Very Bad Billionaires (19 page)

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Authors: Meg Watson,Marie Carnay,Alyssa Alpha,Alyse Zaftig,Cassandra Dee,Layla Wilcox,Morgan Black,Molly Molloy,Holly Stone,Misha Carver

BOOK: Very Bad Billionaires
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When I came to, I was strapped into the seat of a private plane.  The chair was buttery soft, the leather a luxurious calfskin and Dominic sat across from me, eyeing me warily.

“Welcome back to earth,” he said dryly. 

I slipped off my seatbelt in a flash and darted down the aisle of the cabin.  But there was nowhere to go.  We were in a small aircraft, the only passengers on a private plane.

I glared at Dominic from the aisle, my arms crossed.  “You can’t kidnap me,” I said stubbornly.

“Oh yeah?” he drawled.  “I already have, Trina.”

“And I’m not Trina!” I exclaimed again.  “You have the wrong person!”

He just shook his head this time, looking out the window.  “Your excuses are getting old,” he said wearily.  “We’ll be there in half an hour.”

I sat down, refusing to speak to him anymore, figuring I’d make my escape when we got to the island.

Fortunately, he didn’t try to talk to me either, and we sat in silence.  I was acutely aware of his bulk across from me, that imposing frame that seemed to take up so much space, making me tingle even after all that had passed.  Cursing myself, I resolutely turned towards the window as we began our descent.

The view was amazing.  We were pulling towards a beach, the sandy shore surrounded by an azure blue sea, so clear that coral reefs were visible even from the height of the plane.  The island looked so clean, so pure and white, that I was almost sorry that I’d be leaving so quickly.

“The island’s name is Koh-i-Noor,” Dominic stated.

I looked at him with amazement.  “You gave the island an Arabic name?  Like the diamond?” I asked.

He looked surprised that I’d picked up on the association.  “Yes, like the diamond.  When I bought this island, it reminded me of a jewel in the sea, thus the name Koh-i-Noor.”

“What is it that you do, exactly?” I said softly.  “How is it that you own an island?”

“My dear, have you ever heard of Dominic Patterson?” he asked.

“Sure, the murder mystery author.  I’ve read a couple of books, but that genre’s not really my thing,” I said.  Suddenly, I had a realization.  “Dominic Patterson is your pen name, isn’t it?  You’re a NY Times bestselling author who’s sold billions of books,” I realized.

“That’s right,” he confirmed.  “I come to the island to clear my mind, it gives me the space to write without distraction.” 

I turned back to the view below.  The TV station I worked for was currently bidding for the rights to a Dominic Patterson novel, hoping to turn it into a blockbuster TV series.  And to think that I was sitting across from the esteemed author right now, kidnapped to his own private island.  Well, it wasn’t for long, I assured myself.  I was going to find a way to escape.






We landed, and Dominic’s crew met us at the gangway.

“Sir!” cried an old black lady.  “We’ve missed you,” she said, fussing over him.  “You look so thin, so tired.  Come back to Koh-i-Noor more often, we’ll fatten you up.”

“Nana, I’ve missed you too,” said Dominic.  “And you, Oscar,” he said, nodding at an old black man, who gave him a bear hug. 

“Long time no see, son,” said Oscar.

“And who’s this?” said Nana.  “A new lady for da house?” she smiled warmly, looking for a ring on my finger.  I flushed, but before I could say anything, Dominic interrupted.

“This is Trina, my new assistant,” said Dominic smoothly.  “She’s going to help with editing, typing, that sort of thing,” he continued.

I gaped at him, but shut my mouth quickly.  “My given name’s Trina but I go by Becca,” I added quickly, shooting Dominic a warning glare.  He rolled his eyes, ignoring me.

“Well, we’ve got dinner ready for you,” said Nana soothingly.  “As soon as we get back to the plantation, the suckling pig will be on the table before you can blink!” she said cheerily, as Oscar loaded our bags into a golf cart.

