Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage) (23 page)

Read Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage) Online

Authors: Corinne [vampire] Balfour

Tags: #vampire

BOOK: Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)
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Cassia stared at the hybrid female who had slept next to Cabrian in their bed. She was tall and slender of build, but Cassia didn’t doubt the girl would be ten times stronger than she. She tried to remember the girl’s name. Kiera. The girl didn’t seem to like her, but then none of the hybrids did with the exception of Cabrian.

If Kiera hadn’t been present, Cassia was sure that Cabrian would have tried to get with her again. Sexually. He had once claimed he only wanted to breed her, but now he didn’t bother to hide his attraction to her. She wanted him as well, even knowing their relationship wouldn’t be a permanent one. His interest would eventually wane. She was a curiosity, a human who was different than the females of his kind. But in her society, males married for political reasons. To forge connections between families and to increase one’s prestige, wealth, and position within the social hierarchy. She couldn’t imagine hybrid society being much different, and based on what she had gleaned so far from what she had overheard, the hybrids were more particular about mating and breeding. She was a poor choice for a mate and she didn’t think Cabrian desperate enough to settle for a human. She couldn’t bear to form an even deeper attachment to him only to be cast aside when he found his true mate. And there might be children. Children who could be discarded like worn-out socks when he found a pureblooded hybrid female to breed with. What would happen to her then? She told herself not to think about it. She would live in the moment because it was the only way to cope. Right now he wanted
and not some hybrid female. She could tell because he couldn’t stop himself from touching her last night. And he had been hard. So incredibly hard that it was impossible not to notice when his stiff male member pressed against her. But they couldn’t do anything about it with Kiera there.

“This was your room, wasn’t it?” Kiera said.

Cassia forced herself to pay attention to the hybrid female. “Yes. It still is.”

“I hope you’re not too attached to the place. They’ll burn it when they’re done. It’s a shame, really. It’s a nice villa.”

This female with her black hair and dark eyes was an exotic beauty. Her young body was slender and nearly as tall as the hybrid males. Her figure was angled, her curves modest but feminine. She looked like she could tear a person apart with her bare hands should she wind up in the arena. Cassia always felt inadequate and unattractive standing next to a female with an athletic build. “How long have you known Cabrian?”

“He gave you permission to use his given name. He must be taken with you.”

Cassia had only recently earned that right. It had taken Cabrian awhile to forgive her for accepting Claudius’ assistance in escaping the villa. He hadn’t liked the idea of her leaving him. “I hope so. I am fond of him.” The longer she stayed with Cabrian, the harder it would be to ever leave him. She would be happy to stay with him forever if she wasn’t a slave. A lot of times she worried he would never set her free, never accept her as his mate. Then she remembered how trapped she had felt in her marriage to Janus. It hadn’t been much different than slavery. It was better with Cabrian, even if she was technically his slave. He cuddled with her in bed, kissed her all over, and made her feel desirable. He didn’t look at other women or have affairs with them. “Tell me what you know of Cabrian.”

Kiera resumed pacing and said, “I’ve known Lord Ross for a number of years, but we never ran around in the same circles. He’s a lord and I’m not nobility.”

“Why are you here, then?”

“I served the princess until she got angry with me for no reason whatsoever. Now I apparently serve the prince.” She stopped pacing to look at her and said, “It is unusual to see a human captive. Most are killed straightaway. You are lucky.”

“My stepsister and her friend were taken captive as well, but I haven’t been able to get much information regarding what happened to them. Do you know if they are okay?” Cabrian had not been forthcoming with information about her family’s whereabouts or condition and she feared the news was bad.

“They’re gone.”

“What do you mean? Where were they taken?”

“All I know is that they were taken to the Red Light Brothel.”

The Red Light Brothel. Cassia shuddered when she imagined Lavinia and Calpurnia in such a place. It was dreadful, but surely the proprietor there would recognize the famous gladiatrix. Once they realized the ladies were not prostitutes or slaves, they would be freed, wouldn’t they?

Kiera reclined on the small sofa near the bed. “You must forget them. It’ll do you no good to dwell on it and they are better off there than here. You know that to be true. The prince enjoys putting humans to death.”

