Vortex (20 page)

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Authors: Chris Ryan

BOOK: Vortex
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The old man took another step forward. 'Ben . . .' Annie breathed urgently.
Ben didn't reply. Slowly he lowered his arm so that the gun was pointing towards the floor. Lucian smiled unpleasantly. 'Good boy,' he said, as though he were talking to an obedient dog.
But before he could take another step towards the two of them, Ben raised the gun again. This time he was not pointing it at Lucian; he was pointing it at the metal canister on the table between them. 'Let's see if I can't guess how this gun works, shall we?' he said with a half-smile.
And with a squeeze of the trigger, he fired.
Almost instantaneously, there were two noises: the loud crack of the gun, and a more tinny ring as the bullet ricocheted off the metal device, leaving a small dent in the sturdy metal exterior. Annie stifled a scream as the bullet whistled past them to embed itself in the wall. Lucian's reaction could not have been more extreme. The lazy arrogance fell from his face and he stepped forward towards the device, almost caressing it. 'What do you think you're playing at?' he demanded, aghast. 'Do you have any idea what you could have done?'
'Yeah,' Ben replied. 'Actually, I do.' He aimed the gun back in Lucian's direction. 'Now put your hands on your head like I told you. We're going to have a little chat.'
'What could
possibly have to chat about?' Lucian spat. All the colour had drained from his face the moment Ben had shot at the device on the table, and although he still sounded contemptuous and superior, he looked like half the man he had when they had first walked in.
'Joseph, for a start. Where have they taken him?'
'It's no concern of yours, boy.'
Ben aimed the gun back at the device.
'No!' Lucian shouted. 'Stop. Wait.'
Ben raised an eyebrow. 'You'd better start talking,' he said, 'because I
shoot again.'
'OK, OK,' Lucian stuttered. 'He's being escorted off the premises.'
Immediately, Ben fired another shot at the device. This time it caused an even bigger dent towards the centre and, once again, the ricocheting bullet shot into the wall - on the other side of the room this time. 'Don't lie to me, Lucian,' he said. 'I overheard that Russian man telling you to kill him, and I don't believe for a minute that you'd just let him go, not after everything you've done to keep us out of the way.'
Lucian's eyes narrowed. For some reason he glanced up to the ceiling, but then he stared back at Ben and moistened his lips with his tongue before speaking again. 'Very well,' he whispered. 'If you think you're old enough to ask the question, then you'd better be prepared to hear the answer. My idiot brother is being taken to a target range, much like the one where you were discovered snooping around. There is a training exercise at dawn. The principal target there is a newly constructed hut. Joseph is being locked in there, and it will definitely be destroyed during the training exercise.'
'You're sick,' Annie declared.
'I'm not sick, missie,' he retorted with sudden anger. 'I'm a pragmatist.'
'You're a nutter, more like,' she replied. 'What's with all this James Bond stuff ? Why didn't you just shoot him while you had the chance?'
'I wouldn't expect you to understand, little girl,' he said as insultingly as he could.
'Oh, we understand all right,' Ben said quietly. 'You're doing it this way because you don't want his blood on your hands. If he's killed during a training exercise, everyone will think it's just a terrible accident caused as a result of him nosing around in a place where he shouldn't be.'
Lucian smiled again. 'Very good,' he whispered.
'How could you do that to him?' Ben asked in shock. 'He's your brother. First you put him in a mental asylum all his life, now this.'
'Ah.' Lucian's eyes widened. 'Is that what he told you?' He turned round and walked away from them back towards the wall, before spinning back to look at them angrily. 'Well let
tell you,' he said waspishly, 'that my brother was heading for a life in and out of mental institutions from before he was even your age.'
'We've seen the room where you did it, Lucian,' Ben countered. 'We've seen the place where you made your brother's mental instability ten times worse.'
'He was going to blow the whistle!' Lucian shouted. 'He was going to ruin important research.'
'Some things are more important than research,' Ben told him.
'Don't be so naive. People had tried to put a stop to our experiments before dear Joseph had the idea. Every single one of them disappeared. I was doing Joseph a favour, stopping the authorities from killing him. He should be thanking me, but he's too crazy to know any different.'
