Unsocial (33 page)

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Authors: Nicole Dykes

BOOK: Unsocial
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Yep, that struck a nerve
. They
are standing way too close for comfort, and their body language is screaming
fight. "I've never been a fucking leech in my life. I'm staying with them
because they want me there."

Dylan’s eyebrows shoot up towards his hairline. “Really, because
from what I’ve been…..”

I put my arms in between these two large men and push them apart,
"Okay, that's enough. I don't know what is going on, but it needs to stop.
We are having a nice Thanksgiving.  Trevor, you need to go back in there and
eat your dessert with the others.”

Dylan and I stare at him a moment before he finally gives in and
leaves. I breathe a breath of relief and then grab the gelatin dessert from the
fridge then cut a small piece out to take to Gabby. Dylan silently begins
loading the dishwasher.

I walk down the hall to Gabby’s room, and I knock quietly,
"Gabby, it's Brooke. I have something special for you."

I hear the click of the lock, and I open the door carefully. Gabby
sits up on her bed, and I walk over and sit next to her. I hand her the
dessert, and her eyes instantly well up.

She starts crying silently again, so I pull her into a tight hug.
"Oh sweetie, is it still not right? I tried to follow your mom's recipe

She pulls back, wiping her eyes. And then something remarkable
happens. She speaks. "It's perfect. You made my mommy's dessert."

I'm stunned speechless for a moment. She just spoke. Damn, Brooke,
use your voice and say something back. "Yes. I'm sorry I didn't know about
it sooner."

"I hate pie."

Yes! More words. Please don't let this be some turkey-induced daydream
or something. I nod, "Cassie figured it out. They love you so much
sweetie, but sometimes people have to be reminded of things. Even important

"I don't want to talk about the accident. That’s all they
ever ask me about.”

I'm assuming she means the day of the car accident and maybe the
therapy sessions. "You don't have to talk about that until you are ready.
If you are ready."  She nods. I add, "But your brothers and Cassie
and I, we would all love to hear about everything else."  Another tear
falls and it takes everything inside of me not to cry with her. "Is there
anything I can do for you tonight?"

She's thinking it over; that’s good. "Would you read to me?
My mommy used to read a story to me every night. No one does that now."  I
look at the clock and note it’s only 5 o’clock and wonder if she’s ready for
bed now.

“Yeah, if you want.  Whenever you’re ready, I will read whatever
you want me to.  How about right now I go out there and tell everyone you’re
okay and eating your dessert.  After company leaves, you can say goodnight to
your family.”  She smiles at me and nods. I’m shaking with the excitement of
telling Dylan that she spoke, but I don’t want to push her too much.

I leave the dessert on the table next to her bed and quietly slip

When I latch the door behind me, I jump when I feel Dylan's body
against mine. "Hey, is she okay?"

I put my finger to my lips, shushing him. "Yeah, she's going
to be fine." I grin up at him, "She would like to be read to every
night before bed."

He folds his arms across his chest, "Okay, how do you know
that? Did she write you a note?”

I shake my head and start to walk happily to the dining room,
"No, she told me."

He gently grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him, "She what?
She spoke?"

I smile, a huge ecstatic smile, "Yes! Oh, Dylan, she has the
sweetest little voice."

He's shocked, but is also grinning, "Well, what all did she

"Just that she doesn't want to talk about the accident, and
she asked me to read to her. Sylvia used to every night."

He takes it in, "Wow, you are fucking incredible."

I laugh, "No, I didn't do anything. You all got her here by
being there. She still has a lot to deal with, but I don't have any doubt that
she will be okay. Now I'm going to shoo everyone home so she’ll feel
comfortable enough to come out here and talk to us. Then I’m going to eat some
pie if there is any left. After that, I’m going to read to her when she’s ready
for bed before I go home.”

I feel him pull me into a strong embrace. I am bubbling with
excitement and anticipation of another kiss, but it doesn't come. He just holds
me tightly against his firm body and whispers, "Thank you, Brooke."
in my ear before slowly pulling away.