“Am I in danger here?”

“You’re under Lord Ross’ protection. You should be alright, but I recommend that you avoid the princess and her ladies.”

“So I’ve been told.” Hybrid females seemed to carry a hatred of humans. It worried Cassia. How could she hope to live among them if so many of them hated her for being human? They would never accept her. Cabrian would eventually want to be with someone his people would like and respect, especially since he was an overlord.

Kiera’s saffron tunic fell just below the knee, exposing smooth legs that never required shearing. “Do not let it worry you. Those ladies would hate any female who could capture the elusive Lord Ross. Lords are hard to come by these days and their fangs don’t seem to cooperate when in the presence of a suitable female.”

Cassia didn’t miss the note of bitterness in Kiera’s voice. She didn’t see any marks or tattoos on her, which meant she was unmated. “Are you bonded with any of the males here?”

“No, and it looks like I will remain unattached. At least that is what the druid told me.” She laughed and said, “I’m hardly a suitable female. Fangs tend to shrink rather than lengthen when I’m around.”

Kiera’s remark puzzled Cassia and she asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing. Everything. It doesn’t matter.” Kiera sighed and said, “I have no need of men. Well, I have needs, but I can get by just fine without a mate. I’m sure if I had one, he would just get in my way. It’s easier to just take what I need when I need it. Don’t ask. Just take.”

“And they let you do that? Take from them?”

“Sometimes.” Kiera sat upright on the bright red sofa cushions. “You must know a lot of people in Rome. This villa is a rich property and I imagine you were raised to live a life of wealth and privilege. Cassia Maximus. Wife of Janus Stolo.”

“Ex-wife, now widow. Janus was killed.” She had not mourned his death.

“Yes, he would have been. Diermont is a vicious beast and he is without mercy.” She blinked and said, “I was told the villa belonged to a woman. Lucine Maximus.”

“My stepmother.”

“The Whore of New Babylon. That is what they called her.”

“They called her that because she purchased a good number of hybrid slaves. Always male. Always handsome.”

“Right! That is what I heard. She kept them in a barn and had them milked to collect hybrid seed. She made drugs from it.”

“Hydra, that is what it was called.”

“Lucine sold the Hydra and became a rich woman. I am told she owned spas that specialized in Hydra treatments.”

“You’re well informed. You probably also know that I helped Lucine run her business.” She had been willing to do almost anything to escape Janus. Her stepmother had promised a lucrative position at one of her newly acquired estates. All she had to do was manage the cows in the barn for Lucine. Cabrian had been one of those cows. When Cabrian had been chained in that barn stall, she had envied those milkmaids who were permitted to touch the captive hybrids. She had wanted to do things to Cabrian. Naughty things. But he had been held in that barn for his semen, nothing more. So her stepmother could make Hydra from it. “You probably expect me to beg for forgiveness since it was such a horrible thing to do.”

“No, I don’t. You never know what a person may be capable of doing when their survival is at stake.” Kiera added, “Especially when it affects those we care about.” She fidgeted on the sofa. “I’m not interested in what you did, but I am interested in what you know.”

“The prince sent you here to fish for information. They think I know where Lucine is, but I do not.” If she did know anything, she wasn’t going to blab. There had been enough death.

“If the prince thought you had any useful information, he would have retrieved it the usual way. He wouldn’t have sent me. He would have sent one of the druids. Or one of his minions to torture you. And all of that would have been done the day of your capture.”

“I’m not telling you anything.” Cassia couldn’t afford to trust the hybrid female. She knew the hybrids were hunting Lucine and it made sense that eventually they would attempt to get that information out of her. Thankfully, she had no idea where Lucine had gone. But she did know other things, things she had no intention of sharing.

“An exchange of information would benefit us both. There are things you need to know about us. You cannot rely on Lord Ross to provide all your knowledge.”

The hybrid female obviously had an agenda. Whatever she wanted, she wasn’t getting it from her. “Lots of people claim to know things. Not all of it is reliable or accurate. I trust Cabrian.”

