Velvet and Lace (12 page)

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Authors: Shannon Reckler

BOOK: Velvet and Lace
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Soon she was bucking against him, trying to make him move faster. He held his hips back and watched as Daphne rocked her hips back and forth. Watching her pussy slide on and off of his cock was enough to bring him to the brink. Holding off, he began to work the plug in and out of her ass faster and he took control of the thrusts.

Daphne collapsed, so that her shoulders were on the bed and he felt himself slide even farther into clenching cunt. He slammed his hips into her repeatedly and felt her begin to come around him. He loved hearing her scream out his name in ecstasy and it was all he needed. Gripping her hips, he plunged inside once more, shouting out her name. He had to force himself not to collapse on top of her.

Trent pulled out the plug but stayed inside of her as his breathing slowed. He was only vaguely aware that he was rubbing circles on her butt and lower back. Daphne had turned her head and was watching him as they both came down from their climaxes.

“You are amazing,” Trent whispered to her and watched the smile spread across her face. He pulled out and went to the bathroom to wash up. His head snapped up, when Daphne followed him into the bathroom. She gave him a soft kiss on his shoulder and then moved to turn the shower on.

“Join me?” Her soft words were an instant enticement.

She climbed in first, once the water was warm, and he stood staring for a moment as she became soaked with the water.

“You are beautiful, you know that? Inside and out.” He watched her cheeks turn pink, and he climbed in to kiss her soundly on the mouth.

They moved together easily in the small shower, taking turns under the spray of hot water. When she moved to wash her hair, he took the bottle of shampoo and poured some in his hands. Daphne raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment as she turned around.

Her body slumped as he worked his fingers into her hair and began to massage her scalp. By the time he moved his hands down the then ends of her hair she was practically purring. He guided her under the spray and rinsed all of the suds out, watching as the soap moved over her curves.

His cock grew hard against her hip, but he didn’t move to touch her sexually. After the shampoo was gone, he moved on to the conditioner. Once again she melted against him as he worked his fingers against her scalp. He let the conditioner rest for a moment, and grabbed the loofa she brought over and the body wash.

“I can bathe myself you know.” Daphne reached for the soap but he held it away.

“I know you can, but so can I. And I happen to be enjoying bathing you. So deal with it, baby.” He winked and she rolled her eyes but didn’t stop him once he began to work the body wash over her. He didn’t linger too long on her breasts or pussy but paid close attention to get all of the lube off of her ass.

When he deemed her clean and relaxed, he led her back under the spray and rinsed her hair and body. As the last of the suds were rinsed away, he reached for his body wash and wash cloth.

She raised an eyebrow and it was Trent’s turn to roll his eyes. “Hey now, turnabout is fair play isn’t it?” He handed the items over when she stuck out her hand. She washed his hair and he easily leaned back into the spray to rinse away the soap.

She carefully washed his body, slowly caressing his stiff cock and even gently washing his balls. It felt heavenly and comforting. It was sensual but not overly sexual and Trent couldn’t resist pulling her into his arms. He just held her as the water beat down on his back.





Chapter 7


Daphne woke to the sound of Trent’s voice. She glanced at the clock and noticed it was still early, only about 6 a.m. which meant they had only been asleep for about two hours. After their shower, they changed the sheets, and collapsed naked, holding each other.

“We will be right there.” The tone of Trent’s voice worried her. His expression looked grim, but she could only see about half of his face in the dim light. His pressed the end button on his phone and turned toward he. He hesitated, and she sat up.

“I have some bad news. We need to get dressed.” He stood up and reached for a pair of boxers in his dresser.

“Is it Grams? Is everything okay?” She bolted out of bed and rushed to his side.

“I’m sorry. I should have known you would think that, Grams is fine. Unfortunately, the shop is not.” He grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt and Daphne’s heart sped up. He looked way too calm, or rather tried to make it seem like he was calm.

“Trent, damn it. Just tell me.” She found her bag and pulled out her own clothes.

“There’s been a fire at the shop. It looks like it was intentional.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and then walked over to her. She felt her panic rise.

“What do you mean? How bad is it? Who would do such a thing?” With each question that slipped from her lips, she knew the tone of her voice had gained an octave. She felt herself get lightheaded and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“I don’t know, baby.” Daphne didn’t see him until he was kneeling in front of her. “But the good news is that there wasn’t too much damage done to the shop. The alarm system I installed alerted the fire department and they were able to stop the fire before it destroyed too much. It looked like it only got some of the front of the shop.”

Daphne opened her mouth, but no words came out. She didn’t notice that her hands were shaking until Trent’s closed his over hers.

“Baby? You there? We need to go by the shop. Do you think you can do that?” He moved one of his hands to her cheek.

Daphne nodded slowly, all of the information sinking in. Then she felt her anger rise. She placed a kiss in the center of Trent’s palm and then motioned that she wanted to stand. They both dressed in silence.

The ride to the shop was quiet but Trent held her hand as they made the short journey. Daphne’s stomach tightened as they got closer to the shop. She could see a puff of smoke rising in the air from the fire. The sun had risen and the sky was orange. As they got closer, Daphne could see cop cars, fire trucks, and a few cars she didn’t recognize. Unfortunately, there was also a small crowd gathered.

Trent’s concern touched her and she squeezed his hand. “You up for this?” He pulled his truck into the parking lot, and parked as close to the chaos as he could. Daphne bolted out of the truck to see the damage. She almost sagged in relief when she saw that it wasn’t as bad as she was imagining.

The front window was shattered and she could see that one of the walls and part of the floor was burnt. But it hadn’t spread too far into the shop.