We both walk into the dining room and engage in small talk while
Trevor and Alex finish their desserts.  After they finish, I tell them it’s
time to leave, but they aren’t at all happy when I tell them I’ll be home later
after I put Gabby down. I don’t care at all about the scowls they’re sending my
way or Dylan’s. All I know is I want them gone so that Gabby will come out.

After they leave, I tell the others that Gabby spoke and what we spoke
about.  I caution them about saying anything about the accident, so they don’t
send her back to silence.  After about 30 minutes Gabby comes to the living
room carrying her empty plates with Toby following along right behind her. 
Dylan takes her dishes, and Gabby comes to where I’m sitting on the couch.  The
rest of us carry on talking about dinner, and I’m hoping Gabby will speak up. 
She doesn’t disappoint.

“Thank you for my dessert, Brooke.” Her voice is rusty from not
being used, but I notice it’s stronger than when she spoke to me in the

“You’re welcome, Gabby. Did you like the rest of your dinner?”

She nods and smiles. “I gave Toby some bites too.”

Dylan walks back and sits beside me on the couch and reaches over
to tickle her.  “You fed Toby Brooke’s turkey?”  She giggles and moves closer
to him.  I can feel tears stinging my eyes.  I look up at the rest of the
group.  Even Jax is speechless.  He meets my gaze and gives me a nod of
approval, and I smile back.

The other three move closer to their sister who’s on the floor.
Luke reaches for Toby and pulls him in his lap, and Gabby laughs even louder
when the dog attacks his face.  Then all four of the kids are on the floor rough
housing with him.  While they play, the three of us continue to visit. Dylan
doesn’t mention anything about the run in with Trevor to Jax, which I find odd
because he and Dylan are best friends, and Jax and Trevor have been hanging. 
Oh well, it must be a guy thing.  That’s not to say I’m letting it go.  I plan
on having words with Trevor and Alex about their behavior.

A couple of hours of visiting and playing and Gabby is finally
getting sleepy.  She didn’t say anything else to anyone, but everyone is being
great about it and not trying to force it. They are just basking in the glow of
the few words she has spoken. It’s just a huge change, and it’s been a long day
for her as well as the others emotionally, and I’m sure they’re ready to call
it a night.  After a day of cooking, I’m even ready to call it a night.  Gabby
comes to me and takes my hand to follow her, but I want Dylan to be there as
well. “Can, your brother come too since he’ll be reading to you every night?”

She smiles and reaches for Dylan as well.  He lets Toby out as I
follow Gabby to her room so she can change for bed.  After Dylan and the dog
return she climbs in bed and hands me a book. “This is my favorite.” I look at
the cover,
Goodnight, Moon.
She’s out before I finish the book.

Dylan and I tiptoe out of the room and back to the living room. 
Jax is the only one left, the others having already gone to their rooms.  When
we enter, he stands. “Brooke, it was a fantastic dinner.  Thanks.”

“You’re welcome, Jax,” I tell him quietly.

“Okay, you two, I’m heading out.  Dylan, I’ll call you. Have a
good evening.” He nods his head and disappears out the door.  I can’t judge his
mood, so I give Dylan a questioning look.

“Don’t worry.  It’s just Jax.  He doesn’t do well with
touchy-feely shit.” He moves to the sofa. “You wanna sit down for a while?” His
voice is hopeful, but I need to go.

As much as I would love to sit down next to him I know that with
the way my emotions are bouncing all over the place right now it would lead to
places we just can’t go.  I wouldn’t be able to call an end to it now, because here
in this moment, I would love nothing better than to give myself to Dylan
Monroe, heart, and soul.

“I can’t, Dylan.  I’m sorry, but I need to go home. It’s been a
long day, and I just need to….I need to go. But I had a wonderful time today,
and I’m so happy you asked me to be a part of it. And I want to apologize for
Alex and Trevor for trying to ruin it for us.”