“I’m sure you do, but even he does not know everything. There will come a time when you need to know something and you’ll need to ask a woman.” Kiera twisted locks of her wavy black hair in her fingers. She appeared preoccupied with her private thoughts. Finally, she said, “What do you know of the Agrippa family of Eros?”

Cassia’s stomach dropped as she felt horror consume her. Her stepsister Fortuna was in Eros at the Agrippa villa. For days, she had been dreading hearing the news she expected to hear any day now, that the villa had been burned to the ground and the rest of her family was dead. But days had passed with no word of Fortuna or Lucine’s whereabouts and she had begun to hope they would never be found. She had heard from Baby that Lucine had escaped with the help of a hybrid. She wondered where her stepmother had gone and whether Fortuna was with them. “Why would you ask about the Agrippa family? Where did you hear that name?”

“It doesn’t matter. Just tell me what you know.”

“There’s not much to tell. They’re not involved in the Hydra business.” That was a lie. The Agrippa’s were heavily involved.

“This isn’t about Hydra. I just want to know more about them. You know them,” Kiera said. “I cannot read your mind like some can but I can read your expression clearly. You’re nervous. Frightened. Do you know them well?”

“I know a lot of people. Why are you interested in them?”

“Personal reasons.” She paced back and forth and said, “Tell me about them. The Agrippa’s.”

“They’re an old family. Well-respected. They own a lot of property in Eros.”

“I need to know more than
. Tell me their names and their interests.”

“Why would you need to know their names?” Cassia asked as she rolled her eyes. “Do you need their family tree as well?”

Her eyes lit with interest. “Oh, that would be wonderful. Let me see those records.”

“I was being sarcastic.” She studied Kiera more closely this time in an attempt to glean her secrets. Kiera was acting bizarrely. The question was why. “I cannot think of one good reason why you would need that information, nor can I imagine how you might use it.”

“I’m sure you cannot comprehend it so you shouldn’t waste your time speculating on the matter.” She took a deep breath and asked, “What do you know of a woman named Marly Agrippa? She was from Eros.”

Why was she asking about Lucine’s sister
? If the hybrids were interested in Marly, Lucine would have to be the reason. “I don’t know anything,” she said while she tried to think of a way to discourage Kiera’s interest in the woman. They were still searching for Lucine and they probably meant to force Marly to help them. If they were targeting Lucine’s family, it was only a matter of time before they found Fortuna. She suspected she was staying with her cousin, Garilius Agrippa. His residence was not far from Marly’s.

“You recognized the name. Not only did I see the fear in your eyes, I can still scent traces of it in the air. Why does the name strike such terror into your soul? Who is she to you?”

“Who is she to you?” Cassia countered. “She is no one to me. Just a rich Roman woman.”

“So she is still alive, then.” When Cassia refused to do anything more than nod, she asked, “When did you see her last? And her mate, does he still live also?”

“Her mate,” Cassia repeated blankly. Maybe they were speaking of two different people after all. “Marly Agrippa never married. She had a number of suitors and no one could understand why she declined them all. She lived with her parents until they died. After that, she lived with her brother.”

“Never mated, or as you call it, married? What of the male lover? What happened to her man?”

Okay, there was no way Diermont could know that much about Marly Agrippa. Cassia scrutinized Kiera and took in some details she had missed earlier. She had said her questions were of a personal nature and now she was beginning to believe her. But what could a hybrid female want with an older Roman matron? “There were rumors of a lover years ago, but no man was ever seen with her. I don’t think there ever was a man in her life. She never seemed to desire those things other females want, a marriage and family. If she had wanted that life, she could have had her pick of eligible suitors. It was her choice to never marry or have children.”

“She never had children? Not a one?” Kiera asked in an angry tone. “Not even one by her male lover?”

“Especially not one by a lover. She wasn’t married. To have a child out of wedlock would be beyond scandalous, especially for a daughter of one of the most prestigious families of Eros. Can you imagine something like that happening? She would have been ruined and her family would have disowned her.”

“So she has been living all these years in Eros. Eating off gold plates and driving her golden chariot, not thinking once of the people she left behind?” Kiera punched the cushion of her chair with her fist so hard that it made an audible cracking sound.

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