Read Violet Chain Online

Authors: J Kahele

Violet Chain (10 page)

BOOK: Violet Chain
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“Thank you for lunch, but I really need to go.”

“Let me drive you back.”

“I can take a cab.”

“No, I insist. I don’t like you taking cabs.”

I was too exhausted to argue. “Okay.”

The ride was only minutes. Chain’s limo pulled up to the front of the building. I turned to Chain and his hand looped behind my head as he pulled me close for a kiss. It was amazing and that aching feeling I always got when he touched me returned with vengenance. If I didn’t pull away soon, he would have me willingly naked in that limo and it wasn’t something I wanted to do at that moment.

I lifted my head.

“Bye,” I murmured as I grabbed the door handle.

“Wait,” he responded as he grabbed my hand. I sat down, facing him.

“What is it?”

“Can we meet tonight?”

“Sorry, I have this conference dinner for work.” He looked at me, disappointed.

“Okay, maybe tomorrow.” I nodded, then grabbed the door handle and exited the limo.

As I walked up to my office building, Harrison was holding the door open, waiting for me. I stepped inside and he glared at the limo still standing near the curb. I was thankful for the tinted windows, because if Harrison knew that I had just been with Chain, he would go ballistic! Not that I cared what he thought, but my pounding head couldn’t take his belly aching.

“Who’s that?” Harrison asked as his eyes beamed towards the limo.

“What does it matter, Harrison,” I responded as I stomped towards the elevator. Why did he think what I did was his business, it was very irritating.

“Violet, wait,” Harrison said as his hand cupped my arm. I stopped, pulling my arm away from him.

“Harrison, shouldn’t you be more worried about taking care of the woman who is carrying your unborn child than chasing me around?” I snarled.

“She’s not pregnant! She lied,” he blurted out. Maybe I should be shocked, but I wasn’t. To be quite honest I really didn’t care.

“Oh,” was all I said as I walked to the elevators.

“Violet, come on. Now we have no reason not to be together, can’t you see that?” I stepped into the elevator.

“Harrison, your little girlfriend not being pregnant has nothing to do with us, it changes nothing. It’s over! Over! Now please move on because I have.” He looked down and I pressed the button on the elevator, closing the door.















Chapter 5.5


Even after three days of not seeing her, I still thought of her every waking second, needing to see her more than I needed to breathe. She had used an excuse that she was deep in a project at work that was taking all of her time, but I knew that wasn’t true. There was more to it, she was dealing with a lot right now, mostly her ex Harrison. I wanted to be with her more than anything, but I also wanted her to want to be with me, so I felt I needed to give her space to work things out.

I had become obsessed with sending her small texts throughout the day, okay, maybe every half hour on the hour. Sometimes she would answer and sometimes she wouldn’t. When she did, she seemed to enjoy them, using her emojis to send me hearts, smileys, flowers and other little gadgets that I had a hard time deciphering.

Late at night I would call her and again sometimes she would answer and sometimes she wouldn’t. It was strange when I gave up hope after calling her a few times and thought about never calling again. I would make that one last call and she would suddenly answer and give me that one gleam of hope that things could be different between us, better, closer.

I was becoming very smitten with her and I wondered if she felt the same way. I wanted to believe she felt the way I did. I would sit in front of the mirror every morning, staring at myself, in deep thought about Violet. It was strange the way my mind worked when thinking about her. It was so scattered and at times a little crazy. I would convince myself that she was with me because she really liked me and wanted more. But then that dark thought would come into my mind, that one wretched thought that poisoned every good thought about her, about us, that her only want was what was hanging between my legs.

I would often dissect the whole situation, remembering every time we were together, looking for something in her eyes, in her touch that showed that I was not just a plaything to her, that I was more. This went on every day, all day in my mind, from morning till night.

I couldn’t get the last vision of seeing her out of my mind.

I dropped her back off at work, after we had lunch, and she was met at the door by Harrison. It seemed to draw out every insecurity a man could ever have about a woman; jealousy was the main emotion. I had never been jealous in the entirety of my life, in any form, business or personal. It was a feeling that I did not think I possessed until now. It made me feel this intense ache in the pit of my stomach, a deep rage inside of my gut that nearly took all the strength out of me. Not to mention what it did to my head. The heat was so severe, my headed pounding, my ears burning, like I had entered into my own personal hell.

