Virgin Sacrifice: Bred to the Beast (4 page)

BOOK: Virgin Sacrifice: Bred to the Beast
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A low growl interrupted her thoughts.  The deep rumble rolled out of the cave, a sound like boulders tumbling through a deep gorge, but with a feral edge as well.  Anja's eyes widened in fear, and she felt suddenly vulnerable and weak.  She glanced back at the curving trail, but she knew that whatever waited inside, she could never outrun it.

Anja shivered, as much from terror as cold.  Warm air flowed from the cave's mouth like a wolf's hot breath.  Embracing her fear, she stepped inside.


Daylight faded quickly behind her, but low fires guttered in crude sconces along the walls, and the chill of the snowstorm faded at once.  Instead of cold, snow-covered stone, soft pine needles carpeted the floor.  That evil growl had subsided, but Anja could sense a presence ahead.

Scattered white sticks cluttered the floor, but Anja refused to look closer. 
Sticks, not bones,
she told herself.

A low stone altar hewed of the raw mountain rock stood in the center of the cave, flat and square.  Deer furs lay piled atop that block, and it drew her eyes like a lodestone.  Then something moved in the back of the cave, blacker than the darkness.  Two yellow points flickered in the light of the torches.

"At last," a deep voice murmured.  "So long, I hungered."  That voice sent dark chills racing up her spine, somewhere between ravenous wolf and human.  Smart, but wild.  Anja peered into the darkness at those yellow eyes.  She wanted to run, but her feet felt too heavy to lift.

The darkness moved, and a huge creature came into the torchlight.  It walked upright like a man, but with a strange gait on its long clawed feet.  Dark brown fur sheathed a body covered in bulging muscles. 
With b
road, rounded shoulders, twice as wide as the stoutest man in the village
, the Beast was easily two feet taller than Anja
.  A low, flat head with an elongated snout reminded her of a wolf, and those yellow eyes shone, baleful and hungry, but with a wicked cunning.  It wore no clothing, and a long cock hung smooth and heavy between his legs

"Please," Anja whispered.  "Don't hurt me."

"Don't hurt you?"  A low chuckle came from deep within its throat.  "You are mine to do with as I wish."  That long mouth split open, and white fangs glistened in the firelight.

"I'll do whatever you want," Anja said.  "Just please let me go... after."

The Beast stalked around her in a wide circle, moving slowly, and it wasn't until its silhouette blocked the cave entrance that Anja realized she was trapped.  The Beast's laugh was low and harsh, like a tomb's heavy stone lid sliding shut.  "She wants to go after," he growled.  "And if I want you to stay?"

Anja's heart pounded in her chest, fear threatening to overwhelm her.  She imagined herself bolting past him like a frightened hare, scrambling down the snow-covered slope, naked and afraid, while the powerful creature loped easily behind.  Escape was impossible, so Anja surrendered.  "Then I will stay," she said, trying to steady her trembling voice.  "Just tell me what you want from me."

That lupine grin widened, and the Beast came forward, graceful and dangerous.  His yellow eyes leered down at her, full of wild lust, he licked his chops with a long, pink tongue.  "What I want is what you will give me," he said.  "An heir."

Without warning, he pounced, moving so fast that Anja didn't even have time to scream before the massive creature scooped her into his powerful arms and deposited her on the stone altar.  The cloak spilled open, exposing Anja's high, firm breasts.  Clawed hands held her wrists, pinning her to the flat stone as his long face moved down over her body, sniffing at her soft, white skin.

Anja struggled, but his grip was iron, and the Beast barely noticed as that long muzzle pushed between her legs.  Anja gasped when his nose touched her inner thigh, and when his long tongue slid out and flickered against her sex, teasing at the edge of her pink folds, she writhed and cried out.

She lifted her head to look down at the fur-covered head and the huge shoulders behind it. 
Embrace fear,
she told herself.  Taking a deep breath, she forced her legs apart.

The Beast froze in a moment of surprise, then snuffled at the patch of dark hair, inhaling deeply.  He raised his golden eyes to hers, and she saw triumph in his fanged smile.

