Read Velvet Steel Online

Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #contemporary, #erotic romance, #Menage

Velvet Steel (10 page)

BOOK: Velvet Steel
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She did as she was told. Shane wrapped his arms around her waist, cocooning her in an embrace of warmth and excitement. He ran his fingers over her lower back, creating tingles along her spine as he invaded her mouth. Her senses became overloaded, and she felt her temperature rise.

Noah came up behind her, his minty scent mingling with Shane’s spicy one and making an intoxicating cocktail. He placed his hands on her ass and gently squeezed. Kitty shivered as he eased her toward Shane until her breasts pressed harder against his chest. Noah ran his lips over her back, kissing a long, sensual line on her skin between Shane’s able hands. Noah slid his hands along the curve of her ass, teasing and stroking her body until she burned with desire. He slipped his fingers to where the curve of her legs began and then coaxed her thighs apart.

“There it is,” Noah murmured as he slid his finger into her folds. She leaned her head back as a bolt of pleasure shot up her middle. Noah continued to slide his finger back and forth around her opening, teasing her until her whole body shook with need.

Shane bent low, kissing first her jaw, then her neck. She curled her fingers into his biceps and held on, as if he could ground her against the surge of emotion the men were creating. Soon Kitty felt the familiar pressure begin to build in her lower abdomen.

“More,” she whispered. The men felt so wet, so hot that Kitty had all she could do to remain upright.

“She’s ready, Shane.”

Shane straightened and rested his forehead against hers. “Then hold on tight.”


Noah moved his hands back to her ass and squeezed. “Up you go.” With a swift, bold stroke, he lifted her into the air. Kitty instinctively wrapped her legs around Shane’s midsection.

Shane turned and then rested his lower back against the fallen tree trunk. “There we go.” He kissed her again, taking command of both her mouth and her mind. Kitty ran her hands over his muscular shoulders, reveling in the dips and crevices along his skin. Her pussy ached with longing, and goose bumps formed over her skin.

After a long moment, Shane pulled away from her lips. “I want to be inside you, Kitty.”

She nodded.

“Here.” Shane ran the edge of a condom along her arm. She took it, opened the package, and then reached down between them. Shane shuddered as she wrapped her fingers around his thick shaft and put on the condom. Noah reached between her legs and once again ran his fingers over her folds.

“You’re so hot, little one.” Noah’s warm breath caressed her skin as he spoke.

She leaned back against his chest, letting him cradle her body as she made room for Shane. Noah slipped two fingers between her folds. Joy slid up her center and vibrated through her body.

He moved his fingers apart, spreading her wide. “Go ahead, love.”

Slowly she guided Shane’s cock to her opening. Noah shifted his fingers, then caressed Shane’s smooth cockhead as he helped her guide it into her channel. Pleasure rippled through her as her muscles stretched, making room for Shane’s girth. Noah gently pressed against her backside with his hips, pressing her down the length of Shane’s shaft, driving him home. Shane was a big man, and his cock stretched her more than most of the men she’d had in the past.

“Perfect.” Noah shuddered behind her.

Kitty reached back and threaded her fingers into his hair. Noah kissed her shoulder. “Your skin is so soft. I can’t get enough of it.”

“You think she feels good on the outside”—Shane leaned farther back on the tree trunk and moaned—“you should try the inside.”

Noah bent low, close to her ear. “Have you ever been with two men before, love?”

Kitty shook her head. She considered herself rather promiscuous but had only ever been with one man at a time.

Noah squeezed her ass, then pressed his hips against her backside. She felt his thick erection slip into the crack between her cheeks. “Have you ever been taken from behind?”

His implication was clear. The men wanted to enjoy her at the same time. To her surprise, Kitty found she wanted that too. She wanted to feel connected to both of them, to have them fill her with all their intensity and hunger.

“No,” she whispered. “But I want to be.”

Noah slipped his hands up to her shoulders, then gently massaged them. “Then you shall have it, kitten. We will go easy on you this time so you can adjust. Isn’t that right, Shane?”

Shane lifted his head from the tree trunk. “Of course.” He reached out and cupped Kitty’s head. “You have nothing to worry about, lass. We’ll take good care of you.”