My first reaction when I saw Harrison opening the door for Violet was to run up to him and punch his fucking lights out, to make him pay for even looking at her. The man had no right, not after he had hurt her. Maybe if someone had knocked his fucking head against the wall a few times, he wouldn’t have treated her so badly.

What was wrong with me? I never had violent urges till I met Violet. This woman had me so knotted up inside I didn’t know what was right and what was wrong. The only thing I could be certain about was that I wanted to protect her from all that was bad in this world.

She had made it perfectly clear that our relationship was unequivocally between the sheets, and nothing more. But I wanted more, so much more. I wanted to walk with her through the streets, holding her hand for all to see that she was my girl—mine.

“Hey, Chain,” David said as he walked into my office, sitting down on the chair in front of my desk. I was thankful for his interruption; my head needed a break from thinking about Violet.

“Phillip called and apologized for what he did to Violet,” David said as he grabbed a pen and began fiddling with it.

“There is no apology that will take away what he did to Violet.”  I despised men like Phillip and I just didn’t understand them. With so many women in the world willing to give you sex freely, why do some men feel they need to take it from the innocent? How did I befriend a man like that? How did I not see him for what he was?

“Yeah, I told the bastard to go fuck himself,” David laughed.

“Good,” I responded.

The moment Phillip forced himself on Violet, I wrote him off as a friend. The nerve of that fucking guy to think that he could put his hands on my Violet. A grin splashed across my face.
My Violet
, it sort of had a nice ring to it.

“Chain, what are you grinning about?” David asked.

“Nothing.” I cleared my throat and my expression as I sat straight up. David leaned against my desk, folding his hands together.

“So what are you doing tonight? Me and Gary were going to hit Curtsey for a few drinks. Since we will be leaving town on Sunday, I thought it would be a good idea to get together with the guys. Are you interested?” David rambled.

“What are you talking about?” I asked him.

“Minneapolis, Chain, remember, we’re leaving on Sunday.” Shit, I had completely forgotten about that. It seemed I was forgetting about a lot of things lately, except for Violet.

We had just been approved for the new mall in Minneapolis. It was common practice for David and me to meet with the architect and go over the plans before the building could commence. I was normally excited when we were at the beginning stages of a project, but not this time, because it meant leaving Violet. Leaving made me feel anxious. More than ever, I wanted and needed to see her.

I exhaled before saying, “I’ll pass.”             

David shook his head as he leaned forward. “Okay, Chain, you skipped the guys’ night out last time and now you’re not going out tonight, what’s going on?”


He grinned. “It’s a woman, isn’t it?” I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. “Who the hell is it? Where did you meet her?” Violet was adamant about nobody knowing, so I needed a lie quickly.

“We met at the grocery store.” Wow, that was really bad.

“How long have you been seeing her?”

“A few weeks.”

“Shit, Chain, that’s a record for you. You must really like this girl.”

“I do.”

“What’s her name?” A name? I knew David would not let this go unless I gave him something. So I said the first name that came to my mind.


“Vicky, huh. I want to meet her, when can I meet her?”

“I don’t know, David. She’s very timid, I don’t want to scare her off, but I promise it will be soon.”

He stood. “Alright, it sucks that you’re not going out with us tonight, but I understand…I’m meeting Callie for lunch, so I have to go.” I nodded and he left.

I decided to text Violet.

I’m heading out of town on Sunday for a few days. I was hoping I could see you tonight.

That may be a possibility.
I was shocked that she answered on the first text, but happy. I really wanted to see her.


If you are good, we will see.

Good? Am I not always good to you?

Yes, very goo

That insatiable woman.

So I’ll see you tonight?

Yes, just look for the naked girl standing on the balcony.

I laughed out loud.
Looking forward to it.

I smiled as I placed my cell on the desk. I didn’t know how she did it, but the tension I had felt earlier seemed to simply drift away.

The work day could not go by fast enough. I was desperate to see Violet again. I stopped at the store, picking up a bottle of wine, before making my way back to my apartment.

As I opened the door, music streamed through the speakers in my house. It was unusual as I didn’t often play the radio. Placing my keys on the counter I walked towards the living room and felt a gush of wind against my face, noticing that the door to the balcony was wide open. I walked over to it and saw her leaning against the balcony.