"Good," he rumbled.  "Your body is ready to conceive.  Tonight you will give me a child, girl."  He bent his head again, and the tongue pressed against her again, more forceful now as it pushed between her folds, making her slick with his saliva as he slipped inside her virgin hole.

It wriggled inside her, and Anja's whole body tensed.  Her shoulders lifted up as her stomach tightened, and she grabbed his long, pointed ears and squeezed as his long tongue pressed and twisted and darted in and out of her tight opening.

The Beast growled, a low rumble that sent powerful vibrations along the length of that tongue, and Anja's body shook with intense pleasure.  She was panting now, her mind a whirlwind of shock, terror, and ecstasy.

The Beast's eyes looked up at her, glowing like burnished gold in the flickering torchlight.  Through them, she could feel his power and confidence, a prowess far beyond his obvious physical superiority.  As Anja met his amber gaze, she sensed an intelligence far beyond mere animal cunning.

With a snarl, he pushed back and stood, looming over her.  His cock jutted out like a strong branch from the trunk of a mighty oak, smooth and hard, the same dark brown as his fur.

"Rise," he commanded.  Anja sat up, and the Beast wrapped a strong hand around her head.  She could feel his claws against her scalp, pressing against the skin, demanding obedience with the promise of pain.  "Pleasure me with your mouth, girl."

Anja trembled.  That huge cock was level with her face, far longer and thicker than Lucas's.  She wrapped her hands around it and leaned forward, opening her mouth as wide as she could.  When her lips touched him, the Beast shuddered.  Anja slid her tongue lightly along the underside of his powerful shaft, and he pulled her head toward his body, forcing himself deeper between her lips.

Remembering what Lucas had shown her, Anja breathed through her nose, bringing in the Beast's wild scent, of pine needles and mountain air, fur and blood beneath a hunter's moon.  The village of Krall suddenly felt far, far away, another world to which she no longer belonged.  She belonged to the Beast now, and she surrendered to him completely.

She opened herself to him, relaxing her jaw and throat, pulling him deep.  He let out a low moan, and Anja tightened her lips and sucked until his hot length seemed to swell and throb in her mouth.  She savored his thickness as her tongue massaged the bulging shaft, and she used her mouth to wrap him in pleasure.  She was at his mercy, her only desire now to meet his needs.

An heir,
he'd told her.  A tingling sensation raced up Anja's spine.  This massive creature wanted to put a baby in her belly.  She thought of Lucas.  If she survived this night and returned to Krall, could he forgive her betrayal?  She pushed the thought away.  She would do what she must; the rest could wait.

The Beast's breath was hard and heavy now; he felt alive in her mouth.  The clawed hand on her scalp tightened to grab a fistful of hair and pulled her back.  His manhood slid out of her mouth and bobbed up and down, tense and hard, dark flesh glistening with her saliva.

Anja looked up into those hungry golden eyes, eager to please, desperate to know what he wanted her to do.  He raked his fingers over her shoulders, down her slender arms, and cupped her breasts in his huge hands.  The tips of his claws lightly brushed against her firm, swollen nipples.  Anja moaned, but he moved lower to put his hands on her slim waist, then lifted her like a child, turning her in the air so she faced away from him.

She dropped to her hands and knees on the altar, her naked bottom in the air.  He caressed the backs of her thighs, then one hand slid between her legs to touch the hot, wet cleft, still tingling from the touch of his tongue.  He pressed a long finger against her, rubbing up and down against the swollen pearl of flesh above her hole until her whole body shook with urgent need.

Almost lazily, the Beast slid that wet finger inside her.  Anja tightened around him, an aching throb as he pressed deeper, then began to move in and out.  It felt as though his finger touched every nerve ending in her body.

Her fists gripped the pile of furs atop the altar, and she scooped them into a pillow and cried out.  "That feels so good!  Oh, please don't stop..."  Her voice was a near whine, and tears glistened on her cheeks from the sweet, aching sensation so intense she could think of nothing else.

The Beast chuckled.  "I've only just begun," he rumbled.  The finger slid gently out, and Anja felt suddenly empty.  She wanted more, and as she rocked back, her bottom pressed against something else, something far larger than his finger.  She gasped, and suddenly realized that this was why she had come.  All those secret encounters with Lucas, deep in the woods and in the hayloft of his family's barn where she'd let him push her to the very brink, all so she could be here now, and give her virginity to this creature.