'Funny, isn't it,' Annie observed as though to herself, 'that after fifty years in psychiatric hospitals, he doesn't quite see it that way. And you know another thing that's funny? That for all this talk of what a big favour you did him, you're happy to let him die now.'
Annie's barbed comment seemed to echo all around the room.
'He knew what he was doing, interfering with my work once again,' Lucian told her.
'I thought you said he was crazy. If he's crazy, surely he
know what he's doing.'
'It hardly matters,' Lucian spat. He pointed at the metal cylinder. 'Some things are more important. Do you have any idea how many lives my invention could save?'
Ben and Annie said in unison.
'Of course!' Lucian hollered, waving his arms slightly maniacally in the air. 'If the North Koreans - or whoever - get their hands on it, it will stop them from resorting to nuclear weapons. They won't
to go nuclear, because they'll have a far more effective weapon at their disposal.' As he spoke, his eyes betrayed the light of a zealot.
'Really?' Ben asked, his voice trembling though he did his best to keep it level. 'Well, try telling that to the people who'll die when their planes fall out of the sky as a result of your toy.'
Lucian shrugged. 'Collateral damage,' he stated. 'In every conflict there has to be a certain amount of acceptable loss. If you think it doesn't happen with our current systems of warfare, then you really are more stupid than I thought.'
But Ben just shook his head. 'You know what?' he said, not allowing his gun to waver from Lucian's direction. 'You're the crazy one, not your brother.'
Lucian snorted. 'It's amazing how many people seem to think so,' he said. 'Crazy old Lucian, stuck at Spadeadam for all his working life. Those do-gooding RAF muppets above ground treat me like I'm just as crazy as Joseph. But they're not the ones about to receive a five-million-pound payment and a one-way ticket to anywhere they want in the world. They're not the ones who have spent the past five years working on a project that governments around the world would pay millions to get their hands on.'
'Just shut up, Lucian!' Ben shouted him down, sickened by the man's greed. 'You're not going anywhere until we've found Joseph and made sure he's--'
But before Ben could finish, something silenced him. From the ceiling of the room, he became aware of a dull red light, flashing metronomically. He glanced up at it, and was aware that Lucian was also looking at the light with satisfaction.
'It's flashing all the way down the corridor, Ben,' he heard Annie say tensely from behind him.
Lucian smiled his unpleasant smile once more. 'Of course it is,' he said. 'It's been so nice having this little chat with you - thank you for being so interested in what I have to say. And while we've been jabbering away, of course, Flight Lieutenant Johnson has been a good little soldier and checked your cell, just as I told him to. They've discovered you're missing, and they're taking the necessary precautions.'
Ben and Annie looked at each other with barely disguised panic.
'You might as well put the gun down,' Lucian continued implacably, 'and stop your silly, childish little games. This is grown-ups' business now. They're shutting the place down and there's no way out. And when they get their hands on you, you'll be taken to the same place as Lucian. Sorry, kids, but I'm afraid you're not in for a very good day.'
Chapter Sixteen
The red light continued to flash. Somehow Ben felt it would be less sinister if there had been some kind of siren to go with it, but there wasn't: just a repetitive, silent warning that they were in real danger. Each time it lit up, it bathed Lucian's face in its dusty red glow: the flatness in his eyes and the strange effect of the lighting made him look somehow demonic.
Ben's mind was a mass of confusion, but he had to think quickly. No doubt some of Lucian's renegade soldiers were already on their way, heavily armed and under strict instructions to apprehend them, and then who could say what? There was no point running - they would only get lost in this underground warren of dingy concrete corridors - and soon enough they would be found and overcome. 'What are we going to do, Ben?' he heard Annie whisper.
'The only thing we can,' he said tensely as a sketchy plan started to form in his head. It wasn't much, but it would have to do until he could think of something better. He took a step towards Lucian, still brandishing the handgun. 'You're going to get us out of here,' he instructed, 'and you're going to take us to Joseph.'
One of the old man's eyebrows shot up. 'Really?' he asked sarcastically. 'And why would I do that? What possible reason would I have when I know there are armed soldiers on their way to deal with you?'
Abruptly, Ben walked around the table bearing Vortex and rushed up to Lucian. 'You're going to do it because you know we haven't got a thing to lose. If it's a choice between being blown to smithereens with Joseph, or shooting you, I swear I'll do what I have to do.'