She was wearing my suit coat from the night at the club—and nothing else. Now this was definitely worth coming home to. Grinning from ear to ear, I approached her. As I drew closer her hand gripped my tie, wrapping it around her fist, pulling my face to hers.

“How did you get in here?” I asked her.

“I told the man at the desk it was your birthday and I needed to get into your apartment.

“Impressive, I didn’t realize you were so clever.”

“I want this tie,” she mumbled in such a seductive whisper that it sent a sensation straight through my body, making me hard instantly. I naturally removed the tie and handed it to her.

“It’s yours,” I said as I nibbled at the side of her neck. Whatever she wanted I would give her.

“Wait,” she said as she gently pushed me back, then placed her hands on the balcony rail and lifted herself up. “I want you to take me like this,” she continued.

“Gladly,” I responded as I placed my hands on her hips.

“Take these off,” she demanded as she pulled at the waistband of my slacks. I complied and quickly undressed.

“And this,” she said, pulling on my shirt. I slid it over my head, not bothering to unbutton it. She ran her hands across my chest as her eyes explored my naked body.

“You are so hot,” she mumbled as she placed gentle kisses across my cheek. I closed my eyes, embracing the touch of her lips to my skin.

“Violet,” I moaned. She curled one of her legs around my waist and pulled me closer to her. I gave her a small kiss.

“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” I murmured.  I could feel her smile against my lips.

“About me naked on your balcony?” she asked as she placed my hands on her hips. Of course I always thought about her and the balcony, but that was not all.

“No, just about you,” I responded. She curled her other leg around my waist. I moved my hand between her legs and ran my finger delicately between her folds.

“Always so ready,” I mumbled into her ear, as I sank a finger inside of her.

“Only for you, Chain, only for you,” she moaned as she leaned into my hand. I removed my finger and reached down to my slacks on the ground.

“What are you doing?” she blurted out.

“I’m getting a condom,” I responded as I held the foil packet up.

“I get the birth control shot, we don’t have to use that,” she said.

I always used a condom. I trusted no woman, not even Violet when it came to that. I prided myself on being responsible. It was not as if I believed she had some sort of sexual disease, it was to avoid a surprise pregnancy. I didn’t want children, not because I didn’t like them, only because I felt the world was flooded with enough abandoned children and I didn’t want to add to it. Being a father was not something I ever wanted, the responsibility and nurturing it took to raise a child was not something I could ever do.

As I stood back up she curled her fingers around my erection and rubbed it against her wetness, almost causing me to literally explode.

“Violet, wait, let me get this fucking thing on,” I told her. My hand was shaking as I pulled from her grip and rolled the condom on. I grasped her hips in each of my hands and lifted her up; her hands gripped the tops of my shoulders as I pushed into her slowly. I watched her face twist into a look of pleasure as her teeth bit down on her lip.

“Oh, Chain,” she moaned as her eyes rolled back into her head.

“You feel so good,” I groaned as I grinded into her. I pulled her as close as I could and began moving faster inside of her.

“That’s it, Chain, right there,” she yelled out as I hit her special spot. I knew I wouldn’t last long. I had thought about her all day, touching her, kissing her, being inside of her and the way her body was reacting to me, I could tell she was thinking about me too.

The sweat was pouring from my body, both of us panting and grunting as we both neared the edge. Her nails dug into my back as she screamed out my name and I followed right behind her, finding my release. I held her close as I emptied inside of her.

I placed gentle kisses down her neck.

“Stay with me tonight,” I whispered into her ear, then placed her down on the ground. I could tell by her expression she was thinking hard and I was praying her answer would be yes. She walked into the living room, stopping near the couch.

I stood behind her, waiting for an answer. She turned, tilting her eyes up at me.

“You know I can’t,” she murmured. I plopped down on the couch, frowning.

She knelt down in front of me before saying, “Please don’t be like this.”

I looked down, trying to conceal the disappointment in my eyes as I sat silently, but I couldn’t. I really wanted her to stay.

I heard her exhale.

“Do you have a t-shirt I can sleep in?”

I looked up at her. “You're going to stay?”

She did a half roll of her eyes, before her mouth turned up into a smile. “Yeah, I’m going to stay.” I wanted to lunge at her and embrace her tightly, to show her how much this really meant to me. But I didn’t want to scare her off, so I refrained. I stood up, clutched her hand and walked her into my bedroom, turning on the light. She gazed around.

BOOK: Violet Chain
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