Vanished Pride (The Seven Sin Sisters 4) (4 page)

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continued his exploration as Paige settled into a gentle rocking rhythm. His fingers
drew through her folds. He moved them faster and faster in a firm motion,
bringing Paige so close to orgasm. She was dizzy and lightheaded, unbidden moans
escaping from her throat. Her body knew this was her mate touching her, and
melted under his touch. It had never reacted this way before.

going to do this Claiming on my terms now, Paige. Your way didn’t work so well.
So right now is your chance to say stop. It’s now, or never again,” Donovan
spoke through the waves of pleasure his fingers were orchestrating. Paige shook
her head frantically, not wanting him to stop her from reaching these heights.

in one life-altering moment, he stopped stroking and his palm struck her bottom
and sent flames flying. She knew he held back because the magnitude of his
strength was too great but Goddess help her, that slap hurt. She yelped and
threw out a few choice expletives, but Donovan seemed to ignore her. He softly
rubbed her cheeks again, this time bringing the sting front and center to find
the throbbing in her clit. Then the second slap came across the opposite cheek
and a third before she had a chance to recover.

body was quivering. She couldn’t think beyond the vibrations, the feeling of
his hand on her skin. As she gave herself over and relaxed into him, Paige raised
her bottom towards his palm, instinctively seeking more. Donovan’s muscular arm
lay across her back to hold her tightly against his lap. His hard cock pressed
into her belly and seemed to be calling to her. She wanted to know how it would
feel inside her.

of his cock receded into the back of her consciousness as Donovan’s hand
continued to deliver her spanking. His slaps rained down, burning and delighting
her at the same time. She was crying and yet she couldn’t help but reach for

need to consider others, Princess, to move outside yourself and see the bigger
picture. For the final five, focus only on the sensations I provide. I know you
can do this,” Donovan soothed her with his words. The gentle stroking of his
hand made her feel cherished.

can’t. It’s m-my soul sin. I-I can’t let it g-go,” Paige whined through the
tears and tremors rocking her body. She felt helpless, exposed and vulnerable.
She wasn’t accustomed to any of these emotions.

over matter. You can do this and I promise it will help.”

do you
-know?” Paige spoke through her tears.

I’m your mate; and it’s determined that I’m to know what’s best for you.”
Donovan’s confidence as he spoke reassured a part of Paige that still held
doubt. She shuddered at his words, too many emotions racing through her mind to
think straight, and then did as he said, finding comfort in his gentle touches.
Donovan’s hand slapping down on her bottom with such authority pulled her into
the spell he wove.

floated in a place where she was free from everything, until she felt a
rhythmic pulsing in her clit. His hand had moved to her delicate little bud
once more. As her pussy clenched tight, Paige screamed out through an orgasm
she hadn’t expected. By the looks of Donovan, he didn’t expect it either.

a few moments of silence, Donovan sat Paige up on his lap, brushed her sweaty
hair from her forehead and kissed her there. “Well done,” Donovan grinned at
Paige and suddenly she felt immensely shy. When she tried to move away, she was
startled by the soreness on her bottom.

wasn’t letting her move; he held her hip with one large hand and her chin with
the other. “You enjoyed that. Goddess, you couldn’t be more perfect for me.” His
eyes were shining, large and bright, and his smile was radiating appreciation
and love. Gone was that terrible angry face he’d had when he first put her
across his knee.

heat inside her wasn’t going away, even after her climax and the tenderness of
her bottom. In fact, as he continued touching her body, her need was growing
more intense. She wanted to touch him too. She tentatively stroked his beard,
the stubble tickling her fingers.

moved his hands to frame her face and drew her head up to meet his eyes. He
brushed a sweet kiss against her lips before speaking again, his voice now
growing huskier with desire. “It’s time.”

knew exactly what he meant. She nodded.

your tongue and strike it to my sharpest teeth. The blood exchange will bind us
and I can take you then. Ho
.” His words were barely finished when she pressed her
mouth to his. Paige was more than ready to take what she wanted. Perhaps it
would be her to claim him, Paige laughed to herself.

then I will take you,” Paige responded.

a chuckle, Donovan chose to ignore her comment in exchange for another kiss. He
ran his tongue along the seam of her lips until she opened for him, and then
allowed her to push back into his mouth. She ran her tongue along the full set
of his upper teeth and felt an incredible tingling rush. Then Paige felt his
breathy sigh of relief as he tasted the first drop of her blood. Startled by
overwhelming emotion, she also realized she could feel his desire beyond her
own. It multiplied the urge she felt to merge fully with her mate.

pulled at Donovan’s shirt until it was off and out of her way. Then she ran her
fingertips along the ridges of his chest around to his shoulders and his
muscular back. His light sprinkle of body hair tickled her fingers as they
floated across his skin. She hugged herself to him and with each touch, she
felt their magic twine together.

part of the Magdalena Circle, Paige’s parents raised her to understand the
prophecy and her role in fulfilling the needs of the Valendite Breed. Despite
her soul sin of pride, she truly did appreciate the significance of finding a
mate to claim her. The sharing of blood, this bond they were about to create, was
so sacred that nothing could ever tear them apart from one another. Not only
would their blood bond them together, but it would also sustain Donovan and
prolong her own life so she would live as long as he did. The thought of her
strength sustaining him caused pride to swell inside her.

you feel that?” Paige wasn’t sure if it was only her feeling these incredible
changes. Links were snapping together, fusing a connection between them. They
were so real and left her wondering if she couldn’t actually see an outward
change after so much had been altered inside.

bonded. It’s amazing. I didn’t think our connection would feel this strong
until you drank from me as well. I can feel your power linking to mine.”
Donovan appeared as awed as she felt.

did you know what I needed was to let go and accept this?”

was instinct. You needed to see beyond your soul sin. Pride guides you and you
needed to be able to separate yourself from it in order to give in,” Donovan
explained as he continued to stroke his hands over her body with reverence.

should go to my bedroom. The sisters won’t stay at Layla’s house all night. And
I feel kind of woozy, maybe even a bit drunk.”

promise everything is as it should be. Your energy will bounce back once my
blood replenishes you.”

starting to like your promises,” Paige smiled before climbing off Donovan and
leading him to her bedroom.


