Valentine Wishes (Baxter Academy Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Valentine Wishes (Baxter Academy Book 1)
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A tall, lanky guy saunters up to us. “Does this mean banana boats are off the menu for tonight?”

Jacqueline looks around. “Nope. Why should the others be punished for the actions of one?”

The teenager looks at me and then kind of sizes me up.

“Brett, this is my brother, Theo. Theo, Brett Robak.”

I stick out my hand and he shakes it, giving me a nod. I take it as approval, which I’m glad to accept since I do plan on seeing his sister again, on hopefully a less unusual date.

Theo heads back to the group gathered around the picnic tables.

“What are banana boats?”

A look of ecstasy comes over her face. “Only the best thing in the world.”

In that moment I’m struck. I want to see that look on her face again. But, I want to be the one to put it there.

Chapter Five

can’t believe
Ashley set me up with someone who works for the FBI. That’s all I know because we didn’t discuss it while with the campers. Maybe he has a desk job and does boring reports. But, where the hell does he work? We don’t have an FBI office anywhere near here.

He didn’t bolt and run.

Brett didn’t have to hang around after the fire, but he did. We took over the supervision of a group of campers and had a really good time sitting around the fire and getting to know the kids and what their art interests were, and making banana boats. I can’t believe Brett had never had any.

“So, let me remember this,” he says as we are walking back through the woods.

Brett is holding the flashlight so we can see where we are going and as soon as we’re away from the others he slips his hand in mine. My hand heats immediately and my fingers tingle. Will he kiss me before he leaves? Maybe I’ll just kiss him. Then I decide against it. He seems like an old fashioned guy and probably wants to be the first to make any kind of move. But, I so want that kiss. And to be honest, more. I can’t remember the last time I was drawn to someone like this.

His ice blue eyes are anything but cold, and his smile, slightly crooked, draws me in. Brett is completely different from any guy I’ve gone out with before and maybe that’s a good thing.

I just hope he wasn’t being polite by hanging out tonight and has no intention of calling me later.

Then again, he did grab my hand as soon as we stepped in the woods so that’s got to mean something, right?

“You pull back just one peel on the inside curve of the banana. Scoop out enough to make a trench.”

“And eat it,” I remind him. “No waste at Baxter.”

“Of course.” He laughs. “Then fill the trench with mini marshmallows and mini chocolate chips. Put the peel back down, wrap it in foil and put it at the edge of the fire long enough for the insides to melt.”

“Yep, that’s it. Weren’t they wonderful?”

“Actually, they were. I was kind of surprised,” he admits. “We never made anything like that when I was a Boy Scout.”

Oh, my God, he
such a Boy Scout. All good deed, kind, clean cut. Not that I have anything against former Boy Scouts, I just hope there is a bit of naughtiness beneath that gentlemanly surface. “Ah, I bet you had a bunch of those foil dinners with the hamburger, potatoes, onions and carrots.” My mouth waters. I loved making those. Not that we did at the camp, but I remember my grandparents doing that for dinner a couple of times in the winter when we lost power. The fireplace would be going to keep the chill out of the room and we’d all sit around cooking our supper and then eat on the floor in front of the fireplace. Just like camping, my grandpa would always say. And then we’d get into our sleeping bags and sleep in the one warm room in the house until power was restored.

“More than I can count.” He laughed. “Do the kids make their own meal like we had to as Scouts?”

“No. Just things like s’mores and banana boats at night. They are too busy during the day. And, we want them to relax and have fun. Not worry about their next meal. They deal with that enough in the real world.”

He just nods. I haven’t really told him all that much about Baxter. We didn’t really get a chance because we were always surrounded by people. But, Brett wasn’t put off by the kids. He knew they were underprivileged and I think he was beginning to suspect some might have other things going on that make their life difficult, but it didn’t seem to bother him. Unlike Bailey, who would like to see the place shut down.

“So, the camp runs all summer long.”