Chapter Five

Shane captured Kitty’s lips once more. Eagerness spread through her body as his tongue danced with hers. His taste reminded her of cinnamon and spice and something completely male. The outside world began to fade as she focused on the scents and heat surrounding her. She felt safe and cared for, something she hadn’t felt in a long time. Meanwhile, Noah slid his fingers along her curves, sending tingles over her skin. The men cocooned her in warmth and strength, and Kitty’s whole body came alive. She felt every touch, every kiss, every lick. When Noah placed his lips against her shoulder, she groaned as white-hot heat speared her skin. Still his hands slid lower.

Kitty broke the kiss with Shane and gasped as Noah’s finger slipped between the cheeks of her ass.

“Relax, love,” he whispered.

She forced the tension from her muscles as Noah moved his finger over her opening, then down to where she and Shane were joined. He ran his finger along her rim, tracing a ring over her skin at the base of Shane’s shaft. Kitty shuddered as excitement rushed up her center. She saw that Shane too shivered at Noah’s touch. Then Noah slid his finger back, creating a slick trail along her skin. Fire exploded through her body, and she clenched her core muscles, causing Shane to moan. Noah slipped his finger between her cheeks, then ran it along the sensitive opening in her backside, leaving moisture around the rim. He repeated the motions, first dipping to where she and Shane were joined, then sliding back to bring more moisture to her opening.

Each time Noah touched her backside, Kitty groaned at the heated pleasure he created. She felt Shane ease back as Noah slipped his hand down and slid his fingers over her clit. Her own pleasure was mirrored in Shane’s chiseled features as he pushed his cock inside. She nibbled on his lower lip as desire burned through her body. He responded to her kisses, using his tongue and teeth. Shane pulled out slowly until he was half-in, half-out. Noah stroked both of them in turn until the tension around them became thick and heavy.

They were preparing her, she knew, and yet the intimate acts they were performing wiped away her apprehension until there was only an animalistic hunger burning deep inside. It was building much too quickly, and Kitty knew she had to act soon or go insane. Kitty invaded Shane’s mouth, running her tongue along the top of his. He responded in kind. He tasted so sweet. Kitty lost herself in the sensations the men were creating.

The next time Noah reached down between them, he slipped his fingers over the front of Shane’s shaft, then trailed them up her body. Noah found her clit and stroked it, the easy glide of his moisture-covered filled fingers making her pussy clench. He then slid back down and once again circled her opening. He repeated the motion, almost rocking back and forth until Kitty felt as if her whole body would explode.

“Are you ready?” Noah whispered.

She nodded.

“Good.” He kissed her first on the shoulder, then the neck. “I’ll try to be as gentle as possible.” He slid his finger back between the cheeks of her ass and found the small, tight hole in her backside. Slowly he ran his finger around the rim once more, creating a kaleidoscope of sensations in her body. When he was finished, he slid the tip of his finger inside. Kitty gasped and jerked forward, impaling herself farther on Shane’s cock as surprise shot through her body.

Shane immediately reacted, threading his fingers in her hair and pulling her toward him. “Focus on me, lass.” He kissed her nose, then each of her cheeks. “Everything will be fine.”

Noah moved his finger out of her hole, then pressed forward, this time going a little deeper than before. Kitty relaxed in Shane’s arms as he continued to kiss her face and murmur his affection. Tingles of excitement raced through her body as her muscles stretched around Noah’s finger. Pressure built, and she tightened her muscles around Shane’s shaft, causing him to moan.

“You better go easy on us, lass, unless you want us to finish before we even begin,” Shane said.

Kitty relaxed her muscles, and Noah and Shane started exploring her body once more. As their fingers danced over her skin, the world faded away, and she continued to focus on their touch. Their fingers were soothing and gentle, and Kitty felt like a cherished possession. The initial pain receded, and a deep longing took its place. A sense of rightness enveloped her, as if this was where she belonged, where she needed to be. Back and forth Noah worked, building tension and pressure. She wiggled her hips, urging him to go deeper, but he held back, stopping at the first knuckle. Noah rotated his finger inside her opening but didn’t press farther.

“Only a little more to go, love.” Noah reached around her body with his free hand and cupped her breast. Kitty gasped as he gave her a gentle squeeze, then ran his finger over the tip. Urgency built deep inside her core, and her hunger intensified.

“How does that feel?” he asked.

Kitty pulled away from Shane’s mouth and turned her head toward Noah. “Don’t stop.”