The drive to the house was beautiful.  The landscape was a gorgeous rainbow, like stepping into Technicolor for the first time.  Palm trees swayed in the heat, their verdant fronds waving majestically, as lush tropical flowers bloomed, red, gold and pink, riotous and fragrant.

I gasped as a macaw flew overhead, its emerald feathers almost brushing the golf cart.

“Them just island birds!” chuckled Oscar.  “We got them by the hundreds, ain’t that right Sir?”

“Yep,” Dominic said, leaning back, his big arm stretched comfortably across the seat back.  The island was already working its magic.  The heat and sunshine were making him relax, his mood visibly lifting as we enjoyed the balmy breeze that swept across our skin.  I was happy too because with Dominic’s guard down, it’d be easier for me to steal away.

We arrived at the plantation, a majestic colonial-style house surrounded by a verandah.  It was well-maintained and once we were inside, Oscar and Nana disappeared to get dinner ready.

“Well?” I asked Dominic.

“Well, what?” he replied.

“So I’m your new assistant?” I asked.

“Yep, hope you’re good with the computer,” he smirked.  “Feel free to show yourself around,” he said.  “There’s nowhere to go,” he warned.  “No way for you to escape, and no phone or internet to contact the mainland.”

“There has to be a phone!” I sputtered.  “What is this, the outback?”

“Not the outback,” said Dominic smoothly.  “But you’re not going to be able to dial 9-1-1, as if that were even an option here.”

I was stumped, but spun on my heel, determined to do some exploring.  There had to be a way to escape, I just had to be imaginative.






Life on the island has been particularly sweet lately.  Becca and I settled into an easy rhythm, her skill with editing something I hadn’t expected.  I’d thought she was a spoiled brat who barely finished high school, but the opposite was true.  She was unusually good at tactfully suggesting changes in plot lines, pacing, and character development.  Hmm, very surprising.

We treated each other as professionals, nothing more, although I found myself eyeing her curvy, seductive figure all the time.  But I restrained myself.  This was the bitch who’d come so close to stealing our family fortune, there was no way I was touching her.  Instead, we were consummate professionals, working from 9 am to 6 pm each day, breaking only for lunch and a short snack in the afternoon.  Dinnertimes were uneventful, as we ate with Nana and Oscar at the kitchen table, making the whole scene familial and homey.

Other than Caleb, Nana and Oscar are my closest family.  I’d worked like a demon since turning eighteen, determined to become a best-selling author.  After our parents died, I’d been even more obsessed with making my mark on the world, writing morning, noon and night.  After my first blockbuster hit the charts, I’d bought this island, and found that it came with Nana and Oscar.  They took care of me in my exhaustion, nurturing the scrappy young writer, making sure I ate and took showers.

And Becca seemed to get along with them well, which surprised the hell out of me.  Most gold-diggers are snobs who treat the help like garbage.  In this case though, I’d stumbled on Becca in the kitchen more than once, helping Nana chop vegetables, wash dishes, etc.  So the girl was not your classic whore, but I brushed it out of my mind.  She’d cheated on Caleb and that was that.

I stretched my legs.  It was 8 am and Becca would be coming downstairs soon.  Although she didn’t know it, I looked forward to breakfast with her every morning.  She was usually silent, but I liked seeing her as soon as she woke up, drinking our coffee together as we ate companionably on the verandah.  She was gorgeous in the early morning, her auburn hair more gold than red, streaked by the blinding sun of the island.

But at 8:15, she still hadn’t made an appearance.  That was odd.  There was no night life on the island, so we generally went to sleep early each night, getting up with the dawn.  Strange that she wasn’t awake yet.

At 8:30, I decided to get her.  I climbed the stairs and knocked on her door. 

“Breakfast’s ready!” I called.  Silence ensued.  A bad feeling came over me, and I tried the doorknob.  Sure enough, the room was empty, the bed made, everything arranged neatly.  There was no trace of Becca and I knew immediately that she was embarking on some foolhardy escape attempt.

