Untouched (15 page)

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Authors: Lilly Wilde

BOOK: Untouched
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I looked at him, displaying the appearance of the hopeful desperate student.

“Would you like to know what that is, Miss Cason?”

“Um, yes I would,” I replied.

“You don't appear to have much respect for those in positions of authority Miss Cason. I will remember that when I decide your fate.”

“I'm sorry Dean, Sir. It's just that I’m extremely nervous and worried that I’ll be kicked out of school. I really can't let that happen and I’m willing to do anything to ensure that I continue my studies.”

“We'll see if you really mean that, Miss Cason,” he said, his eyes smoldering as they dropped to my chest.

“I do Sir, I sincerely do.”

“With that being said I think it wise to review the rules with you to ensure that you don’t violate them again and then of course, I will need to render some type of punishment. I think that will really impress upon you the importance of adhering to our university’s guidelines. Do you agree Miss Cason?”

“Yes Sir.” I was so hot for him. I wanted to climb over that desk and straddle him, show him just how much of an apologetic and needy student I was.

“Good, we are on the same page. When I was a child, I occasionally got in trouble myself. My father would sit me down to make sure I fully understood what I had done, so he would go on and on and on talking until I wanted to run screaming from the room. Once, I actually stood up and walked away. Of course, he came behind me and finished his speech, but I still wanted to run. Thinking back on that makes me wonder if you will be tempted to change your mind and run from this room before we complete a very necessary conversation.”

What was he getting at?

“No Sir, I’m willing to sit this out.”

“You’ll have to excuse me for not taking you at your word, I mean after all, you are here due to your deceptive behavior, are you not?”

“I can certainly understand your position Dean.”

“I think it best that I perform certain steps to ensure that you don't leave before we’re done.”

He reached into the top drawer and pulled out some rope. He rose from the chair and continued with his reprimand. He walked over toward me.

“I would like to restrain you so that you aren't tempted to run Miss Cason.” I looked at him and shook my head.

“Dean, I really don't think that will be necessary, I’m quite capable of sitting here and giving you my undivided attention Sir.”

“I'm afraid I must insist...if you will stand please. “

I slowly rose from my chair.

“Now, if you will turn to face the chair.” I did as he instructed.

“I want you to place your knees in the chair and reach over the chair toward the floor.”

I followed his instructions, positioned myself in the chair and bent over; my skirt exposing my ass. He walked around to the back of the chair and grabbed my wrist and tied it to one of the legs of the chair. He repeated this with my other wrist. This was crazy as hell.

He then moved toward the back of the chair and placed a rope around my right knee and tied it to the right side of the chair. He did the same with my left knee. Fuck. I couldn’t move.

He turned the chair so that I was facing his desk. I could barely look at him because my arms were pulling me down and my torso was lapped over the chair. He walked back to the desk and opened a drawer.

“You know, when I was in school, if we were caught cheating, we were sent to the principal's office. The principal explained why the behavior was wrong, he spanked us and sent us on our way.”

Spank! Did he say spank? I know he didn't think he was going to spank me? Surely this was only part of the game. Thinking he wouldn’t actually go that far and was acting out the scene, I decided to act it out with him. I wanted to see how far he would take this charade.

“I do think that we should have maintained that type of system, don't you? I mean, I think it was quite effective,” he continued, as he reached into the drawer and pulled out a glass paddle. My eyes enlarged as I glared at it. What the fuck was he planning to do with that? He looked at the paddle turning it over in his hand. He slowly raised his eyes from the paddle and looked at me and I was beyond certain that I had the look of the nervous desperate girl now because I actually didn't know what to say or what to do in this situation. And I couldn’t fucking move.

“I’ve explained why your behavior was wrong, so that means the next step is your spanking.”

He walked behind me and lightly touched the cold paddle to my exposed behind.

“I must say Miss Cason, you have such a lovely ass, my dick gets hard just looking at those tight full cheeks.”

He rubbed the paddle across my ass. He then moved it, sliding it between my cheeks. It was such a fucking turn-on. He removed the paddle and suddenly- smack! He slapped my right cheek with the paddle.

“Ah!” I screamed out.

“Sir, I really think that I understand the ramifications of my actions and I don't think a spanking is necessary.”

“Miss Cason, I beg to differ. Besides, you’ve stated that you will do whatever required to remain in school. Has that changed?”

“No. I’m not saying-”

“Ok, then. Hush and let get this over with. The sooner I get your ass spanked the sooner you can return to class.”

The salacious threat caused Virginia to clench but only slightly, I think she was as nervous as I was.

“But I think it best if we keep you quiet.” He walked around and knelt before me and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket. “Open,” he said. I looked at him and opened my mouth and he inserted the handkerchief. He then removed his tie and placed it over my lips. This guy seriously had a thing with gagging!

He removed his jacket and placed it on the chair beside me and returned to his position behind my chair. I felt his hand on my ass. He pushed my skirt up. If this wasn’t me releasing all control to him, I don’t know what the hell was. I was both terrified and wanting.

He moaned as he looked at me. “I could admire this sight all night,” he said as he moved his hands over the soft lace that barely covered my ass. I was so turned on at that point that any inhibitions I initially felt quickly dissipated. He slowly slid his fingers between my thighs, rubbing his fingers over the heated area.

“You are so fucking sexy Miss Cason.”