I nod. “Kids start coming at the beginning of June and the last group leaves at the middle of August, right before school starts. Some only stay for a few weeks and some a month. It depends on their age, maturity and things like that.”

We reach the gravel road and cross over to our cars. There are two raccoons on the picnic table.

“Well, at least somebody enjoyed the pizza we left behind.” Brett chuckles.

“I am so sorry about tonight.” I do feel the need to apologize. I was on a date, but I couldn’t ignore the emergency at Baxter. None of my relatives along the lake had either, not that I spoke with them, but I saw them come through the woods and talk to Theo or one of the firemen before they nodded and returned home. We all have an investment in seeing this camp thrive. It was our grandfather’s dream and even though the adults have careers, they still put in time at the camp when they can. My Uncle Mark and Aunt Emily were the only ones who remained behind because they are in charge of the camp. They go home at night to sleep, but it’s still walking distance. It’s not necessary that they live on the grounds because we have a ton of adult to supervise the kids.

Brett squeezed my hand. “Don’t be sorry. A bit unexpected, but not in a bad way.”

My stomach begins to relax. I really like this guy, but banana boats with a bunch of teens isn’t usually a perfect first date.

We clean up the mess left behind by the raccoons and toss all the trash into the dumpster hidden behind an old wooden fence then walk to our cars. We stop at mine.

“So, what are your plans for tomorrow, Jacqueline?”

I didn’t even try to hide the smile on my face. He does want to see me again. Yes!

“We have activities at the camp tomorrow that I need to be around for.” I like to get to know the kids after they arrive. Today had been all paperwork. Tomorrow I planned on joining some activities.

“When will it be over?”


“Dinner tomorrow night? I’ll try not to have a flat tire.” He grins at me.

“Sure.” My heart is beating so hard and he’s standing so close that I can feel his body heat.

“Good! I’ll pick you up around seven?”

That will be cutting it close if I’m to get home and ready on time. “Seven thirty?”

“Perfect.” He steps closer. “We can continue the twenty questions of getting to know each other.”

“I’d like that,” I say, looking in to his blue eyes that seem to be darkening.

His hands slip around my waist, nearly scorching my skin through my dress as he leans in and places a hot, lingering kiss on my cheek that makes my blood boil.

“See you tomorrow night,” he says as he opens my door.

I practically fall into the driver side because my knees have gone weak. I’m not even sure I can drive. Damn. What would have happened if he would have kissed me on the lips? Maybe I don’t need a bad boy hidden beneath the Boy Scout. I might not be able to handle it.

, how did last night go?” My Uncle Quinn is grinning at me.

“You’re such a shit,” I return.

He just laughs and starts putting burgers on the grill.

“Are you dating Jacqueline Baxter?” Russ Harper asks. We’re all sitting around in O’Brien’s backyard for a cookout. Not that I plan on eating anything since I do have dinner plans.

“Last night was our first date.”

“And?” My uncle adds hot dogs to the grill for the younger kids.

I quickly sum up the night for them, leaving out details. Of course, Harper already knew about the fire.

“Aren’t you glad I didn’t give her a ticket?” my uncle grins at me.

“The only reason you stopped her was because her name came up when you clocked her.”

Harper looks between us and O’Brien quickly explains why he stopped Jacqueline, which I already guessed.

He laughs. “Well, she is cute.”

Cute? Well, she is that, but hot, gorgeous, wonderful laugh, very kissable lips, a killer bod and amazing legs. Not that I dare voice any of those thoughts to these two, especially my Uncle Quinn.

Helen, Quinn’s wife, starts calling for the kids to help her with the food, and they dart from the backyard where they’d been playing kickball. The O’Brien’s have seven kids in all. Kian is their natural son, and the other six are adopted, ranging in ages from Kian, who just turned thirteen to Rosalyn at age seven. She and her sister, Deirdre, are the newest additions to the family, having been adopted earlier this year, and prompted the O’Briens’ move from New York City to a smaller town. They wanted a home for their kids, not a crowded apartment, and a yard, small town and good school. Uncle Quinn left the police force in New York and joined the State Police and it seems to have worked out well for all of them.