“Ms. Brooks?” Daphne turned around to find a handsome cop standing behind her. Ambrosia was a small town, but there was still a small police station and a few sheriffs.

“Yes. What happened here?” Daphne felt her anger rise. She felt violated.

“My name is Justin Gordon, Ma’am. I’m the Sheriff of Ambrosia. My deputies and I believe that this fire was set by someone and not an accident. The fire department agrees with us. I am so sorry for all of this, but do you know of anyone who would want to hurt you in any way?” His eyes were kind as he looked at her with concern.

“No. No one. I can’t think of anyone who would want to hurt me.” She wrapped her arms around her waist as she tried to think of anyone. She looked for Trent and found him speaking with the firefighters, while talking on his cell phone. He glanced over at her, and just his glance made her feel better.

“We are going to look into a few things and see what we can do. Unfortunately, I’m not sure how much that is since we don't have any witnesses or video. The security system that was in place was wired so that it alerted the police with the window was broken and the fire department when the smoke detectors went off. However, the cameras aren’t installed yet, so we couldn’t see anyone.”

“What do you mean about the window?” Daphne was trying to stay calm.

Officer Gordon waved his hand in the direction of the shop. “It seems that someone threw a brick at the window, and then poured a little gasoline on the floor, lit a match, and, well, you can see what happened.” Daphne felt like she was punched in the stomach. She grabbed at her middle and the officer placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Ms. Brooks? Are you okay? Would you like to sit down?” She was touched by the concern in his voice, and she nodded. He led her over to a truck with
painted on the side, and he helped her onto the tailgate. He then brought her a bottle of water.

Daphne took small sips from the bottle as she tried to wrack her brain. She had never considered that she had enemies before, people who didn’t like her, sure, but none who would do something like this. She was lost in her thoughts, when Trent placed a hand on her knee. She looked up at him, trying to clear the cobwebs from her mind.

“Hey, how you holding up?” His voice was soft and careful.

“I don’t know. Damn it. How could someone do this to me?” Daphne felt the tears begin to well up, and she cursed again, she hated crying. But when Trent placed a hand on her cheek, the tears welled up and began to spill over. She placed her face in her hands and felt the tailgate dip, as Trent sat next to her and gathered her into his arms.

She momentarily thought about everyone seeing and didn’t know if he wanted that, but decided it she didn’t matter as the heat of his body seeped into hers.

“Shhh, baby. It’s going to be okay.” He rubbed her back with one hand, and her shoulder and arm with the other. “I’ve already called my crew away from a different job and we are going to get started today on fixing it. They can handle it themselves if you want me to stay with you, or I can help here. I am at your service today in any way I can help.” He placed a kiss on her temple and she forced herself to stop crying.

“I need to go see Grams. She is going to be worried once the news spreads through town.” She groaned as she thought of the gossip this was going to start. “You think you and your crew can fix everything? I’m not really sure how much damage was done. I have insurance on the property and I will have to have an agent come out tomorrow to take note of all of the damage that was done so that the paperwork can be started.”

“I talked to the fire chief and he said that there wasn’t any structural damage. There is obviously fire damage to one of the walls and to some of the floor, which means we will probably just replace the sheet rock and redo the floor that is messed up. There is some smoke damage, so we will probably redo the air ducts and clean everything up. It might also be good to redo the paint on all of the walls. It shouldn’t take more than a few days.”

Daphne nodded as she tried to follow everything Trent was saying, but she was more focused on the crowd that was now gathering. She groaned. She didn’t want to deal with this today. Sliding off the tailgate, Daphne looked at Trent.

“Could you drop me off at Grams?”

“Of course. We can check with Officer Gordon to make sure that you can leave, and then I will go ahead and get my crew on installing some fans to dry everything off and begin clean up. At the moment, the biggest problem is just all of the water damage. But don’t worry. We will take care of everything.” He kissed her forehead and turned to go find the sheriff.

About twenty minutes later, Daphne was sitting in Trent’s truck, headed home. She had agreed to stop by the station later today to speak more with Office Gordon, or Justin, as he asked her to call him. He wanted to try and compile a list of anyone who might want to hurt her. She still couldn’t think of anyone but she agreed to meet with him anyway.

“Baby, we’re here.” Trent placed a hand on her knee and she was surprised to be sitting outside Grams’ house. She had been absorbed in her thoughts and not paying attention to where they were.

Trent climbed out of the truck and came around to help her out. He placed a kiss on her cheek and then one on her forehead as well. “You sure you are going to be okay? I can stay with you. I know my crew can handle the clean-up. If you want me to stay here with you and Grams, I don’t mind at all.”

Daphne shook her head. “No it’s okay. I’m okay, I promise. I know that I will feel better if you are at the shop, helping. And I seriously doubt anyone is actually going to attack me. Justin said he didn’t think there would any sort of threat against me either. It is possible that this was just some stupid prank.” She looked up and saw the doubt in Trent’s eyes and she didn’t really believe that either. But it was still hard to believe someone wanted to hurt her.

“Call me. At any point you need me. I will stop by later and check on you no matter what.” He placed a soft kiss on her lips, and she kissed him back.

Daphne placed a hand on his cheek and then turned away. She needed to make sure Grams was okay. She stopped at the door and watched him pull away.

Daphne jumped at the sound of Grams’ voice behind her. “He’s a good man for you, Magnolia.” She was standing behind her in her bathrobe with two cups of coffee in her hand.

“He is a good man. What are you doing up?”

“It’s early, but I was already awake before the phone rang. Patty called me. She heard the sirens when she was starting the prep for the day, and once she knew it was your new shop, she called me. I’ve been worrying, but I figured you would be by soon. And now you’re here.” She held out the second cup of coffee. “I figured you might need this as well.”

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