“Hey, it wasn’t all them.  I know Jax had a hand in it as well. 
But right now, with Gabby speaking again, I’m just too happy to care about them
right now.”  He slides his arms around my waist and pulls me to him. “I promise
we’ll have our time, Brooke.  When it’s right, we’ll both get what we want, and
there won’t be a damn one of them around us to stop it.”

He lands a soft kiss where my shoulder meets my neck causing a
shiver to course through me. His touch, his promise, really has me believing
every word he just said, so I don’t anything back because really what can I

When I arrive home, Trevor and Alex are waiting for me on the
couch, just ready to pounce, I’m sure.  But I’m not letting their behavior go. 
I didn’t appreciate it and neither did Dylan and they need to be aware that I’m
not happy about it.  “You two know that the way you both acted today was
completely unnecessary, and I’m regretting that I even asked you to join us.  I
can’t believe you guys embarrassed me like that.” They just look at me like I’m
crazy. “Really? Neither of you has anything to say?”

Alex is the first to respond.  “Uh, yeah.  I’m not going to
apologize.  Once again, we probably saved your ass from making a huge mistake.”

“How do you figure?  We were cooking dinner with children in the
house. What? Did you think we were just going to rip each other’s clothes off
right there in the kitchen between baking bread and making pies?  Thank you, so
fucking much for your unwarranted concern, Alex.  But I’m telling you right now
to stop.  I’m sick of this.  I’m sick of the fact that you think I have
absolutely no control over myself and that Dylan doesn’t either.  This has to
stop because there is no way you can police us for the next seven months.” I
finish. I’m hoping this is going to be the last of it because I honestly don’t
think I can take any more of this from her.

She stares at me for a moment, and I guess she sees how serious I
am about this.  She stands up from her place on the couch and approaches me. 
“You’re right. From here on out, I’m done.  You know right from wrong, and I’m
just going to try trust you.  I’m sorry about today, and please tell Dylan I
apologize, but I swear to you Brooke, I am just trying to look out for you. 
I’m going to bed.” She gives me a quick hug before moving down the hall to her
room and closing the door.

I stare after her for a moment before turning back to Trevor, and
I notice he’s drinking more beer.  “You haven’t had enough of that?”  He stands
up to go into the kitchen.  When he returns, he’s carrying a glass of whiskey. 
Apparently not.

He takes his place back on the sofa and looks up at me. "You
still want to tell me there's nothing between you and Dylan?”

I sit down next to him, "No I'm not going to tell you that
because I'm sick of repeating myself. And what the hell was that between you

"I just don't trust him."

"Well, there's no reason for you not to. What, because he
owns a house and has a nice kitchen, he’s untrustworthy?  What the hell does
that have to do with anything?  He has a family he has to take care of,

"That’s not why I don’t trust him, and I had a house not that
long ago." He grins flirtatiously and moves his hand down to my thigh.
“Does that make me trustworthy?”

Great. I'm not in the mood for this. I move his hand, "Right.
That you shared with your

He looks a little irritated at my statement. “Yeah, with her.”

I soften my tone a little. "Trevor, what happened with you
two? You seemed perfect for each other."

He takes another drink. “Like I said, she was too fucking

"Did she have a reason to be?"

"I never cheated on her, I know that's what you think, but I
would never do that. She just hated all the groupies that followed us and were
backstage, but while we were together, I was faithful."

I feel guilty because that is what I had assumed happened.
"I'm sorry. Maybe you guys can work it out."

A bitter laugh comes from him, "No, we’re done." He
moves closer and doesn’t say anything else, but he does lean over and crash his
lips into mine.  It takes me a second to realize what is going on, then I push
him away.  "What the hell are you doing?"

He looks at me calmly, "I don't know, I just thought we could
help each other out."

"What? How?"

"Well, I’m fucking horny as hell, and you obviously are
lusting after a guy you can't have, so I thought we could help each other
relieve a little tension."

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