Read Vauxhall Vixen Online

Authors: Cindy Lee

Vauxhall Vixen (6 page)

BOOK: Vauxhall Vixen
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His fingers moved over the sensitive skin in a gentle caress back and forth until she felt herself stiffen with desire and her cunt begin to throb with yearning for sexual release.

Suddenly the viscount’s coachman called an order and the coach rolled to a stop. Lord Maxton pulled away from Vivian, murmuring an oath. “Unfortunately, my dear, it appears that we have reached our destination. Had I known you would be so hot for me so soon after our sojourn in the garden, I would have ordered my coachman to drive aimlessly around the neighborhood for some time before reaching your lodgings.”

Vivian did not answer. Her head was still spinning from the pleasurable effects of her companion’s caressing fingers upon her nub. As she slowly moved her hands across her lap in a feeble attempt to straighten her gown, Vivian became embarrassingly aware of a pool of moisture that had collected between her legs. Lord Maxton assisted her in lowering her gown to adequately cover her limbs. She marveled anew at her body’s heady and instantaneous reaction to the viscount’s touch.

Lord Maxton retrieved his gloves from the floor and exited the coach, then turned to assist her as she made her way, somewhat unsteadily, down the vehicle’s steps. “Allow me to have a word with my driver, my dear,” the viscount advised her.

He joined Vivian moments later. “I instructed my coachman to take the horses back to my stables. I will walk home this evening and possibly stop by my club on the way.”

Vivian nodded but made no comment. She feared that her tone of voice would be anything but even if she were to attempt to speak at that moment. She turned to walk to a private entrance on the side of Madam Page’s establishment to be used by the ladies when returning home from evening appointments. Lord Maxton strolled by her side. Upon reaching the threshold, Vivian produced a key from her pocket and unlocked the door.

The door opened onto a small vestibule. The room was gloomy, dark and unwelcoming. Vivian briefly registered this fact as she acknowledged to herself that she was loath to part with her companion. She turned toward the viscount.

“The light is equally close and shadowy in this room, my lord. Would you care to continue the activities that you started inside your coach?” She gave him no opportunity to answer. Experiencing a type of desperate yearning in the pit of her stomach that she would ponder later in the privacy of her room, Vivian extended her gloved hand to grasp his arm and pull Lord Maxton inside. With a deft motion, she then reached out with one foot and kicked the door shut.

Vivian turned to her companion once again with the intention of explaining her rash actions. However, it seemed he needed no explanation. By the dim moonlight filtering through the curtains from a tiny window by the door, she watched as the viscount divested himself of his coat and gloves and tossed them onto an adjacent settee. Suddenly intent on not being left behind, Vivian also removed her gloves and then hastily reached up to the crown of her head to remove the pins that attached the veil to her hair. As the last pin was dislodged, she swiftly lifted the confining drape off her head and flung it and the other items onto a nearby table.

“Come over here, my dear,” Lord Maxton murmured as he stepped forward, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his lean body.

Vivian enthusiastically lifted her face to receive his kisses as she savored the feeling of his strong forearms wrapped around her body. What a wondrous sensation, she thought, to be held in such a manner. It was as if she were as fragile as a doll made of china but yet as something so significant to warrant the strength of this embrace.

“I want to pleasure you with my mouth, Vivian,” he whispered against her lips after several seconds of heightened bliss.

Vivian reluctantly pulled away and then struggled to make sense of the viscount’s words as the heady effects from his kisses slowly receded. “I am experiencing nothing but satisfaction, my lord. This is a wondrous diversion for me, I assure you.”

“I want to give you something better than a simple diversion, my dear. I want to provide you with something more exciting than the fireworks on display at Vauxhall this evening. In fact, I intend to spark your body with a fire that far surpasses any stimulation created by a firework exhibit!”

Vivian kept her hands wrapped around the viscount’s neck as he spoke. Her feelings of trust and care which she had sensed from her companion earlier in the evening surfaced once more. “I am in your very capable hands, my lord,” she answered as she quickly made her decision to follow his lead. “I am quite eager to experience even a small part of what you seem to be proposing!”