The Beast guided his thick, swollen tip between her folds.  She was slick and sopping wet, and his cock felt warm against her flesh. 
Embrace your fear,
Rela's voice echoed in her head.  She took a deep, long breath and let it out slowly, relaxing every muscle in her body.  There was a moment of silence, of stillness, then the Beast pushed forward, penetrating her in one long, smooth stroke.

A sharp burst of pain exploded between her legs, hot and bright.  It swept through her body and faded quickly, replaced by a warm, smooth friction.  Then she could feel his bulk inside her, thick and long and throbbing as he eased his way deep inside until the hard muscles of his abdomen pressed against her buttocks.

Something wet and warm trickled down the inside of her thigh, and a coppery scent filled Anja's nostrils.  The Beast smelled it too, her virginal blood, and his breath grew faster as he began to move inside her.

Anja gripped the pile of furs as he lunged against her, stretching her with his girth.  Despite her tightness, his every movement sent waves of warm pleasure rolling through her.

The Beast gripped her waist, controlling her movements even as he pounded her with his enormous manhood.  Anja felt as though she'd been impaled, free to move only along his shaft.  She rocked back against him, rolling her hips in time with his thrusts.

Their bodies moved together, apart, and together again in a frenzy of lust.  The Beast's body seemed to radiate heat, warming her from within.  Even as the snow fell in thick blankets outside, sweat trickled down Anja's ribs and over the curve of her breasts to drip from her nipples.  Her hair hung damp and dark with perspiration.

Her pleasure rose with each thrust, and Anja rested her head on her forearm and slid her other hand back between her legs.  Her fingers slipped between her open folds and brushed against that sweet nub, so swollen and sensitive now that even the lightest touch felt like the crackling energy in the wake of a lightning strike.  The Beast's thickness moved in and out of her, and she rubbed herself as she rocked back against him.

The pleasure grew in intensity until it felt as white-hot as the fire of a blacksmith's forge.  Her body seemed a small and fragile thing to contain that pleasure, a crystal goblet full of molten steel.  It burst within her, consuming her, shattering her consciousness in a moment of such utter ecstasy that Anja screamed, a wordless, feral sound that matched the wildness of the creature inside her.

Her body convulsed and shook beneath him, every muscle tightening as pure sensation rolled through her.  Her already-tight opening clenched around the Beast's solid cock, and she could feel every ripple of his flesh moving inside her.

He stiffened against her as she came, and that oaken rod swelled and throbbed.  A long, ear-splitting howl erupted from the Beast's mouth and echoed through the cave as something else erupted inside her.  He pulled Anja tight against him and thrust deeper than ever before as he filled her with his seed, hot and thick and plentiful.  Each throbbing pulse brought more, until his manhood was covered, and it began to drip and dribble out of her hole and down the inside of her folds, mingling with the thin stream of blood already drying against her thigh.

The Beast's mighty arms came down beside her shoulders, and his hot breath covered her neck as his hands rested beside her.  She felt him diminishing inside her, his frenzied lust slaked as the last tremors of her own climax subsided into trembling aftershocks.

The Beast eased her down onto the slab, and Anja curled into the furs with a satisfied sigh.  Her terror, washed away in the fury of the Beast's passion, crept back into her mind now.  What would happen now that he had taken her?  Would she be cast out into the storm?

The Beast settled down behind her, his massive chest warm against her back.  She snuggled up against him and stroked the furs beneath her.  Her fingers found a small slit in one of the hides.  She recognized the hole as an arrow wound, and froze.  The savage creature hunted with

She twisted suddenly, rising to look at her captor, but instead of the dark, hairy beast, she found Lucas Salkar sharing the slab with her.


Her betrothed met her eyes with a steady gaze even as Anja's world fell apart.  He was naked and his tanned face contrasted with the fair skin of his body.  Anja wanted to believe that the Beast had slipped away, and that somehow Lucas had come to rescue her, but her mind wouldn't let her evade the horrible, undeniable truth.

BOOK: Virgin Sacrifice: Bred to the Beast
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