Chapter Three


willed the door to her bedroom open, obviously to show off her powers. Donovan
smiled since he knew exactly why she’d done it, but said nothing. He walked
around her room and took in the organized, efficient space. Everything was
high-end and immaculate just as he suspected of its owner. He could feel the high
energy and stress radiating from her space the very second he entered the room.
She may lose her soul sin when she mated, but Donovan suspected it would take
more than mating to rid her of the habits she’d formed. He grinned because he
now knew exactly how to help her.

was watching him with a wicked gleam in her eye as he stalked towards her. She
stood in the middle of her room following his every move, meeting his gaze
steadily and not backing down. He’d never been so turned on by a woman in his

he was just a few feet away, he said, “Strip.”

sassy princess dared to put her hands on her hips and contemplate whether she’d
comply. He lifted one eyebrow and waited until, just a moment later, she began
peeling away her clothes. The show the little vixen put on was causing every
muscle in his body to clench. Goddess, she was incredible. Donovan took in
every inch of her perfectly unblemished skin except for the light scattering of
freckles on her shoulders. She had a tiny pixie-like figure with gently curving
breasts and hips, long legs and dainty feet.

able to stand it a moment longer, Donovan picked her up and tossed her onto her
bed. Then he simply willed off the rest of his clothing and climbed on top of
her, balancing himself over her on his arms and knees. He could no longer fight
the urge to place his hands all over her body. After the rush of her first
spanking and the power of his own satisfaction, he needed to bury himself
inside her. He needed to claim her fully.

silently kicked himself for waiting all this time and allowing her to put off
this claiming. She belonged to him. He never should’ve agreed to wait. Given
the climate of their world, today’s Valendite Breeds are prepared for the
possibility of never mating. Their race has become too scattered, so much
dissention in those unwilling to accept their calling. The fact that Donovan
had so easily happened upon his mate in his own hometown was unheard of. Add to
that the fact that so many of the TEU agents were finding their mates in rapid
succession, he believed it was a sign this mating was meant to be. He had
someone precious in his arms and he would take care of all her needs—even those
she might not know she has—for the rest of her days.

allowed his hands to explore the gentle curves of her body, slowly drawing his
hand from her shoulder, down her waist, and then to the round and reddened mounds
of her ass. He grabbed onto her and rolled, pulling her on top of him. He could
feel the full length of her tiny body on top of his much larger one. She was a
mirror image to him. Paige was soft where he was hard, warmth to his cool,
light to his heavy. Her body called out to him and he fought against his desire
because he wanted nothing more than to truly savor their first encounter.

moaned and moved against him as he continued to explore her body. Donovan
merged their mouths as he imagined their souls would be soon enough. He slipped
his tongue along her lips and into the warmth of her mouth, mimicking the
motions of what was soon to come. Their mouths never separated, no words were
necessary, as they shared themselves through their internal sharing of emotions.
Donovan felt everything Paige felt, and when combined with his own desire, it
was the most powerful thing he’d experienced in all the years of his existence.

rolled them once again so he was now above her. Balancing on his elbows, he pushed
up to look his fill. He watched as her melon green eyes fluttered open and looked
at him with some trepidation. Then the sweetest smile tilted the side of her

happy.” Paige surprised him with her words.

nothing more I could ask for then. You are more than I ever could’ve hoped for,
but right now, I need you to just relax again and let me taste you.”

me? My blood?”

your cream. Then your blood.”

Goddess,” Paige’s voice was but a whisper as he dipped his mouth to hers and
kissed her just once before charting a course south.

lowered himself to her breasts, licked around the small pink areolas and
watched as they puckered. Knowing he was giving her just enough sensation not
to satisfy fully, he licked along her perfectly pink nipples, swirling over them
ever so gently. She tried to push up against him seeking more of the sensation,
but he didn’t allow it. His large hands held her down. Paige couldn’t move. She
was at his mercy—just the way he liked her.

Donovan stopped to suck the skin under her left breast.

going.” He sucked the skin just under her right breast. Paige instinctively
pressed into his touch.

scream.” He nipped at her right breast just enough to sting.

name.” He sucked in her nipple and rolled it on his tongue.

the time.” He nipped at her left breast with the same pressure he did the
other. Paige was ready to scream already.

through,” he finished his sentence and then completed his assault on her
breasts as he sucked in her left nipple.

Paige called out, no longer able to keep quiet.

Donovan growled before he moved between her legs in a movement too fast for her
to see.

found what he was looking for at the juncture of her thighs. He sucked on
Paige’s sign of the
Magdalena Circle.
It was the physical manifestation of her soul sin. Paige had been burdened with
too much pride her entire life, until mating with him. Donovan understood why
she ran at first, had asked for more time. Such an intense pride would prevent
her from doing anything on anyone else’s bidding. Taking her in hand had been
his only recourse, not to mention one they both very much enjoyed. It would be
impossible for all her pride to be released, but he would be more than happy to
help her manage it now.

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