He pushed through the fabric to tease my throbbing sex. Positioning his finger underneath the lace material, he rubbed his fingers between my slick folds. I knew he would find me already soaked and anxious for him. He grabbed my ass, massaging it. He slid his hand up accessing the top of my boy shorts and pulled them down, stopping below my ass cheeks and moved his hand over my ass. I was seduced by the feel and abruptly his hand was gone. He slapped my left cheek with the paddle. I jerked forward slightly and he slapped my left cheek again, this time a little harder. The sting was painful but bearable. He rubbed his hand across my stinging ass and leaned in to softly kiss it. He then slapped my right cheek in the same manner, twice but rubbing it afterward. Biting the gag, I closed my eyes, absorbing the pain. He slapped the paddle on my ass again and again… my screams muffled by the gag. His breathing became harsh as he dropped the paddle and pulled my panties down as far as they could go which wasn’t very far with my legs spread apart. He became impatient and ripped them off. The sound of his pants unzipping heightened my anticipation. “You're already so wet Miss Cason,” he said sliding a finger inside me. “I like that.” Pulling my cheeks apart he eased a fraction of his massive hardness in me and pulled out slowly, teasing me- preparing me for the fullness. He was so hard that if I hadn't known better I would've sworn it wasn't flesh. He placed his hands on either side of my ass spreading me open.

“Your cunt is so perfect and so beautiful, just like you,” he said gruffly.

I moaned as he gradually filled my overly eager pussy with his cock. He slowed as he pulled out and grunted as he slammed back into me so hard that he dug into my flesh to hold me in place. I screamed but my cry was muffled due to the handkerchief. He pulled all the way out and slapped his hard cock on my ass before spreading me and slowly sliding back inside the moist tightness. He pulled out slowly once more growling and rushed to refill me; rapidly forcing his huge dick inside me; the pounding so deep that his balls slapped the back of my ass with each forceful thrust. The delicious pain was almost more than I could take; his roughness and the force with which he contacted my sore ass. He grunted as he plowed his huge dick into me; I was straddled the chair… taking it all. He slowed and swiveled his cock inside me before sliding in as deep as he could and remaining there. “Fuck…you feel so good,” he groaned.

He leaned over and reached under me, grabbing at my shirt, pulling it apart to gain access to my breasts which he peeled out of my bra. He grabbed them whole in his hands kneading them as he started moving in and out of me. He rolled my nipples between his fingers and tugged; I let out another muffled scream at the delightful torture. He released my breasts and traced his way to my back, where he grabbed my hair forcing my head back. “Is this what you expected as punishment Miss Cason?”

I only moaned in response. He slapped my ass hard. “Answer me,” he demanded. I shook my head from side to side as he rubbed my ass. He released my hair and moved his hands back to capture my ass cheeks spreading me open. He slid the tip of a finger over my ass and I tensed in response.

“Relax Aria,” he said as he rubbed his finger back and forth over the tight hole.

“Have you ever had this before?” I quickly shook my head. 

“Well I want it,” he said, his voice low and husky. Virginia clenched, freaking the fuck out.

He slowed his thrusts and I relished each one anxious for the next.

“Will you let me have it?” he asked, massaging my sex with his thick cock. He felt so good inside me and I wanted to please him. I wanted him to please me, but this?

“Say yes Aria. Let me give this to you baby,” he said as he continued moving his finger around the opening.

“Sweetheart give this to me. I promise to make it good,” he coaxed.

I nodded my consent.

“I want you to feel safe. I want to hear you so I can stop if I hurt you.” He reached up and removed the tie. Using my tongue, I pushed the handkerchief out. He spread my ass wider than he had before and spit on the tense tissue and slid the tip of his finger in.

“Relax baby,” he whispered. “Focus on my cock and how it feels inside you.”

My thoughts quickly zeroed in on his deep strokes.

“There you go. Don't think. Just feel.” He pushed his finger in deeper. I tensed. He removed his finger and leaned back to the desk.

I felt something cold as he rubbed his finger around and in my ass. His finger slid in without any resistance. 

“How is that?” he asked.

“Better,” I whispered, as I tried to focus on him inside me, on his voice, on the sound of the wetness as he pulled in and out of me.... anything but the finger in a place that I knew would be spread much wider.

“Good girl.”

He was moving his finger in and out and I was starting to lose myself - not able to absorb the foreign sensations before I felt the expansion in my ass of an additional finger.

I stifled a scream as he worked them back and forth. 

He pulled them both out as he pulled his dick out of me.

“Don't think Aria. Just feel me,” he said. His voice a sexy whisper, as he slowly inched inside the taut opening.

He pushed in deeper. I began breathing harshly. I was overwhelmed.

“Breath naturally Aria,” he whispered. “Relax.”

I attempted to slow my breathing but it was a difficult task because the pain of his entrance was demanding my attention.

“There you go baby. Just focus on how good your pussy feels.”

I took a deep breath as he reached to glide one finger and then another in my sex. I was lost in all of this strange territory. It hurt but at the same time it was indescribably satisfying. He was all the way in and I was feeling sensations that I couldn’t comprehend.

He continued fingering my pussy as he moved in and out of my ass. I panted and moaned as he tortured both openings, my pussy clenching and greedy- my ass tight and over-filled.

I screamed out in pain. But it was a pain that I didn’t want to stop. He increased the brutal rhythm in and out of my ass as he slammed into me over and over, punishing the too-tight hole. My core ached, about to explode as he pushed me higher and higher. The pain and pleasure of his torture rippling through me.

“I’m going to cum Aiden,” I panted as the expanding and contracting of my sex forced my juices out onto his fingers. The erotic sensations flowed through me like a shot of adrenaline My body trembling as he removed his fingers and placed his hand on the other side of my ass and plowed into me.

“Shit, your ass is so tight,” he grunted, forcing his cock deeper inside my ass and abruptly pulling out spilling his hot seed all over me.

“Fuck,” he growled as the spurts continued, dropping thickly on my ass. With the last drop, he rubbed the head of his cock along the opening, smearing his cum there before rubbing it all over my cheeks.

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