“I assure you, Vivian, I intend to provide you with nothing less than a grand portion of passion and desire. Stand over here against the wall, my dear.”

Vivian walked to the far side of the room and stood with her back against the wall. Lord Maxton stationed himself directly in front of her. She wasted no time as she quickly raised both hands to clasp them across the back of his neck. She eagerly lifted her face up to his to receive more of his delicious kisses. “Not quite so fast, my dear,” the viscount calmly reprimanded her and took a step backward. He bent over causing Vivian to release her hold upon his neck. Then he gathered the hem of her gown into his hands. She moved her palms slowly across his back in a gentle stroking motion for a few moments and then dropped them to hang limply at her sides.

Her hands were not permitted to stay idle long. Lord Maxton held out the bunched material from the front of her gown. Vivian became aware of the cool night air as it flowed across her exposed limbs. The viscount stared appreciatively down at her shapely legs. “I must request you to hold this for me once again, my dear.”

Vivian grasped the material from her gown as if it was a lifeline of sorts. Her entire body was shaking but it was definitely not from the cool air in the room. She was on fire. She could feel beads of moisture pooling upon her forehead. At that moment, Lord Maxton brushed the tips of his fingers upward, across her stockings, to come to rest on the bare skin at the apex of her thighs and once again she felt liquid forming inside her canal. She sighed and leaned her head back against the wall. This slight adjustment in her stance caused her naked mound to thrust forward directly in front of Lord Maxton’s lowered head.

“Ah, yes, lovely Vivian. Enjoy what I am giving to you, my dear.” Then she felt the warm, moist sensation of Lord Maxton’s tongue as he began to lick the delicate nub at the center of her slit.

She whimpered at the intensely pleasurable touches as the viscount laved and flicked his tongue over the tender skin of her bud. He licked and sucked her until she was hot and swollen with a heady need for release. Vivian felt as if she were drowning but there was no sense of panic, only an intense yearning,
need for some type of deliverance.

At that moment, Lord Maxton pressed and sucked the swollen skin with even more vigor and the fireworks he had promised her earlier erupted in one unbelievably intense explosion of sensation, from the crown of her head to the tips of her toes.

Vivian’s chest rose and fell quickly as she struggled to calm her racing heartbeat and to will her scattered wits back to some semblance of normality. The energy that had coursed throughout her body just moments before seemed to have disappeared to be replaced by a feeling of deep lethargy.

She became aware of the viscount’s palms gently squeezing her rear end and she moved her head to stare down at him. “Surely we are not finished?” Vivian questioned breathlessly as Lord Maxton suddenly dropped his hands, stood up and began to move away from her.

He halted his steps and turned to gaze at her in the dim light of the room.

Not trusting that her still unsteady limbs would carry her to his side, Vivian secured her gown in one hand and held the other out toward Lord Maxton in a gesture of invitation. “I want you inside me…now.”

He quickly reversed his steps and stood toe-to-toe in front of her, his mouth inches away from her lips.
“Of course, my Vixen.”

Lord Maxton freed his swollen cock to her avid and hungry gaze. Vivian was ready with another sheath and she deftly placed it over his enlarged penis before guiding him into her hot and wet canal.

“Oh, you feel so good,” David whispered against her mouth as he clasped his arms around her waist. He braced his feet and inched his cock deeper inside her hot pussy.

Vivian moved her free hand up Lord Maxton’s chest, relishing the feeling of his tight muscles. She placed her full lips against his and tasted the salty residue from her cunt on his mouth. The aroma triggered a primal urge in Vivian. A groan escaped her as she ground her hips against his in a sudden, urgent need for release. “Yes, yes, it feels so wonderful,” she cried out as her wet canal tightened around him.

She felt his cock swell and harden even more inside her in response. His hands gripped the back of her gown. He grunted and pushed one last time before pouring his hot semen into the sheath.

They stood connected, using the wall for support, allowing their breathing to return to normal. Suddenly, they each became aware of the clatter of footsteps on the floor above.

“Madam Page, no doubt coming to investigate some suspicious noises,” Vivian slowly pulled away and whispered regretfully into her companion’s ear. “I must ask you to leave, my lord. It would never do to have my proprietress discover the Vixen with a customer in her vestibule.”