Helen still works as an emergency room nurse. Except now she makes the drive into Poughkeepsie instead of taking public transportation to one of the busiest hospitals in New York where she used to work, and where she met Quinn fifteen years ago.

Harper, Captain with the local fire department, has three kids, Cole who is thirteen, Jackson at eleven and Hunter is age nine. Harper’s wife is with the Army, stationed at the Pentagon and isn’t able to come home much. They only reason the family isn’t with her is because Harper’s father suffers from Alzheimer’s and Russ is his only family he has to take care of him.

“So, are you going to see her again?” Quinn asks.


Both men raise their eyebrows, as if surprised.

“What?” Harper asks.

“No waiting period. Let her wonder if you’ll call or any of that?” questions Uncle Quinn.

I just shake my head. “I don’t play those games. I like her. At least so far, and want to see her again. Why wait to ask her out?”

“Well, it was a strange first date,” Quinn laughs.

“Starting with a flat tire and ending with a fire, I suppose you could say that.” All I can hope is that tonight it is a little less complicated. A nice dinner, maybe a few drinks. Kiss goodnight and see how it goes from there.

Chapter Six

, Brett Robak is here for you,” my grandmother calls up.

Shit. I check the clock. He’s fifteen minutes early and I’ve still got to finish my makeup. “I’ll be down shortly,” I call out of my room.

“Crap! Crap! Crap!” I try and finish quickly, run a brush through my hair and then slip into the sleeveless, white dress with pale green flowers. I don’t know where we are going yet, but I hope this is appropriate. It’s not a fancy dress, but it isn’t super casual either. It’s a middle of the road, safe dress. I grab the light sweater off of my bed because the temperature might get a bit chilly tonight, shove my feet into the flats and head out of my room.

I really hate making somebody wait. But, he
fifteen minutes early, so he can’t be mad if he’s left sitting with Grandma as he waits on me.

He comes to his feet as I enter what my grandmother refers to as the drawing room. He’s wearing dark jeans and a light blue polo that makes eyes all the more blue. Damn he’s hot.

Brett steps forward, his eyes going dark as he studies me from head to toe then holds out a bouquet of flowers.

I blink. Flowers, really? This guy does know all the right moves. His daddy did teach him well. Or his sisters. Or the Boy Scouts.

“Thank you.” I take them and inhale deeply the strong perfume of Asiatic lilies. “Did you know these were my favorite?” I ask with suspicion.

His cheeks color a bit. “A little bird at a gym might have mentioned it.”

I inhale again. Whether he asked or Ashley volunteered, it didn’t matter. The man did his research.

“I’ll put those in water and set them in your room,” my grandmother said, taking them from me.


We stop outside and I find Theo leaning against a post, smoking again. I just shake my head. “Those are going to kill you one day.”

He just smirks at me. “I’m pretty sure cigs won’t be it.” Then he knocks on his head.

I hate it when he makes comments like that.

Theo takes another drag and then tosses the butt behind the bushes, his regular ashtray.

“Have a good night,” he says as he saunters back to the camp.

Brett opens the passenger door and I slide into the seat.

“How old is Theo?” Brett asks after he buckles into the driver’s seat.

“Eighteen.” I sigh. “He’s going to be a senior at the high school.”

Brett doesn’t say anything else but I wonder what he was thinking.

“How does Mama Rosa’s sound?” Brett asks as he pulls out onto the highway.

My mouth waters. “Wonderful.” I love the Italian restaurant. “So, how long have you been with the FBI?”

“Not long,” he answers. “I got assigned to the Albany office a month ago. Right after I graduated.”

Albany? I guess I shouldn’t get too invested since he is going to be over an hour away. “Visiting your uncle?”