I clattered down the stairs to the beach, to the shed where my Sea-Doo personal watercraft was stored.  The Sea-Doo was gone, the bitch must have taken it.  Stupid girl!  There was nowhere to go.  The closest island was 200 miles out, and the Sea-Doo would never make it with its puny tank of gas.  Shit, she’d taken some of the snorkel equipment too, but left the life vest.  With a sudden urgency, I knew that Becca was in serious danger.






The Sea-Doo started to sputter and I cursed the damn machine.

“Come on, come on!” I urged, as if the Sea-Doo could understand.  But of course, we started slowing, and finally stopped, the Sea-Doo drifting aimlessly in the waves.  I tried paddling with my hands while sitting on the water craft, but it was no use.  We were stranded in the middle of the Caribbean.

But I wasn’t giving up yet.  Nana had mentioned that there was another island just north of Koh-i-Noor, from which they bought supplies.  There was a man with a motorized boat who made the deliveries, transporting precious groceries and fuel as necessary.

I was determined to find the island.  I have a pretty good sense of direction, and it’d been easy to sneak off at the break of dawn, dragging the Sea-Doo to shore and setting off northwards.  It’d been easy at first, until the gas ran out.

Shit! Shit shit shit!  I started pulling on flippers and snorkel gear, determined to swim to the Big Island if necessary.  But I knew I was putting myself, and my baby, in some serious danger.

Because you see, I’ve been feeling nauseated the last few weeks.  I’ve been throwing up discreetly, unable to keep any food down.  At first, I assured myself it was just the hot weather, combined with eating foods I wasn’t used to.  But after I missed my period, and then missed it again, I knew the game was up.  After one heavenly night with Dominic, I was pregnant with his child.

The irony struck me.  My kidnapper had managed to impregnate me, and use me as his personal secretary to boot.  I wasn’t going to tell that bastard about the baby, no way.  But it was important to get off the island asap, so that I could get much-needed medical care and do my best by the little one.

Because I wanted this child, wanted him with a longing I’d never felt before, a sudden maternal urge sweeping over me like a life force.  I knew with a certainty that I’d do anything to keep my baby safe, including protecting him from his father if it came to that.



A Baby for the Billionaire 2



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Layla Wilcox





Book 1


Chapter One


Donovan James stood at the French doors of the master bedroom suite looking out at his wife, who was lying topless on a chaise on the pool deck. He tapped on the window, but she didn’t hear him, probably because she was plugged into those damned earphones. Or maybe she couldn’t hear him over the roar of the lawn mower. He considered walking out there to wake her or at least get her to cover up.

He watched the lawn guy circle closer and closer to the deck with each pass around the backyard. He probably should be irate that the young stud was ogling his wife, but he felt an odd satisfaction in the admiration directed at her. He couldn’t really blame the dude. She had great tits. Young woman tits. The real kind that demanded a man’s attention. Round, large, perfectly shaped with luscious pink nipples that were always pert and begging to be sucked.

He turned his attention to his own reflection in the mirror over the dresser. His fingers raked through his hair, and he shrugged, noting more gray at the temples. At forty-two, he still had a thick head of black straight hair, which he wore slicked back. Plenty of women had run their fingers through his hair, and not one had ever complained. A few even mentioned that he looked distinguished.

He examined himself from a few different angles, making faces. First a scowl, then a smile. His blue eyes changed from fiery to bright under the dark, thick brows he kneaded to match his expressions.

He had nothing to complain about in the looks department, nor about anything else in his life. Why was he so restless?

Donovan returned to his desk and the spreadsheets on his laptop screen. One more conference call this morning. He wished he could feel more excited. He lived for his work and his wife, yet neither pushed him to the edge anymore. He didn’t love either any less, but a certain routine had settled in. Routines are dangerous, he knew. Getting stuck in a rut is the first step to stalling out in life and love.

As he scanned the laptop screen and read the new messages, he wondered why his wife had asked him to stay in his silk robe and boxers this morning. She knew he liked to be dressed for business, whether he was conducting it from the office, the back of a limo, or his bedroom desk.

She also requested that he clear an hour in his schedule for her after his morning conference. When he agreed, she made a mysterious comment that he shouldn’t respond to anything unusual and just go with the flow. Very strange.

