s legs felt numb and Mark knew the reason why. He assisted her in getting her leg down and held her until she could stand on her own. Closing her legs seemed to be quite a chore within itself from how swollen her precious flower petals were. Mark had put a beating on her that she thoroughly enjoyed. However sick that sounded, she was trying to keep the guilt at bay. Mark stepped back from her when he knew she was stabilized.

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