“I’ve been living with him and his wife for the past month. I haven’t been able to find an apartment I like in Albany.”

“That’s a long drive to work every day.” I probably won’t see him again after he does find a place to live.

“Not so bad.” He flashes me a quick smile, as if to indicate that I’d be worth the drive. “Besides, I don’t want to live exactly in the city. I have been looking for a place somewhere between here and there.”

“Small town living?”

“Yep. I like knowing who my neighbors are instead of living in a big complex with a bunch of strangers.”

Brett pulls into a parking spot behind a row of buildings on the edge of town, not far from the square. He hurries around to my side of the car to open the door as I gather my purse and sweater. I could so get spoiled by this guy. It’s really nice having a guy treat you like you’re special, or something. I’ve never experienced that before. Hell, the last two guys I seriously dated hardly ever came to pick me up. We just agreed to meet somewhere, and sometimes ended up back at one of our apartments. Of course, that was in college and this is the real world. Yet, I don’t see those guys changing after graduation either.

He holds the door and allows me to enter the restaurant first. It’s a dark, cozy atmosphere, and all of the tables are covered in red and white checkered tablecloths. Every one of them has a candle, stuck in an old bottle, the wax burning down the sides. I haven’t been here in ages and forgot what it was like, and how much I loved the atmosphere as much has the food.

An older woman comes from the back of the kitchen and studies us. “Just the two of you?”

“Yes,” Brett answers.

She smiles knowingly, though I’m not sure what she thinks she knows. “I’ll give you a special table.”

Brett places his hand at the small of my back as we follow the older woman back to an almost hidden table.

“Romantic, no?” She grins.

Well, it is that.

“Thank you,” Brett ways and holds a chair out for me.

“We have a special menu for couples,” she says and hurries off.

I had forgotten. Nothing is served single here. Everything is meant to be shared no matter how small or large the party. And each course comes in bowls or platters and set in the middle of the table and you fill your own plate, just like you would at home.

The waitress returns a few moments later and places water glasses before us and then hands Brett the menu.

He just looks at me as she bustles away.

“Doesn’t she think you can read?”

I have to laugh. “Traditional, old-fashioned family owns the place,” I explain.

“I’m not going to pick your food. I don’t know you well enough.”

“Well, whatever we get, it will be the same.”


“Read the top of the menu.”

He scans and his eyes get bigger. “These are all dinners for two?”


He scoots his chair around so that we can both read the menu. You can’t just order an appetizer here, or a main course. You have to get an entire four-course meal.

“I can’t decide if I prefer spaghetti or lasagna,” he finally says.

“Me either. They are both delicious.”

“Then a little of both,” the waitress announces, surprising us.

“Are you okay with the rest of the items?” I ask. They don’t like you to switch out appetizers and desserts and such, because they planned each meal so all the pairings work well together.”

“I’m fine with it.”

“I’ll bring the wine list.” She hurries off and Brett just gives me a look.

I bite back a giggle. Mama Rosa’s is unlike any other place, but the food is amazing.

The waitress returns and hands the wine list to Brett. He glances down it and frowns. “These are all reds.”

“You do not put white with lasagna,” the waitress nearly scolds.

“Is there one you prefer?” Brett asks, handing me the menu.

I don’t take it from him. “I’m fine with whatever you choose.”

He glances up at the waitress. “Which would you recommend?”

“This Cabernet is very nice. Not too heavy, but rich in flavors.”

“Very well.” He hands the menu back to her.

As she hurries off I lean toward Brett. “You do know that you order by the bottle here, too.”

His eyes widened in surprise.

“I hope you weren’t planning on a quick meal.” Crap. What if he thought to get in here, order, get the food quick and leave? That doesn’t happen at Mama Rosa’s.

“No. It’s not like I have other plans this evening, except to spend it getting to know you.”

Inwardly I sigh and my heart melts a little more.

“I can do that here just as well as anywhere else.” He looks around. “And, I kind of like the place.”