The phone rang. He knew it was his scheduled conference with his Asian reps. All other thoughts left his mind as he picked up the receiver.


* * *

Kelsey stopped briefly to check herself in the hallway mirror. Her nurse’s cap was positioned at the correct angle and secured carefully with hairpins in her thick brunette waves. Her hair framed her face neatly.

Her eyes traveled down to check her white uniform. Kelsey ran her hands lightly over her hips to smooth away the imperceptible wrinkles. She noticed a slight panty line visible as she checked her rear, so she quickly removed her thong and stuffed it under the pile of hand towels on the bottom shelf of the cart. She pulled the front zipper down a fraction of an inch to reveal more cleavage and turned to examine herself again.

Finally satisfied with her reflection, she pushed the cart toward the double door entry of the master bedroom suite of billionaire Donovan James. She knocked lightly and entered without waiting for a response.

Donovan sat at his writing table in front of a window with his back to her. He didn’t turn around when she entered, but briefly put up his left hand, gesturing for her to come in.

Kelsey pushed the cart toward the table and placed it about six inches away from where Donovan sat. She placed her hands on his shoulders and massaged lightly. From over his shoulder, she could see about a dozen windows open on the computer screen.

“No wonder your muscles are tense,” she said.

The silk of his bathrobe felt smooth and cool on her fingertips. After running her hands lightly along his shoulders and neck, she began kneading the tender muscles to relax his tension.

Donovan groaned a few times when she worked on the knots, but otherwise kept his focus on his screen.

Kelsey slipped her hands under the collar of his robe and rubbed his skin. He flinched once, probably from the coolness of her hands on his warm skin, but still didn’t break his focus on the screen.

“Mr. James,” she whispered, bending over to speak directly into his ear. “It’s time for your morning treatment.”

He nodded. “I’m almost ready.”

Kelsey’s ran her hands down his chest and back to his shoulders, letting the robe slip down his arms.

“Should I begin my preparation while you finish what you’re doing?”

Donovan turned to her. His lips curled upward in a small smile as his eyes traveled up and down her body.

“Yes,” he said.

Kelsey turned to the cart, picked up a tube, and squirted a generous dollop of ointment on the index finger of her right hand. She reached between her legs to spread her lips open with her left hand, and applied the ointment along her slit. The gel softened upon contact with her warmth, and she felt a delightful tingle as she worked it down into her folds.

Kelsey moisturized herself from end to end, making sure her rear opening was well lubricated at the entrance. She wiped her hands with a sanitizing wipe when she was done.

When she turned back to Donovan, he was watching her. His silk robe was untied, and an erection poked through the opening in his matching silk boxer shorts.

Kelsey smiled and kneeled between his knees. “I see you’re ready to begin.”

She took his tip into her mouth, licking off the clear, sweet liquid that had formed, presumably as he observed her preparations. As she worked her lips and tongue around his hard cock, she slipped her hands under the boxer shorts leg and cupped his balls.

Donovan sat with his back straight in the chair, legs apart, hands gripping the armrests of the chair as his cock disappeared into Kelsey’s mouth, her reddened lips swallowing him whole.

The only sounds in the room were sucking slurps as Kelsey worked her magic and an occasional involuntary choking noise when he penetrated deeper down her throat.

He glanced at his watch. “That’s enough.”

Kelsey pulled back slowly, raising her eyes to him as she moved away. She released him, but remained kneeling between his knees.

“Stand up,” he said.

Kelsey stood and Donovan made a circling motion with his finger, indicating that he wanted her to turn around for him.

She stepped back and did a complete rotation.

“I’ve always liked a woman in uniform,” he said. “It fits you well.” His eyes traveled to cart she had rolled in.

“What else do you have for me today?”

Kelsey smiled broadly and brought the cart closer for his inspection.

Donovan touched several of the items on the tray as he decided on his selection. “There’s nothing new under the sun,” he muttered as he picked up and discarded several items.