He chuckled. “I wouldn’t think of it.” He slipped his finger back, then plunged it deeper, this time thrusting up to his second knuckle. At the same time he teased her nipple, and Shane toyed with her lips once more.

Kitty couldn’t speak, couldn’t think. Every inch of her skin came alive with sensation. She’d had sex before—many times—but none of her partners had paid her as much attention as these men. It made her feel special, cherished.

“Here we go, love. Hold on to Shane.”

Noah slipped his finger back, then plunged it to the hilt. Kitty gasped. She expected pain—a lot of pain—but it didn’t come. Shane deepened the kiss. Sure, she felt a little sore, but her mind was focused more on Noah’s hand at her breast and Shane’s tongue running along her teeth.

Together the men worked, slowly easing back and forth, until Noah’s second finger was inserted into her backside. Her skin seemed more sensitized now, and it craved more of Noah’s touch. She wiggled, imagining them both filling her to completion. How would they look with their bodies intertwined? How would it feel? She sensed that what was about to come would be more pleasurable than anything she had ever experienced in her life.

Shane pulled away from her mouth. “Are you done back there? Because I don’t think I can hold still for much longer.” Something passed over Shane’s face as he looked at Noah. Before she could name the emotion, Noah slipped his fingers out and positioned his cock at her opening.

“This is going to hurt, love. I’ll be as careful as I can.”

She nodded in understanding. The pain didn’t matter much anymore. All that mattered was having both men buried deep inside her body. Shane kissed her hard as Noah slid the tip of his cock into her backside. Pain quickly dissolved into pleasure, making it difficult to think beyond the moment.

“Ah, that’s fucking amazing,” Noah said.

Shane broke the kiss and glanced over Kitty’s shoulder. “Told you.” He turned back to Kitty. “You okay?”

She smiled. “Will you two just get on with it already?”

Noah eased back, then moved forward again. Kitty felt a stab of pain, but then her muscles relaxed and an intense pleasure surged through her system. She groaned and curled her fingers in Shane’s thick hair.

“Do you want to stop?” Noah asked.

“No.” She almost shouted the word. Kitty felt as if she’d burst from the tension humming through her body. “Go all the way.”

“Are you sure?”

She was touched at how concerned the men were for her welfare. Not every man was considerate enough to think of her feelings and comfort during sex. That these men cared enough to go slow, to ensure her enjoyment, meant something to her and confirmed that what they were doing was right.

She curled her fingers tighter in Shane’s hair and met his gaze. Lust, pure and raw, sprang through her body, intensifying her need. “Absolutely.”

Shane’s features hardened, and he placed a soft kiss on her neck. “You better do as the lass says, Noah, or I’m continuing without you.”

“All right then.” Noah slipped his hand down from her breast and grasped her hip. After a quick shift in his stance, he slid the final few inches home. Kitty gasped as both men filled her completely. Pain sparked, immobilizing her limbs and blanking her mind. Then it washed away on a wave of joy. Her body stretched, each muscle singing with pleasure.

Noah bent forward and rested his head on her shoulder. She reached back and threaded her fingers through his dark, wet hair. He shuddered against her skin and muttered a curse. “You’re right, Shane. She’s amazing.”

Shane leaned back and cupped her cheek. “Are you okay?”

“Stop asking me silly questions and get on with it.” She nibbled on his jaw and clenched her pelvic muscles, causing both men to groan.

Noah lifted his head. “Yes, ma’am.” He grabbed her hips, then pulled back, taking her with him. Shane’s cock retreated through her wet channel until nothing but the tip was left. Then the men guided her forward. She slipped down on Shane’s shaft as Noah slid from her backside. Heat wound through her, lifting her onto a bed of ecstasy.

Shane slid his hands to her hips. He covered Noah’s hands, and they both supported her body as they gently rocked her between them. Back and forth they moved, each stroke building tension. The next time she slid down Shane’s shaft, Noah plunged forward with her, and both men filled her to the hilt. Both men groaned as they retreated, then did it again. Soon they found a rhythm, and she continued to rise on a crest of pleasure.

Kitty kept her hands on each man as they worked, as if they could ground her against the building tidal wave of erotic pleasure. Her muscles tightened, and she moaned as the men filled her once again to the hilt. Their pace became faster, her body tighter. The pressure became more and more intense. She was desperate for release, and yet the tension never eased and her body kept climbing higher and higher. She needed something more, something that only the men could provide.

BOOK: Velvet Steel
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