The waitress returns a moment later carrying a basket of bread, bottle of wine and two glasses. She uncorks the bottle and pours just a bit into the glass before handing it to Brett. He looks, sniffs, and tastes. “Very good.” The waitress smiles and pours a glass for both of us and hands me the cork with a wink. “Now, fall in love,” she practically orders and walks away.

I can’t help it and I burst out laughing.

“Why did she hand you the cork?” Brett finally asks once he’s done laughing.

I place a hand on my heart and flutter my eyebrows. “So I’ll remember this night forever.” I’d forgotten that this was a popular restaurant for proposals. Two of my aunts got engaged here and they still had the corks from that night.

“Why did you pick Mama Rosa’s if you haven’t been here before?”

“My uncle recommended it.”

It was O’Brien and Harper, extoling on the virtues of Mama Rosa’s and how good the food was. They never mentioned the romance. In the future, I’ll need to be very careful when asking those two for suggestions. I like the place, it is romantic, but I’m not so sure it’s a second date kind of establishment. This is the kind of place you bring a girl you’ve fallen in love with, or when you want to propose. I barely know Jacqueline.

Damn she’s beautiful in the candlelight and her green eyes shine with happiness. It would be very easy to fall in love with her, especially in this setting.

“So,” I begin. “Let’s recap what we know of each other so far.”

“You’re from Buffalo and will be working in Albany, have two older sisters and two younger sisters. You’re with the FBI and just finished training.” She says and takes a sip of her wine.

“You are the oldest and have two younger brothers and live in a plantation house, but are originally from Chicago.”

She nods and takes another sip of her wine.

“I’m assuming you’re done with college?” What if she isn’t? Will she be leaving at the end of the summer? Should I risk getting invested if I won’t be seeing her?

I shake the thought from my head. This is just our second date. She might not even like me by the end of next week.

“I graduated in May with a degree in teaching.”

That’s a noble profession. And, she was good with the kids last night. “What will you be teaching?”

“History and social studies.”

“Where at?”

She cringes. “At a high school in Queens.”

Shit. She’ll be living in the city. I probably won’t see her except on holidays, breaks and the odd weekends.

“I’m also taking classes to get my masters. I really want to be a principal or superintendent at a high school, eventually, but I need the degree and teaching creds behind me.”

I really try not to let this information bother me but it does. What’s the point in getting to know someone and coming to like them if they were leaving at the end of the summer? It kind of deflates the excitement I had earlier for this night.

The waitress puts a plate of bruschetta on the table and quietly leaves. I wait for Jacqueline to take one before I do.

“Though, I may turn down the job, even though I’ve already accepted it.”

A little hope surges. “So you can concentrate on your masters?”

“That’s mostly online.” She dismisses it as if it’s not a concern.

“Why not take the job?” I know it can’t be me. She’d be foolish to put her career on hold for a guy she just met.

“For my brother,” she says before taking a bite of the appetizer.


“He has trouble in school.”

I’m not sure what she means and I don’t try to guess. He could be a troublemaker, or just doesn’t study, or has trouble learning. It can be a number of things.

“When he was thirteen, he had a bad spill on his skateboard. Hit his head hard enough to put him in a coma for a few days.”

“Closed head injury?”

She nods. “Traumatic. He’s had so many problems since his accident and we’ve tried everything to help, but nothing does. His mood swings are out of this world. He gets headaches all of the time. His concentration is crap and school has been a struggle. We’ve tried every medication there is, physical therapy, a neuropsychologist, everything.”

She takes another drink of wine. I’m sorry I brought the subject up. I wanted this to be a fun night. Not a downer.

“I’m just hoping his senior year of high school is better than his junior. I know he’s not looking forward to going back and would be happy never to step foot into a classroom again. I can’t really blame him since reading brings on massive headaches that can make him sick. But, there aren’t any other options open. He’s got to graduate. After that, he can do whatever he wants.”

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