“Why not let me choose?” Kelsey suggested.

“Yes. That would be good.”

“Wait for me on the bed,” she said.

Donovan walked over to the oversized canopied bed and sat at the bottom edge.

Kelsey turned around to block his view while she took several items off the tray. She reached inside her uniform and placed a clamp on each of her nipples, which were propped up over the top of the cups of her demi bra. A thin silver chain connected the clamps. She took a large black cock dildo in one hand and a purple vibrator with a clit-stimulating extension at the base in the other and marched over to the bed.

Donovan removed the items from her hands and placed them on either side of him on the satin bed coverlet. He pulled her zipper down, and the uniform opened to reveal her clamped nipples, which now were plumped to two or three times their normal size.

“Beautiful,” he whispered. He pulled her closer, tugging gently on the chain.

Kelsey gasped, and her nipples turned bright red.

He took one nipple in his mouth, laving over it gently, and plucked the other absently. He leaned his head back and looked back at forth at her tortured tits. He removed the clamps and tossed them over on the cart.

“They’re distracting me,” he muttered.

Kelsey rubbed the reddened area. “They didn’t feel that great, either.”

She shrugged. “I thought you might like something different, so I decided to give them a try.”

Donovan reached beneath the skirt of her uniform and grasped a butt cheek in each of his hands, pulling her toward him again. He buried his face between her breasts and breathed in.

“You smell divine,” he whispered, and began sucking her breasts, alternating from one nipple to the other while his fingers found their way to the soft, moist area between her legs.

Kelsey moaned and opened her legs wider as she stood before him, head back. She grasped his shoulders when his fingers slid over her clit, circling and pressing the nub. As he squeezed her pleasure spot, she felt the tension building in her core, aching for some attention. Her hips began to sway and she bent her knees slightly, trying to guide his fingers inside her, but he didn’t detour to her opening.

The pressure would have been enough to bring her to orgasm, but she wanted more than a little clit massage. She grabbed the black cock.

“Put this in me while you do that,” she said between gasps.

Donovan stopped what he was doing and pushed her away. He grabbed the black cock from her.

“Bend over on the bed, Nurse,” he ordered.

Kelsey felt her body come alive in anticipation of what was to come. “Yes, Mr. James!”

She stepped to within inches of the end of the bed and leaned over, propping herself up on her lower arms. The nurse’s uniform crept up, exposing her firm, round cheeks.

“Spread your legs wide.”

The moment Kelsey complied, she heard the whir of the dildo and felt the vibrating cock entering her vaginal opening. The dildo was thick and long, and quickly filled her.

Donovan’s fingers returned to her clit. Kelsey bucked and shrieked. “Yes, give it to me hard.”

No sooner than she said that, she felt the pressure of Donovan’s cock at her rear opening. She held still until he had penetrated deeply. The heat of his cock, combined with the buzzing of the dildo, sent her into a state of frenzied humping. Her breasts banged against the mattress as Donovan repeatedly slammed into her from behind. She felt her inner muscles contracting tightly around him and the vibrating cock.

“Yes, yes, that’s it, that’s it! Yes!” As she peaked, she froze, clamping down as hard as she could. Once complete, she collapsed flat on the bed, breathing heavily.

He pulled himself out of her rear and then pulled the black cock from her as well. He tossed the dildo back on the cart and reached for the sanitizing wipes to clean himself.

Donovan walked around the side of the bed and slid in, propping himself up against the pillows, knees bent. The length of his dick popped through the front opening of his boxers. When Kelsey looked up, all she could see was his erection.

Smiling, she crawled on her hands and knees to the top of the bed and climbed into his lap. She lowered herself on his erection and wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Nurse Kelsey, are you always wet?” Donovan asked as he humped her.

“Yes, Mr. James, are you always hard?” she managed to say between gasps.

“I am for you.”

Pressed chest to chest, with legs wrapped around one another, they rocked the bed. Donovan grabbed Kelsey’s cheeks, and she locked her arms around his neck and clamped her inner muscles tightly around his hardness until she felt his seed release deep within her.

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