Lord Maxton placed a kiss upon one of her hands and then took a step back. “If that is what you wish, my dear, I will go away. However, I must inquire if you are available tomorrow night.”

They both heard a door opening and closing somewhere close by. “I have no commitments for the evening, my lord.”

David placed the used sheath into his handkerchief with the previous one and then reached for his previously discarded articles of clothing. “I must say that your news fills me with delight, Vivian. I am eagerly anticipating another evening enjoying the Vixen’s services.”

Vivian glanced nervously toward the back stairway before answering. “I promise to make the night just as memorable as tonight was, my lord.”

David shrugged on his coat and then looked intently at Vivian in the shadowy light of the room. “I look forward to the experience, Vivian.”

“Please visit Madam Page in the morning and formally request my services, Lord Maxton.”

“Of course I will, my dear. Is it possible for us to meet tomorrow evening near the fountain on the South Walk?”

Vivian silently pondered his request. “I believe that would be best, my lord,” she replied. “I know of a secluded glade quite close to the fountain. Few people know of its existence so the chance that the location will not be occupied is good.”

“That sounds like the perfect setting for our encounter, my dear.” He leaned forward to place a lingering kiss upon her lips. Lord Maxton’s mouth still had a slightly salty residue upon it. Vivian savored the taste as she returned his caress. He turned and walked to the door. With his hand upon the doorknob, the viscount moved to face her once more. “Please call me by first name, David, when we are alone from now on, Vivian. We have certainly come beyond the use of formal titles.”

“Yes, of course, David,” Vivian whispered to his shadowy outline.

She saw the brief glimmer of white from David’s teeth as he smiled when he heard her speak his name. “My name sounds wonderful upon your lips, Vivian.”

The door opened and then closed upon Lord Maxton. He left her, the Vauxhall Vixen, alone with an array of exciting and pleasurable thoughts as well as the beginnings of a deeper emotion to keep her company for the rest of the long night.

Chapter Four


David was ready for his meeting with Vivian quite early the next night. His valet had turned him out in style in record time. The evening air was warm and the sky was free of clouds but even so, he carried a cloak with him. His speculation was the item could prove useful at the location that Vivian had chosen for their rendezvous.

After exiting the boat at the dock, he searched for the flower seller whom he had noticed on the previous evening. The woman was sitting on a small wooden stool quite near the entrance of the gardens.

“Fresh posies for the ladies!
Fresh posies for the ladies!” the woman called out in a loud, hearty voice. She halted her outcries as she spied Lord Maxton making his way toward her. “Rosie Reeve has the best you can buy, my lord.”

“I wish to purchase a small bouquet of violets. Is that possible, Mrs. Reeve?” David inquired of the diminutive, elderly woman.

Rosie’s eager expression suddenly changed to one of dismay as she heard David’s request. “
no one got them flowers at this time of year, my lord. Them plants bloom in the springtime.”

David felt a moment of regret as he realized the truth of the flower seller’s words. He had been eagerly anticipating Vivian’s reaction when he presented her with the flowers that played a special part in her role as the Vixen as well as a key detail in his previous dreams. “I apologize for my ignorance, Mrs. Reeve. Tell me, is there another special flower that I might obtain from you?”

Rosie’s serious countenance quickly changed to a look of satisfaction. “Call me Rosie, my lord. I got these here violet-colored asters, my lord. It
hard to see clearly in this light but a more beautiful flower is not to be had, in my humble opinion. Can you see the deep purple petals with the bright yellow center?”

David studied the daisy-like flowers on her palm. The color was assuredly what he had had in mind. “They are certainly very singular flowers, Rosie. Could you make up a small bouquet for me?”

“Surely, my lord, it will only take me a moment,” she assured him as she reached for a piece of purple ribbon and then deftly tied it around several short stems on the asters. After a final adjustment with one of her gnarled hands, she handed the bouquet to David with a flourish.

He studied her handiwork and admired the display before dropping several coins into the woman’s outstretched hand. “I appreciate your assistance, Rosie. I am certain the lady will be pleased with the flowers.”

BOOK: Vauxhall Vixen
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