Ben struggled to keep control of his emotions. He didn't really think he would ever be able to bring himself to shoot a man, even someone as loathsome as Lucian, but he couldn't let on that this was the case. Their lives depended on it. It seemed to work. As he thrust the gun into the loose flesh of Lucian's neck, the old man appeared suddenly wrong-footed and scared. 'I
shoot you,' Ben whispered with all the seriousness he could muster. Then, without taking his eyes from his hostage's face, he spoke to his cousin. 'Annie, are you wearing a belt?'
'Yeah. Why?'
'Take it off. We need to tie his hands behind his back. Do it tightly.'
Immediately Annie was there, belt in hands. Lucian, his face full of hatred, obediently put his arms behind his back, then winced slightly as Annie pulled the leather belt firmly around his wrists before tying it into a tight and sturdy knot. 'He won't get out of that,' she said.
'Right.' Ben was improvising as he went along, but he knew he had to sound sure of himself. He moved behind Lucian, pointed the gun between his shoulder blades and dug it in sharply. He felt his hand shaking as he did so. He didn't like holding a gun. It didn't feel right. 'Walk,' he said with more confidence than he felt. 'You're going to take us to the exit. Mess up and I'll shoot.'
Lucian stood still. 'You'll never make it,' he said. 'They'll be on their way even now.'
'Shut up and walk,' Ben growled. Slowly, Lucian made his way to the door, Ben following, the gun still pressed against the old man's back and Annie by his side. They started to walk down the corridors, which Lucian navigated with ease. Ben was acutely aware of the fact that he couldn't be sure if his hostage was leading them in the correct direction or not; he just had to trust that he had instilled sufficient fear into the old man to stop him from trying it on. It was a long shot - Lucian hadn't reacted to being at the wrong end of the barrel of a gun in quite the way he had expected. In fact, he had seemed far more distressed at the idea of his metal cylinder being damaged than anything else.
He jabbed the gun sharply into Lucian's back. 'Faster,' he said, and the old man picked up pace.
It was eerie, hurrying along those deserted corridors with the red lights flashing silently. Every time they turned a corner, Ben expected to see a group of heavily armed soldiers waiting for them, guns at the ready; but they never appeared. 'How close are we to the exit?' Ben demanded when they had been walking for a couple of minutes.
'Too close.' A voice rang out clearly from behind them, and they came to an abrupt halt. Ben's blood turned to ice as he realized they had been so concerned with checking what was coming up ahead of them that they had forgotten to look over their shoulder.
'The girl's in my sights,' the voice informed them. 'I'm going to count to five. If you haven't put the gun on the ground by then, I'll shoot her.'
Ben's eyes flicked over to Annie. She had instinctively put her hands in the air.
He desperately tried to think what to do.
He could try and spin Lucian round so they were both standing in front of Annie.
But he couldn't risk a sudden movement. These guys weren't messing around.
Think, Ben.
'All right!' he shouted. 'All right, I'm putting it down.' He closed his eyes, lowered his arm then turned round. The soldier who had caught them was standing about ten metres away. He had an assault rifle aimed directly at Annie's back, and his finger was poised over the trigger in readiness. His face was filled with undisguised fury, and Ben realized instantly that this was the same guy they had locked in their cell.
'Put the gun down on the floor in front of you,' the soldier growled.
Ben did as he was told.
'Now kick it in my direction.'
He tapped the gun with his shoe and it slid a little way along the ground. The soldier approached, the butt of the gun still firmly dug into his shoulder as he aimed alternately at Annie and then Ben. Within seconds he was right up close to them. Lucian pushed past Ben and stood behind the soldier, a satisfied smirk on his face. 'About time for us to stop the heroics, wouldn't you say?'
The soldier grinned slightly at Lucian's comment, but he kept the rifle trained on Ben and Annie.
Lucian addressed the soldier. 'The exit, now. I'll go up front and you follow behind. There's a truck outside, and we haven't got much time. We need to be at the training ground before sunrise.' He turned back to the two cousins and gave them an unpleasant look. 'Playtime's over, kids,' he told them, before returning his gaze to his associate.
'If they try to run away,' he said, 'shoot them.'

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